Papers by eloi andre trinks

Nau Literária
Análise da vida do escritor português Eça de Queirós e de suas obras O Primo Basílio e O Crime do... more Análise da vida do escritor português Eça de Queirós e de suas obras O Primo Basílio e O Crime do Padre Amaro, com ênfase nos personagens principais; o clero e a sociedade portuguesa do século XIX; a presença de traços autobiográficos; e a influência do romance Madame Bovary de Flaubert na construção do papel de Luisa de O Primo Basílio. Análise dos dois romances e de textos críticos que se propuseram a examinar os referidos romances, a vida e a obra do autor. Há consideráveis evidências de marcas da experiência de sua vida pessoal nas criticas sobre o comportamento adúltero feminino e também ao desregramento e à falência de valores morais da sociedade burguesa lusitana oitocentista. Semelhanças podem ser atestadas na comparação da construção dos dois romances em análise. Apesar da certeza da dedicação de Eça nos estudos sobre Madame Bovary, não há muitas semelhanças no papel de Luisa e Ema Bovary, mesmo que os adultérios cometidos pelas duas tenham chocado a sociedade portuguesa e ...

Nau Literaria, Dec 15, 2012
The article proposes a critical analysis of the Portuguese writer Eça de Queirós' life and his no... more The article proposes a critical analysis of the Portuguese writer Eça de Queirós' life and his novels O Primo Basílio and O Crime do Padre Amaro,with emphasis on the main characters; the clergy and the Lisbon's nineteen century's society in vision of the author; the presence of autobiographical marks; and and the influence of the novel Madame Bovary, written by the French author Gustave Flaubert, in the construction of the role of Luisa in the novel O Primo Basílio. In search of arguments to support this claims by analysing the two novels and critical texts that sought to analyse them, as well as the life and work of the author, it is possible to conclude that there are strong evidence of marks of personal life experiences in the critics of the adulterous women behaviour and also to the lawlessness and moral bankruptcy of the nineteen century Lusitanian's society. Some similarities can be demonstrated in the comparison of these two novels construction. Despite the assurance of the author's dedication to study the Madame Bovary novel (written by Flaubert) there are not many similarities between the roles of Ema Bovary and Luisa, and even though the two adulterous cases have shocked the French and Portuguese contemporary societies when these novels were publicized.

Nau Literaria, Dec 15, 2012
The article proposes a critical analysis of the Portuguese writer Eça de Queirós' life and his no... more The article proposes a critical analysis of the Portuguese writer Eça de Queirós' life and his novels O Primo Basílio and O Crime do Padre Amaro,with emphasis on the main characters; the clergy and the Lisbon's nineteen century's society in vision of the author; the presence of autobiographical marks; and and the influence of the novel Madame Bovary, written by the French author Gustave Flaubert, in the construction of the role of Luisa in the novel O Primo Basílio. In search of arguments to support this claims by analysing the two novels and critical texts that sought to analyse them, as well as the life and work of the author, it is possible to conclude that there are strong evidence of marks of personal life experiences in the critics of the adulterous women behaviour and also to the lawlessness and moral bankruptcy of the nineteen century Lusitanian's society. Some similarities can be demonstrated in the comparison of these two novels construction. Despite the assurance of the author's dedication to study the Madame Bovary novel (written by Flaubert) there are not many similarities between the roles of Ema Bovary and Luisa, and even though the two adulterous cases have shocked the French and Portuguese contemporary societies when these novels were publicized.
Papers by eloi andre trinks