Papers by Elfège Leylavergne

La science de la logique contient deux insuffisances internes dont Hegel ne prend pas la mesure. ... more La science de la logique contient deux insuffisances internes dont Hegel ne prend pas la mesure. D’abord la categorie de la difference tombe en dehors d’elle-meme faute d’etre retournee sur elle-meme : quelle est la difference essentielle de la difference inessentielle ? La categorie de la quantite, qui procede de l’indifference a tout contenu, doit alors elle aussi etre retournee et comprise face a son autre. Les sciences quantitatives procedent de l’indifference a la necessite meme de l’alterite face a laquelle toute chose se determine logiquement. Par consequent la discipline qui etudie la necessite des choses comme faisant face a leur autre est necessairement elle-meme l’autre des sciences. Cette discipline est la philosophie. La philosophie est donc l’autre essentiel et reciproque des sciences quantitatives. Aussi, dans le but de rendre raison de cette difference essentielle entre sciences et philosophie, ce travail va consister a 1) determiner la provenance dialectique des sci...

Principia, 2014
Hegelian logic opens a range of epistemological intelligibility which calls for a new reading as ... more Hegelian logic opens a range of epistemological intelligibility which calls for a new reading as well as a critique of the position of quantity in Science of Logic. This work proposes, in the first place, to reveal the internal inconsistencies of Hegel's logic regarding quantity. This will then allow us to clearly show the kind of dialectical problems that his systemonce rid of the unacceptable contradictions in which Hegel becomes lostallows us to solve. Then, finally, will the necessity to rethink up to the very status of the concept itself become obvious. Indeed, in Science of Logic the concept is determined as the unity of its three moments: singular, particular and universal, yet these three moments are also the three forms of quantitative judgment. Hegel, however, also says of quantitative syllogism that it is dialectically fruitless. Thus it prevents any sort of constructive dialectic epistemology, and has confined philosophy to staying in sterile opposition to the sciences for nearly two centuries. Quantity is the indifferent difference and thus, for the author of Science of Logic, inessential difference. This work will therefore show, nevertheless from an utmost Hegelian perspective, how there precisely lies the collapse of Hegel's system as a whole. I will indeed propose to lay down the basis of a radical reconstruction of Logic. Such a reconstruction will be conditioned by a self-aware incorporation of quantity as the essential differential determination (as it is the essential difference of the essential difference) of thought as its essential other. It will then become clear that we can think of a dialectical epistemology which still awaits its methodological and systematical refounding, the very one which my works propose to start through a critique of speculative reason in the stillborn project of Naturphilosophie.

Critique de la raison romangique, 2018
Since the work of Gustav Theodore Fechner, we have been able to link a subjective datum such as p... more Since the work of Gustav Theodore Fechner, we have been able to link a subjective datum such as perception to 'computable' data. Yet, this process still encounters resistance from continental philosophy, particularly from French continental philosophy, as it poses the problem of the relation between corporal data, a priori always quantifiable, and the simple and qualitative element of the perceiving mind, a priori non quantifiable. The principal source of this resistance lies in the work of French philosopher Henri Bergson according to whom, though the stimulus (the corporal part that precedes perception) can be quantified the same cannot be said of perception itself. We seek here to highlight in Bergson's position a strikingly paradoxical prejudice of a mind/body dualism. In the first part of my work here, I propose to deconstruct the intellectual process that underlies Bergson's critique. The particularity of my method lies in my use of the Hegelian logic and dialectic tool to produce such a refutation, though Hegel is in part responsible for this Romantic intellectual process. Indeed, despite certain idiosyncratic errings on Hegel's part where sciences are concerned (errings that we will expose, in part), we can yet find in his study of the categories of quality and quantity all the elements needed to destroy all the way to the foundations of this debate. I will show the opposition of these two categories to be in truth a logical countersense in the sense that any qualitative data, by virtue of varying, is quantifiable insofar as it varies. This countersense that renders the categories hermetic seems to me to be one of the origins of the near-hermetic separation of sciences and philosophical literature that has arisen over the last two centuries. Now, as Anglo-Saxon philosophy has taken flight with what we call the analytic, a method/doctrine/position that has no qualms bringing traditional philosophical questionings back to quantifiable data, we can also see in the aforementioned countersense a cornerstone of the conflict that will continue to oppose continental philosophy to the others. My work here is made up of three phases: first I will lay the steps necessary to elaborate Fechner's law, thus permitting a precise study of Bergson's argument. Then I will prove the legitimacy of quantitative study of the qualitative, which will allow us to show the sterility of the debate philosophical thought enters when it looks upon quantification as necessarily doubtful. Finally I will show the Hegelian roots of this Romantic thought, though I will have brought the countersense in question to light with Hegel's logic.
Título: Actas das IIIas Jornadas Internacionais de …
Page 192. ACTAS IIIAS JORNADAS INTERNACIONAIS DE JOVENS INVESTIGADORES DE FILOSOFIA Krisis–2011 E... more Page 192. ACTAS IIIAS JORNADAS INTERNACIONAIS DE JOVENS INVESTIGADORES DE FILOSOFIA Krisis–2011 E lfèg e LEY LAV E R G N E 191 Une Introduction à la Science de la Logique Concept fini et Concept Elfège ...
Papers by Elfège Leylavergne