Papers by Mohamed el ashry
Europe-Juggles-Renewablesand-Debt_4255_p4.html. 42 M.F.G. Cremers, ed., IEA Bioenergy Task 32, De... more Europe-Juggles-Renewablesand-Debt_4255_p4.html. 42 M.F.G. Cremers, ed., IEA Bioenergy Task 32, Deliverable 4, Technical status of biomass co-firing (Arnhem, the Netherlands: KEMA, 11 August 2009), at 09-1654%20D4%20 Technical%20status%20paper%20 biomass%20co-firing.pdf. 43 EurObserv'ER, op. cit. note 13.

Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, 2006
Two field experiments were conducted at Fayoum Agric. Res. Station (Kom Osheem) during 2002/2003 ... more Two field experiments were conducted at Fayoum Agric. Res. Station (Kom Osheem) during 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 seasons to study the effect of tillage operations (number of ploughing) and irrigation at different levels of available soil moisture (ASMD), on yield, its components and some water relations of wheat crop (Giza 168 cv). Three tillage operations, i.e., reduced till. 1, plouphing once to 20 cm depth (T 1), reduced till. 2, plouphing twice to 20 cm depth (T 2) and conventional till., (T 3) were combined with three irrigation regimes, i.e., irrigation at 35% ASMD (I 1), at 55% ASMD (I 2) and at 75% ASMD (I 3), in a split-plot design with four replications. The main results obtained were as follows:-Conventional tillage (T 3) and irrigation at 35% ASMD gave the highest averages of plant height, spike number/ m 2 , 1000-grain weight, grain yield/fed. and straw yield/fed. in both seasons. The lowest averages of yield and its components were obtained from using reduced till-1 (T 1) and irrigation at 75 % ASMD (I 3) in both seasons.-Increasing tillage operation from T 1 to T 3 significantly increased grain and straw yields/fed. and yield components in both seasons. However, increasing the ASMD significantly decreased the yield and its components.-Seasonal consumptive use (ETc) averaged 39.24 and 41.44 cm in 2002 /2003 and 2003/2004 seasons, respectively. Increasing tillage from T 1 to T 3 and decreasing the ASMD from 75% to 35% ASMD increased the seasonal ETc from 33.78 and 36.66 cm to 44.52 and 46.76 in the two successive seasons.-Monthly ETc rate increased gradually from Nov., to reach its maximum values during Mar. and April. Then declined till harvesting. The crop coefficient (Kc) as an average of the two seasons during the growing season duration from Nov., to May were 0.53, 0.74, 0.87, 0.91, 0.99, 0.60 and 0.41, respectively.-The highest water use efficiency values were 1.010 and 0.891Kg grains / m 3 water consumed, resulted from using conventional tillage and irrigation at 35% ASMD in both seasons. Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century REN21 is a globa... more Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century REN21 is a global policy network in which ideas are shared and action is encouraged to promote renewable energy. It provides a forum for leadership and exchange in international policy processes. It bolsters appropriate policies that increase the wise use of renewable energies in developing and industrialized economies. Open to a wide variety of dedicated stakeholders, REN21 connects governments, international institutions, nongovernmental organizations, industry associations, and other partnerships and initiatives. Linking actors from the energy, development, and environment communities, REN21 leverages their successes and strengthens their influence for the rapid expansion or renewable energy worldwide. REN21 Steering Committee
for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) Cape Verde _____________________________________________________________________... more _____________________________________________________________________________ Red de Política de Energías Renovables para el Siglo 21 REN21 es una red global de política para compartir ideas y alentar acciones destinadas a la promoción de la energía renovable. Brinda un foro para el liderazgo y el intercambio en el diseño, implementación y demás procesos de política internacional. Alienta políticas pertinentes que incrementen el buen uso de las energías renovables, tanto en las economías en desarrollo como en las industrializadas. Está abierta a un amplio espectro de actores especializados, REN21 vincula gobiernos, instituciones internacionales, organizaciones no gubernamentales, asociaciones industriales, entre otras alianzas e iniciativas. Uniendo actores pertenecientes a las comunidades de la energía, el desarrollo y el ambiente, REN21 potencia sus éxitos y fortalece su influencia para la rápida expansión de las energías renovables a lo largo del mundo.
Given the far-ranging adverse impacts of climate change, adaptation must be an integral component... more Given the far-ranging adverse impacts of climate change, adaptation must be an integral component of an effective strategy to address climate change, along with mitigation. Adaptation should be approached as an opportunity to rethink development as usual, and should be based on “upstream ” interventions that will yield benefits regardless of specific, climate-related events in the future. This policy brief examines win-win strategies for development and adaptation in three key sectors—namely, ecosystems and natural resources, food and agriculture, and health—and focuses on interventions that will be valuable regardless of the uncertainties we face in determining precise climate change impacts.
REN21 convenes international multi-stakeholder leadership to enable a rapid global transition to ... more REN21 convenes international multi-stakeholder leadership to enable a rapid global transition to renewable energy. It pro-motes appropriate policies that increase the wise use of renewable energies in developing and industrialized economies. Open to a wide variety of dedicated stakeholders, REN21 connects governments, international institutions, nongovernmental organizations, industry associations, and other partnerships and initiatives. REN21 leverages their successes and strengthens
REN21 convenes international multi-stakeholder leadership to enable a rapid global transition to ... more REN21 convenes international multi-stakeholder leadership to enable a rapid global transition to renewable energy. It promo-tes appropriate policies that increase the wise use of renewable energies in developing and industrialized economies. Open to a wide variety of dedicated stakeholders, REN21 connects governments, international institutions, nongovernmental organizations, industry associations, and other partnerships and initiatives. REN21 leverages their successes and strengthens Réseau mondial de promotion des énergies renouvelables pour le 21ème ... more Réseau mondial de promotion des énergies renouvelables pour le 21ème siècle REN21 est un réseau mondial d’échange et de partage d’idées, qui favorise les actions pour promouvoir des énergies renouvelables. Il constitue un cadre d’échange international sur les initiatives de développement de politiques dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables. Il encourage l’application de politiques adéquates pour l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables aussi bien dans les pays en développement que dans les pays industrialisés. REN21 développe des synergies entre les différents acteurs; il joue le rôle d’interface entre les gouvernements, les institutions internationales, les ONG, les associations industrielles et tout autre type d’organisation. REN21 regroupe les acteurs du secteur de l’énergie, du développement et de l’environnement afin de mettre leurs expériences et leurs ressources en contribution pour mieux diffuser les énergies renouvelables dans le monde entier.
مجلة الجمعیة المصریة لنظم المعلومات وتکنولوجیا الحاسبات

Journal of Petroleum Technology
This article, written by Assistant Technology Editor Karen Bybee, contains highlights of paper SP... more This article, written by Assistant Technology Editor Karen Bybee, contains highlights of paper SPE 93987, "Ensuring Effective Stimulation Treatments in Difficult Completions," by M. Willemse, SPE, O. Mostafa, M. El-Ashry, I. Abdallah, and A.A. Sattar, Bapetco, and A. Waheed, SPE, and B. Conrad, Halliburton, prepared for the 2005 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, 12-13 April. Achieving effective stimulation across zones not readily accessible is a common challenge in the oil field. The full-length paper presents a case history in which a sandstone reservoir not previously matrix acidized was producing at low rates and eventually died. The zones were completed between straddle packers and were accessible only through a sliding side door (SSD) 100 ft above the perforations. A true fluidic oscillator (TFO) was included as a stimulation tool. This tool provides a continuous pressure pulse that causes solids buildup in the perforations to f...

Journal of Musculoskeletal Surgery and Research
Objectives: The PRECICE system is an implantable limb lengthening intramedullary nail with remote... more Objectives: The PRECICE system is an implantable limb lengthening intramedullary nail with remotely magnetically controlled distractors indicated for limb length discrepancy (LLD) and short stature treatment. This study reports the initial experience of the Kuwaiti deformity correction unit in utilizing the PRECICE system. Methods: Ten patients (four females and six males) were included in this study. All cases were operated using the PRECICE nail system (five antegrade femoral nails, three retrograde femoral nails, and two tibial nails). All surgeries were performed during January 2019 to February 2020. Results: The mean age of participants was 20 years (12–33 years), with a 21.6 kg/m2 mean body mass index (17–28). LLD etiologies (mean LLD = 39 mm) were congenital (n = 2), developmental (n = 2), post-traumatic non-union (n = 1), post-traumatic malunion (n = 1), post-traumatic physeal arrest (n = 1), and post-deformity correction and lengthening of the contralateral side with circul...

Journal of Clinical Oncology
e18505 Background: Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women. O... more e18505 Background: Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women. One third of patients with NSCLC presents with localized unresectable disease. With the adavance in the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, the median survival has shown substantial improvement. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of induction chemotherapy with docetaxel and carboplatin followed by chemo-radiotherapy in locally advanced NSCLC. Methods: A total of 30 patients (25 males and 5 females) aged between 49–60 years (mean age 51 years) with NSCLC stage III A (10 pts) stage III B (20 pts) were enrolled in the study. Patients received docetaxel 75 mg/m2 IV plus carboplatin AUC 5 on day 1 every 21 days for 4 cycles in combination with G-CSF. Patients then received radiotherapy (RT) at a dose 40-45 Gy depending on patients' tolerability combined with a low dose of carboplatin AUC 2 on the 1st day of each week during RT. Patients underwent CT chest and bronchoscopy...

Journal of Clinical Oncology
e15129 Background: Metastatic hormone refractory prostate cancer (mHRPC) is not curable and all a... more e15129 Background: Metastatic hormone refractory prostate cancer (mHRPC) is not curable and all attempts at therapeutic intervention have been based on palliating the disease. Androgen dependent prostate carcinoma responds poorly to chemotherapy. Recent protocols using vinorelbine, mitoxantrone and docetaxel have significantly improved response rate, survival and pain control for those patients. The study aims to compare the therapeutic benefit of the use of vinorelbine versus docetaxel both plus prednisone in patients with mHRPC. Methods: Sixty pts (50% gpA, 50% gpB) were enrolled between Mar 2005 and Sep 2007. All patients had histologically confirmed prostatic adencarcinoma with evidence of metastatic disease and progression on hormonal therapy. WHO PS O-2, adequate marrow, liver and renal functions. Patients were randomized to gpA; Vinorellrine (V) IV 30mg/m2 d1 and 8, or gpB; Docetaxe (D) IV 75mg/m2 d1. All patients received 5mg of prednisone orally twice daily for 5 days start...
Journal of Clinical Oncology

Hospice and Palliative Medicine International Journal
Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the expression of survivin gene in patients suff... more Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the expression of survivin gene in patients suffering from urinary bladder cancer, thus contributing to further understanding of the molecular etiology of the disease by assessment of Survivin gene expression on both RNA and protein levels in urinary bladder tissue samples and Correlate between its expression and pathological prognostic parameters of patients with urinary bladder cancer risk. Methods: In the present study 26 cases of urinary bladder cancer and 26 cases of normal tissues far from tumor sites in the urinary bladder of the same patients (as control samples) were collected, also 10 paraffin-embedded tissue samples from consecutive of archival bladder specimens patients and 10 tissue samples that of healthy tissue from the same individual as control group were collected for immunohistochemical detection of survivin protein and real time PCR for survivin mRNA detection. Results: In normal tissues of control samples no expression for survivin gene has been noticed. However, in patients affected with bladder cancer the survivin expression was highly increased by increasing degree of tumor malignancy as indicated by real time PCR for survivin mRNA and immunohistochemistry for survivin protein. Conclusion: From this study, it is concluded that survivin protein was not expressed in normal bladder urothelium but was present in a high percentage in tissue samples of patients suffering from bladder cancer and its expression is associated with disease recurrence, tumor grade, progression and mortality.
Electronic physician, 2017
Introduction: Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is a primary tumor of the liver; it is one of the mo... more Introduction: Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is a primary tumor of the liver; it is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Osteopontin (OPN) is a phosphorylated glycoprotein which is implicated in enhancing invasive and metastatic progression of many tumors. Midkine (MDK) is a 13-kDa small heparin-binding growth factor which plays a significant role in carcinogenesis related activities. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of serum Midkine and Osteopontin levels as diagnostic biomarkers of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Papers by Mohamed el ashry