Papers by euis komalawati

Communicare : Journal of Communication Studies
The COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia from 2019 to 2022 gave birth to a new organizati... more The COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia from 2019 to 2022 gave birth to a new organizational culture in the form of work-from-home (WFH) activities to reduce public mobility and reduce the risk of transmission of the COVID-19 virus. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the WFH work culture is still applied in several institutions. This research aims to describe cross-generational views, namely those of the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation X, and Generations Y and Z, regarding the implementation of WFH work culture in the post-pandemic COVID-19 era associated with organizational culture transformation. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative approach through data collection methods such as interviews, observations, and literature studies. The results illustrate that generations have different views on the implementation of work-from-home culture in the post-pandemic COVID-19 era as seen from organizational communication through informative, regulative, persuasive, and integra...

Jurnal Komunikasi
Understanding the patient's and companion's perception of the patient's illness can i... more Understanding the patient's and companion's perception of the patient's illness can improve the patient's compliance and overall satisfaction. Patients' understanding of their illness is essential for recovery. Doctors should understand the perceptions and interpretations about the illness, experience, knowledge and culture of patients and their companions. The disease is what happens to the patient. Arthur Kleinman's Explanatory Model of Illness provides a guide for understanding the patient's point of view. The purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of stroke experienced by patients, according to the point of view of the patient and his companion, and the treatment they had, second, to explore how the patient and the companion convey the condition to the doctor. The method uses a phenomenological approach through interviews, observations, and secondary patient data. There are two primary informants, namely two patients and two companions. This...

Jurnal Penelitian IPTEKS, 2022
Pada tahun 2020, Pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan rencana pengesahan Omnibus law Cipta Kerja seb... more Pada tahun 2020, Pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan rencana pengesahan Omnibus law Cipta Kerja sebagai pilihan dalam memangkas regulasi yang dianggap saling tumpang tindih. Pro dan kontra terjadi di masyarakat dalam melihat rencana pengesahan Omnibus law Cipta Kerja ini, terutama di kalangan politisi dan di platform media sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui wacana yang terdapat di media sosial twitter terkait dengan materi omnibus law cipta kerja. Bergulirnya pembahasan omnibus law yang diusulkan oleh Pemerintah dan menjadi pembahasan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI) telah mengundang respon di kalangan masyarakat, tidak terkecuali Fadli Zon. Fadlizon aktif menggunakan twitter dengan jumlah pengikut 1,6 juta. Penelitian ini mengkaji studi kasus tweet (kicauan) @fadlizon. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode critical discourse analysis (CDA) model Teun A. Van Dijk yang melakukan kajian pada dimensi teks, kognisi sosial dan konteks sosial pada tiga ruang struktur yakni struktur makro, superstruktur dan struktur mikro. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa fadli zon dalam melakukan kritik dianggap hanya berpura-pura yang menjadikannya ambigu dan paradoks, serta pilihan kata yang digunakan mengandung unsur keragu-raguan, sehingga kebenarannya juga dapat diragukan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pernyataan Fadli Zon tidak memiliki kredibilitas karena tidak memenuhi dimensi kajian Critical Discourse Analysis model Van Dijk.
JAMBIS : Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis, Jun 30, 2021
This study aims to determine the right and competitive marketing strategy by first identifying an... more This study aims to determine the right and competitive marketing strategy by first identifying and assessing the company's internal and external factors that affect the company. This is done using the SWOT Analysis method and the 7P Strategy. This research was conducted using survey methods (interviews and observations) on Indovision marketing, Indovision sales, Indovision customers, marketing strategy academics. The results are then analyzed which is used to evaluate the opportunities and threats in the business environment as well as the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company. Companies can use the company's previous strategy by improving some of the company's weaknesses and avoiding or defending against company threats by creating a more competitive strategy.
This reseach aims to explore how Indonesian cinema cover the transculturation in youth subculture... more This reseach aims to explore how Indonesian cinema cover the transculturation in youth subculture. The research focuses on three Indonesian film, it is Virgin (Ketika Keperawanan dipertanyakan) (2004), Virgin 2: Bukan Film Porno (2009), and Virgin 3 : Satu Malam Mengubah Segalanya (2011). The Vladimir Propp Narative analysis was used to analyze how the story vs plot, the structure,and the position of narrator. The result of this research is that the films "Virgin" provide transculturation in cultural domination from western. It looks on the structure of naration, the ideology, and the values of youth subculture.

Dilan 1990 is a teenage film with the highest number of viewers in 2018, which reached 6,315,664.... more Dilan 1990 is a teenage film with the highest number of viewers in 2018, which reached 6,315,664. The success of Dilan 1990 is inseparable from the culture industry's strength, which can mobilize public interest through reliable publication and marketing. The success of the film Dilan carrying the characters of Dilan and Milea as teen idols raises concerns about the identity of adolescents who are laden with violent symbols. This is because the content and theme of the story in the 1990s were constructed with Dilan's character, who liked to fight. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the construction of adolescent identity and social violence in the 1990 Dilan film. This research method uses a qualitative approach with an interpretative paradigm. Data Analysis Method uses narrative analysis of film subtitles with the Vladimir Propp analysis model. The unit of analysis in this study is the film Dilan 1990 (2018). Data collection techniques are conducted with text analy...

Social Science Spectrum, 2018
The aim of this research is to elaborate the representation of nationalism values in Indonesian f... more The aim of this research is to elaborate the representation of nationalism values in Indonesian films during the beginning of independence, New Order and Reformation Era. Additionally, it also aims at finding the elements that constitute nationalism and revealing the typology of nationalism in Indonesian films. This research uses constructivism as a paradigm and is a qualitative descriptive study. The semiotic of Roland Barthes is used as a data analysis. Data collection methods include documentation of film texts, documentation of regulations and articles on films, and also literature review. This research concludes that representation of nationalism values and type of nationalism shift dynamically, and this is very much related to social, economic and political conditions in a nation-state. The results of the research show that the typology of nationalism represented in Indonesian films is descent nationalism during the beginning of independence era, state nationalism during New O...
This research aims to explore how Indonesian cinema covers the transculturation in youth subcultu... more This research aims to explore how Indonesian cinema covers the transculturation in youth subculture. The research focuses on three Indonesian films, it is Virgin (Ketika Keperawanan dipertanyakan) (2004), Virgin 2: Bukan Film Porno (2009), and Virgin 3: Satu Malam Mengubah Segalanya (2011). The Vladimir Propp Narrative analysis was used to analyze how the story vs plot, the structure, and the position of the narrator. The result of this research is that the films “Virgin” provide transculturation in cultural domination from western. It looks on the structure of narration, the ideology, and the values of youth subculture.

Material costs. Some of the causes are the inaccurate estimation of the amount of material and er... more Material costs. Some of the causes are the inaccurate estimation of the amount of material and erroneous delivery time plans. Both lead to a shortage or excess of material orders, and inefficient time of ordering. This research aims to determine the efficiency of the Periodic Order Quantity (POQ) method on the project material procurement of PT. Antero Makmur. The independent variable of this research is the Periodic Order Quantity (POQ) method and the dependent variable is the efficiency level of material procurement. This research uses a quantitative method with PT Antero Makmur’s employees who handle the procurement process directly as the population. Twenty people were sampled by using a non-probability sampling method, namely a saturated sample. The data collection instrument is the questionnaire and the data were processed with statistical analysis software SPSS version 25. The results showed that there was a significant positive effect from the application of the Periodic Ord...

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an approach to identifying, attracting, and improving r... more Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an approach to identifying, attracting, and improving relationships between companies and customers. Karya Anak Bangsa Inc. (Gojek) with its application Gopay, gave rise "Gopay Payday" program as a customer relationship management to decide the brand equity level of Gopay application users. Brand Equity plays an important role because brand equity forms the name of the company's image and reputation, even as determining to make company goals. The purpose of this research analyzes the influence of the Gopay Payday program as a customer relationship management on Gojek brand equity (Karya Anak Bangsa Inc.). This research uses quantitative descriptive, and the method is a purposive sampling technique within 100 respondents as the sample. The data analysis technique used SPSS 25.0 for Windows computer software tools. The results of this study show that there is a significant influence on customer relationship management by 24.2% ag...

Instagram is one of the social media that has the concept of visual interaction. Various photo an... more Instagram is one of the social media that has the concept of visual interaction. Various photo and video content on Instagram sometimes triggers and influences people to form a different self-image to their lives in the real world. The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of Instagram use on student self-image. The in dependent variable is Instagram Usage, and the dependent variable is Self-image. This research uses quantitative methods, with data collection techniques using questionnaires, documentation, and literature studies. The data analysis method uses a validity and reliability test, product-moment, correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, hypothesis test, and simple linear regression test. Data processing using SPSS program version 25.00. The number of respondents was 93 people out of 1230 Communication Management students of the STIAMI Institute. Sampling technique using simple random sampling with Slovin formula. Based on Dramaturgy Theory about self...

Ilomata International Journal of Social Science
Financial Technology is a new way of transacting that uses money and media that has elements of c... more Financial Technology is a new way of transacting that uses money and media that has elements of communication and technology in it. Along with the development of technology and lifestyle adaptation in society 5.0, Financial Technology becomes people's choice in shopping for needs and desires through a commercial online system (E-Commerce). Therefore, this study aims to find out and analyze financial technology service media utilization in improving customer satisfaction. Shopee International Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive method with the selected research object of financial technology media Shopee International Indonesia. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observations and documentation. Based on the results of this study shows that service required a good relationship between customers and the company. The selection of online media or new media such as financial technology can be a communication link between consumer to consum...

Communicare : Journal of Communication Studies
The lack of standardization of website display in the scope of organizations that have many branc... more The lack of standardization of website display in the scope of organizations that have many branch offices / verticals in Indonesia is still a problem and has a counterproductive effect on the image of the organization. The presence of Microweb is a solution to the problem within the Directorate General (Directorate General) of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance, this research aims to measure the influence of Microweb public relations media quality on the image of the organization. This research uses descriptive quantitative method with the population that is responsible for the public relations vertical office under the Directorate General of Treasury as the end-user who sees and operates microweb from the internal organization. Data Collection Method using questionnaires aimed at 70 samples. Sampling technique using proportional random sampling method, which then processed data using simple regression analysis. Dependent variables in this study are the image of the Directorate Ge...

LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi, Dec 31, 2019
The main purpose of the research is to know how the Public Relations' strategy of rebranding Beka... more The main purpose of the research is to know how the Public Relations' strategy of rebranding Bekasi Square for Revo Town. This research method used qualitative descriptive approach with a study case method. The technique of collecting data through in-depth interviews, documentation, and literature studies. Based on the research results, the rebranding stages' strategy of Bekasi Square for Revo Town are carried out through four stages, namely fact-finding, planning-decision, communication-action, and evaluation. At the first stage, it is known the reason for rebranding Revo Town is the existence of fierce competition in the field of modern retail and to make repairs and rejuvenation of Revo Town. At the planning-decision stage there is a rebranding factor, namely the acquisition of Revo Town by Farpoint and the number of malls that grow and develop in Bekasi, the purpose of rebranding is to show Revo Town commitment and improve the quality. In the communication-action phase there is a rebranding process, namely repositioning where Revo Town further strengthens the Revo Town brand as a textile mall in Bekasi. Renaming Revo Town is by changing the name of Bekasi Square to Revo Town. Redesigning Revo Town includes changes to the logo that currently dominates using orange, and changes the Revo Town tagline to simply a place for togetherness and family quality time. Relaunching Revo Town was held by holding a press conference and distributing press releases. The evaluation stage in Revo Town rebranding is done every six months by giving a questionnaire to the tenants and visitors of Revo Town.
LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi, Dec 31, 2019

LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi
Entering into 2019, the public users of air transportation services were shocked by various repor... more Entering into 2019, the public users of air transportation services were shocked by various reports on issues related to the aviation industry, from rising avtur prices, high domestic flight tickets, the elimination of free baggage services to competition and penetration of foreign airlines. One of the news in online media that attracted public attention was the conflict between AirAsia and Traveloka as an online travel agent (OTA). For this reason, this study was carried out to analyze the conflict reporting framing of Traveloka vs AirAsia in online media. This study used a qualitative method with Robert N. Entman's framing analysis approach. The unit of analysis in this study was 5 news texts about the conflict of Traveloka vs AirAsia on media. The results of the study refer to the four elements of framing Entman. The first, defining the problem that the loss of AirAsia ticket distribution at Traveloka is due to problems with business to business and the al...

LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi, May 18, 2018
As an appreciation for creative works, the Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) and the Indonesian Film... more As an appreciation for creative works, the Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) and the Indonesian Film Appreciation (AFI) aimed at giving an award for the best work. The interesting part was the implementation of AFI 2015 emerged several award categories such as Appreciation for the Local Government and Film Criticism Appreciation. This occurred in the midst of concerns about the development of Indonesian film industries which tend to be stagnant. Film communities tried to give fresh ideas and break the film market. This new award can certainly be seen as an effort through the film festival program in spurring the film industries with creative work of educating the nation's children, especially film as a "cultural builder". Film is a cultural construction. In America, the country where the Hollywood film industry is the mecca of film generation, people still debate the cultural influence of Hollywood on social phenomena. Sociologist Norman Denzim said that drinking shows in US films have influenced the misleading romanticism of alcoholism in public consciousness (Vivian, 2008: 160). On the other hand, borrowing Adorno's term, the film has carried the culture industry powerless with market power. Discussing the media industry leads to the film media economy, as the focus of Indonesian filmmakers today. For most producers, awardwinning films at international film festivals are "less meaningful" when they are not in box office positions. This paper proposed to reveal the economic attractiveness of the film media and the quality of Indonesian film content in accordance with the Republic of Indonesia Act. Number 33 of 2009 on Film. It stated that the film has a function: culture; education; entertainment; information; the driving force of creative work; and economy.
Papers by euis komalawati