The drying experiments were performed at different temperatures of the drying air (40, 50, and 60... more The drying experiments were performed at different temperatures of the drying air (40, 50, and 60°C) and air velocity of 2.5 and 3.5 m/s. Six thin-layer drying models were evaluated and fitted to the experimental moisture data. The fit quality of the models was evaluated using the determination coefficient, chi-square, and root mean square error. Among the selected models, the Midilli et al. model was found to be the best model for describing the drying behaviour of olive pomace. Charcoal is used as a domestic fuel for cooking and heating in many developing countries. It is an important green source for making barbecue, which is obtained from agricultural waste. Due to less CO2 emission, it reduces health risk and deforestation. The coal briquette carbonisation production process consists of a carbonisation stage and a forming stage. During the forming stage, the raw material is mixed with a suitable binder. The final stage of the charcoal process after formation is drying. In this ...
International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, 2018
The seedling growing media play an important role in the production of high quality and healthy s... more The seedling growing media play an important role in the production of high quality and healthy seedlings. Seedlings are grown in different growth media. The most commonly used medium in seedling growing is peat. Depletion of peat resources and high peat cost increase interest to cheap and local materials that easily supplied. Therefore, studies on the use of composts prepared from different wastes in seedling cultivation are being carried out. This study was carried out to determine usability of compost prepared from rose oil processing wastes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Şencan 9) seedling cultivation and the most suitable seedling growing medium. With this aim, peat (control) and 6 growing media prepared from the mixtures of the rose oil processing waste compost (RC) with vermicompost (V), soil (S) and peat (P) at the different ratios (100%P, 50%RC+50%P, 25%RC+75%P, 50%RC+25%P+25%V, 50%RC+25%5P+25%S, 50%RC+25%S+25%V and 25%RC+50%P+25%S) were compared. Significant differenc...
Decrease in the amount of the fossil energy sources in the world and increase in the greenhouse g... more Decrease in the amount of the fossil energy sources in the world and increase in the greenhouse gas emission due to these sources threatening to environment brought up new and renewable sources to the agenda. Total energy consumption for Turkey in 2007 was 107.6 Mtoe while total energy production was 27.4 Mtoe. Distribution of energy sources consumed in Turkey is 33% petroleum, 30% natural gas, 15% coal, 11% lignite, 5% wood, animal waste and plant residues and 4% hydroelectric and renewables. Turkey and many European Union countries meet the energy demand from petroleum and natural gas and they import these sources. This situation both increases the adverse effects of the fossil energy sources on the environment and leads to economical and political problems caused by energy dependency. Therefore, the use of renewable energy sources for both Turkey and European Union countries has a strategic importance. European Union countries constituted their energy projections and targets with...
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2006
Elma Isparta'da en fazla uretimi yapilan meyve cesitlerinden biridir. Urun gerek yore gerekse... more Elma Isparta'da en fazla uretimi yapilan meyve cesitlerinden biridir. Urun gerek yore gerekse ulke ekonomisinde oldukca onemli bir yere sahiptir. Elma uretimi sirasinda diger tarla urunlerinde oldugu gibi istem disi cikan yabanci otlarin yok edilmesi gerekmektedir. Yabanci ot kontrolunde uygulanan kulturel onlemlerden biri olan mekanik (toprak isleme) mucadele cok onceden beri bilinmesi ve cevresel olarak zararsiz olmasi nedeniyle en fazla kullanilan yontemlerden biridir. Bu yontem fiziksel ve kimyasal savas yontemleri ile kombine edilerek kimyasal savasin cevreye olan zararli etkisi azaltilabilir. Calismada, Isparta yoresinde elma uretiminde uygulanan yabanci ot kontrol sekillerini belirlemek ve bunlardan mekanik savasim yonteminin uygulanma olanaklarini ortaya koymak amaclanmistir. Bu amacla ureticilerle anket yoluyla yuz yuze gorusmeler yapilarak elde edilen veriler degerlendirilmistir. Sonuclara gore; yabanci ot savasiminda en cok mekanik mucadele (toprak isleme) kullanilmak...
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 2018
Background Road traffic noise influencing directly public health in the modern cities is a growin... more Background Road traffic noise influencing directly public health in the modern cities is a growing problem in both developing and developed countries. The objective of this study was to model traffic-induced noise in Antalya province, validate the model with noise emission data, and to run the model for the noise preventive scenarios. Methods In this study, modeling of traffic-induced noise was performed using SoundPLAN® software at Gazi Boulevard in the city of Antalya. Calculations were made according to NMPB-Routes 96, which have been accepted by environmental noise legislation of the European Union and Turkey. Fundamental data sets such as geographical, topographical and meteorological data, building information and population, traffic network, traffic volume and vehicle speed, and composition of types of vehicle were utilized for the development of noise prediction model. Eight preventive scenarios to reduce traffic-induced noise levels were simulated using the validated model considering traffic flow measures such as types of vehicles, vehicle speeds, types of road surface, redirecting portion of heavy vehicles to alternative routes and noise barrier usage. Results Results showed that increase in heavy vehicle speeds in smooth road surface conditions caused more increase in exposures than that of light vehicle speed. It was highlighted that it would be appropriate to use porous road surface to reduce exposures on population on high-speed roads. Furthermore, the number of people that are exposed to noise is significantly reduced by precautions such as alternative routes for heavy vehicles and speed restriction. These precautions reduced noise exposures by 25.5-63.8%. The results showed that the usage of noise barrier at the alternative routes in case of porous asphalt road reduced population, dwellings, and area exposed to traffic noise which is greater than 75 dB(A) as 63.8, 40.5, and 60.0%, respectively. Conclusion It could be concluded that the outcomes of the noise prediction models based on the generated scenarios could be used for the purpose of decision support system and could be helpful for decision-makers on the noise legislations.
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2019
Bu çalışmada aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) genotiplerinin tohumlarının bazı fiziksel ve kimyasa... more Bu çalışmada aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) genotiplerinin tohumlarının bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri (uzunluk, kalınlık, genişlik, geometrik ortalama çap, küresellik, en-boy oranı, tohum yüzey alanı, 1000 tane ağırlığı, tohum kabuk kalınlığı, nem içeriği, yığılma açısı, statik sürtünme açısı, renk kroması, renk açısı, kabuk oranı, yağ oranı ve yağ asitleri kompozisyonu) belirlenmiştir. Bu özellikler, hasat, işleme, nakliye, tasnif, ayırma ve paketlemede kullanılan ekipman tasarımı için gereklidir. Çalışmada sekiz aspir hattının (BAY-ER 1, BAY-ER 2, BAY-ER 5, BAY-ER 6, BAY-ER 12, BAY-ER 15, BAY-ER 16 ve BAY-ER 17) ve beş aspir çeşidinin (Dinçer 5-118, Remzibey 05, Balcı, Linas ve Olası) tohumları kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada aspir hat ve çeşitlerinin fiziksel özelliklerinin büyüklüklerinin benzerlik gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Kimyasal özellikleri açısında çalışma değerlendirildiğinde, çeşitler ve hatların yağ içerikleri %25.78-%35.16 arasında değişim göstermiştir. En yüksek...
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2016
In this study, composting of olive pomace from three-phase oil production system, sewage sludge, ... more In this study, composting of olive pomace from three-phase oil production system, sewage sludge, dairy manure, and tomato stalks were carried out. The effects of carbon/nitrogen ratio on decomposition rate of composting were investigated with constant free air spaces of composting mixtures. Composting process was carried out in the aerobic reactors made of stainless steel which were monitored for 32 days. Temperature-controlled feedback system was operated based on the Rutgers strategy. Temperature, moisture, organic matter, pH, electrical conductivity total carbon, total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus as well as potassium were monitored during the composting process. In addition, mass and volume changes of the mixtures were determined. The highest degree of decomposition was determined for the mixture (carbon/nitrogen ratio of 20) based on the dry matter loss where the maximum amount of sewage sludge was used. On the other hand, maximum decomposition occurred at a carbon/nitrogen ratio of 23 for mixtures containing dairy manure. The increase in the use of olive pomace in mixtures had adverse effects on the decomposition process. The stabilization process in the mixture containing dairy manure lasted shorter than the mixtures containing sewage sludge.
Microalgal biomass is utilized in many fields such as food, agriculture, energy, and cosmetic sec... more Microalgal biomass is utilized in many fields such as food, agriculture, energy, and cosmetic sectors. It is very well known that chemical fertilizer adversely affect soil, plant, and environment. To reduce this effect in recent years, interest to organic farming has been increasing. In this study, microbial fertilizers obtained from microalgae was applied to maize and wheat plants. Microbial fertilizers at four different doses were applied, namely, S1 (control: 0,00 dose-non fertilizer), S2 (0.50 dose), S3 (1.00 dose), and S4 (1.50 dose). All measurements were made at the end of 30 th days. The best results were determined for S3 dose applications. During the experiment, the soil temperature between 15 and 30⁰C and soil pH values between 6.5 and 8.5 were maintained. The results showed that the amount of soil organic matter and the water holding capacity were improved. Finally, microbial fertilizers obtained from microalgae can be reported to have positive effects on soil, plants and therefore environment.
The tasks of this research; review of biogas and energy production technologies, system simulatio... more The tasks of this research; review of biogas and energy production technologies, system simulations and decision support system (DSS) modeling, design and development of two lab-scale (one for animal waste and one for agricultural waste) and one pilot scale (250 kWe capacity) integrated biogas plant, integration of the pilot plant with energy conversion systems, experimental studies, techno-economical analysis of the biogas production, and life-cycle analysis were determined. The pilot biogas plant consist 2 reactors that have 2089 m3 net volume each and they are connected to each other. The volume of the final manure storage is 1000m3. The retention time at the plant is 47 days; ratio of organic dry matter is 9 % and the fermentation temperature is 35-40 o C under mesophilic conditions.
Bu çalışmanın I. bölümünde, nümerik kompost modelinin geçerliliğinin sağlanması için, kısa lifli ... more Bu çalışmanın I. bölümünde, nümerik kompost modelinin geçerliliğinin sağlanması için, kısa lifli kağıt artıkları ile tavuk gübresi, 3 adet 208 litrelik kompost reaktöründe kompostlaştırılmıştır. Reaktörlerde, sıcaklık, oksijen ve karbondioksit konsantrasyonu, kütle, nem, pH, kül içeriği, C/N oranı zamana bağlı olarak ölçülmüştür. Kompostlaştırma işlemi 10.92 gün sürmüştür. Kompostlaştırma işleminin 3.92 ve 6.92'nci günlerinde kompost materyali beton zemin üzerine dökülmüş ve kürekle karıştırma işlemi yapılarak kompost kütlesine; sıcaklık, karbondioksit ve oksijen konsantrasyonları dikkate alınarak belirli miktarlarda su ilavesi yapılmıştır. Kompostlaştırma işleminde sıcaklığın 3.5 gün içinde 60C'ye ulaştığı gözlenmiştir. Çalışma sonunda, her üç reaktörden alınan kompostlaştırma parametreleri, kompost modelinin geçerliliğinin sağlanmasında kullanılmak üzere modele aktarılmıştır.
In this study, spoiled maize silage (SMS) and cattle manure were co-digested at five different mi... more In this study, spoiled maize silage (SMS) and cattle manure were co-digested at five different mixtures by the Hohenheim Batch Yield Test unit under mesophilic conditions to explore biogas production possibilities of these wastes together. The mixtures were 100% cattle manure, 100% SMS, 85% cattle manure + 15% SMS, 70% cattle manure + 30% SMS, and 55% cattle manure + 45% SMS. Chemical properties of raw materials and mixtures, including crude fat, dry matter, organic matter, and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents were determined. As the amount of SMS in the mixtures increased, biogas and methane production increased. The highest cumulative specific biogas and methane production were determined for 100% SMS as 0.62 Nm3 kg-1 organic matter (OM) and 0.31 Nm3 kg-1 OM, respectively, where Nm3 is the volume of biogas under normal conditions. Methane content of the mixture containing SMS (49.99% to 51.87%) was higher than that of cattle manure only (44.01%). Furthermore, the mixtures which...
The amount of agricultural and industrial wastes is increasing due to increase in industrial and ... more The amount of agricultural and industrial wastes is increasing due to increase in industrial and agricultural activities in the world. Therefore, sustainable management of wastes, which is a major challenge being faced by both agricultural and industrial sectors in the world, is required. Composting, which is one of the valorization methods used to accelerate decomposition and stabilization of organic wastes, is well known and getting widespread. This study covers design and instrumentation of a pilot scale aerated static pile composting systems based on engineering principles. With this system, basic scientific data (decomposition rates of composting materials, optimum temperature and moisture values) which are required for construction of large-scale composting facilities and operation of composting process will be obtained. The system consists of (1) aeration system, (2) control, data acquisition and recording unit, and (3) measurement system (temperature, instant CO 2 /O 2 concentrations, airflow, and energy consumption by aeration). In this study, each components of this system will be introduced. This study has been conducted under the program of 1007 of the scientific and technological research council of Turkey.
In this study, it was aimed to compare organic and conventional strawberry seedling cultivation m... more In this study, it was aimed to compare organic and conventional strawberry seedling cultivation media in terms of cost and profitability. This study was carried out in the Apricot Research Institute in Malatya province, Turkey. Albion and Sweet Charlie varieties were used in the experiment. The production costs of Albion and Sweet Charlie strawberry varieties were calculated in different growing media. Calculation of the production costs of the fresh plug strawberry seedlings was done in two steps. First, the production costs of strawberry runner plants were calculated, then the production costs of fresh plug strawberry seedlings were found. According to the results of the research, the cost of a runner plant was found to be the highest for the Albian Biodecal application, while the lowest was detected for Sweet Charlie Control application. According to different applications, the cost of strawberry branch plant was determined as 0.376, 0.341, 0.273, and 0.235 TL/unit for Albian Bio...
Öz Bu çalışma, nar meyvesinin işlenmesi sonrası atık olarak çıkan nar kabuklarının, biyoaktivatör... more Öz Bu çalışma, nar meyvesinin işlenmesi sonrası atık olarak çıkan nar kabuklarının, biyoaktivatör ilavesiyle kompostlaştırma sürecinin, kompostlaşma parametreleri üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Kompostlaştırma işlemi için 0.38 m 3 hacimli egzoz gazı geri dönüşümlü ve otomatik kontrollü döner tambur kompostlaştırma sistemi kullanılmıştır. Denemeler süresince; sıcaklık, CO2 konsantrasyonu, kompost materyali nem içeriği, organik madde miktarı, pH düzeyi, elektriksel iletkenlik değeri, toplam azot ve karbon değişimleri ölçülmüştür. Deneyler toplam 43 gün sürerken, kompostlaşma aşaması 12, olgunlaşma aşaması ise 31 gün sürmüştür. Biyoaktivatör ilaveli reaktörde 55 °C sıcaklığa altıncı günde ulaşıldığı ve bu sıcaklığın yaklaşık 0.25 gün (6 saat) korunabildiği tespit edilmiştir. Biyoaktivatör ilavesiz reaktör içerisinde maksimum 60 °C sıcaklığa ulaşılmış, bu sıcaklığın yaklaşık 1.5 gün korunduğu,55 °C'nin üzerindeki sıcaklığın ise sadece 2 gün sürdüğü gözlenmiştir. Organik madde kayıplarının, biyoaktivatör ilaveli ve ilavesiz reaktörlerde, kompostlaşma süreci ve olgunlaşma süreci sonunda sırasıyla; %59.24-%14.63 ve %64.32-%2.04 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, kompostlaşma işleminde biyoaktivatör kullanımının kompostlama performans parametreleri üzerinde bir fark yaratmadığı vurgulanabilir. Bunun yanında, kompost olgunlaşma başlangıcında yapılacak biyoaktivatör ilavesiyle kompostun daha hızlı bir şekilde olgunlaşabileceği belirlenmiştir.
In this study, composting of opium poppy processing solid waste with poultry manure and rough saw... more In this study, composting of opium poppy processing solid waste with poultry manure and rough sawdust with five initial Carbon/Nitrogen (C/N ratio) ratio ranging from 20.45, 25.00, 29.03, 32.60 and 37.47 was carried out using fifteen-identical cylindrical stainless steel reactors, each of which has an effective volume of 100 L to determine the effects of initial C/N ratio on composting loss due to degradation (dry matter loss, organic matter loss, carbon loss, and nitrogen loss, and ammonia loss). The experiment lasted for 18.65 days. In the experiment, the temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, moisture, organic matter, total carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) contents and NH3-N were monitored. Dry matter loss, organic matter loss, carbon loss, nitrogen loss, and NH3-N loss were expressed as a function of initial C/N ratio. Results showed that the highest dry matter loss and organic matter loss existed at the CN ratio of 29.70 and 31.18, respectively. The highest carbon loss occurred a...
Mechanical properties should be investigated for the harvest and post harvest operations of carob... more Mechanical properties should be investigated for the harvest and post harvest operations of carob pod which is the fruit of carob trees (Ceratonia siliqua L.). These properties are pre-requisite for the design and development of harvesting, transportation, storage, and grinding machines used for carob pod. In this study, rupture force, bioyield force, rupture deformation, bioyield deformation, modulus of elasticity and rupture energy were determined for carob pod as functions of moisture content at four different levels of 8.3, 13.2, 14.1, 16.8% wet basis (w.b.) and compression positions of Horizantal1 (H1), Horizantal2 (H2), Vertical1 (V1), and Vertical2 (V2). The biological material test device was used to measure the mechanical properties of carob pod. Results showed that rupture force, bioyield force, modulus of elasticity and rupture energy decreased with increase in moisture content of carob pod. The rupture force ranged from 101.0 to 197.0 N while the bioyield force varies be...
The effects of nitrogen deficiency at the level of 0% (N-), 50% (N-), and 100% (N-) for the growt... more The effects of nitrogen deficiency at the level of 0% (N-), 50% (N-), and 100% (N-) for the growth of Spirulina platensis (Cyanophyceae) for the production of Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) was investigated. Biomass and optic density of the cell under laboratory conditions were measured. Spirulina platensis cultures were grown in Zarrouk medium and kept at the constant room temperature of 25±2°C, illuminated with fluorescent lamps at Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) level of 120 μmol m2 s -1 with photoperiod of 24:0 (light:darkness, L:D) and aerated continuously. The experiment was carried out with three replications. The percentages of PHB measured were 1.13, 1.43, 2.61 and biomasses obtained were 2.30, 2.92, and 1.85 g/L for control (0%N-), 50% N(-) and 100% N(-), respectively for S. platensis biomass harvested. The highest PHB value and the lowest biomass were recorded from the culture treated at the level of 100% N(-).
In this study, it was aimed to invesitigate the effect of vermicompost obtained from home origina... more In this study, it was aimed to invesitigate the effect of vermicompost obtained from home originated organic wastes on plant growth and mineral nutriton of corn plant under green house condition. Vermicompost were given to the soil at the rates of 0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 t.ha. Study was planned according to the randomized parcels with 4 replicates and study lasted two months. At and of the experiment, plant dry weights, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn concentrations were determined. Depending on the applied vermicompost application, plant dry weights increased up to 20 t ha vermicompot doses but then decreased. Plant nutrient concentrations such as N, P, Fe, Mn and Cu did not change but Ca concentration decreased. However, K, Mg and Zn concentrations in leaves increased with vermicompost doses. Although, most of the leaf nutrient concentrations were not affected positively with vermicompost doses, about all nutrient uptakes showed increases with the doses of vermicompost.
With/without pretreated zucchini samples were dried in a solar tunnel dryer to determine drying c... more With/without pretreated zucchini samples were dried in a solar tunnel dryer to determine drying characteristic and modelling. Solar irradiation at ambient, drying air temperature and air velocity at specific intervals in various parts of the dryer were measured. In the study, it was investigated how pretreatment of zucchini affected the drying time, moisture ratio and drying rate of it in solar tunnel dryer. In addition, the data on the drying process were applied to eight different mathematical models (Newton, Page, Henderson and pabis, Logarithmic, Diffusion, Midilli et al., Alibas, Logistic Equation Models). The performance levels of the models compared according to R 2 , χ 2 , besides RMSE between moisture ratios that were observed and predicted. Furthermore, considering all selected models, Midilli et al. and Alibaş model equations gave the highest R 2 , the lowest χ 2 and RMSE values and were found to reveal the ratio of drying in a satisfactory way for all the methods of drying.
Olive oil byproducts show differences according to the olive oil extraction systems, which are ca... more Olive oil byproducts show differences according to the olive oil extraction systems, which are called olive mill solid wastes, olive oil wastewater and olive oil wastewater sludge. Three different kinds of composts, including two-phase and three-phase olive mill solid wastes, and olive oil wastewater sludge were produced with separated dairy manure, poultry manure, and straw. The composts obtained from two-phase and three-phase olive mill solid wastes and olive oil wastewater sludge were named as two-phase, three-phase, and water sludge composts, respectively. They were separately enriched by rock phosphate and potassium salt. These composts were mixed with peat in a ratio of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% (v/v). Tomato seeds were sown in all mixtures on 3 February 2016. All the seeds were sown into 2 trays and each plug included 2 replicates. The trays were left in a germination room for 3 days, then moved to a heated greenhouse which is specialized for growing seedlings, and the seed...
The drying experiments were performed at different temperatures of the drying air (40, 50, and 60... more The drying experiments were performed at different temperatures of the drying air (40, 50, and 60°C) and air velocity of 2.5 and 3.5 m/s. Six thin-layer drying models were evaluated and fitted to the experimental moisture data. The fit quality of the models was evaluated using the determination coefficient, chi-square, and root mean square error. Among the selected models, the Midilli et al. model was found to be the best model for describing the drying behaviour of olive pomace. Charcoal is used as a domestic fuel for cooking and heating in many developing countries. It is an important green source for making barbecue, which is obtained from agricultural waste. Due to less CO2 emission, it reduces health risk and deforestation. The coal briquette carbonisation production process consists of a carbonisation stage and a forming stage. During the forming stage, the raw material is mixed with a suitable binder. The final stage of the charcoal process after formation is drying. In this ...
International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, 2018
The seedling growing media play an important role in the production of high quality and healthy s... more The seedling growing media play an important role in the production of high quality and healthy seedlings. Seedlings are grown in different growth media. The most commonly used medium in seedling growing is peat. Depletion of peat resources and high peat cost increase interest to cheap and local materials that easily supplied. Therefore, studies on the use of composts prepared from different wastes in seedling cultivation are being carried out. This study was carried out to determine usability of compost prepared from rose oil processing wastes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Şencan 9) seedling cultivation and the most suitable seedling growing medium. With this aim, peat (control) and 6 growing media prepared from the mixtures of the rose oil processing waste compost (RC) with vermicompost (V), soil (S) and peat (P) at the different ratios (100%P, 50%RC+50%P, 25%RC+75%P, 50%RC+25%P+25%V, 50%RC+25%5P+25%S, 50%RC+25%S+25%V and 25%RC+50%P+25%S) were compared. Significant differenc...
Decrease in the amount of the fossil energy sources in the world and increase in the greenhouse g... more Decrease in the amount of the fossil energy sources in the world and increase in the greenhouse gas emission due to these sources threatening to environment brought up new and renewable sources to the agenda. Total energy consumption for Turkey in 2007 was 107.6 Mtoe while total energy production was 27.4 Mtoe. Distribution of energy sources consumed in Turkey is 33% petroleum, 30% natural gas, 15% coal, 11% lignite, 5% wood, animal waste and plant residues and 4% hydroelectric and renewables. Turkey and many European Union countries meet the energy demand from petroleum and natural gas and they import these sources. This situation both increases the adverse effects of the fossil energy sources on the environment and leads to economical and political problems caused by energy dependency. Therefore, the use of renewable energy sources for both Turkey and European Union countries has a strategic importance. European Union countries constituted their energy projections and targets with...
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2006
Elma Isparta'da en fazla uretimi yapilan meyve cesitlerinden biridir. Urun gerek yore gerekse... more Elma Isparta'da en fazla uretimi yapilan meyve cesitlerinden biridir. Urun gerek yore gerekse ulke ekonomisinde oldukca onemli bir yere sahiptir. Elma uretimi sirasinda diger tarla urunlerinde oldugu gibi istem disi cikan yabanci otlarin yok edilmesi gerekmektedir. Yabanci ot kontrolunde uygulanan kulturel onlemlerden biri olan mekanik (toprak isleme) mucadele cok onceden beri bilinmesi ve cevresel olarak zararsiz olmasi nedeniyle en fazla kullanilan yontemlerden biridir. Bu yontem fiziksel ve kimyasal savas yontemleri ile kombine edilerek kimyasal savasin cevreye olan zararli etkisi azaltilabilir. Calismada, Isparta yoresinde elma uretiminde uygulanan yabanci ot kontrol sekillerini belirlemek ve bunlardan mekanik savasim yonteminin uygulanma olanaklarini ortaya koymak amaclanmistir. Bu amacla ureticilerle anket yoluyla yuz yuze gorusmeler yapilarak elde edilen veriler degerlendirilmistir. Sonuclara gore; yabanci ot savasiminda en cok mekanik mucadele (toprak isleme) kullanilmak...
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 2018
Background Road traffic noise influencing directly public health in the modern cities is a growin... more Background Road traffic noise influencing directly public health in the modern cities is a growing problem in both developing and developed countries. The objective of this study was to model traffic-induced noise in Antalya province, validate the model with noise emission data, and to run the model for the noise preventive scenarios. Methods In this study, modeling of traffic-induced noise was performed using SoundPLAN® software at Gazi Boulevard in the city of Antalya. Calculations were made according to NMPB-Routes 96, which have been accepted by environmental noise legislation of the European Union and Turkey. Fundamental data sets such as geographical, topographical and meteorological data, building information and population, traffic network, traffic volume and vehicle speed, and composition of types of vehicle were utilized for the development of noise prediction model. Eight preventive scenarios to reduce traffic-induced noise levels were simulated using the validated model considering traffic flow measures such as types of vehicles, vehicle speeds, types of road surface, redirecting portion of heavy vehicles to alternative routes and noise barrier usage. Results Results showed that increase in heavy vehicle speeds in smooth road surface conditions caused more increase in exposures than that of light vehicle speed. It was highlighted that it would be appropriate to use porous road surface to reduce exposures on population on high-speed roads. Furthermore, the number of people that are exposed to noise is significantly reduced by precautions such as alternative routes for heavy vehicles and speed restriction. These precautions reduced noise exposures by 25.5-63.8%. The results showed that the usage of noise barrier at the alternative routes in case of porous asphalt road reduced population, dwellings, and area exposed to traffic noise which is greater than 75 dB(A) as 63.8, 40.5, and 60.0%, respectively. Conclusion It could be concluded that the outcomes of the noise prediction models based on the generated scenarios could be used for the purpose of decision support system and could be helpful for decision-makers on the noise legislations.
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2019
Bu çalışmada aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) genotiplerinin tohumlarının bazı fiziksel ve kimyasa... more Bu çalışmada aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) genotiplerinin tohumlarının bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri (uzunluk, kalınlık, genişlik, geometrik ortalama çap, küresellik, en-boy oranı, tohum yüzey alanı, 1000 tane ağırlığı, tohum kabuk kalınlığı, nem içeriği, yığılma açısı, statik sürtünme açısı, renk kroması, renk açısı, kabuk oranı, yağ oranı ve yağ asitleri kompozisyonu) belirlenmiştir. Bu özellikler, hasat, işleme, nakliye, tasnif, ayırma ve paketlemede kullanılan ekipman tasarımı için gereklidir. Çalışmada sekiz aspir hattının (BAY-ER 1, BAY-ER 2, BAY-ER 5, BAY-ER 6, BAY-ER 12, BAY-ER 15, BAY-ER 16 ve BAY-ER 17) ve beş aspir çeşidinin (Dinçer 5-118, Remzibey 05, Balcı, Linas ve Olası) tohumları kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada aspir hat ve çeşitlerinin fiziksel özelliklerinin büyüklüklerinin benzerlik gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Kimyasal özellikleri açısında çalışma değerlendirildiğinde, çeşitler ve hatların yağ içerikleri %25.78-%35.16 arasında değişim göstermiştir. En yüksek...
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2016
In this study, composting of olive pomace from three-phase oil production system, sewage sludge, ... more In this study, composting of olive pomace from three-phase oil production system, sewage sludge, dairy manure, and tomato stalks were carried out. The effects of carbon/nitrogen ratio on decomposition rate of composting were investigated with constant free air spaces of composting mixtures. Composting process was carried out in the aerobic reactors made of stainless steel which were monitored for 32 days. Temperature-controlled feedback system was operated based on the Rutgers strategy. Temperature, moisture, organic matter, pH, electrical conductivity total carbon, total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus as well as potassium were monitored during the composting process. In addition, mass and volume changes of the mixtures were determined. The highest degree of decomposition was determined for the mixture (carbon/nitrogen ratio of 20) based on the dry matter loss where the maximum amount of sewage sludge was used. On the other hand, maximum decomposition occurred at a carbon/nitrogen ratio of 23 for mixtures containing dairy manure. The increase in the use of olive pomace in mixtures had adverse effects on the decomposition process. The stabilization process in the mixture containing dairy manure lasted shorter than the mixtures containing sewage sludge.
Microalgal biomass is utilized in many fields such as food, agriculture, energy, and cosmetic sec... more Microalgal biomass is utilized in many fields such as food, agriculture, energy, and cosmetic sectors. It is very well known that chemical fertilizer adversely affect soil, plant, and environment. To reduce this effect in recent years, interest to organic farming has been increasing. In this study, microbial fertilizers obtained from microalgae was applied to maize and wheat plants. Microbial fertilizers at four different doses were applied, namely, S1 (control: 0,00 dose-non fertilizer), S2 (0.50 dose), S3 (1.00 dose), and S4 (1.50 dose). All measurements were made at the end of 30 th days. The best results were determined for S3 dose applications. During the experiment, the soil temperature between 15 and 30⁰C and soil pH values between 6.5 and 8.5 were maintained. The results showed that the amount of soil organic matter and the water holding capacity were improved. Finally, microbial fertilizers obtained from microalgae can be reported to have positive effects on soil, plants and therefore environment.
The tasks of this research; review of biogas and energy production technologies, system simulatio... more The tasks of this research; review of biogas and energy production technologies, system simulations and decision support system (DSS) modeling, design and development of two lab-scale (one for animal waste and one for agricultural waste) and one pilot scale (250 kWe capacity) integrated biogas plant, integration of the pilot plant with energy conversion systems, experimental studies, techno-economical analysis of the biogas production, and life-cycle analysis were determined. The pilot biogas plant consist 2 reactors that have 2089 m3 net volume each and they are connected to each other. The volume of the final manure storage is 1000m3. The retention time at the plant is 47 days; ratio of organic dry matter is 9 % and the fermentation temperature is 35-40 o C under mesophilic conditions.
Bu çalışmanın I. bölümünde, nümerik kompost modelinin geçerliliğinin sağlanması için, kısa lifli ... more Bu çalışmanın I. bölümünde, nümerik kompost modelinin geçerliliğinin sağlanması için, kısa lifli kağıt artıkları ile tavuk gübresi, 3 adet 208 litrelik kompost reaktöründe kompostlaştırılmıştır. Reaktörlerde, sıcaklık, oksijen ve karbondioksit konsantrasyonu, kütle, nem, pH, kül içeriği, C/N oranı zamana bağlı olarak ölçülmüştür. Kompostlaştırma işlemi 10.92 gün sürmüştür. Kompostlaştırma işleminin 3.92 ve 6.92'nci günlerinde kompost materyali beton zemin üzerine dökülmüş ve kürekle karıştırma işlemi yapılarak kompost kütlesine; sıcaklık, karbondioksit ve oksijen konsantrasyonları dikkate alınarak belirli miktarlarda su ilavesi yapılmıştır. Kompostlaştırma işleminde sıcaklığın 3.5 gün içinde 60C'ye ulaştığı gözlenmiştir. Çalışma sonunda, her üç reaktörden alınan kompostlaştırma parametreleri, kompost modelinin geçerliliğinin sağlanmasında kullanılmak üzere modele aktarılmıştır.
In this study, spoiled maize silage (SMS) and cattle manure were co-digested at five different mi... more In this study, spoiled maize silage (SMS) and cattle manure were co-digested at five different mixtures by the Hohenheim Batch Yield Test unit under mesophilic conditions to explore biogas production possibilities of these wastes together. The mixtures were 100% cattle manure, 100% SMS, 85% cattle manure + 15% SMS, 70% cattle manure + 30% SMS, and 55% cattle manure + 45% SMS. Chemical properties of raw materials and mixtures, including crude fat, dry matter, organic matter, and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents were determined. As the amount of SMS in the mixtures increased, biogas and methane production increased. The highest cumulative specific biogas and methane production were determined for 100% SMS as 0.62 Nm3 kg-1 organic matter (OM) and 0.31 Nm3 kg-1 OM, respectively, where Nm3 is the volume of biogas under normal conditions. Methane content of the mixture containing SMS (49.99% to 51.87%) was higher than that of cattle manure only (44.01%). Furthermore, the mixtures which...
The amount of agricultural and industrial wastes is increasing due to increase in industrial and ... more The amount of agricultural and industrial wastes is increasing due to increase in industrial and agricultural activities in the world. Therefore, sustainable management of wastes, which is a major challenge being faced by both agricultural and industrial sectors in the world, is required. Composting, which is one of the valorization methods used to accelerate decomposition and stabilization of organic wastes, is well known and getting widespread. This study covers design and instrumentation of a pilot scale aerated static pile composting systems based on engineering principles. With this system, basic scientific data (decomposition rates of composting materials, optimum temperature and moisture values) which are required for construction of large-scale composting facilities and operation of composting process will be obtained. The system consists of (1) aeration system, (2) control, data acquisition and recording unit, and (3) measurement system (temperature, instant CO 2 /O 2 concentrations, airflow, and energy consumption by aeration). In this study, each components of this system will be introduced. This study has been conducted under the program of 1007 of the scientific and technological research council of Turkey.
In this study, it was aimed to compare organic and conventional strawberry seedling cultivation m... more In this study, it was aimed to compare organic and conventional strawberry seedling cultivation media in terms of cost and profitability. This study was carried out in the Apricot Research Institute in Malatya province, Turkey. Albion and Sweet Charlie varieties were used in the experiment. The production costs of Albion and Sweet Charlie strawberry varieties were calculated in different growing media. Calculation of the production costs of the fresh plug strawberry seedlings was done in two steps. First, the production costs of strawberry runner plants were calculated, then the production costs of fresh plug strawberry seedlings were found. According to the results of the research, the cost of a runner plant was found to be the highest for the Albian Biodecal application, while the lowest was detected for Sweet Charlie Control application. According to different applications, the cost of strawberry branch plant was determined as 0.376, 0.341, 0.273, and 0.235 TL/unit for Albian Bio...
Öz Bu çalışma, nar meyvesinin işlenmesi sonrası atık olarak çıkan nar kabuklarının, biyoaktivatör... more Öz Bu çalışma, nar meyvesinin işlenmesi sonrası atık olarak çıkan nar kabuklarının, biyoaktivatör ilavesiyle kompostlaştırma sürecinin, kompostlaşma parametreleri üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Kompostlaştırma işlemi için 0.38 m 3 hacimli egzoz gazı geri dönüşümlü ve otomatik kontrollü döner tambur kompostlaştırma sistemi kullanılmıştır. Denemeler süresince; sıcaklık, CO2 konsantrasyonu, kompost materyali nem içeriği, organik madde miktarı, pH düzeyi, elektriksel iletkenlik değeri, toplam azot ve karbon değişimleri ölçülmüştür. Deneyler toplam 43 gün sürerken, kompostlaşma aşaması 12, olgunlaşma aşaması ise 31 gün sürmüştür. Biyoaktivatör ilaveli reaktörde 55 °C sıcaklığa altıncı günde ulaşıldığı ve bu sıcaklığın yaklaşık 0.25 gün (6 saat) korunabildiği tespit edilmiştir. Biyoaktivatör ilavesiz reaktör içerisinde maksimum 60 °C sıcaklığa ulaşılmış, bu sıcaklığın yaklaşık 1.5 gün korunduğu,55 °C'nin üzerindeki sıcaklığın ise sadece 2 gün sürdüğü gözlenmiştir. Organik madde kayıplarının, biyoaktivatör ilaveli ve ilavesiz reaktörlerde, kompostlaşma süreci ve olgunlaşma süreci sonunda sırasıyla; %59.24-%14.63 ve %64.32-%2.04 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, kompostlaşma işleminde biyoaktivatör kullanımının kompostlama performans parametreleri üzerinde bir fark yaratmadığı vurgulanabilir. Bunun yanında, kompost olgunlaşma başlangıcında yapılacak biyoaktivatör ilavesiyle kompostun daha hızlı bir şekilde olgunlaşabileceği belirlenmiştir.
In this study, composting of opium poppy processing solid waste with poultry manure and rough saw... more In this study, composting of opium poppy processing solid waste with poultry manure and rough sawdust with five initial Carbon/Nitrogen (C/N ratio) ratio ranging from 20.45, 25.00, 29.03, 32.60 and 37.47 was carried out using fifteen-identical cylindrical stainless steel reactors, each of which has an effective volume of 100 L to determine the effects of initial C/N ratio on composting loss due to degradation (dry matter loss, organic matter loss, carbon loss, and nitrogen loss, and ammonia loss). The experiment lasted for 18.65 days. In the experiment, the temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, moisture, organic matter, total carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) contents and NH3-N were monitored. Dry matter loss, organic matter loss, carbon loss, nitrogen loss, and NH3-N loss were expressed as a function of initial C/N ratio. Results showed that the highest dry matter loss and organic matter loss existed at the CN ratio of 29.70 and 31.18, respectively. The highest carbon loss occurred a...
Mechanical properties should be investigated for the harvest and post harvest operations of carob... more Mechanical properties should be investigated for the harvest and post harvest operations of carob pod which is the fruit of carob trees (Ceratonia siliqua L.). These properties are pre-requisite for the design and development of harvesting, transportation, storage, and grinding machines used for carob pod. In this study, rupture force, bioyield force, rupture deformation, bioyield deformation, modulus of elasticity and rupture energy were determined for carob pod as functions of moisture content at four different levels of 8.3, 13.2, 14.1, 16.8% wet basis (w.b.) and compression positions of Horizantal1 (H1), Horizantal2 (H2), Vertical1 (V1), and Vertical2 (V2). The biological material test device was used to measure the mechanical properties of carob pod. Results showed that rupture force, bioyield force, modulus of elasticity and rupture energy decreased with increase in moisture content of carob pod. The rupture force ranged from 101.0 to 197.0 N while the bioyield force varies be...
The effects of nitrogen deficiency at the level of 0% (N-), 50% (N-), and 100% (N-) for the growt... more The effects of nitrogen deficiency at the level of 0% (N-), 50% (N-), and 100% (N-) for the growth of Spirulina platensis (Cyanophyceae) for the production of Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) was investigated. Biomass and optic density of the cell under laboratory conditions were measured. Spirulina platensis cultures were grown in Zarrouk medium and kept at the constant room temperature of 25±2°C, illuminated with fluorescent lamps at Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) level of 120 μmol m2 s -1 with photoperiod of 24:0 (light:darkness, L:D) and aerated continuously. The experiment was carried out with three replications. The percentages of PHB measured were 1.13, 1.43, 2.61 and biomasses obtained were 2.30, 2.92, and 1.85 g/L for control (0%N-), 50% N(-) and 100% N(-), respectively for S. platensis biomass harvested. The highest PHB value and the lowest biomass were recorded from the culture treated at the level of 100% N(-).
In this study, it was aimed to invesitigate the effect of vermicompost obtained from home origina... more In this study, it was aimed to invesitigate the effect of vermicompost obtained from home originated organic wastes on plant growth and mineral nutriton of corn plant under green house condition. Vermicompost were given to the soil at the rates of 0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 t.ha. Study was planned according to the randomized parcels with 4 replicates and study lasted two months. At and of the experiment, plant dry weights, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn concentrations were determined. Depending on the applied vermicompost application, plant dry weights increased up to 20 t ha vermicompot doses but then decreased. Plant nutrient concentrations such as N, P, Fe, Mn and Cu did not change but Ca concentration decreased. However, K, Mg and Zn concentrations in leaves increased with vermicompost doses. Although, most of the leaf nutrient concentrations were not affected positively with vermicompost doses, about all nutrient uptakes showed increases with the doses of vermicompost.
With/without pretreated zucchini samples were dried in a solar tunnel dryer to determine drying c... more With/without pretreated zucchini samples were dried in a solar tunnel dryer to determine drying characteristic and modelling. Solar irradiation at ambient, drying air temperature and air velocity at specific intervals in various parts of the dryer were measured. In the study, it was investigated how pretreatment of zucchini affected the drying time, moisture ratio and drying rate of it in solar tunnel dryer. In addition, the data on the drying process were applied to eight different mathematical models (Newton, Page, Henderson and pabis, Logarithmic, Diffusion, Midilli et al., Alibas, Logistic Equation Models). The performance levels of the models compared according to R 2 , χ 2 , besides RMSE between moisture ratios that were observed and predicted. Furthermore, considering all selected models, Midilli et al. and Alibaş model equations gave the highest R 2 , the lowest χ 2 and RMSE values and were found to reveal the ratio of drying in a satisfactory way for all the methods of drying.
Olive oil byproducts show differences according to the olive oil extraction systems, which are ca... more Olive oil byproducts show differences according to the olive oil extraction systems, which are called olive mill solid wastes, olive oil wastewater and olive oil wastewater sludge. Three different kinds of composts, including two-phase and three-phase olive mill solid wastes, and olive oil wastewater sludge were produced with separated dairy manure, poultry manure, and straw. The composts obtained from two-phase and three-phase olive mill solid wastes and olive oil wastewater sludge were named as two-phase, three-phase, and water sludge composts, respectively. They were separately enriched by rock phosphate and potassium salt. These composts were mixed with peat in a ratio of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% (v/v). Tomato seeds were sown in all mixtures on 3 February 2016. All the seeds were sown into 2 trays and each plug included 2 replicates. The trays were left in a germination room for 3 days, then moved to a heated greenhouse which is specialized for growing seedlings, and the seed...
Papers by kamil ekinci