Papers by eka setianingsih

Malih Peddas (Majalah Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar)
Belakangan ini pelajar Indonesia telah begitu terjangkiti virus hedonisme. Orientasi pelajar yang... more Belakangan ini pelajar Indonesia telah begitu terjangkiti virus hedonisme. Orientasi pelajar yang seharusnya belajar atau menuntut ilmu dalam keseharian mereka berubah menjadi berorientasi pada mencari kesenangan dan kenikmatan dengan bergaya mewah dan membangun kebiasaan buruk. pelajar kita benar-benar dalam kubangan bahaya nyata. Salah satunya dengan dijadikan hedonisme sebagai orientasi hidup mereka. Para pelajar kehilangan kreativitasnya dan motivasi belajar karena lebih mengutamakan bersenang-senang. Akhirnya muncul kebiasaan aneh dilakangan anak dan remaja. Seperti balapan liar hanya untuk sekedar pratice, mengejar untuk memiliki barang-barang mewah meski kadang harus membuat mereka kehilangan kehormatan diri. hedonisme sebagai doktrin yang menyatakan bahwa kesenangan adalah hal yang paling penting dalam hidup. Paham inilah yang saat ini sedang mewabah di kalangan pelajar. Seperti contoh ilustrasi sebelumnya di atas di mana para pelajar berdandan tak semestinya, lebih mement...

problems in communication. In fact these components especially sub-component have not been achiev... more problems in communication. In fact these components especially sub-component have not been achieved yet by the most SMA students including SMAN 6 Pandeglang. Many students of SMAN 6 Pandeglang do the mistakes even errors in subcompetency especially in understanding structure (grammar), for example on using concord : e.g. * Every student and teacher have a locker. Every student and teacher has a locker. e.g. * Mathematics are also thought at school. Mathematics is also thought at school. In English, a verb agrees with its subject in person and number. If the subject is the first person, the verb must be the first person (am); if the subject is plural (they), the verb must be plural (are). The rules is simple enough in theory, but in practice, occasionally, there are concord or agreement errors for a number of reasons. 4 One of the causes of concord errors is the verb which does not go straight forward after the subject. It needs efforts to match the verb with its subject and sometimes the result can be false. Other reason is because there are numbers of words semantically plural but stand in the form of singular word. Those cases can bring out complication in learning concord. Based on the information above, the writer intends to make an analysis of grammar on using grammar tests. In doing the research the writer chooses the first year of SMAN 6 Pandeglang. B. Limitation and Formulation of the Study Grammar covers a lot of language elements. Therefore the writer intends to know the error in grammar from first year until third year of Junior high school specifically in grammar subject. The research question are: 1. What kinds of error are commonly made by the students in grammar material?
Papers by eka setianingsih