Papers by junia eka putri

Habibullah ABSTRAK This study aims to describe the self-concept, self adjustment and the relation... more Habibullah ABSTRAK This study aims to describe the self-concept, self adjustment and the relationship between self concept and adjustment of homeless people and beggars (gelandangan dan pengemis/gepeng) on the Panti Sosial Bina Karya Pangudi Luhur. Therefore, this study used a quantitative approach that will be done by cross sectional. The samples in this study using simple random sampling method. The results showed that 1). 57% of " gepeng " have a good self-concept and 43% had bad self-concept, 52% " gepeng " a bad self-concept adjustment and 48% had a good adjustment. 2). Results of cross tabulation: 30.16% of " gepeng " who has a good self-concept and self-adjustment well, as much as 12.70% have good self-concept but a bad adjustment, 22.22% of gepeng has a bad self-concept but a good adjustment and 34, 92% of " gepeng " have bad self-concept and bad self-adjustment. 3). Alternative hypothesis in this study accepted that there is a relationship between self concept and self-adjustment at Gepeng on the PSBK Pangudi Luhur with positive correlation. Strength of the relationship between self concept and self-adjustment is weak, and therefore, this study can generalize the relationship of self concept and self-adjustment "gepeng" but the concept self-concept "gepeng" a bit of influence on self-adjustment. Based on these results, it can recommend: 1). For Social Worker, care and rehabilitation of "gepeng 1 " need to be adjusted based on the concept of self-2). For PSBK PL Luhur, should develop the ability of social workers in order to identify characteristics of clients who will become his responsibility. 3). For further research needs to be considered to see other factors that may affect or have relationships with self-adjustment. Belum optimalnya peranan PSBK Pangudi Luhur dalam merehabilitasi secara sosial gelandangan dan pengemis (gepeng) tidak semata-mata disebabkan oleh faktor kelembagaan PSBK Pangudi Luhur itu sendiri melainkan karekteristik gepeng yang memang sulit untuk dirubah. Gepeng yang mempunyai kebiasaan hidup bebas dijalanan, santai, kumpul kebo, mempunyai etos kerja dan pendidikan rendah dengan mengikuti kegiatan rehabilitasi sosial di panti sosial menyebabkan segala aktivitas tersebut tidak dapat mereka kerjakan. Hal ini menimbulkan permasalahan ketika gepeng tersebut mengikuti proses pelayanan dan rehabilitasi sosial. Permasalahan tersebut antara lain konflik antar gepeng yang disebabkan perbedaan latar
Papers by junia eka putri