The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Maluku's spices and Sopi (Ambonese arrack) against ... more The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Maluku's spices and Sopi (Ambonese arrack) against pathogenic bacteria as raw materials for natural disinfectants
Lembar Pengesahan tidak disertai tanda tangan dosen pembimbingTongkat langit banana (Musa troglod... more Lembar Pengesahan tidak disertai tanda tangan dosen pembimbingTongkat langit banana (Musa troglodytarum) is one type of banana in Indonesia that originated from Moluccas. Moluccas people calls it by the name of tongkat langit banana because these cultivars are erect bunches. Research on the study of carotenoid pigment content in tongkat langit banana, has done. The results showed that the tongkat langit banana, containing carotenoids is higher, ie, 6650 μg/100 g for bananas short size, 3088 μg/100 g for bananas length size, and the most dominant carotenoid pigments is β-carotene. In addition, the results of stability analysis carotenoid pigments banana short size at different heating indicate that the shift of the spectral pattern in the direction hipsokromik and decreased absorbance spectra on pattern analysis and the percentage of degradation is greatest when the heating treatment at 10 minute to 20 minute. This is in line with the length of heating time. Then for stability ana...
RUMPHIUS Pattimura Biological Journal, Mar 27, 2019
Kecipir merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman yang digunakan sebagai obat tradisional. Penelitian in... more Kecipir merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman yang digunakan sebagai obat tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas infusa daun kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus(L.)DC) terhadap tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) model malaria. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 kelompok perlakuan dan 3 ulangan yang terdiri dari kelompok kontrol tanpa diberi infusa (P1), kelompok yang diberi infusa konsentrasi: 31,25 mg/mL (P2), 62.5 mg/mL(P3), dan 125 mg/mL (P4). Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor tikus jantan, dimana5 ekor diantaranya sebagai tikus donor.Tikus donordiinfeksi Plasmodium bergheidan dibiarkan sampai persen parasitemia mencapai >20%. Kemudian 4 kelompok tikus model diinfeksikan dengan Plasmodium berghei. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 7 hari, mulai hari ke-0 (sebelum perlakuan), 4 hari selama perlakuan dan 2 hari setelah perlakuan. Persen parasitemia dihitung mulai dari hari sebelum pemberian infusa daun kecipir (IDK) sampai hari ke-7. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa IDK dapat menghambat pertumbuhan parasit dengan cara menurunkan tingkat parasitemia seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi, yakni (P2) sebesar 73,78%; (P3) sebesar 89,33%; dan (P4) sebesar 93.69%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa IDK berpotensi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Plasmodium berghei tikus putih model malaria dengan konsentrasi efektif yaitu 31,25 mg/mL.
The nutritional content of snail meat is in the form of protein (> 50%) and only a small porti... more The nutritional content of snail meat is in the form of protein (> 50%) and only a small portion is in the form of fat (5%). But it is used only as a food source of protein with limited processing. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the diversification of snail product food and practice it independently to the member of Kelompok Pengajian. The method used in this service includes several stages, the initial approach with group leaders and scheduling activities, making nuggets and meatballs on a laboratory scale, conducting meetings with member of the group through online link and practice it on several mothers at home. In addition, information was provided in the form of nuggets and meatball leaflets and house of the members. Results obtained from this activies are an increase in knowledge about the use of sea snails not only in the form of snail curry, but the diversification of sea snails product such as nuggets and snail meatballs. Leaflets and videos were produced t...
Tanaman sukun merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman penghasil buah yang mempunyai komposisi gizi yan... more Tanaman sukun merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman penghasil buah yang mempunyai komposisi gizi yang relatif tinggi.Permasalahan utama dalam pengabdian ini adalah masih rendahnya pengetahuan masyarakat desa Liang tentang pengolahan buah sukun sebagai tepung, mie dan stik. Sehingga buah sukun yang ada di Desa Liang masih belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal.Diharapkan setelah pengabdian ini buah sukun dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik dan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat setempat dan juga dari segi pendapatan dapat mengurangi biaya kebutuhan rumah tangga.Solusinya adalah 1.Penyuluhan dengan target Luaran dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan masyarakat (Petani).2. Pelatihan dengan target Luaran dapat menghasilkan Produk berupa tepung, mie dan stik yang berkualitas. 3. Pembinaan dengan target Luaran dapat Peningkatan omset pada mitra yang bergerak dalam bidang Ekonomi. Sedangkan Rencana Target Capaian Luaran: 1. Publikasi Ilmiah pada jurnal ber ISSN, 2. Publikasi pada media ...
Pombo Island has a high diversity of trees, these trees have a very important role in the forest ... more Pombo Island has a high diversity of trees, these trees have a very important role in the forest community and function as life support. However, until now there have not been many supporting data to identify tree species on Pombo Island. The purpose of this study was to determine tree species, tree diversity and dominance in Pombo Island, Salahutu District, Central Maluku Regency. This research used transect and quadrant methods. The results of this study found 15 tree species, 29 individuals with a tree species diversity value of 2.5775, which means that the tree species in the Pombo Island area are in the medium category and the dominance value is 0.0802, which means that there are no dominant species.
Kandungan karotenoid yang terdapat dalam buah-buahan dan sayuran, berperan penting dalam mencegah... more Kandungan karotenoid yang terdapat dalam buah-buahan dan sayuran, berperan penting dalam mencegah penyakit manusia, termasuk penyakit kardiovaskuler, kanker dan penyakit kronis lainnya. Namun, banyak metode yang digunakan dalam penentuan komposisi kimia khususnya untuk bahan makanan membutuhkan waktu yang lama serta biaya cukup mahal. Saat ini sejumlah teknik instrumentasi telah dikembangkan untuk menentukan kandungan kimia dengan cepat. Salah satu contoh adalah teknik pengukuran dengan menggunakan spektroskopi NIR. Dalam penelitian ini, spektroskopi NIR digunakan untuk analisis pendugaan karotenoid ekstrak kasar buah pisang tongkat langit ( Musa troglodytarum ) yang panjang dan pendek. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan pisang tongkat langit mengandung β-karoten, sebab pada area bilangan gelombang 5000 hingga 5500 cm -1 terlihat adanya kemiripan antara pola spektrum β-karoten marker dengan pola spektrum pigmen karotenoid pisang tongkat langit.
Kota Ambon merupakan ibu kota dari provinsi Maluku. Kota ini dikenal juga dengan nama "Ambon Mani... more Kota Ambon merupakan ibu kota dari provinsi Maluku. Kota ini dikenal juga dengan nama "Ambon Manise" yang berarti kota Ambon yang indah/manis/cantik, dan merupakan Kota terbesar di wilayah kepulauan Maluku dan menjadi sentral bagi wilayah kepulauan Maluku. Saat ini kota Ambon menjadi pusat pelabuhan, perdagangan, pariwisata dan pendidikan. Salah satu desa yang merupakan pusat perdagangan dan pemukiman penduduk yang besar dan menduduki peringkat pertama di Maluku adalah desa Batu Merah (Anonim, 2015) Desa Batu Merah merupakan desa di kecamatan Sirimau yang terbagi atas 2 wilayah yaitu Batu Merah Atas dan Batu Merah Bawah. Secara umum, kepadatan penduduk di desa ini sangatlah tinggi dengan variasi suku dan profesi. Salah satu profesi
Malaria is an infectious disease that is still a major health problem in various countries, inclu... more Malaria is an infectious disease that is still a major health problem in various countries, including Indonesia. Malaria parasite infection can induce changes in structure, physiology and biochemistry in hematology causing damage to erythrocytes. The use of plants in malaria treatment (phytotherapy) began to be developed at this time. Tongka langit banana ( Musa troglodytarum ) is one type of banana that has the potential to be developed. This study aimed to see the therapeutic effect of tongka langit banana against the erythrocyte index of mice with malaria models. The results showed that the therapy of tongka langit banana was able to increase the erythrocyte index (RBC, MCV, MCH, and MCHC) in mice with malaria, and the most effective dose is 0.75 gr/mice/day. Key Words : Tongka Langit Banana, Erythrocyte Index, Phytotherapy, Malaria.
Kontrasepsi hormonal beresiko terjangkit kanker payudara dan endometriosis. Eksplorasi suatu sumb... more Kontrasepsi hormonal beresiko terjangkit kanker payudara dan endometriosis. Eksplorasi suatu sumber bahan kontrasepsi dari bahan alami, terutama dari tanaman dapat dijadikan solusi sebagai bahan pengatur fertilitas. Salah satu jenis tanaman yang mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder yang dapat berpotensi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan fetus adalah Sukun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi ekstrak etanol akar sukun (Artocarpus altilis) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan fetus mencit (Mus musculus). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan dan tiga kali ulangan. Mencit betina dikawinkan dengan metode one mating (1 mencit jantan dan 1 mencit betina). Mencit yang sudah mengalami kebuntingan kemudian diberi perlakuan. Setiap induk mencit kontrol hanya diberi aquades dan untuk induk mencit perlakuan diberi ekstak etanol akar sukun dengan dosis 0,4 ml/ekor/hari, dosis II sebanyak 0,6 ml/ekor/hari dan dosis III sebanyak 0,8 ml/ekor/hari menci...
BioWallacea : Jurnal Penelitian Biologi (Journal of Biological Research)
This study aims to determine the diversity and density of mangrove vegetation in Kase Village, Le... more This study aims to determine the diversity and density of mangrove vegetation in Kase Village, Leksula Subdistrict, South Buru Regency. The study uses the line transect method with several observation plots that are stratified. A total of 20 transects were placed at the study site with the size of each plot, namely for seedling level, which is 2 x 2 m, while for the level of a sapling, namely 5 x 5 m and for the level of trees, which is 10 x 10 m. The results showed that in the mangrove area in Kase Village, Leksula Subdistrict, South Buru Regency, 3 mangrove species were found, namely Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, and Sonneratia alba, which belong to two families (Rhizophoraceae, Sonneratiaceae) and 3 genera, (Rhizophora, Bruguiera, Sonneratia). The total number of mangrove individuals, that is 699 individuals from 419 levels of seedlings, 116 levels of a sapling, and 164 levels of trees. The species with the highest density and relative density values at the level of...
Research of seagrass vegetation structure has been carried out in Waemulang Coastal Waters, South... more Research of seagrass vegetation structure has been carried out in Waemulang Coastal Waters, South of Buru Regency. This explorative study uses a linear quadrate transect method with 13 transect lines that are mounted perpendicular to the coastline, starting from the highest tide to the lowest tide. The results showed mixed vegetation types with species composition consisting of 5 seagrass species, namely: Enhalus ocoroides, Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea serrulata and Cymodocea rotundata, which are members of 2 orders, 2 families, and 4 genera of seagrasses. The species that are most commonly found and have a value of density, relative density, frequency type, relative frequency, percentage of cover, relative closure, and index of important value which is higher, namely Enhalus acoroides, while the lowest, namely Halophila ovalis. In addition, the diversity index of seagrass species is 1,493, or belongs to medium category and the dominance index of seagrass specie...
Abstrak: Bivalvia merupakan anggota kelas moluska yang memiliki nilai ekonomis dan menjadikannya ... more Abstrak: Bivalvia merupakan anggota kelas moluska yang memiliki nilai ekonomis dan menjadikannya sering dieksploitasi berlebih oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan bivalvia di Perairan Pantai Waemulang Kabupaten Buru Selatan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada kondisi air surut dengan menggunakan metode transek linear kuadrat yang disesuaikan dengan luas area Perairan Pantai Waemulang, panjang garis pantai dan relif pantai. Disamping itu, dilakukan pula pengukuran parameter fisik kimia lingkungan sebagai data pendukung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bivalvia yang ditemukan terdiri dari 5 Ordo, 5 Family, 6 Genus, dan 7 Spesies, yakni Anadara antiquata, Gafrarium dispar, Modiolus modiolus, Fragum unedo, Pinna bicolor, Anadara granosa, dan Tapes literatus. Nilai kelimpahan tertinggi terdapat pada spesies Anadara antiquata, yakni 5.495 dan kelimpahan relatifnya 16.22%. Sedangkan nilai kelimpahan terrendah terdapat pada spesi...
Sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) are marine animals that is highly nutritious for human consumption,... more Sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) are marine animals that is highly nutritious for human consumption, commercially important, and serve a useful role in the marine ecosystem Less optimal monitoring in Pombo Island Conservation Area and the activity of catching sea cucumbers by the surrounding community, then the aim of this research is to find out community structure of sea cucumber in Pombo Island Conservation Area, Central Maluku. It is a descriptive quantitative research. The research was conducted from October 28, to November 28, 2018 by using linear quadratic transect method. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that there were 208 individuals which consists of 1 family (Holothuroidea) and 3 species (Holothuria atra, Holothuria leucospilota, Holothuria nobilis). The most observed species is Holothuria atra with a total of 111 individuals whereas the least observed species is Holothuria nobilis with a total of 42 individuals. Furthermore, Holothuria atra was the species with highest density, abundance, frequency of occurance, and important value index while the lowest is Holothuria nobilis. The diversity index value is in medium category at 1.0086, while the dominance index value is close to 0 (0.3385) or no species dominates.
The use of drugs from the sedative-hypnotic group to overcome the problem of insomnia began to be... more The use of drugs from the sedative-hypnotic group to overcome the problem of insomnia began to be abandoned and turned to the use of traditional medicines made from plants. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of kayu galala leaves (Erythrina lithosperma) as a candidate for medicine of insomnia. A total of 15 male mice (Mus musculus) aged ± 2 months weighing ± 20 grams, divided into control mice (K- and K +), and mice treated with infusion dose of kayu galala leaves, ie P1 0.3 mL/mice; P2 0.5 mL/mice; and P3 0.7 mL/mice. The results showed that kayu galala leaves had a sedative-hypnotic effect. All infusion doses of kayu galala leaves are able to accelerate sedative onset and increase the duration of mice hypnotics, and the most effective dose is 0.7 mL/mice. The statistical test results showed that awarding of kayu galala leaves infusion had more significant effect in accelerating sedative onset and increasing the duration of mice hypnotics, when compared to the ...
Tongka langit banana (Musa troglodytarum) is a unique and endemic plant species from Moluccas, wh... more Tongka langit banana (Musa troglodytarum) is a unique and endemic plant species from Moluccas, which believed to have ability to cure fever, hepatitis, malaria, increase male stamina, and make the kidneys work better. This study aimed to examine the effect of tongka langit banana juice on the kidney of the malaria model in mice (Mus musculus). Twenty male mice were used, which consist of five donor mice and fifteen tested mice. The tested mice were divided into 5 groups, normal group/K1 (without treatment), negative control/K2 (only infected with Plasmodium berghei), and three groups administered with doses of tongka langit banana juice: 0.55 (K3), 0.65 (K4), and 0.75 gr/mice/day (K5). The Juice was administered orally once a day for four days and followed by two days of observation the effectiveness of antimalarials. The results showed that the percentage of parasitemia, creatinine levels and glomerular damage include hydrophic degeneration, necrosis, and atrophy of K3, K4 and K5 groups, were decreased when compared with the K2 group (p <0.05). Tongka langit banana juice was able to resolve the infection of Plasmodium berghei and its consequences damage so the kidney of mice can return to normal function. Of the three dose given, 0.75 gr/mice/day is the most effective dose.
Tongka langit banana (Musa troglodytarum) is a unique and endemic plant species from Moluccas, wh... more Tongka langit banana (Musa troglodytarum) is a unique and endemic plant species from Moluccas, which believed to have ability to cure fever, hepatitis, malaria, increase male stamina, and make the kidneys work better. This study aimed to examine the effect of tongka langit banana juice on the kidney of the malaria model in mice (Mus musculus). Twenty male mice were used, which consist of five donor mice and fifteen tested mice. The tested mice were divided into 5 groups, normal group/K1 (without treatment), negative control/K2 (only infected with Plasmodium berghei), and three groups administered with doses of tongka langit banana juice: 0.55 (K3), 0.65 (K4), and 0.75 gr/mice/day (K5). The Juice was administered orally once a day for four days and followed by two days of observation the effectiveness of antimalarials. The results showed that the percentage of parasitemia, creatinine levels and glomerular damage include hydrophic degeneration, necrosis, and atrophy of K3, K4 and K5 groups, were decreased when compared with the K2 group (p <0.05). Tongka langit banana juice was able to resolve the infection of Plasmodium berghei and its consequences damage so the kidney of mice can return to normal function. Of the three dose given, 0.75 gr/mice/day is the most effective dose.
The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Maluku's spices and Sopi (Ambonese arrack) against ... more The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Maluku's spices and Sopi (Ambonese arrack) against pathogenic bacteria as raw materials for natural disinfectants
Lembar Pengesahan tidak disertai tanda tangan dosen pembimbingTongkat langit banana (Musa troglod... more Lembar Pengesahan tidak disertai tanda tangan dosen pembimbingTongkat langit banana (Musa troglodytarum) is one type of banana in Indonesia that originated from Moluccas. Moluccas people calls it by the name of tongkat langit banana because these cultivars are erect bunches. Research on the study of carotenoid pigment content in tongkat langit banana, has done. The results showed that the tongkat langit banana, containing carotenoids is higher, ie, 6650 μg/100 g for bananas short size, 3088 μg/100 g for bananas length size, and the most dominant carotenoid pigments is β-carotene. In addition, the results of stability analysis carotenoid pigments banana short size at different heating indicate that the shift of the spectral pattern in the direction hipsokromik and decreased absorbance spectra on pattern analysis and the percentage of degradation is greatest when the heating treatment at 10 minute to 20 minute. This is in line with the length of heating time. Then for stability ana...
RUMPHIUS Pattimura Biological Journal, Mar 27, 2019
Kecipir merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman yang digunakan sebagai obat tradisional. Penelitian in... more Kecipir merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman yang digunakan sebagai obat tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas infusa daun kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus(L.)DC) terhadap tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) model malaria. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 kelompok perlakuan dan 3 ulangan yang terdiri dari kelompok kontrol tanpa diberi infusa (P1), kelompok yang diberi infusa konsentrasi: 31,25 mg/mL (P2), 62.5 mg/mL(P3), dan 125 mg/mL (P4). Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor tikus jantan, dimana5 ekor diantaranya sebagai tikus donor.Tikus donordiinfeksi Plasmodium bergheidan dibiarkan sampai persen parasitemia mencapai >20%. Kemudian 4 kelompok tikus model diinfeksikan dengan Plasmodium berghei. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 7 hari, mulai hari ke-0 (sebelum perlakuan), 4 hari selama perlakuan dan 2 hari setelah perlakuan. Persen parasitemia dihitung mulai dari hari sebelum pemberian infusa daun kecipir (IDK) sampai hari ke-7. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa IDK dapat menghambat pertumbuhan parasit dengan cara menurunkan tingkat parasitemia seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi, yakni (P2) sebesar 73,78%; (P3) sebesar 89,33%; dan (P4) sebesar 93.69%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa IDK berpotensi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Plasmodium berghei tikus putih model malaria dengan konsentrasi efektif yaitu 31,25 mg/mL.
The nutritional content of snail meat is in the form of protein (> 50%) and only a small porti... more The nutritional content of snail meat is in the form of protein (> 50%) and only a small portion is in the form of fat (5%). But it is used only as a food source of protein with limited processing. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the diversification of snail product food and practice it independently to the member of Kelompok Pengajian. The method used in this service includes several stages, the initial approach with group leaders and scheduling activities, making nuggets and meatballs on a laboratory scale, conducting meetings with member of the group through online link and practice it on several mothers at home. In addition, information was provided in the form of nuggets and meatball leaflets and house of the members. Results obtained from this activies are an increase in knowledge about the use of sea snails not only in the form of snail curry, but the diversification of sea snails product such as nuggets and snail meatballs. Leaflets and videos were produced t...
Tanaman sukun merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman penghasil buah yang mempunyai komposisi gizi yan... more Tanaman sukun merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman penghasil buah yang mempunyai komposisi gizi yang relatif tinggi.Permasalahan utama dalam pengabdian ini adalah masih rendahnya pengetahuan masyarakat desa Liang tentang pengolahan buah sukun sebagai tepung, mie dan stik. Sehingga buah sukun yang ada di Desa Liang masih belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal.Diharapkan setelah pengabdian ini buah sukun dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik dan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat setempat dan juga dari segi pendapatan dapat mengurangi biaya kebutuhan rumah tangga.Solusinya adalah 1.Penyuluhan dengan target Luaran dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan masyarakat (Petani).2. Pelatihan dengan target Luaran dapat menghasilkan Produk berupa tepung, mie dan stik yang berkualitas. 3. Pembinaan dengan target Luaran dapat Peningkatan omset pada mitra yang bergerak dalam bidang Ekonomi. Sedangkan Rencana Target Capaian Luaran: 1. Publikasi Ilmiah pada jurnal ber ISSN, 2. Publikasi pada media ...
Pombo Island has a high diversity of trees, these trees have a very important role in the forest ... more Pombo Island has a high diversity of trees, these trees have a very important role in the forest community and function as life support. However, until now there have not been many supporting data to identify tree species on Pombo Island. The purpose of this study was to determine tree species, tree diversity and dominance in Pombo Island, Salahutu District, Central Maluku Regency. This research used transect and quadrant methods. The results of this study found 15 tree species, 29 individuals with a tree species diversity value of 2.5775, which means that the tree species in the Pombo Island area are in the medium category and the dominance value is 0.0802, which means that there are no dominant species.
Kandungan karotenoid yang terdapat dalam buah-buahan dan sayuran, berperan penting dalam mencegah... more Kandungan karotenoid yang terdapat dalam buah-buahan dan sayuran, berperan penting dalam mencegah penyakit manusia, termasuk penyakit kardiovaskuler, kanker dan penyakit kronis lainnya. Namun, banyak metode yang digunakan dalam penentuan komposisi kimia khususnya untuk bahan makanan membutuhkan waktu yang lama serta biaya cukup mahal. Saat ini sejumlah teknik instrumentasi telah dikembangkan untuk menentukan kandungan kimia dengan cepat. Salah satu contoh adalah teknik pengukuran dengan menggunakan spektroskopi NIR. Dalam penelitian ini, spektroskopi NIR digunakan untuk analisis pendugaan karotenoid ekstrak kasar buah pisang tongkat langit ( Musa troglodytarum ) yang panjang dan pendek. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan pisang tongkat langit mengandung β-karoten, sebab pada area bilangan gelombang 5000 hingga 5500 cm -1 terlihat adanya kemiripan antara pola spektrum β-karoten marker dengan pola spektrum pigmen karotenoid pisang tongkat langit.
Kota Ambon merupakan ibu kota dari provinsi Maluku. Kota ini dikenal juga dengan nama "Ambon Mani... more Kota Ambon merupakan ibu kota dari provinsi Maluku. Kota ini dikenal juga dengan nama "Ambon Manise" yang berarti kota Ambon yang indah/manis/cantik, dan merupakan Kota terbesar di wilayah kepulauan Maluku dan menjadi sentral bagi wilayah kepulauan Maluku. Saat ini kota Ambon menjadi pusat pelabuhan, perdagangan, pariwisata dan pendidikan. Salah satu desa yang merupakan pusat perdagangan dan pemukiman penduduk yang besar dan menduduki peringkat pertama di Maluku adalah desa Batu Merah (Anonim, 2015) Desa Batu Merah merupakan desa di kecamatan Sirimau yang terbagi atas 2 wilayah yaitu Batu Merah Atas dan Batu Merah Bawah. Secara umum, kepadatan penduduk di desa ini sangatlah tinggi dengan variasi suku dan profesi. Salah satu profesi
Malaria is an infectious disease that is still a major health problem in various countries, inclu... more Malaria is an infectious disease that is still a major health problem in various countries, including Indonesia. Malaria parasite infection can induce changes in structure, physiology and biochemistry in hematology causing damage to erythrocytes. The use of plants in malaria treatment (phytotherapy) began to be developed at this time. Tongka langit banana ( Musa troglodytarum ) is one type of banana that has the potential to be developed. This study aimed to see the therapeutic effect of tongka langit banana against the erythrocyte index of mice with malaria models. The results showed that the therapy of tongka langit banana was able to increase the erythrocyte index (RBC, MCV, MCH, and MCHC) in mice with malaria, and the most effective dose is 0.75 gr/mice/day. Key Words : Tongka Langit Banana, Erythrocyte Index, Phytotherapy, Malaria.
Kontrasepsi hormonal beresiko terjangkit kanker payudara dan endometriosis. Eksplorasi suatu sumb... more Kontrasepsi hormonal beresiko terjangkit kanker payudara dan endometriosis. Eksplorasi suatu sumber bahan kontrasepsi dari bahan alami, terutama dari tanaman dapat dijadikan solusi sebagai bahan pengatur fertilitas. Salah satu jenis tanaman yang mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder yang dapat berpotensi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan fetus adalah Sukun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi ekstrak etanol akar sukun (Artocarpus altilis) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan fetus mencit (Mus musculus). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan dan tiga kali ulangan. Mencit betina dikawinkan dengan metode one mating (1 mencit jantan dan 1 mencit betina). Mencit yang sudah mengalami kebuntingan kemudian diberi perlakuan. Setiap induk mencit kontrol hanya diberi aquades dan untuk induk mencit perlakuan diberi ekstak etanol akar sukun dengan dosis 0,4 ml/ekor/hari, dosis II sebanyak 0,6 ml/ekor/hari dan dosis III sebanyak 0,8 ml/ekor/hari menci...
BioWallacea : Jurnal Penelitian Biologi (Journal of Biological Research)
This study aims to determine the diversity and density of mangrove vegetation in Kase Village, Le... more This study aims to determine the diversity and density of mangrove vegetation in Kase Village, Leksula Subdistrict, South Buru Regency. The study uses the line transect method with several observation plots that are stratified. A total of 20 transects were placed at the study site with the size of each plot, namely for seedling level, which is 2 x 2 m, while for the level of a sapling, namely 5 x 5 m and for the level of trees, which is 10 x 10 m. The results showed that in the mangrove area in Kase Village, Leksula Subdistrict, South Buru Regency, 3 mangrove species were found, namely Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, and Sonneratia alba, which belong to two families (Rhizophoraceae, Sonneratiaceae) and 3 genera, (Rhizophora, Bruguiera, Sonneratia). The total number of mangrove individuals, that is 699 individuals from 419 levels of seedlings, 116 levels of a sapling, and 164 levels of trees. The species with the highest density and relative density values at the level of...
Research of seagrass vegetation structure has been carried out in Waemulang Coastal Waters, South... more Research of seagrass vegetation structure has been carried out in Waemulang Coastal Waters, South of Buru Regency. This explorative study uses a linear quadrate transect method with 13 transect lines that are mounted perpendicular to the coastline, starting from the highest tide to the lowest tide. The results showed mixed vegetation types with species composition consisting of 5 seagrass species, namely: Enhalus ocoroides, Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea serrulata and Cymodocea rotundata, which are members of 2 orders, 2 families, and 4 genera of seagrasses. The species that are most commonly found and have a value of density, relative density, frequency type, relative frequency, percentage of cover, relative closure, and index of important value which is higher, namely Enhalus acoroides, while the lowest, namely Halophila ovalis. In addition, the diversity index of seagrass species is 1,493, or belongs to medium category and the dominance index of seagrass specie...
Abstrak: Bivalvia merupakan anggota kelas moluska yang memiliki nilai ekonomis dan menjadikannya ... more Abstrak: Bivalvia merupakan anggota kelas moluska yang memiliki nilai ekonomis dan menjadikannya sering dieksploitasi berlebih oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan bivalvia di Perairan Pantai Waemulang Kabupaten Buru Selatan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada kondisi air surut dengan menggunakan metode transek linear kuadrat yang disesuaikan dengan luas area Perairan Pantai Waemulang, panjang garis pantai dan relif pantai. Disamping itu, dilakukan pula pengukuran parameter fisik kimia lingkungan sebagai data pendukung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bivalvia yang ditemukan terdiri dari 5 Ordo, 5 Family, 6 Genus, dan 7 Spesies, yakni Anadara antiquata, Gafrarium dispar, Modiolus modiolus, Fragum unedo, Pinna bicolor, Anadara granosa, dan Tapes literatus. Nilai kelimpahan tertinggi terdapat pada spesies Anadara antiquata, yakni 5.495 dan kelimpahan relatifnya 16.22%. Sedangkan nilai kelimpahan terrendah terdapat pada spesi...
Sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) are marine animals that is highly nutritious for human consumption,... more Sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) are marine animals that is highly nutritious for human consumption, commercially important, and serve a useful role in the marine ecosystem Less optimal monitoring in Pombo Island Conservation Area and the activity of catching sea cucumbers by the surrounding community, then the aim of this research is to find out community structure of sea cucumber in Pombo Island Conservation Area, Central Maluku. It is a descriptive quantitative research. The research was conducted from October 28, to November 28, 2018 by using linear quadratic transect method. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that there were 208 individuals which consists of 1 family (Holothuroidea) and 3 species (Holothuria atra, Holothuria leucospilota, Holothuria nobilis). The most observed species is Holothuria atra with a total of 111 individuals whereas the least observed species is Holothuria nobilis with a total of 42 individuals. Furthermore, Holothuria atra was the species with highest density, abundance, frequency of occurance, and important value index while the lowest is Holothuria nobilis. The diversity index value is in medium category at 1.0086, while the dominance index value is close to 0 (0.3385) or no species dominates.
The use of drugs from the sedative-hypnotic group to overcome the problem of insomnia began to be... more The use of drugs from the sedative-hypnotic group to overcome the problem of insomnia began to be abandoned and turned to the use of traditional medicines made from plants. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of kayu galala leaves (Erythrina lithosperma) as a candidate for medicine of insomnia. A total of 15 male mice (Mus musculus) aged ± 2 months weighing ± 20 grams, divided into control mice (K- and K +), and mice treated with infusion dose of kayu galala leaves, ie P1 0.3 mL/mice; P2 0.5 mL/mice; and P3 0.7 mL/mice. The results showed that kayu galala leaves had a sedative-hypnotic effect. All infusion doses of kayu galala leaves are able to accelerate sedative onset and increase the duration of mice hypnotics, and the most effective dose is 0.7 mL/mice. The statistical test results showed that awarding of kayu galala leaves infusion had more significant effect in accelerating sedative onset and increasing the duration of mice hypnotics, when compared to the ...
Tongka langit banana (Musa troglodytarum) is a unique and endemic plant species from Moluccas, wh... more Tongka langit banana (Musa troglodytarum) is a unique and endemic plant species from Moluccas, which believed to have ability to cure fever, hepatitis, malaria, increase male stamina, and make the kidneys work better. This study aimed to examine the effect of tongka langit banana juice on the kidney of the malaria model in mice (Mus musculus). Twenty male mice were used, which consist of five donor mice and fifteen tested mice. The tested mice were divided into 5 groups, normal group/K1 (without treatment), negative control/K2 (only infected with Plasmodium berghei), and three groups administered with doses of tongka langit banana juice: 0.55 (K3), 0.65 (K4), and 0.75 gr/mice/day (K5). The Juice was administered orally once a day for four days and followed by two days of observation the effectiveness of antimalarials. The results showed that the percentage of parasitemia, creatinine levels and glomerular damage include hydrophic degeneration, necrosis, and atrophy of K3, K4 and K5 groups, were decreased when compared with the K2 group (p <0.05). Tongka langit banana juice was able to resolve the infection of Plasmodium berghei and its consequences damage so the kidney of mice can return to normal function. Of the three dose given, 0.75 gr/mice/day is the most effective dose.
Tongka langit banana (Musa troglodytarum) is a unique and endemic plant species from Moluccas, wh... more Tongka langit banana (Musa troglodytarum) is a unique and endemic plant species from Moluccas, which believed to have ability to cure fever, hepatitis, malaria, increase male stamina, and make the kidneys work better. This study aimed to examine the effect of tongka langit banana juice on the kidney of the malaria model in mice (Mus musculus). Twenty male mice were used, which consist of five donor mice and fifteen tested mice. The tested mice were divided into 5 groups, normal group/K1 (without treatment), negative control/K2 (only infected with Plasmodium berghei), and three groups administered with doses of tongka langit banana juice: 0.55 (K3), 0.65 (K4), and 0.75 gr/mice/day (K5). The Juice was administered orally once a day for four days and followed by two days of observation the effectiveness of antimalarials. The results showed that the percentage of parasitemia, creatinine levels and glomerular damage include hydrophic degeneration, necrosis, and atrophy of K3, K4 and K5 groups, were decreased when compared with the K2 group (p <0.05). Tongka langit banana juice was able to resolve the infection of Plasmodium berghei and its consequences damage so the kidney of mice can return to normal function. Of the three dose given, 0.75 gr/mice/day is the most effective dose.
Papers by efraim samson