Papers by edgardo velazquez carrillo
Pensamiento Psicologico, 2010
Este artículo presenta la revisión Vigotskyana de los procesos de desarrollo y constitución subje... more Este artículo presenta la revisión Vigotskyana de los procesos de desarrollo y constitución subjetiva en las prácticas educativas. A su vez, rescata el carácter moderno del programa psicológico Vigotskyano, desde la particular perspectiva del peso que otorga a los procesos educativos ponderando su impacto sobre el desarrollo subjetivo. Tal desarrollo implica ver las formas superiores de autorregulación y control creciente consciente y voluntario, como formas de gobernar de sí. Se presentan los puntos de confluencia relativa que se observan entre el enfoque del desarrollo psicológico derivado de la obra vigotskyana con algunas perspectivas acerca de los dispositivos escolares.
Universitas Psychologica, 2008

American Journal of Applied Psychology, Jan 23, 2014
The proposal of this work is to detect the existence of patterns of interactive sequential discur... more The proposal of this work is to detect the existence of patterns of interactive sequential discursive behavior in three single woman Mexican adults from prospective analysis of the interview between them and the interviewer. The methodology used was observational. It was developed iteratively and thorough, a category system as an instrument of observation, and then it was underwent a recategorization process. The number of sessions observed were 3, of 3 hours duration each one. Intersessional sequential analysis was used through the SDIS-GSEQ software. Thus we first, in probability of occurrence, are the categories of Worry and Self determination, the next significant Uncomprehending, and Heterosatisfaction; followed in sequential occurrence order by: Myself, Hetero realization, Paradox, and Auto realization. Last in sequential inhibitory occurrence are: For others, and Incomprehending. Finally, the categories that are inhibitory occurrence probabilistically negative are: My self, selfunderstanding. Finding that these women are learning to live for themselves within a process of emancipation from their families and social structures.
Acta Colombiana De Psicologia, 2008
La transmisión de saberes en el aula y la formación de individuos son permeados por el sentido co... more La transmisión de saberes en el aula y la formación de individuos son permeados por el sentido común y las ideologías y actitudes del profesor. La escuela impone la actividad educativa y las visiones del mundo, desvinculándola de otras actividades supeditadas a la educación. Por ello, la escuela no es un espacio donde se da el proceso pasivo de enseñanza-aprendizaje, sino un espacio de prácticas educativas específi cas, en donde se dan la lucha y la negociación de intereses. La construcción del conocimiento en la escuela está orientada a compartir signifi cados.
Acta Colombiana De Psicologia, Jun 1, 2008
La transmisión de saberes en el aula y la formación de individuos son permeados por el sentido co... more La transmisión de saberes en el aula y la formación de individuos son permeados por el sentido común y las ideologías y actitudes del profesor. La escuela impone la actividad educativa y las visiones del mundo, desvinculándola de otras actividades supeditadas a la educación. Por ello, la escuela no es un espacio donde se da el proceso pasivo de enseñanza-aprendizaje, sino un espacio de prácticas educativas específi cas, en donde se dan la lucha y la negociación de intereses. La construcción del conocimiento en la escuela está orientada a compartir signifi cados.
La transmisión de saberes en el aula y la formación de individuos son permeados por el sentido co... more La transmisión de saberes en el aula y la formación de individuos son permeados por el sentido común y las ideologías y actitudes del profesor. La escuela impone la actividad educativa y las visiones del mundo, desvinculándola de otras actividades supeditadas a la educación. Por ello, la escuela no es un espacio donde se da el proceso pasivo de enseñanza-aprendizaje, sino un espacio de prácticas educativas específi cas, en donde se dan la lucha y la negociación de intereses. La construcción del conocimiento en la escuela está orientada a compartir signifi cados.
Journal of Behavior Health Social Issues Vol 4 No 1 May 2012 Oct 2012 67 78, Oct 3, 2012

Universitas Psychologica, 2007
The purpose of the material is to describe and to try to understand how the subject is transforme... more The purpose of the material is to describe and to try to understand how the subject is transformed in his/her way of thinking and perceiving reality when the process of learning occurs within the context of a group of people. In this way, the subject is being impacted not only by a simple group of words but by an entire ideological situation which might not be the personal or the preferred one. It is during the process of expressing ideas when wording is organized, both one's own and the other's. When subjects are able to incorporate to their conscious external signs, those signs come with an entire set of social values and with the point of view of a specific social group, even though the subject does not belong to those values and points of view. This is how languages are not only groups of linguistic elements, but a series of prejudices and values of interests and personal positions from community members.

International Education Studies, 2015
The purpose of this study is to analyze the discourse through IRE (Intervention-Response-Evaluati... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the discourse through IRE (Intervention-Response-Evaluation) in the co-construction of knowledge of Biology students during laboratory practices by applying the SDIS-GSEQ software to assess IRE discourse patterns developed during the same. The study group consisted of second semester students of the Bachelor's Degree in Biology from the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM. This process included audiovisual records of the practice, the creation of an instrument where a categories system and verbal sub-systems are put together with sub-categories to be defined based on the discourse and IRE structure; then this audiovisual records and the obtained category pattern were used to apply the SDIS-GSEQ software which was in charge of establishing the category sequences created in the interaction between teachers and students during the practice. The obtained results show IRE discourse patterns demonstrating that students prefer to use reproducible and dependent practice manual structures, instead of thoughtful and non-cognitive structures where their knowledge about the practice content is involved; the study also demonstrates that the SDIS-GSEQ software is a useful tool for the research of these patterns. Therefore, we propose to modify the IRE structure in order to create better conditions in the construction of knowledge between students and teachers by using a IRF (Initiation-Response-Feedback) pattern leading to feedback, negotiation and co-construction of knowledge so as to improve the Teaching-Learning process during laboratory practices.

Advances in Social Sciences Research, 2014
The aim of this work is to detect the existence of communicative interaction patterns among Biolo... more The aim of this work is to detect the existence of communicative interaction patterns among Biology students during lab practice. This, based on the analysis of the conversations held among them. Observational methodology was used. An iterative and detailed category system thoroughly was developed as an observation tool, and was later put through a process of re-categorization. A total of six sessions were observed; each one lasting one hour. The intercessional sequential analysis was used with the aid of the program SDIS-GSEQ. The results show that it is highly important for the students the use of question-answer (IAE) in its different modalities: first, in probability of occurrence, are the categories of Persuading and Proposing, the next significant sequential probabilities are: Evaluating, Confirming, and Confusing; followed in sequential occurrence order by: Arguing, Classifying, Correcting, Clarifying, and Suggesting. Last in sequential inhibitory occurrence are: Creating an Opinion, Directing, and Evaluating. These are the particular ways in which students encourage participation during lab practice, opening their minds to their classmates’ feedback, leading to questions and answers that create new discussion topics and increase learning opportunities.

American Journal of Educational Research, 2014
The aim of this work is to detect the existence of communicative interaction patterns from the co... more The aim of this work is to detect the existence of communicative interaction patterns from the conversations among Biology students during lab practice. Observational methodology was used by creating a category system as an observation tool, and continuing with a process of re-categorization. A total of six sessions were observed and each one last one hour. It was used a software called SDIS-GSEQfor the inter-sessional sequential analysis. The results highlight that it is important for the students the use of question-answer (IAE) in its different modalities: in probability of occurrence, first are the categories of Persuading and Proposing, the next significant sequential probabilities are: Evaluating, Confirming, and Confusing; followed in sequential occurrence order by: Arguing, Classifying, Correcting, Clarifying, and Suggesting and lasting in sequential inhibitory occurrence are: Creating an opinion, Directing, and Evaluating. These are the particular ways in which students encourage their participation during laboratory practice, opening their minds to their classmates' feedback, which invites them to revalue their initial questions and answers and encourages new discussion topics and increase learning opportunities.
European Journal of Physics, 2006
ABSTRACT The deflections of a cantilevered beam made of a linear-elastic material under the influ... more ABSTRACT The deflections of a cantilevered beam made of a linear-elastic material under the influence of an external vertical concentrated force at the free end are analysed in detail and it is found that a factor that is always ignored in the theory commonly developed in the literature concerned permits the solution of the elastic curve to be obtained analytically. I introduce this analytical solution and show that the widely known simple solution for small deflections is a limiting case, which holds when forces applied are much smaller than the force needed for breaking the beam. A simple relation for an upper bound to this latter force is obtained which may be of practical importance for engineering. Finally, the most simple results obtained theoretically are compared with experiments in the laboratory.
Revista Electronica De Investigacion Educativa, 2013
Este trabajo pretende promover la reflexión del maestro acerca del uso de las estrategias discurs... more Este trabajo pretende promover la reflexión del maestro acerca del uso de las estrategias discursivas. Colaboraron cuatro profesores biólogos; el método del análisis de contenido se usó para categorizar la reflexión del maestro de su práctica. Primero, se encontró la necesidad de que los cuatro maestros comprendieran los intereses del alumno relacionados con el aprendizaje, así como la intención del auto reconocimiento y el monitoreo de su propia práctica. En segundo lugar, la reflexión de tres de los cuatro maestros sobre las deficiencias contextuales del salón de clase, sobre la argumentación al instrumento en relación a su práctica y, por último, la autojustificación para no utilizar algunas estrategias promoviendo cambios discursivos en su práctica docente.

Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 2012
Durante las prácticas de laboratorio, los integrantes de los equipos de trabajo establecen un pr... more Durante las prácticas de laboratorio, los integrantes de los equipos de trabajo establecen un proceso conversacional en la interacción social que promueve su aprendizaje. El propósito de este trabajo es entender cómo adquieren conocimientos compartidos los estudiantes al trabajar en equipo, analizando sus intercambios conversacionales, rompiendo así con el aprendizaje individualista tradicional y fomentando el desarrollo de otras competencias que implican pensar en el “nosotros”. En el análisis del proceso educativo es de suma importancia saber cómo los alumnos intercambian e interpretan los diálogos que sostienen sus expectativas como interlocutores, las cuales los llevan al cumplimiento de una meta; también, cómo se sostiene una serie de comprensiones implícitas que deben tener en cuenta los participantes en la conversación, por encima de cualquier sentido estrictamente lingüístico; se hace énfasis en los sentidos de la actuación y el significado que éstos desempeñan e intercam...
Papers by edgardo velazquez carrillo