Papers by dwi Kartikasari

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 298 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (iCAST 2018), 2018
—As a free trade zone, Batam is special in the sense of its dualism in the bureaucratic process t... more —As a free trade zone, Batam is special in the sense of its dualism in the bureaucratic process that sometimes overlapped between two government agencies that is the city government of Batam and the Free Trade Zone Authority of Batam. This dualism may lead to poor public perceptions of quality services. Thus, this study is to prove: 1) whether the
public really perceives a poor quality of public services of the city
government of Batam and the Free Trade Zone Authority of Batam, and 2) if there is a significant difference on how the public perceives the quality of public services of the city government of Batam and that of the Free Trade Zone Authority of Batam. This research is a comparative study. The research was conducted in the city of Batam and the population in this study is the community scattered in 12 districts in the city of Batam. As
many as 120 respondents were chosen using quota sampling. The
author found out that: 1) the public perception over the variables of quality of service to the City Government and the Authority of Batam is generally good, neither poor nor great, and 2) there is a significant difference in the perception of the public on the variable quality of service on the Batam City Government and the Authority of Batam where the public perceives that the Authority of Batam delivers better services than the Batam City

the 8th Applied Business and Engineering Conference (ABEC) 2020 ISBN: 9772339205005 page 359-368, 2020
This research was conducted to determine the effect of work environment and work stress on organi... more This research was conducted to determine the effect of work environment and work stress on organizational commitment and employee performance at PT. Indonesian Classification Bureau (Persero) Batam Branch Main Class. The data analysis method uses the path analysis method while the data collection uses the questionnaire method with 2 exogenous variables and 2 endogenous variables. The population used as a research sample of 40 people. The results of the study that work environment variables have a positive effect on organizational commitment and employee performance, work stress has a negative effect on organizational commitment and employee performance. While organizational commitment has a positive effect on employee performance.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan kerja dan stres kerja terhadap komitmen organisasional dan kinerja karyawan pada PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) Cabang Utama Klas Batam. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode analisis jalur (path analysis)
sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode kuesioner dengan 2 variabel eksogen dan 2 variabel endogen. Populasi yang digunakan menjadi sampel penelitian sebanyak 40 orang. Hasil dari penelitian bahwa lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap komitmen organisasional dan kinerja karyawan, stres kerja berpengaruh negatif terhadap komitmen organisasional dan kinerja karyawan, sedangkan komitmen organisasional berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan.

Academic journal paper, 2021
e-payment is becoming more relevant in the era of the revolution industry 4.0 despite the corona ... more e-payment is becoming more relevant in the era of the revolution industry 4.0 despite the corona health crisis. This study aims to determine the impact of brand equity, information quality, sales promotions, and the interaction effect between the three aforementioned antecedents to purchase intention of e-payment. The research used structural equation modeling, hierarchical moderated regression, and simple slope analysis to a sample of 241 respondents selected using proportionate sampling. Constructs were adapted from past studies, but only constructs passed the validity, reliability, and model fitness were subsequently used. This research affirms previous studies proving that information quality, brand equity, and sales promotions are positively associated with purchase intention. This study contributes to the literature when it finds the simultaneous significant positive effect of these three factors to purchase intention given the fact that past studies only tested separate effects. The study also confirms preceding discoveries that acquire a stronger effect once the interaction effect of overall determinants is considered. Yet, the interaction effect separately tends to substitute rather than a complementary role, although not significant. Therefore, theoretically, this study does not corroborate the new concepts of the isolated interaction effects. This study suggests new predictors and the various context in subsequent studies for the benefits of theories and practices.

Academic Journal Paper, 2021
This study discusses the penetration rate of imported products on e-commerce platform in Indonesi... more This study discusses the penetration rate of imported products on e-commerce platform in Indonesia and strategies to improve local product competitiveness. The authors used the biggest e-commerce platform in three most sold product categories in 2019. Big data were collected from website on 126,366 clothing products, 504,118 beauty products, 1,966,046 electronics products, and 1,540 product reviews in the first quarter of 2020. The authors utilized qualitative analysis including descriptive analysis, sentiment analysis, content analysis, and SWOT analysis. This study found that the penetration rate of imported products on e-commerce platforms in Indonesia is high, at 66 percent for cosmetics, 58 percent for electronic accessories, and 40 percent for clothing. Positive reviews of local products are higher than those of imported products in all product categories where the aspects of quality and delivery are the most important things for customers when buying online. Some strategies to improve the competitiveness of local products against imported products, first, local producers and sellers should exploit the positive public sentiment towards local products against imported products. Second, the Indonesian government along with e-commerce platforms and education institutions should promote local producers and sellers to strengthen the later parties' existence online. Third, the Indonesian government must enforce the law on e-commerce platforms. Fourth, the statistics bureau should collect e-commerce data. Last, local producers and sellers should be able to stage their product advantages against imported products comprising thoughtful service, fastest delivery, and standardized quality.

Journal article, 2021
Politeknik Negeri Batam adalah satu-satunya Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Vokasi di daerah perdagangan ... more Politeknik Negeri Batam adalah satu-satunya Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Vokasi di daerah perdagangan bebas Batam, Bintan, dan Karimun di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, yang harus menerapkan Good Corporate Governance mengikuti mengikuti prinsip dan pedoman yang ditetapkan oleh Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG). Audit internal adalah salah satu elemen dalam Good Corporate Governance dan memiliki peran dalam mengawasi implementasi manajemen dan mengawasi praktik apa pun yang dilakukan oleh institusi. Penerapan Good Corporate Governance di Politeknik Negeri Batam harus mengikuti mengikuti pedoman Good Corporate Governance oleh KNKG. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan implementasi Good Corporate Governance di Politeknik Negeri Batam dan untuk mengetahui peran audit internal untuk mewujudkan implementasi prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang mana data dikumpulkan dari hasil observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Politeknik Negeri Batam telah menerapkan Good Corporate Governance sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Selanjutnya, audit internal berperan dalam mewujudkan implementasi Good Corporate Governance di Politeknik Negeri Batam.

9th Applied Business and Engineering Conference, 2021
As one of the largest democracies in the world, Indonesia held its twelfth election which took pl... more As one of the largest democracies in the world, Indonesia held its twelfth election which took place openly, freely, publicly, honestly and fairly on April 17, 2019. A number of studies suggest that elections risk causing fluctuations that investors generally avoid. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the risk of fluctuation was proven so that there were significant differences in the average stock price, stock return, and trading volume activity before and after the presidential election event. This paper is an event research. The population of this study was all banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange that is 45 banking companies for the duration of five days before and after the 2019 presidential election on two types of data, namely price and number of traded shares with a total of 900 observations. Comparative test analysis is implemented in the form of paired sample t-test when the data is normally distributed and/or non-parametric test (Wilcoxon test) when the data is not normally distributed. The results of this study are that there was no significant difference between the average stock price, stock return and trading volume activity before and after the 2019 presidential election so the risk of fluctuation due to elections was not empirically proven in Indonesia.
Newspaper Article, Sijori Mandiri, 12 Feb 2010, 2010
Dalam sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Bank Indonesia Batam pada akhir tahun 2009 yang melib... more Dalam sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Bank Indonesia Batam pada akhir tahun 2009 yang melibatkan lebih dari 100 orang responden, terungkap bahwa hanya nol hingga 33 persen petani yang mempunyai peran dalam penentuan harga jual produknya, yaitu bayam, kangkung, cabe merah, dan kacang panjang. Keempat komoditi pertanian ini telah terpilih untuk diteliti karena kontribusinya terhadap inflasi yang cukup besar. Artinya, stabilitas harga keempat jenis sayuran ini sangat penting dalam rangka pengendalian inflasi yang berbuntut pada stabilitas perekonomian di kota Batam.
Newspaper Article, Batam Pos, 2 Nov 2010, 2010
Di Kongo, sebuah pesawat jatuh dan menabrak sebuah rumah setelah seekor buaya keluar dari tas ola... more Di Kongo, sebuah pesawat jatuh dan menabrak sebuah rumah setelah seekor buaya keluar dari tas olahraga berukuran besar milik seorang penumpang yang berusaha menyelundupkan buaya itu. Buaya berhasil berjalan di kabin sehingga seluruh penumpang berlari kocar kacir. Pesawat limbung karena pusat massa bergeser. Akibat peristiwa naas ini, 19 orang tewas kecuali satu orang termasuk buaya itu.
Newspaper article, Haluan Kepri, 15 Des 2010, 2010
Melihat data statistik Singapura, proporsi pengangguran nampak sangat sistematik. Persentase peng... more Melihat data statistik Singapura, proporsi pengangguran nampak sangat sistematik. Persentase pengangguran high school tertinggi, selanjutnya lulusan college atau polytechnic, dan persentase pengangguran terendah ditempati oleh lulusan bertitel bachelor. Data ini sekaligus menyiratkan bahwa semakin tinggi level pendidikan seseorang di Singapura, semakin kecil kemungkinannya menganggur. Di Indonesia, kebalikannya, korelasi antara tingkat pendidikan dengan probabilitas menganggur nampaknya lemah. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari data BPS yang menyatakan bahwa jumlah pengangguran lulusan universitas lebih banyak daripada lulusan akademi atau politeknik.

News Article, 2010
Ada beberapa argumen yang mendukung korupsi, bahwa korupsi dapat mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi. D... more Ada beberapa argumen yang mendukung korupsi, bahwa korupsi dapat mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dasar opini ini, pengusaha dapat memotong rantai birokrasi sehingga proses produksi menjadi lebih efisien, dan ekonomi akan tumbuh lebih cepat. Korupsi juga dapat mempererat relasi politik sehingga menurunkan potensi konflik dan secara tidak langsung berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi. Bahkan menurut Jusuf Kalla, pemberantasan korupsi dinilai meneror pejabat publik dan menghambat peran pemerintah dalam menstimulasi kegiatan ekonomi.
Kontras dengan argumen di atas, mayoritas penelitian justru membuktikan kebalikannya. Sejumlah hasil definitif menyatakan bahwa korupsi menurunkan perolehan pajak, mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi ilegal, menurunkan pendapatan per kapita penduduk, meningkatkan tingkat kematian bayi dan angka kebodohan. Dalam perspektif ekonomi produktif, korupsi justru menurunkan nilai investasi publik dan privat.
Gap antara opini dengan fakta disebabkan argumentasi korupsi yang cacat. Korupsi adalah sebuah ide yang dampak negatifnya sangat masif, semakin lama semakin besar, menggelinding bak bola salju. Pendapat bahwa pemberantasan ekonomi menghambat pertumbuhan ekonomi dirumuskan berdasarkan asumsi bahwa semua pejabat publik koruptif dan pejabat publik yang menerima suap akan meningkat kinerjanya.
Newspaper Article, Batam Pos, 25 Des 2010, 2010
Orang tua tidak perlu takut mendampingi anak belajar karena takut ditanya, sebab pembelajaran ada... more Orang tua tidak perlu takut mendampingi anak belajar karena takut ditanya, sebab pembelajaran adalah kewajiban baik untuk pelajar maupun orang tuanya. Mengakui ketidaktahuan diri bukanlah kelemahan, sebaliknya, merupakan kelebihan karena menunjukkan keinginan untuk belajar. Prestasi pelajar bukanlah tanggung jawab pengajar di lembaga pendidikan semata, namun juga kewajiban orang tua pendidik, untuk mengembangkan semua faktor yang dapat melejitkan prestasi belajar sepanjang hayat.
Newspaper article, Tribun Batam, 13 Juli 2020, 2020
Ibarat pepatah di balik kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan, pandemi yang telah merontokkan berbagai se... more Ibarat pepatah di balik kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan, pandemi yang telah merontokkan berbagai sendi perekonomian ternyata membawa berkah bagi pedagang e-commerce. Penjualan melalui e-commerce meroket paska diterapkan pembatasan sosial dan tetap menunjukkan tren melejit meskipun pembatasan berakhir. Belanja daring telah menjadi gaya hidup bukan sekedar memenuhi kebutuhan.

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2019), 2019
This study aims to analyze the factors affecting stock returns in the Indonesia Stock Exchange, b... more This study aims to analyze the factors affecting stock returns in the Indonesia Stock Exchange, by selecting a sample of 20 companies listed on the LQ 45 in the last three years. This study found that the growth of profitability as a key determinant in this study exerted positive and significant effect on stock returns, while the accrual-based earnings management did not significantly determine stock returns. The authors used two control variables namely capital expenditure and firm size, the latter served very well as a control variable otherwise the results can be misleading. As a moderating variable, liquidity significantly moderated the relationship between profitability and stock returns, further, liquidity modulated the magnitude of the effect of profitability on stock returns. Liquidity as moderating variable increased the confidence level of the accrual-based earning management, however, the end result of significance level was still above the threshold, thus liquidity did not significantly moderate the relationship between accrualbased earnings management and stock returns. The variables in this study explains 28,4% of the variation of the stock returns and the remaining 71,6% is explained by other variables outside of this study.
2018 International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 2018
Certificamos que el presente trabajo de titulación fue realizado en su totalidad por Luzuriaga Ch... more Certificamos que el presente trabajo de titulación fue realizado en su totalidad por Luzuriaga Chávez Katherine Daniela, como requerimiento para la obtención del título de Odontóloga. TUTOR f. ______________________ López Jurado, Santiago Andrés DIRECTOR(A)

This study aims to develop operational standards of administrative procedures of production plann... more This study aims to develop operational standards of administrative procedures of production planning and control in PT Sanwa Engineering Batam. Methods of data collection using method of documentation and structured interview to planner and customer service planner. While for data analysis using descriptive qualitative analysis and also SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats) which discuss about how application of planning and controlling production at PT Sanwa Engineering Batam start from production planning, production scheduling, production supervision, related organizational functions and information and documents required. The results of this research is the formation of a flowchart of the administration process of planning and controlling new production in more detail so as to facilitate new employees to understand their work or the reader understand the principal activities of a staff of administration in the production department. Abstrak Penelitian ini...

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education and Training (ICET 2017), 2017
Batam State Polytechnic has just opened industry-oriented classes in 2015. These classes are mani... more Batam State Polytechnic has just opened industry-oriented classes in 2015. These classes are manifestation of industry-education partnerships for mutual benefits. Because they are relatively new, the management of Batam State Polytechnic does not have the right marketing strategy to attract prospective students for this class, consequently, the number of recruited students did not meet the quota provided and the number of applicants was still far below the number of applicants on other campuses. The management of Batam State Polytechnic was forced to open more than two batches of recruitment although this action caused a delay to academic activities. The author believed Batam State Polytechnic failed in formulating its marketing strategy so that the attractiveness of partnership class did not reach the right market segment. Data collection is done through survey and documentation study on registration file of all students of cooperation class at Batam State Polytechnic using census sampling. This data were analyzed quantitatively using cluster analysis using K-means cluster with SPSS program. The cluster result is used to know the segmentation of the largest market. This study found that the largest segment has the following characteristics: (1) have a home address in Batam, (2) come from public senior high school, 3) study non-aviation majors in high school, (4) come from high school in Batam, and (5) age when entering college 18-19 years. Thus, marketing strategy should focus on this group via promotion to some significant schools in Batam. Promotion via newspaper is less effective than official website and word of mouth. Promotion should begin as soon as possible as this action will attract more prospective students.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2019), 2019
The purpose of this study is to determine the reciprocal effect of imports of natural gas and oil... more The purpose of this study is to determine the reciprocal effect of imports of natural gas and oil products on economic growth in Kepulauan Riau quarterly period during 2011-2018. This study uses secondary data types with quantitative approaches. The method used in this study is Generalized Structured Component Analysis with 32 quarterly samples during 2011-2018 obtained from the results of data collection at the Batam City Central Bureau of Statistics. The results show that the import of natural gas and oil products has a positive and significant effect on economic growth in the Kepulauan Riau and economic growth also has a positive and significant influence on the import of natural gas and oil products in the Kepulauan Riau.

Penulisan karya ilmiah merupakan salah satu kegiatan pokok di perguruan tinggi. Mata kuliah Tugas... more Penulisan karya ilmiah merupakan salah satu kegiatan pokok di perguruan tinggi. Mata kuliah Tugas Akhir di Program Studi Akuntansi Politeknik Batam menugaskan mahasiswa untuk menyusun sebuah karya ilmiah dari suatu topik akuntansi/bisnis tertentu berdasarkan data yang diperolehnya selama magang di perusahaan serta mempresentasikan dan mempertahankan karyanya tersebut. Makalah ini membahas tugas akhir seorang alumni yang menguraikan beberapa topik umum seperti pengakuan akuntansi atas pendapatan, prosedur penjualan, perhitungan rasio profitabilitas dan penelitian atas pengaruh volume penjualan terhadap rasio profitabilitas menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan korelasi regresi sederhana pada sebuah perusahaan. Tulisan ini diharapkan menjadi media untuk berbagi pengalaman tugas akhir di berbagai Politeknik dan sebagai referensi dalam merumuskan standar cakupan substansi dan kepatutan keluasan materi untuk level diploma III.
This study aimed to analyze the estimated cost of production to the selling price, and want to kn... more This study aimed to analyze the estimated cost of production to the selling price, and want to know the suitability costing companies with existing theories. Data were collected from PT Multi Karya Bajatama by sampling method, totals of samples used were 169, data were collected from June to December 2014. This study uses panel data analysis with the model common effect and fixed effect. The study found that the cost of production significantly influence the selling price. Having compared the way costing companies with existing theory, getting the less fit. Researchers suggest, should the company change the calculation of the estimated cost of production.

This study discusses the penetration rate of imported products on e-commerce platform in Indonesi... more This study discusses the penetration rate of imported products on e-commerce platform in Indonesia and strategies to improve local product competitiveness. The authors used the biggest e-commerce platform in three most sold product categories in 2019. Big data were collected from website on 126,366 clothing products, 504,118 beauty products, 1,966,046 electronics products, and 1,540 product reviews in the first quarter of 2020. The authors utilized qualitative analysis including descriptive analysis, sentiment analysis, content analysis, and SWOT analysis. This study found that the penetration rate of imported products on e-commerce platforms in Indonesia is high, at 66 percent for cosmetics, 58 percent for electronic accessories, and 40 percent for clothing. Positive reviews of local products are higher than those of imported products in all product categories where the aspects of quality and delivery are the most important things for customers when buying online. Some strategies t...
Papers by dwi Kartikasari
public really perceives a poor quality of public services of the city
government of Batam and the Free Trade Zone Authority of Batam, and 2) if there is a significant difference on how the public perceives the quality of public services of the city government of Batam and that of the Free Trade Zone Authority of Batam. This research is a comparative study. The research was conducted in the city of Batam and the population in this study is the community scattered in 12 districts in the city of Batam. As
many as 120 respondents were chosen using quota sampling. The
author found out that: 1) the public perception over the variables of quality of service to the City Government and the Authority of Batam is generally good, neither poor nor great, and 2) there is a significant difference in the perception of the public on the variable quality of service on the Batam City Government and the Authority of Batam where the public perceives that the Authority of Batam delivers better services than the Batam City
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan kerja dan stres kerja terhadap komitmen organisasional dan kinerja karyawan pada PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) Cabang Utama Klas Batam. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode analisis jalur (path analysis)
sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode kuesioner dengan 2 variabel eksogen dan 2 variabel endogen. Populasi yang digunakan menjadi sampel penelitian sebanyak 40 orang. Hasil dari penelitian bahwa lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap komitmen organisasional dan kinerja karyawan, stres kerja berpengaruh negatif terhadap komitmen organisasional dan kinerja karyawan, sedangkan komitmen organisasional berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan.
Kontras dengan argumen di atas, mayoritas penelitian justru membuktikan kebalikannya. Sejumlah hasil definitif menyatakan bahwa korupsi menurunkan perolehan pajak, mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi ilegal, menurunkan pendapatan per kapita penduduk, meningkatkan tingkat kematian bayi dan angka kebodohan. Dalam perspektif ekonomi produktif, korupsi justru menurunkan nilai investasi publik dan privat.
Gap antara opini dengan fakta disebabkan argumentasi korupsi yang cacat. Korupsi adalah sebuah ide yang dampak negatifnya sangat masif, semakin lama semakin besar, menggelinding bak bola salju. Pendapat bahwa pemberantasan ekonomi menghambat pertumbuhan ekonomi dirumuskan berdasarkan asumsi bahwa semua pejabat publik koruptif dan pejabat publik yang menerima suap akan meningkat kinerjanya.
public really perceives a poor quality of public services of the city
government of Batam and the Free Trade Zone Authority of Batam, and 2) if there is a significant difference on how the public perceives the quality of public services of the city government of Batam and that of the Free Trade Zone Authority of Batam. This research is a comparative study. The research was conducted in the city of Batam and the population in this study is the community scattered in 12 districts in the city of Batam. As
many as 120 respondents were chosen using quota sampling. The
author found out that: 1) the public perception over the variables of quality of service to the City Government and the Authority of Batam is generally good, neither poor nor great, and 2) there is a significant difference in the perception of the public on the variable quality of service on the Batam City Government and the Authority of Batam where the public perceives that the Authority of Batam delivers better services than the Batam City
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan kerja dan stres kerja terhadap komitmen organisasional dan kinerja karyawan pada PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) Cabang Utama Klas Batam. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode analisis jalur (path analysis)
sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode kuesioner dengan 2 variabel eksogen dan 2 variabel endogen. Populasi yang digunakan menjadi sampel penelitian sebanyak 40 orang. Hasil dari penelitian bahwa lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap komitmen organisasional dan kinerja karyawan, stres kerja berpengaruh negatif terhadap komitmen organisasional dan kinerja karyawan, sedangkan komitmen organisasional berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan.
Kontras dengan argumen di atas, mayoritas penelitian justru membuktikan kebalikannya. Sejumlah hasil definitif menyatakan bahwa korupsi menurunkan perolehan pajak, mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi ilegal, menurunkan pendapatan per kapita penduduk, meningkatkan tingkat kematian bayi dan angka kebodohan. Dalam perspektif ekonomi produktif, korupsi justru menurunkan nilai investasi publik dan privat.
Gap antara opini dengan fakta disebabkan argumentasi korupsi yang cacat. Korupsi adalah sebuah ide yang dampak negatifnya sangat masif, semakin lama semakin besar, menggelinding bak bola salju. Pendapat bahwa pemberantasan ekonomi menghambat pertumbuhan ekonomi dirumuskan berdasarkan asumsi bahwa semua pejabat publik koruptif dan pejabat publik yang menerima suap akan meningkat kinerjanya.