Papers by daniela traficante
Abstract in inglese: At the beginning of eating disorder there is a body image distortion that re... more Abstract in inglese: At the beginning of eating disorder there is a body image distortion that reflects patients' idea cognitions and emotions related to their own body (Gila, et al., 2005). Many researchers have investigated the body satisfaction and the self and body perception in adolescence, a life period that involves many physical and psychological changes (Petersen et al., 1988; O'Dea, 2006) and that seems to be an at risk period for the emergence of dieting and eating problems (McCabe, Ricciardelli, 2005; Lieberman et al., ...
Http Dx Doi Org 10 2466 Pr0 105 1 161 172, Aug 11, 2010
(2010). Italian adolescents' attitudes toward sexuality, pregnancy and parenthood and sexual ... more (2010). Italian adolescents' attitudes toward sexuality, pregnancy and parenthood and sexual risk behaviours. ... (2010). Italian adolescents' attitudes toward sexuality, pregnancy and parenthood and sexual risk behaviours. ... Tutti i documenti archiviati in PubliCatt sono protetti da ...

ABSTRACT This research is part of a broader cross-cultural study investigating Italian and Swedis... more ABSTRACT This research is part of a broader cross-cultural study investigating Italian and Swedish adolescents’ attitudes and behaviours toward sexuality, pregnancy and parenthood. This exploratory study was aimed, in particular, at investigating Italian adolescents’ attitudes toward sexuality focusing on their contraceptive self efficacy. Moreover, adolescents’ contraceptive self efficacy will be studied as an outcome of personal (i.e. gender, age, engagement in a stable relationship, self-esteem/sense of invulnerability, omnipotence and personal uniqueness) and familiar (parenting styles) variables. Participants were 300 adolescents, aged 13-19 and equally balanced for gender, attending different high schools in northern Italy. Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) will be performed to evaluate the structure and consistency in the Italian sample of a revised version of Contraceptive Self-Efficacy Instrument (Kvalem & Træen, 2000) originally developed by Levinson (1986). Correlations and regression models will be performed to assess the influence played by personal and familiar variables on contraceptive self efficacy. Analyses are underway
Perceptual and Motor Skills, Mar 5, 2014

Http Dx Doi Org 10 2466 22 19 Pms 118k20w6, Apr 1, 2014
The word superiority effect (WSE) has made it possible to demonstrate the automatic activation of... more The word superiority effect (WSE) has made it possible to demonstrate the automatic activation of lexical-orthographic entries in reading. The observation of this effect is important since it led to experimental support of the main cognitive reading models. These models were mostly developed on English data, hence the verification in different orthography systems is relevant. The present study tested WSE in Italian, a language in which this effect was predicted to be less constant given the highly consistent correspondence between orthography and phonology. Moreover, the presentation of the items in a lateralized visual field condition allowed testing of assumptions about the roles of the right and left hemispheres in written word recognition and, in particular, on the hemispheric lateralization of lexical processing. Two experiments were conducted with undergraduate students who had to recognize a target letter within a word, pseudoword, or nonword. In Experiment 1, prime and probe letters were in the same letter case, while in Experiment 2 they were in different letter cases. Error rates and reaction times were analyzed with mixed models. The results showed a superiority of pseudowords (pseudoword superiority effect; PSE) over illegal strings with no evidence of a clear superiority of words over pseudowords for both left and right visual field presentations. This suggests that in Italian, the sub-lexical route could play a major role in reading and that this route relies on a visual-perceptual orthographic coding concerning familiarity of letter combinations, which is also available to the right hemisphere.
Psicologia Clinica Dello Sviluppo, 2007
Giornale Italiano Di Psicologia, 2003

ABSTRACT This work aims to translate and validate the Body Esteem Scale (BES, Mendelson, Mendelso... more ABSTRACT This work aims to translate and validate the Body Esteem Scale (BES, Mendelson, Mendelson, & White, 2001) in an Italian sample and to evaluate its reliability and dimensionality. The scale was ad- ministered to a sample of 674 Italian adolescents aged 11-16 years (M = 13.33; SD = 2.1). The results showed good reliability and internal validity. Explorative and confirmatory analysis revealed that a three correlated-factor model, similar to that found in the original form, explains the data well. In addi- tion, BES correlates positively with the Body Image Satisfaction questionnaire (Rauste von Wright, 1989; Italian version by Alparone, Prezza, & Camarda, 2000) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (Rosenberg, 1965; Italian version by Prezza, Trombaccia, & Armento, 1997). The BES, Italian version, seems to offer a good measure of body image perception among adolescents and could be used in re- search, for assessment, preventative intervention, and health promotion. Key words: Adolescents; Assessment; Body esteem; Italian validation.
Papers by daniela traficante