Book Reviews by dieu-merci muvba-makiese
Papers by dieu-merci muvba-makiese
Authenticity occupies a central position in sociology and those social science fields, which deal... more Authenticity occupies a central position in sociology and those social science fields, which deal with subcultures and racial identity. When considered alongside music and culture, aspects of legitimacy and imagery emerge and are debated.

Language and identity Language is fundamental for the expression of culture and is therefore, an ... more Language and identity Language is fundamental for the expression of culture and is therefore, an essential part of cultural identity. It is a method by which we pass on our deepest self from generation to generation. It is through language that we communicate and express and reflects our lived experiences, engrained in our own cultural values and those of our communities. Language, both code and context, is a complicated dance among internal and external interpretations of identity. Language imparts through culture and culture, likewise, is conveyed through language: Michael Silverstein (1998) suggests that culture's available power works to contextualise parts of reality and connect one context with another. As such, communication is not just the utilisation of images that "represent" convictions, emotions, personalities, or events; it is additionally a method of bringing beliefs, feelings, and identities into a current context.

In these contexts, who are the minority? When used in its numerical sense, the term minorities re... more In these contexts, who are the minority? When used in its numerical sense, the term minorities refer to small groups in number, less than the majority? It's often been applied to people of colour or diverse backgrounds in western society because individual groups such as race, gender and religion did not comprise a large percentage of the national population. Over time, it became a convenient umbrella under which any white characteristics could be a label. The use of some terms has been especially prevalent and perhaps sensitive when used in the media. GutiƩrrez.F and Wilson (1995), notes the relationship between media and ethnic identities focuses on the connection between media constructions of nation and exclusionary or racist forms of discourse; representation of ethnic minority groups in media engage with debates about stereotyping (p 43). The small number of Black Asian Minority ethnic (BAME) journalists and their position in non-directive roles helped to explain the stereotyped portrayals of these ethnic groups in the media (Greenberg & Mazingo, 1976). Media by different ethnic minority and migrant groups, focusing mainly on specialists and global consumption; the implications of such specialist media use for the facilitation of transnational ethnic communities and the relations between such groups and the broader population among whom they reside.
Book Reviews by dieu-merci muvba-makiese
Papers by dieu-merci muvba-makiese