This paper is based on the reality of education system in Indonesia which is still far from expec... more This paper is based on the reality of education system in Indonesia which is still far from expectations, especially in shaping the character of teachers and students. In various cases, it is still found sexual abuse committed by teachers and students as well as the number of users and drug addicts among students. The purpose of this research is to find the root causes of problems and workable solutions to build the characters of teachers and students in the education system in Indonesia. The method used in this research is content analysis method. Data were analyzed using the approach of Sufism. This approach has three main methods which are, then, implemented in learning activities and interaction between teachers and students. The methods include takhally, tahally and tajally. Through takhally method, teachers and students are invited to have candor in doing to avoid the properties 'ujub, riya and disinterested. Moreover, tahally method becomes embedded properties of the pleasure meanwhil tawadhdhu• is act solely for Allah. Thus, these methods bear the loyalty of teachers, decrease negative rivalry and increase work productivity.
Akses pengelolaan informasi pembiayaan dan pelaporan akuntansi Daftar Isian Penggunaan Anggaran (... more Akses pengelolaan informasi pembiayaan dan pelaporan akuntansi Daftar Isian Penggunaan Anggaran (DIPA) hanya bisa diketahui oleh internal lembaga belum ada penyajian data yang dapat disajikan kepada eksternal lembaga madrasah. Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk mengungkap implementasi sistem informasi berbasis sistem aplikasi satuan kerja (SAS) di lingkungan Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 5 Garut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan bersumber pada hasil wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa; pertama, peran dan fungsi akuntansi digunakan oleh kepala madrasah dalam pengambilan keputusan keuangan, tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan, pemerintah sebagai pemegang kebijakan keuangan negara, orang tua murid dan masyarakat sebagai konsumen untuk mengawasi akuntabilitas pelaporan lembaga; kedua, akses informasi laporan DIPA masih terbatas pada internal lembaga yaitu kepala madrasah, kepala tata usaha dan bendahara. Sistem aplikasi satuan kerja memiliki 3 akun yaitu...
This study aims to explore the concept of school performance appraisal using the balanced scoreca... more This study aims to explore the concept of school performance appraisal using the balanced scorecard. Here, the authors attempt to describe the concept of a balanced scorecard that is applicable for the assessment of school performance. The methodology used is qualitative method that relies on a literature review of the literature and research journals. It was found that the concept of the balanced scorecard is a strategic alternative evaluation tool organization that focuses on financial performance. Balanced scorcard base its scoring on four aspects, namely financial, customer, internal business processes, and growth and development. Given the balanced scorecard approach emerged and developed within a business organization it is necessary to attempt modification before being used for the assessment of school performance. Therefore, in the context of the fourth school into a balanced scorecard assessment factors and infrastructure funds, students, curricular activities, and teachers...
This paper is based on the reality of education system in Indonesia which is still far from expec... more This paper is based on the reality of education system in Indonesia which is still far from expectations, especially in shaping the character of teachers and students. In various cases, it is still found sexual abuse committed by teachers and students as well as the number of users and drug addicts among students. The purpose of this research is to find the root causes of problems and workable solutions to build the characters of teachers and students in the education system in Indonesia. The method used in this research is content analysis method. Data were analyzed using the approach of Sufism. This approach has three main methods which are, then, implemented in learning activities and interaction between teachers and students. The methods include takhally, tahally and tajally. Through takhally method, teachers and students are invited to have candor in doing to avoid the properties 'ujub, riya and disinterested. Moreover, tahally method becomes embedded properties of the pleasure meanwhil tawadhdhu• is act solely for Allah. Thus, these methods bear the loyalty of teachers, decrease negative rivalry and increase work productivity.
Akses pengelolaan informasi pembiayaan dan pelaporan akuntansi Daftar Isian Penggunaan Anggaran (... more Akses pengelolaan informasi pembiayaan dan pelaporan akuntansi Daftar Isian Penggunaan Anggaran (DIPA) hanya bisa diketahui oleh internal lembaga belum ada penyajian data yang dapat disajikan kepada eksternal lembaga madrasah. Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk mengungkap implementasi sistem informasi berbasis sistem aplikasi satuan kerja (SAS) di lingkungan Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 5 Garut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan bersumber pada hasil wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa; pertama, peran dan fungsi akuntansi digunakan oleh kepala madrasah dalam pengambilan keputusan keuangan, tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan, pemerintah sebagai pemegang kebijakan keuangan negara, orang tua murid dan masyarakat sebagai konsumen untuk mengawasi akuntabilitas pelaporan lembaga; kedua, akses informasi laporan DIPA masih terbatas pada internal lembaga yaitu kepala madrasah, kepala tata usaha dan bendahara. Sistem aplikasi satuan kerja memiliki 3 akun yaitu...
This study aims to explore the concept of school performance appraisal using the balanced scoreca... more This study aims to explore the concept of school performance appraisal using the balanced scorecard. Here, the authors attempt to describe the concept of a balanced scorecard that is applicable for the assessment of school performance. The methodology used is qualitative method that relies on a literature review of the literature and research journals. It was found that the concept of the balanced scorecard is a strategic alternative evaluation tool organization that focuses on financial performance. Balanced scorcard base its scoring on four aspects, namely financial, customer, internal business processes, and growth and development. Given the balanced scorecard approach emerged and developed within a business organization it is necessary to attempt modification before being used for the assessment of school performance. Therefore, in the context of the fourth school into a balanced scorecard assessment factors and infrastructure funds, students, curricular activities, and teachers...
Papers by dian dian