Papers by ari dharmayanti

Indonesian Journal of Educational Counseling, 2018
ETHICS OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING IN PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE APPROACH. In philosophy view, ethic wa... more ETHICS OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING IN PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE APPROACH. In philosophy view, ethic was a valueable and evaluation about a good and bad things in the human self. Ethic is also call moral philosophy as a apart of axiology in science philosophy. In every science has an axiology that purpose of utilization for prosperity of a human life. Guidance and counseling is a science full of values, that because of it’s a multidicipliner science. This based of four field guidance which of personal, learning, social and career. This field has make a counselor must understand and proficiency with sociology, antrophology, psychology, and eduation science. That will lead a counseling as multidicipliner science has a full of values to covering the process of counseling practice. However the axiology of counseling make little complex to discuss in philosophy foundation, also in psychology, sociology, antrophology and education. In this article will describe and discuss an ethics in counseli...

International Journal of Community Service Learning, Feb 13, 2017
Tujuan P2M ini adalah Meningkatkan pemhaman guru BK SMA/SMK di Kota singaraja mengenai langkah-la... more Tujuan P2M ini adalah Meningkatkan pemhaman guru BK SMA/SMK di Kota singaraja mengenai langkah-langkah dalam merancang media audio visual berbasis performance assesment dalam pelaksanaan layanan informasi BK Serta Meningkatkan kemampuan guru BK SMA/SMK merancang media audio visual berbasis performance assesment dalam pelaksanaan layanan informasi BK. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah dirumuskan dalam P2M ini adalah metode ceramah, diskusi dan juga pelatihan (merancang meda audio visual dan refleksi) yang dilaksanakan dalam bentuk seminar dan workshop. Keberhasilan kegiatan pelatihan ini akan dievaluasi melalui: 1) Evaluasi proses: dilihat dari aktifitas peserta mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan, hal ini ditunjukan dengan partisipasi pesrta dalam diskusi (mengajukan atau menjawab pertanyaan), kehadiran peserta dalam kegiatan, kerjasama peserta dalam kegiatan (mau melaksanakan instruksi yang diberikan oleh narasumber maupun ketua pelaksana). Evaluasi proses dilaksanakan selama kegiatan P2M dilaksanakan. 2) Evaluasi hasil/produk: dilakukan terhadap kemampuan peserta dalam merancang media audio visual dalam kegiatan layanan informasi BK. dan juga penilaian terhadap produk media yang dihasilkan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan P2M berhasil, karena rancangan yang dibuat sesuai dengan indicator dan tagihan yang diminta oleh pelaksana dan juga peserta sudah menunjukan keseriusannya dalam membuat rancangan tersebut.

Jpp Undiksha, 2013
The Implementation of Role Playing Techniques to Improve Interpersonal Communication Skills of th... more The Implementation of Role Playing Techniques to Improve Interpersonal Communication Skills of the SMK' students. The research aimed at examining the effectiveness of role playing techniques to improve interpersonal communication skills of the SMK' students. This research utilized a quasi experimental design that was one-group pretest-posttest, involving 6 students of class X, SMKN 1 Seririt at the Department of Hotel Accommodation. Those students were identified to have low interpersonal communication skill. The instrument used consisted of the scale of interpersonal communication, and the instrument for treatment materials was made in the form of training manual. The result analysis based on Wilcoxon statistic test indicated that there were differences on the level of students' interpersonal communication skill before and after training interventions was conducted by using role playing. This indicated that the intervention of role playing technique training was significantly able to improve the students' interpersonal communication skill of SMK' students at the Hotel Accommodation department
Disertasi Dan Tesis Program Pascasarjana Um, Jan 28, 2014
Papers by ari dharmayanti