Papers by dewi kusumaningsih

Aksis : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Interferensi merupakan salah satu fenomena kontak bahasa. Interferensi dapat terjadi dalam segala... more Interferensi merupakan salah satu fenomena kontak bahasa. Interferensi dapat terjadi dalam segala tataran kehidupan, termasuk di dalam dialog oleh tokoh utama dalam sebuah film. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan interferensi bahasa Indonesia ke dalam bahasa Jawa dan sebaliknya pada dialog tokoh utama dalam film “Yowis Ben 1” dan implementasinya sebagai alternatif materi ajar bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Interference is one of the phenomena of language contact. Interference can occur at all levels of life, including in dialogue by the main character in a film. The aims of this research are to describe the interference of Bahasa into Javanese and vice versa, based on the dialogue of the main character in "Yowis Ben 1" film and its implementation to become the teaching material alternative in SMA (Senior High School).This research belongs to qualitative. The technique of collection data is documentation. Test the da...

DIDAKTIKA TAUHIDI: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
The purpose of the research directed in this study was to determine the competence development of... more The purpose of the research directed in this study was to determine the competence development of elementary school teachers through the implementation of lesson study in the independent learning curriculum. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. The population referred to in this study is a number of 243 teachers in SD N Sukoharjo Regency. The sample of this study were 28 elementary school teachers spread across Sukoharjo Regency. Sampling using cluster sampling. The data collection technique used in this research is observation. The weight for each question is measured through a Likert Scale. Data validity in the form of method triangulation. Descriptive analysis technique in the form of presenting data through tables or graphs. The findings show that when a teacher frees learning in learning, it is necessary to uphold competencies in every step of teaching. The first competency of the total observational assessment score is occupied by professional competence of 3.90,...

This study aimed to describe cyberbullying actions carried out by users in @denisecariesta TikTok... more This study aimed to describe cyberbullying actions carried out by users in @denisecariesta TikTok's comment column and its implementation as a learning media. This study used a qualitative descriptive research method with data sources in the form of words and sentences in @DeniseCharista TikTok's comment column. Data were collected using documentation, reading, and note-taking techniques, which were then analyzed using the Analysis Interactive Model from Miles and Huberman. The results obtained from this study are many users who abuse one by using the comment column as a booth to carry out cyberbullying, which can harm other parties. The research result reveals that six forms of cyberbullying were found in @denisecariesta TikTok's comment column. Further, TikTok can be an alternative medium for learning literature and language in schools, especially at the senior high school level.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2020), 2020
One point of view from language acquisition is how children get their language for the first time... more One point of view from language acquisition is how children get their language for the first time. This stage has a unique process before having a complete language. It can be seen from the words produced, which are different from adults. A two-year-old little girl shows the uniqueness of acquiring language. The child lives with her parents and her extended families who are multilingual of Bahasa Indonesia, Gorontalo, Gorontalo dialect, and English. By these differences, the cultural and language impact cannot be avoided by them. The first language acquisition mastered by the little girl came from the parents and the environment. The data was collected by surveying the girl every day, communicating with her, and recording conversation took place. The sentences that she spoke were mixing some languages in daily communication as if the words come from one language. The sentences were adjusted to whom she was speaking. When talking to her mother, she spoke in English, but then she changed the language into Bahasa Indonesia when talking to her father; she once again changed the use of language when talking to her friends or other family members by mixing up all languages she knew. Aline learned language based on behaviorist reinforcement principles by associating words with meaning around her. She knew how the words work by changing the language to whom she spoke to. Aline spoke by stringing words from several languages, which seems to originate from only one language.

The multifaser crisis has an impact on education in Indonesia, this is due to the coronavirus dis... more The multifaser crisis has an impact on education in Indonesia, this is due to the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) epidemic. However, the innovation and creativity of the academic community at Bengkulu University are extraordinary. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the model of language and the perceptions of the academic community in participating to overcome the crisis as a way to realize the independept learning at university. This qualitative research involves all of the academic community at the Bengkulu University. Data collection used was communication ethnography techniques by recording, participatory and non-participatory reading, questionnaires, and field notes. The data analysis steps were (1)transcripting, (2)reducting, and (3)grouping various styles/models of subject language, then (4)formulating the data with applications. The results showed that the subject of this study has the critical, innovative, and creative language models of the independent learning ...
Tulisan ini akan mendeskripsikan pemakaian bentuk sapaan kekerabatan sebagai strategi kesantunan... more Tulisan ini akan mendeskripsikan pemakaian bentuk sapaan kekerabatan sebagai strategi kesantunan berbahasa dalam interaksi di dalam kampus. Kegiatan komunikasi di dalam kampus sangat erat dengan norma tindak tutur kesantunan komunikasi. Komponen tutur yang terlibat di dalam komunikasi ini adalah antara dosen dengan pimpinan perguruan tinggi, dosen dengan dosen, dosen dengan karyawan, dosen dengan mahasiswa. Bentuk sapaan kekerabatan merupakan jenis bentuk sapaan yang handal karena dapat ditujukan kepada semua kawan bicara (P2) baik dalam konteks keluarga maupun nonkeluarga. Kata kunci: Kesantunan, Bentuk Sapaan, Kekerabatan

Asian journal of social sciences and humanities, 2013
Indonesian text-based learning implemented by applying the principles that 1) the language should... more Indonesian text-based learning implemented by applying the principles that 1) the language should be in view as text, not merely a collection of words or language rules, 2) the use of language is the electoral process linguistic forms to express meaning, 3) functional language, the use of language can never be separated from context because it's the kind of language used reflects the ideas, attitudes, values, and its ideology, and 4) language is means of forming ability of human thinking. In connection with it, students should be able to produce and use the text in accordance with the purpose and function of the socio-cultural academic. The problems concerning the role of the text are how the use techniques of the text that leads to the achievement of scientific content to be addressed. Based on the problems, this paper has several purposes. First, describes the role of the text as a medium range of subjects are integrated into the Indonesian, The second to accurate the characte...

Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 2019
Language vulgarism can be heard in the lyrics of many Indonesian dangdut songs in terms of words,... more Language vulgarism can be heard in the lyrics of many Indonesian dangdut songs in terms of words, phrases, and clauses to portray women as either the instigators or objects of sexuality. The objectives of the study are to see: vulgar language that present in dangdut song lyrics as the pedagogical evidence of gender exploitation, and internal structures for vulgar forms that intentionally appear in the song lyrics. A qualitative approach with content analysis was employed to describe various phenomena of vulgar language that tends to portray women as either the instigators or objects of sexuality. The corpora of 25 Indonesian dangdut songs whose lyrics often feature vulgar language without being limited to certain composers or time of composition were analyzed. The data were language units, namely basic words, affixes, phrases, clauses, and compound sentences. Data were collected using document analysis techniques and interviews. The document analysis technique involved reading the d...

Language is dynamic, social, complex, and multimodal, patterned and purposive just as all these k... more Language is dynamic, social, complex, and multimodal, patterned and purposive just as all these kids of behavior. It is characterized from the language creativity emerging in the society as both linguistics and social phenomena. This article brings out the phenomenon of vulgar terms used in Indonesian song lyrics which is pondered belonging as the social language creativity. This research aims to describe the variation of vulgar terms found in Indonesian song lyrics. It takes 50 titles of Indonesian songs popularized between 1998 up to 2017 as the data sources. The data collected comprised of vocabularies and other forms of linguistic unit containing the phenomena of romance, loving, husband and wife relationship and family. The application of content analysis in this article is directed efficiently to describe various kinds of vocabularies or terms representing those phenomena. It focuses mainly on the transformation of general vocabularies toward explicit vulgar and obscene. The r...

Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Language, Literature and Society for Education, 2019
The article explored the phenomenon of expressive urban cultures which was featured in Indonesian... more The article explored the phenomenon of expressive urban cultures which was featured in Indonesian song lyrics and potentially contained vulgarism. It utilized a Qualitative Approach in an attempt to discover the expressive urban cultures in vulgar song lyrics. The data source derived from several Indonesian songs from various genres (especially pop and dangdut). Meanwhile, the data consisted of the lingual units of vulgar speeches in the forms of words, phrases, and clauses. A Content Analysis was deployed as the data collecting technique. The findings revealed that 1) the phenomenon of expressive urban cultures had led to the common use of vulgar language in Indonesian song lyrics; 2) women were negatively exposed through vulgarism in all Indonesian songs from the data source. The Linguistics forms of the expressive urban cultures consisted of words, phrases, and clauses. In regards to the negative exploitation, the women’s position mostly appeared in multiple black labels, for ins...

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the face-to-face learning process, therefore a solution is ne... more The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the face-to-face learning process, therefore a solution is needed to answer these problems. Online learning (online) is an alternative that can overcome this problem. Online learning with online applications including Google classroom, Google from, Whatsapp groups and other media. Especially in language lessons in improving the making of anecdotal texts. The purpose of this study was to obtain a description of the effectiveness of the implementation of online learning at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo in the creativity of writing anecdotal texts. This study used a survey method by distributing questionnaires conducted online, and the number of samples was 36 students in the TKR class X SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo study. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive techniques. The results of this study indicate that students are less effective and less understanding in online learning. The media used by students are gadgets (HP) and there are s...

The objective of this article is to show that (1) various types of lingual forms containing infid... more The objective of this article is to show that (1) various types of lingual forms containing infidelity are written with beautiful dictions as a result of the writer’s language creativity and (2) all lingual forms used in the song lyrics kesaktianmu (Your Spiritual Power) possess a sexism nuance. This present research is the resultsof the study of a text, namely song lyrics with the title of kesaktianmu popularized by a band group “Winner”. The data collection methods adopted were listening, reading and recording. The research results were as follows. 1) There were many lingual forms, which are implicitly or explicitly written in words, phrases, clauses or sentences with infidelity content. Most of them are well and beautifully rhymed aimed at hiding negative lexical meanings (infidelity). 2) The fact of the choice of the lingual forms in the song lyrics showed the existence of inferior position of women experience as the objects or the receivers of men’s activities. The lingual form...

This study aimed to explore the emergence of certain terms in Indonesian Language terminology, as... more This study aimed to explore the emergence of certain terms in Indonesian Language terminology, as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Various lingual formswere found in words, acronyms, and phrases. Several conventional terms were also revived through an etymological process. The data source derived from the utilization of Indonesian Language in various news coverages from electronic mass media and social media (Instagram and Facebook) related to the COVID-19. Meanwhile, the data collecting techniques featured listening and documentation. The analysis utilized the element-chunking technique as well as the expansion of morphological and syntactical forms to determine the whole meanings of certainterms. The findings pointed out the introduction of new terms, re-introduction of conventional terms, changes in referents, as well as certain terms in the English Language which are syntactically interfered with within the Indonesian Language. The results of the study were expected to provi...

Issues to be raised in this study is a lexical gap between the language of Action event hosts Aks... more Issues to be raised in this study is a lexical gap between the language of Action event hosts Aksi Bocah Cilik episode 67 with an audience of children. The gap will be found through exploration on the object of research is the audience of children will look for understanding of the lexical field and lexical configurations in different types of vocabulary used in children's television show. Theoretical approach used in this analysis is the semantics, especially the analysis of lexical field. The object of research is Ilham. The sample was taken by purposive social aspects such as age and economic background of parents. The method used is qualitative descriptive. Data retrieval and record recording technique. The research proves that (1) the concept of lexical about nouns, verbs, adjectives, numbers (counting) and the sentence has been owned by Ilham. (2) It can be said that the field of lexical and lexical obtained configuration is not yet complete, and imposible ideal as in Dict...

KLITIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2019
Kegiatan praktikum jurnalistik televisi oleh mahasiswa perlu diarahkan untuk dapat dilakukan sema... more Kegiatan praktikum jurnalistik televisi oleh mahasiswa perlu diarahkan untuk dapat dilakukan semaksimal mungkin menuju jurnalis televisi standar profesional. Oleh karena itu, perlunya ketrampilan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang tepat khususnya pada penerapan bahasa jurnalistik dalam penulisan naskah siaran berita untuk menghasilkan karya jurnalistik televisi yang layak ditonton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan bahasa jurnalistik dan proses editing dalam penulisan naskah siaran berita oleh mahasiswa pada karya praktikum jurnalistik televisi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan pengamatan terhadap transkrip dari dokumen video hasil karya praktikum jurnalistik mahasiswa yang ada pada univet televisi youtube channel dengan judul berita Univet Tv-Makrab I.Kom Fisip Univet Bantara Sukoharjo dari laman Analisis dilakukan dengan cara menentukan kriteria dari naskah-naskah berita televisi yang mengandung 5 unsur bahasa jurnalistik yaitu; ketepatan (accuracy), kepadatan (brevity), kejelasan (clarity), kesederhanaan (simplicity), dan dapat dipercaya (sincerity). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, penulisan naskah siaran berita televisi karya praktikum jurnalistik televisi oleh mahasiswa belum sepenuhnya menerapkan penggunaan bahasa indonesia yang baik sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa jurnalistik televisi yang memenuhi 5 kriteria unsur bahasa jurnalistik, baik itu dari pemilihan kata maupun penempatan kata dalam struktur kalimat. Sedangkan, dari sisi pengeditan naskah berita, belum ada tim khusus atau seseorang yang bertanggung jawab penuh dalam mengedit naskah berita televisi sebelum ditayangkan.

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2019), 2019
The article reveals how language maintains moral values. It specifically discusses the prohibitio... more The article reveals how language maintains moral values. It specifically discusses the prohibition of several English songs by the Indonesian Regional Broadcasting Commission West Java Chapter (KPID JABAR) due to their vulgar contents. The discussion covers the disposition of language and morality, which were viewed from the perspective of morality. The article aims to (1) reveal various vulgar contents conveyed explicitly and implicitly in a number of English songs which were prohibited by KPID JABAR (2) discuss the relationship between vulgarism and language morality in the context of Indonesian culture, as an attempt to provide an explanation on why KPID JABAR prohibited those songs at the particular broadcasting hours. It deployed a Descriptive Qualitative method, as the study highlighted the language phenomenon in society. The data consisted of all lingual forms of those English songs, including vocabularies, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourses that contained vulgarism. Meanwhile, the data source included 17 English songs banned by KPID JABAR. It combined listening, transcription, and reading as the series of data collection technique. The data analysis featured a Content Analysis, in which the researchers stood as the key instruments, as they are native speakers of Indonesian Language and fully understand the norms of Indonesian cultural morality. The findings essentially proved the existence of vulgar contents promoted by those songs, either explicitly or implicitly. It implied that KPID JABAR's policy to prohibit those songs had reflected a standard measure of the Indonesian morality that should uphold the politeness principles in conveying ideas through language.

Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Reading comprehension of texts is a basic competency in the Indonesian Subject Curriculum. The ob... more Reading comprehension of texts is a basic competency in the Indonesian Subject Curriculum. The observation results show that reading comprehension is still low, especially reading comprehension of the meaning of the text and the context of a text. From these problems, it is necessary to conduct research on the level of reading comprehension of grade VII students of SMP Negeri 06, Rejang Lebong. This research aimed at describing the level of reading comprehension ability and the causes of students' misunderstanding in grade VII of SMP Negeri 06 Rejang Lebong on reading text material. This research belongs to mixed method design. The subjects of this study were 28 students of class VII from SMP Negeri 06, Rejang Lebong. Data were collected using tests, observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Data validity test is done by member checking, which is assisted by language validator and triangulation. The results showed that students were not accustomed to reading texts and there were still those who were not fluent in reading.
Jurnal VARIDIKA, 2017
This study examines the importance of developing learning model of radio broadcasting as a means ... more This study examines the importance of developing learning model of radio broadcasting as a means of facilitating cognitive competencies and life skill for the students. The purposes of this study are (1) to describe the development of radio broadcasting learning model, (2) to prove that radio broadcasting learning can teach life skill the students. The method used is research and development (R…

AKSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2019
The study highlights the development of poetry learning instrument using Smart Application Creat... more The study highlights the development of poetry learning instrument using Smart Application Creator (SAC) 2.0 program for Android. The study belongs to a Research and Development (RnD). The initial exploration included the observation of the Indonesian Language learning instrument utilized by a number of secondary schools which are the former education institutions of the students of Indonesian Language and Literature Department (PBSI) of University of Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo. The result of observation became the underlying framework for the development of poetry learning instrument through the SAC 2.0 program for Android. The design of the learning instrument development refered to the four-D model development that consists of four stages, including define, design, develop, and disseminate. The development model was firstly developed by Thiagarajan, dkk. The findings revealed that Android-based learning instrument had yet been massively utilized for secondary schools. Mo...

Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Engineering (ICASE 2018)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems that arise in using Mendeley as a reference ... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems that arise in using Mendeley as a reference management and citation generator for academic articles. It applied a Qualitative Approach by involving lecturers, teachers and students as the participants in a workshop. It adopted observation and interview as the data collecting techniques. The findings confirmed that participants were not used to attach multiple citations and were less skillful to categorize their referential documents on specific Mendeley folders, in addition to the lack of awareness to complete the metacognition of referential documents. The participants eventually experienced an improvement to operate the Mendeley software in order of procedures, including download the referential documents of the international journals and ebooks, categorize the referential documents on Mendeley folders, attach multiple citations in a particular topic on current article, and complete the metacognition of those referential documents.
Papers by dewi kusumaningsih