Papers by Dedy Irawan, M. Ag
Buku saku tentang makul Tauhid dan Ilmu kalam prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)

At-Ta'dib, Jun 12, 2020
This paper departs from the problem of education in Islamic countries, especially Indonesia, whic... more This paper departs from the problem of education in Islamic countries, especially Indonesia, which began secular by changing religious education as private matter. This is caused by the westernization of knowledge which has been spread by the West since colonialism and has been influential until now. This is all due to the fact that Muslim scientists themselves are lack of understanding on the differences in human concepts in the perspectives of Islam and the West, even though both have different human notions. This is due to the different sources of knowledge between Islam and the West, so that it affects the difference in perspective between the two in viewing humans. The source of knowledge in the West itself is only adopted from "ratio and senses", while the source of knowledge in Islam comes from not only from "ratio and senses" but also from "khabar sadiq (al-Qur'an and hadith) and intuition. Islam considers that religious education is urgent because it has implications for human concepts. of course this is different from the West where the source of knowledge does not include aspects of religion. That is why through a literature study with descriptive analytic methods, this paper tries to explain the differences in human concepts between the West and Islam, and explains the urgency of religious education and its implications for human concepts in the Islamic worldview. It is hoped that it can be raised in scientific discussions after seeing the proliferation of misconceptions due to the swift flow of Western hegemony in the current millennial era

This paper is Hamka's critique of Sigmund Freud on psychoanalysis. For Freud, human life is d... more This paper is Hamka's critique of Sigmund Freud on psychoanalysis. For Freud, human life is driven by sexual desire from birth. With this, causing the loss of the divine nature in humans. Freud views the human soul as a creature that is only controlled by the sex libido which tends to be pessimistic. By using literature review and using qualitative data. The result found a different view with Hamka. Hamka denies that humans are only controlled by sexual libido. In his interpretation of al-Azharnya Hamka emphasized that in religion (Islam) humans were created by Allah with the best creature, both outward and inward form, body shape and life. Therefore Hamka explained that the soul (an-nafs) as the essence of human beings is divided into three parts. First, nafsul amarah bissiu’. Second, nafsul lawwamah, and nafsul mutmainnah. These three forms of an-nafs were never explained by Freud and even forgotten. On the other side, Freud views that religion is the cause of the emergence of...

Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam
The problem of modern man and Western civilization, have caused man in general to forget the natu... more The problem of modern man and Western civilization, have caused man in general to forget the nature of his life, particularly in Indonesia. Various kinds of damage, starting from theology, environment, sciences, and other aspects do not escape the consequences of modern man actions. Metaphysics and the real reality of God along with the development of technology, disappeared and replaced with false reality that will destroy the existence of human being itself. Many western scientists agree that human nature is increasingly shortened as modern science and technology evolve, which is empty of metaphysics recognition. Furthermore, modern man today only lives on the edge of his existence and the reality of nature. If they don't immediately aware of this situation, they have pushed themselves to the brink of physical and spiritual extinction. This research tries to uncover some of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's criticisms and solutions to modern man problems in several aspects such as scientific errors, environmental crises, telology, and cosmology by using literature studies with descriptive analytical methods for general, and for Indonesian in particular. This research draws the following conclusions; First, to deal with the theological problems that deny God's reality, Nasr offered solutions to perennial philosophy and sufism. Second, in facing the mis-concept of the cosmos, Nasr made Islamic Cosmological doctrine as the key. Third, to deal with the worsening environmental crisis, Nasr invites people to make Nature as Sacred creation of God. Fourth, Nasr offers the concept of Sacred Science, as a solution to the degradation of metaphysical and spiritual values in modern science. Regarding that Indonesia is a big nation, Indonesia needs to apply the Nasr concept as a solution to the destruction of modern man.

Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam, 2021
This paper tries to explore the concept of purification of the soul (tazkiyat al-nafs) and its re... more This paper tries to explore the concept of purification of the soul (tazkiyat al-nafs) and its relationship to happiness according to Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah. Ibn Qayyim explained that the soul (nafs) is the essence of man with the ability to incline to good or evil. The soul was created with flaws and imperfect, but it will become perfect with the purification (tazkiyatun nafs). This research is a library study and the data collected using documentary techniques. The collected data were analyzed utilizing analytical-descriptive method. This study concludes the following. First, the purification of the soul according to Ibn Qayyim is not only to purify the human soul, but also to purify his faith. Second, Ibn Qayyim's method of purifying the soul is by takhalli (emptying the soul) from all impurities of sin and tahalli (filling the soul) with obedience to Allah in the form of the main practices to achieve soul perfection. Third, happiness according to Ibn Qayyim is the happiness of the spiritual heart (nafs) as well as the happiness of useful knowledge. The highest and greatest happiness is the happiness of the heart in achieving ma'rifatullah. Fourth, the relationship of purification of the soul with happiness according to Ibn Qayyim is like a mirror in which there is a law of causality (cause and effect). The more the mirror of the heart is cleansed of the rust of sin, the image of His Throne will be clearer and more visible, so that it leads to ma'rifatullah.

The problem of modern man and Western civilization, have caused man in general to forget the natu... more The problem of modern man and Western civilization, have caused man in general to forget the nature of his life, particularly in Indonesia. Various kinds of damage, starting from theology, environment, sciences, and other aspects do not escape the consequences of modern man actions. Metaphysics and the real reality of God along with the development of technology, disappeared and replaced with false reality that will destroy the existence of human being itself. Many western scientists agree that human nature is increasingly shortened as modern science and technology evolve, which is empty of metaphysics recognition. Furthermore, modern man today only lives on the edge of his existence and the reality of nature. If they don't immediately aware of this situation, they have pushed themselves to the brink of physical and spiritual extinction. This research tries to uncover some of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's criticisms and solutions to modern man problems in several aspects such as scientific errors, environmental crises, telology, and cosmology by using literature studies with descriptive analytical methods for general, and for Indonesian in particular. This research draws the following conclusions; First, to deal with the theological problems that deny God's reality, Nasr offered solutions to perennial philosophy and sufism. Second, in facing the mis-concept of the cosmos, Nasr made Islamic Cosmological doctrine as the key. Third, to deal with the worsening environmental crisis, Nasr invites people to make Nature as Sacred creation of God. Fourth, Nasr offers the concept of Sacred Science, as a solution to the degradation of metaphysical and spiritual values in modern science. Regarding that Indonesia is a big nation, Indonesia needs to apply the Nasr concept as a solution to the destruction of modern man.

Basically a person's consumption behavior is more influenced by his perspective on the meaning an... more Basically a person's consumption behavior is more influenced by his perspective on the meaning and purpose of consuming an item. So that some people are more displeased (hedonism) or just to fulfill their own needs (rationalism) caused by fanatics about the image of an item without considering the aspects of public interest (maslahah) and public harm (mafsadah). These patterns continue to be instilled in society imperialistically which eventually becomes a value, structure, social and lifestyle in community. In the Islamic concept, consumption behavior as a unity between worship and devotion is inseparable from the concept of tauhid (theocentrism). Inconsumption a Muslim must take attention to the social and economic aspects of other people. It means not only fulfilling his own needs but maqasyid sharia as a benchmark in consumption. This article tries to reconstruct the concept of Western consumption behavior which brings a lot of mafsadah and harm to society with an Islamic worldview prespective.

This paper tries to explore the concept of purification of the soul (tazkiyat al-nafs) and its re... more This paper tries to explore the concept of purification of the soul (tazkiyat al-nafs) and its relationship to happiness according to Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah. Ibn Qayyim explained that the soul (nafs) is the essence of man with the ability to incline to good or evil. The soul was created with flaws and imperfect, but it will become perfect with the purification (tazkiyatun nafs). This research is a library study and the data collected using documentary techniques. The collected data were analyzed utilizing analytical-descriptive method. This study concludes the following. First, the purification of the soul according to Ibn Qayyim is not only to purify the human soul, but also to purify his faith. Second, Ibn Qayyim's method of purifying the soul is by takhalli (emptying the soul) from all impurities of sin and tahalli (filling the soul) with obedience to Allah in the form of the main practices to achieve soul perfection. Third, happiness according to Ibn Qayyim is the happiness of the spiritual heart (nafs) as well as the happiness of useful knowledge. The highest and greatest happiness is the happiness of the heart in achieving ma'rifatullah. Fourth, the relationship of purification of the soul with happiness according to Ibn Qayyim is like a mirror in which there is a law of causality (cause and effect). The more the mirror of the heart is cleansed of the rust of sin, the image of His Throne will be clearer and more visible, so that it leads to ma'rifatullah.

Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkap konsep penyucian jiwa (tazkiyat al-nafs) dan hubungannya dengan ke... more Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkap konsep penyucian jiwa (tazkiyat al-nafs) dan hubungannya dengan kebahagiaan menurut Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyyah. Ibnu Qayyim menjelaskan bahwa Jiwa (nafs) adalah esensi manusia, ia memiliki kemampuan untuk condong.kepada kebaikan atau kejahatan. Oleh karena itu, jelas sekali bahwa jiwa itu diciptakan
dengan kekurangan dan tidak sempurna, ia akan menjadi sempurna dengan penyucian jiwa. Penellitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan dan untuk mengumpulkan data digunakan teknik dokumenter. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif-analitik. Kajian ini menyimpulkan empat temuan berikut. Pertama, penyucian jiwa menurut Ibnu Qayyim
bukan hanya untuk menyucikan jiwa manusia, tetapi juga menyucikan akidahnya, karena syirik merupakan najis dan kotoran. Kedua, metode Ibnu Qayyim dalam penyucian jiwa adalah dengan takhalli (pengosongan jiwa) dari segala kotoran dosa dan tahalli (pengisian
jiwa) dengan ketaatan kepada Allah berupa amalan-amalan utama untuk mencapai kesempurnaan jiwa. Ketiga, kebahagiaan menurut Ibnu Qayyim adalah kebahagiaan hati spiritual (nafs) seperti halnya kebahagiaan ilmu yang bermanfaat. Kebahagiaan tertinggi dan terbesarnya adalah kebahagiaan hati dalam mencapai ma’rifatullah. Keempat, hubungan
penyucian jiwa dengan kebahagiaan menurut Ibnu Qayyim ibarat cermin yang di dalamnya terdapat hukum kausalitas (sebab akibat), semakin cermin hati dibersihkan dari kotoran karat dosa maka gambar Arsy-Nya akan semakin jelas dan tampak, sehingga mengantarkan kepada ma’rifatullah.

Tsaqafah, 2023
This paper is Hamka's critique of Sigmund Freud on psychoanalysis. For Freud, human life is drive... more This paper is Hamka's critique of Sigmund Freud on psychoanalysis. For Freud, human life is driven by sexual desire from birth. This causes the loss of the divine nature in humans. Freud views the human soul as a creature that is only controlled by the sex libido, which tends to be pessimistic. By using literature review and using qualitative data. The result found a different view from Hamka. Hamka denies that humans are only controlled by sexual libido; in his interpretation of al-Azharnya, Hamka emphasized that in religion (Islam), humans were created by Allah with the best creature, both outward and inward form, body shape, and life. Therefore Hamka explained that the soul (an-nafs) as the essence of human beings is divided into three parts. First, nafsul amarah bissiu'. Second, nafsul lawwamah, and nafsul mutmainnah. Freud never explained these three forms of an-nafs, and they were even forgotten. On the other side, Freud views religion as the cause of the emergence of neuroses that threaten human life. Therefore, Hamka emphasized that Freud's psychoanalysis was seen as not touching the aesthetic value (in) the human soul, thus creating an arid mentality for humans.
Tasfiyah, Feb 1, 2020
This paper is written to discuss a problem of truth caused by westernization of knowledge in Isla... more This paper is written to discuss a problem of truth caused by westernization of knowledge in Islamic world. According to the western civilization, the truth is relative. Nothing is absolute. It is because they have made human as measurement of all things which have just been depending on fives senses and reason with philosophical speculation in secular life. The dichotomy of reality and truth could not be avoided. Therefore, this paper tries to explain the concept of truth in Islamic and Western view. Hopefully, this research could benefit all Moslem people to view the reality and the truth. It is absolutely urgent for a Moslem to know characteristic of Islamic concept of truth as the basis of the Islamic worldview such as concept of God, concept of man, and concept of nature.

A. PENDAHULUAN Samuel P. Huntington adalah pemberi nama konflik global yang terjadi saat ini deng... more A. PENDAHULUAN Samuel P. Huntington adalah pemberi nama konflik global yang terjadi saat ini dengan sebutan "Clash of Civilization". 2 Alasannya, sumber konflik umat manusia saat ini bukan lagi ideologi, politik atau ekonomi, tapi kultural. Namun, yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah Jika kultur atau peradaban adalah identitas, maka identitas peradaban itu sendiri adalah worldview. Jadi, Clash of Civilization berindikasi pada Clash of Worldview. 3 Clash of Worldview, istilah ini paling tepat untuk digunakan sebagai komparasi antara worldview Barat yang menjadikan "konsep manusia" sebagai konsep tertinggi diantara konsep-konsep lainnya (Antroposentrisme), dengan worldview Islam yang menjadikan "konsep Tuhan" sebagai konsep kunci, inti dan tertinggi (Teosentrisme atau pandangan tauhid). 4 Sehingga, mempengaruhi cara pandang antara kedua peradaban ini dalam memandang ilmu pengetahuan. Worldview mencakup semua sistem dalam kehidupan, baik sistem pendidikan, politik, hukum, atau pun sistem ekonomi, semuanya berlatar belakang dan memancarkan pandangan alam (worldview) serta nilai-nilai utama bangsa dan peradaban tersebut. worldview inilah yang menjadi cara setiap orang memahami kehidupan, serta menjadi asas bagi setiap kegiatannya. 5 Karena urgensinya worldview ini, Alparslan Acikgence menyatakan bahwa seluruh tingkah laku manusia pada akhirnya bisa dilacak sampai ke worldviewnya, suatu kesimpulan yang cukup dengan sendirinya untuk mengungkapkan pentingnya worldview dalam diri seseorang dan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, termasuk, tentu saja, kegiatan ilmiah. Ini menunjukkan bahwa semua nilai dan tindakan manusia, sadar atau tidak, merupakan refleksi atas keyakinan-keyakinan metafisis atau worldview tertentu, dan bidang pengetahuan serta pendidikan merupakan bidang yang 1 Peserta Program Kaderisasi Ulama Universitas Darussalam Gontor Angkatan ke XI.

Tasfiyah, 2019
This article departs from the problems of spiritual crisis experienced by modern man today, it ca... more This article departs from the problems of spiritual crisis experienced by modern man today, it caused by the secularization as the core of the modernism, which stated religion as a private and was not a public matter. Syed Hossein Nasr is one of Muslim scholar who struggled to solve this matter, because he had witnessed the negative effect of the modernization. He also develop his idea about Islam Traditionalism based on Tasawuf. His works on Tasawwuf and his views are very relevant and very good for compiling and improving the moral decadence and spiritual emptiness that modern humans need today. Because he has accepted religion and even left him. Through literature studies with qualitative methods, this paper tries to explain about tasawwuf according to Syed Hossein Nasr, expected to provide benefits in an effort to improve morals and help modern humans from spiritual emptiness through Tasawwuf education.
Tasfiyah, 2020
This paper is written to discuss a problem of truth caused by westernization of knowledge in Isla... more This paper is written to discuss a problem of truth caused by westernization of knowledge in Islamic world. According to the western civilization, the truth is relative. Nothing is absolute. It is because they have made human as measurement of all things which have just been depending on fives senses and reason with philosophical speculation in secular life. The dichotomy of reality and truth could not be avoided. Therefore, this paper tries to explain the concept of truth in Islamic and Western view. Hopefully, this research could benefit all Moslem people to view the reality and the truth. It is absolutely urgent for a Moslem to know characteristic of Islamic concept of truth as the basis of the Islamic worldview such as concept of God, concept of man, and concept of nature.

Dedy Irawan, M. Ag, 2019
This article departs from the problems of spiritual crisis experienced by modern man today, it ca... more This article departs from the problems of spiritual crisis experienced by modern man today, it caused by the secularization as the core of the modernism, which stated religion as a private and was not a public matter. Syed Hossein Nasr is one of Muslim scholar who struggled to solve this matter, because he had witnessed the negative effect of the modernization. He also develop his idea about Islam Traditionalism based on Tasawuf. His works on Tasawwuf and his views are very relevant and very good for compiling and improving the moral decadence and spiritual emptiness that modern humans need today. Because he has accepted religion and even left him. Through literature studies with qualitative methods, this paper tries to explain about tasawwuf according to Syed Hossein Nasr, expected to provide benefits in an effort to improve morals and help modern humans from spiritual emptiness through Tasawwuf education.

This paper departs from the problem of education in Islamic countries, especially Indonesia, whic... more This paper departs from the problem of education in Islamic countries, especially Indonesia, which began secular by changing religious education as private matter. This is caused by the westernization of knowledge which has been spread by the West since colonialism and has been influential until now. This is all due to the fact that Muslim scientists themselves are lack of understanding on the differences in human concepts in the perspectives of Islam and the West, even though both have different human notions. This is due to the different sources of knowledge between Islam and the West, so that it affects the difference in perspective between the two in viewing humans. The source of knowledge in the West itself is only adopted from "ratio and senses", while the source of knowledge in Islam comes from not only from "ratio and senses" but also from "khabar sadiq (al-Qur'an and hadith) and intuition. Islam considers that religious education is urgent because it has implications for human concepts. of course this is different from the West where the source of knowledge does not include aspects of religion. That is why through a literature study with descriptive analytic methods, this paper tries to explain the differences in human concepts between the West and Islam, and explains the urgency of religious education and its implications for human concepts in the Islamic worldview. It is hoped that it can be raised in scientific discussions after seeing the proliferation of misconceptions due to the swift flow of Western hegemony in the current millennial era

Dedy Irawan
A. PENDAHULUAN Samuel P. Huntington adalah pemberi nama konflik global yang terjadi saat ini deng... more A. PENDAHULUAN Samuel P. Huntington adalah pemberi nama konflik global yang terjadi saat ini dengan sebutan "Clash of Civilization". 2 Alasannya, sumber konflik umat manusia saat ini bukan lagi ideologi, politik atau ekonomi, tapi kultural. Namun, yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah Jika kultur atau peradaban adalah identitas, maka identitas peradaban itu sendiri adalah worldview. Jadi, Clash of Civilization berindikasi pada Clash of Worldview. 3 Clash of Worldview, istilah ini paling tepat untuk digunakan sebagai komparasi antara worldview Barat yang menjadikan "konsep manusia" sebagai konsep tertinggi diantara konsep-konsep lainnya (Antroposentrisme), dengan worldview Islam yang menjadikan "konsep Tuhan" sebagai konsep kunci, inti dan tertinggi (Teosentrisme atau pandangan tauhid). 4 Sehingga, mempengaruhi cara pandang antara kedua peradaban ini dalam memandang ilmu pengetahuan. Worldview mencakup semua sistem dalam kehidupan, baik sistem pendidikan, politik, hukum, atau pun sistem ekonomi, semuanya berlatar belakang dan memancarkan pandangan alam (worldview) serta nilai-nilai utama bangsa dan peradaban tersebut. worldview inilah yang menjadi cara setiap orang memahami kehidupan, serta menjadi asas bagi setiap kegiatannya. 5 Karena urgensinya worldview ini, Alparslan Acikgence menyatakan bahwa seluruh tingkah laku manusia pada akhirnya bisa dilacak sampai ke worldviewnya, suatu kesimpulan yang cukup dengan sendirinya untuk mengungkapkan pentingnya worldview dalam diri seseorang dan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, termasuk, tentu saja, kegiatan ilmiah. Ini menunjukkan bahwa semua nilai dan tindakan manusia, sadar atau tidak, merupakan refleksi atas keyakinan-keyakinan metafisis atau worldview tertentu, dan bidang pengetahuan serta pendidikan merupakan bidang yang 1 Peserta Program Kaderisasi Ulama Universitas Darussalam Gontor Angkatan ke XI.
Samuel P. Huntington adalah pemberi nama konflik global yang terjadi saat ini dengan sebutan "Cla... more Samuel P. Huntington adalah pemberi nama konflik global yang terjadi saat ini dengan sebutan "Clash of Civilization". 2 Alasannya, sumber konflik umat manusia saat ini bukan lagi ideologi, politik atau ekonomi, tapi kultural. Namun, yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah Jika kultur atau peradaban adalah identitas, maka identitas peradaban itu sendiri adalah worldview. Jadi, Clash of Civilization berindikasi pada Clash of Worldview. 3 Clash of Worldview, istilah ini paling tepat untuk digunakan sebagai komparasi antara worldview Barat yang menjadikan "konsep manusia" sebagai konsep tertinggi diantara konsep-konsep lainnya (Antroposentrisme), dengan worldview Islam yang menjadikan "konsep Tuhan" sebagai konsep kunci, inti dan tertinggi (Teosentrisme atau pandangan tauhid). 4 Sehingga, mempengaruhi cara pandang antara kedua peradaban ini dalam memandang ilmu pengetahuan.

Dedy Irawan
A. PENDAHULUAN Samuel P. Huntington adalah pemberi nama konflik global yang terjadi saat ini deng... more A. PENDAHULUAN Samuel P. Huntington adalah pemberi nama konflik global yang terjadi saat ini dengan sebutan "Clash of Civilization". 2 Alasannya, sumber konflik umat manusia saat ini bukan lagi ideologi, politik atau ekonomi, tapi kultural. Namun, yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah Jika kultur atau peradaban adalah identitas, maka identitas peradaban itu sendiri adalah worldview. Jadi, Clash of Civilization berindikasi pada Clash of Worldview. 3 Clash of Worldview, istilah ini paling tepat untuk digunakan sebagai komparasi antara worldview Barat yang menjadikan "konsep manusia" sebagai konsep tertinggi diantara konsep-konsep lainnya (Antroposentrisme), dengan worldview Islam yang menjadikan "konsep Tuhan" sebagai konsep kunci, inti dan tertinggi (Teosentrisme atau pandangan tauhid). 4 Sehingga, mempengaruhi cara pandang antara kedua peradaban ini dalam memandang ilmu pengetahuan. Worldview mencakup semua sistem dalam kehidupan, baik sistem pendidikan, politik, hukum, atau pun sistem ekonomi, semuanya berlatar belakang dan memancarkan pandangan alam (worldview) serta nilai-nilai utama bangsa dan peradaban tersebut. worldview inilah yang menjadi cara setiap orang memahami kehidupan, serta menjadi asas bagi setiap kegiatannya. 5 Karena urgensinya worldview ini, Alparslan Acikgence menyatakan bahwa seluruh tingkah laku manusia pada akhirnya bisa dilacak sampai ke worldviewnya, suatu kesimpulan yang cukup dengan sendirinya untuk mengungkapkan pentingnya worldview dalam diri seseorang dan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, termasuk, tentu saja, kegiatan ilmiah. Ini menunjukkan bahwa semua nilai dan tindakan manusia, sadar atau tidak, merupakan refleksi atas keyakinan-keyakinan metafisis atau worldview tertentu, dan bidang pengetahuan serta pendidikan merupakan bidang yang 1 Peserta Program Kaderisasi Ulama Universitas Darussalam Gontor Angkatan ke XI.

Dedy Irawan, M. Ag, 2020
A. PENDAHULUAN Samuel P. Huntington adalah pemberi nama konflik global yang terjadi saat ini deng... more A. PENDAHULUAN Samuel P. Huntington adalah pemberi nama konflik global yang terjadi saat ini dengan sebutan "Clash of Civilization". 2 Alasannya, sumber konflik umat manusia saat ini bukan lagi ideologi, politik atau ekonomi, tapi kultural. Namun, yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah Jika kultur atau peradaban adalah identitas, maka identitas peradaban itu sendiri adalah worldview. Jadi, Clash of Civilization berindikasi pada Clash of Worldview. 3 Clash of Worldview, istilah ini paling tepat untuk digunakan sebagai komparasi antara worldview Barat yang menjadikan "konsep manusia" sebagai konsep tertinggi diantara konsep-konsep lainnya (Antroposentrisme), dengan worldview Islam yang menjadikan "konsep Tuhan" sebagai konsep kunci, inti dan tertinggi (Teosentrisme atau pandangan tauhid). 4 Sehingga, mempengaruhi cara pandang antara kedua peradaban ini dalam memandang ilmu pengetahuan. Worldview mencakup semua sistem dalam kehidupan, baik sistem pendidikan, politik, hukum, atau pun sistem ekonomi, semuanya berlatar belakang dan memancarkan pandangan alam (worldview) serta nilai-nilai utama bangsa dan peradaban tersebut. worldview inilah yang menjadi cara setiap orang memahami kehidupan, serta menjadi asas bagi setiap kegiatannya. 5 Karena urgensinya worldview ini, Alparslan Acikgence menyatakan bahwa seluruh tingkah laku manusia pada akhirnya bisa dilacak sampai ke worldviewnya, suatu kesimpulan yang cukup dengan sendirinya untuk mengungkapkan pentingnya worldview dalam diri seseorang dan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, termasuk, tentu saja, kegiatan ilmiah. Ini menunjukkan bahwa semua nilai dan tindakan manusia, sadar atau tidak, merupakan refleksi atas keyakinan-keyakinan metafisis atau worldview tertentu, dan bidang pengetahuan serta pendidikan merupakan bidang yang 1 Peserta Program Kaderisasi Ulama Universitas Darussalam Gontor Angkatan ke XI.
Papers by Dedy Irawan, M. Ag
dengan kekurangan dan tidak sempurna, ia akan menjadi sempurna dengan penyucian jiwa. Penellitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan dan untuk mengumpulkan data digunakan teknik dokumenter. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif-analitik. Kajian ini menyimpulkan empat temuan berikut. Pertama, penyucian jiwa menurut Ibnu Qayyim
bukan hanya untuk menyucikan jiwa manusia, tetapi juga menyucikan akidahnya, karena syirik merupakan najis dan kotoran. Kedua, metode Ibnu Qayyim dalam penyucian jiwa adalah dengan takhalli (pengosongan jiwa) dari segala kotoran dosa dan tahalli (pengisian
jiwa) dengan ketaatan kepada Allah berupa amalan-amalan utama untuk mencapai kesempurnaan jiwa. Ketiga, kebahagiaan menurut Ibnu Qayyim adalah kebahagiaan hati spiritual (nafs) seperti halnya kebahagiaan ilmu yang bermanfaat. Kebahagiaan tertinggi dan terbesarnya adalah kebahagiaan hati dalam mencapai ma’rifatullah. Keempat, hubungan
penyucian jiwa dengan kebahagiaan menurut Ibnu Qayyim ibarat cermin yang di dalamnya terdapat hukum kausalitas (sebab akibat), semakin cermin hati dibersihkan dari kotoran karat dosa maka gambar Arsy-Nya akan semakin jelas dan tampak, sehingga mengantarkan kepada ma’rifatullah.
dengan kekurangan dan tidak sempurna, ia akan menjadi sempurna dengan penyucian jiwa. Penellitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan dan untuk mengumpulkan data digunakan teknik dokumenter. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif-analitik. Kajian ini menyimpulkan empat temuan berikut. Pertama, penyucian jiwa menurut Ibnu Qayyim
bukan hanya untuk menyucikan jiwa manusia, tetapi juga menyucikan akidahnya, karena syirik merupakan najis dan kotoran. Kedua, metode Ibnu Qayyim dalam penyucian jiwa adalah dengan takhalli (pengosongan jiwa) dari segala kotoran dosa dan tahalli (pengisian
jiwa) dengan ketaatan kepada Allah berupa amalan-amalan utama untuk mencapai kesempurnaan jiwa. Ketiga, kebahagiaan menurut Ibnu Qayyim adalah kebahagiaan hati spiritual (nafs) seperti halnya kebahagiaan ilmu yang bermanfaat. Kebahagiaan tertinggi dan terbesarnya adalah kebahagiaan hati dalam mencapai ma’rifatullah. Keempat, hubungan
penyucian jiwa dengan kebahagiaan menurut Ibnu Qayyim ibarat cermin yang di dalamnya terdapat hukum kausalitas (sebab akibat), semakin cermin hati dibersihkan dari kotoran karat dosa maka gambar Arsy-Nya akan semakin jelas dan tampak, sehingga mengantarkan kepada ma’rifatullah.
Dalam buku ini, pembaca akan diajak untuk memahami bagaimana Islam sebagai agama yang holistik memberikan kerangka pemikiran yang koheren untuk menilai dan merespons isu-isu seperti globalisasi, kapitalisme, sekularisme, krisis lingkungan. Buku ini juga membahas bagaimana umat Islam dapat tetap teguh pada prinsip-prinsip keagamaan mereka sambil beradaptasi dengan perubahan zaman yang cepat.
Penulis juga menyoroti pentingnya membangun kesadaran umat akan pentingnya memahami identitas worldview mereka yang berlandaskan pada tauhid, serta bagaimana menyikapi tantangan intelektual dan ideologis yang muncul di era modern, berdasarkan perspektif Islam yang autentik. Dengan pendekatan ini, buku tersebut menawarkan wacana intelektual yang relevan bagi akademisi, dan kalangan umum yang tertarik untuk memahami hubungan antara ajaran Islam dan problematika dunia kontemporer.Akhirnya, kami ucapkan selamat menikmati dan meneguk hikmah dari buku ini.