Papers by dewi novitasari Suhaid
Embrio: Jurnal Kebidanan/Embrio : Jurnal Kebidanan, Nov 30, 2023

Jurma, Dec 1, 2023
Sex education is very important to give to teenagers, even from childhood. Children and adolescen... more Sex education is very important to give to teenagers, even from childhood. Children and adolescents are vulnerable to misinformation about sex. People's views in general are still taboo when talking about sex and sexuality issues. If sex education is not taught as early as possible to children, it is likely that there will be violations of moral values such as free sex, rape, etc. Some efforts that can be made to overcome reproductive health problems in adolescents include sexual education. Sexual education is an effort to increase knowledge and change individual attitudes and behaviors to better understand their reproductive health needs. The purpose of this community service is to increase students' knowledge related to sex education. At the beginning of this activity, it began with an approach with partners, namely to see how many students and female students participated, for effectiveness in counseling. The participants who participated in this counseling were fourth grade students at Ricci Elementary School, Jalan Kemenangan III N0 47 Glodok, Taman Sari, West Jakarta, consisting of 48 male students and 33 female students. The total number of participants who participated in this counseling was 81. This counseling activity was declared successful because there was an increase in knowledge in students and schoolgirls after being given counseling.

Abdi dosen, Dec 10, 2023
Pregnancy is a process that a woman looks forward to, but during pregnancy, there are various com... more Pregnancy is a process that a woman looks forward to, but during pregnancy, there are various complaints that are felt due to physical and psychological changes and cause discomfort. Changes that occur due to changes in hormones and the psychology of pregnant women Increasing gestational age results in increasingly diverse complaints in pregnant women, especially in the third trimester. The complaints that are often experienced are back pain caused by excessive bending, walking without rest, and lifting weights. Midwives have an important role in improving the health of pregnant and postpartum women to overcome discomfort during pregnancy, childbirth, and the early postpartum period. This community service is carried out so that midwives can reduce discomfort for pregnant women, so they need to receive training in pregnancy and early postpartum exercises to improve their skills. There were 18 participants in the course, all of whom are currently employed as midwives for the Siloam Hospital Group. The course was considered successful after receiving an improving score from all participants.

Promotor, Apr 5, 2023
Abstrak seringkali disajikan terpisah dari artikel, sehingga harus dapat berdiri sendiri. Abstrak... more Abstrak seringkali disajikan terpisah dari artikel, sehingga harus dapat berdiri sendiri. Abstrak yang disiapkan dengan baik memungkinkan pembaca untuk mengidentifikasi isi dasar dari sebuah dokumen dengan cepat dan akurat, untuk menentukan relevansinya dengan minat mereka, dan dengan demikian memutuskan apakah akan membaca dokumen secara keseluruhan. Abstrak harus informatif dan benar-benar jelas, memberikan pernyataan yang jelas tentang masalah, pendekatan atau solusi yang diusulkan, dan menunjukkan temuan dan kesimpulan utama. Panjang Abstrak harus 100 sampai 250 kata. Referensi harus dihindari, tetapi jika penting, maka kutip penulis dan tahun. Nomenklatur standar harus digunakan, dan singkatan yang tidak standar atau tidak biasa harus dihindari, tetapi jika penting mereka harus didefinisikan pada saat pertama kali disebutkan dalam abstrak itu sendiri. Tidak ada literatur yang harus dikutip. Daftar kata kunci memberikan kesempatan untuk menambahkan 5 hingga 7 kata kunci, yang digunakan oleh layanan pengindeksan dan abstrak, selain yang sudah ada di judul (9 pt).

Promotor, Apr 5, 2023
Anemia gravidarum merupakan kondisi dimana kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil di bawah 11 gram/dL. K... more Anemia gravidarum merupakan kondisi dimana kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil di bawah 11 gram/dL. Kondisi ini memungkinkan untuk terjadi diakibatkan oleh penyesuaian sistem tubuh yang terjadi selama kehamilan. Dalam kehamilan proses ini disebut hemodelusi yang puncaknya terjadi pada usia kehamilan 32 minggu. Anemia gravidarum berpotensi menyebabkan penyulit dan komplikasi yang terjadi baik dari kehamilan sampai denga masa nifas. Janin juga memiliki risiko untuk mengalami komplikasi karena kondisi ini. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik ibu hamil yang mengalami anemia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan kasus kontrol. Sampel pada penelitian ini 68 orang diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Kriteria inklusi diantaranya bersedia menjadi responden, ibu hamil dalam periode trimester I dan trimester II. Analisis menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi anemia gravidarum sebesar 47,05%. Umur, pendidikan dan jarak kehamilan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan anemia gravidarum. Paritas, pekerjaan dan status gizi tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan anemia gravidarum.

Abdi dosen, Jun 7, 2023
Lactation / Breastfeeding is a natural process for a woman, but it is vital to prepare in order t... more Lactation / Breastfeeding is a natural process for a woman, but it is vital to prepare in order to achieve the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Indonesian Health Profile (2018) shows that exclusive breastfeeding coverage in Indonesia is 65.16%, falling short of the target of 80%. Only 42% of the 135 million babies born each year are nursed during the first hour of life, 38% exclusively breastfeed for the first six months, and 58% continue to breastfeed until the age of two. The dearth of information among mothers about exclusive breastfeeding and the absence of assistance from medical professionals in this area are two influential factors. Breast milk is a critical source of nutrition and energy for sick people, and it improves infant development, lowers morbidity and mortality, and lowers the risk of chronic diseases. Breastfeeding also improves the health and happiness of mothers, lowers the incidence of ovarian and breast cancer, and conserves resources for both families and the country (WHO, 2021). The method used in this activity is to educate pregnant women and their families on the value of getting ready for lactation during pregnancy. Following counseling, there was an increase in knowledge about pregnancy-related lactation preparation.

Abdi dosen, Sep 6, 2023
Stunting or short stature is defined as a condition where the length or height has a z-score belo... more Stunting or short stature is defined as a condition where the length or height has a z-score below-2SD based on growth standards, depending on age. Stunting can also be interpreted as a condition of children under the age of five who, due to chronic malnutrition (since the womb and in the first days after birth), develop stunted growth that does not appear until the age of 2 years. The most critical intervention to reduce stunt prevalence occurs in the first 1000 days of life in children under the age of five or before the age of 2, as children aged 2 to 3 experience a slowdown in growth and catch up with children's Growth opportunities at this age are lower than children aged 6 to 24 months. The prevalence of stunting is 19.7% in Central Jakarta, second only to North Jakarta. One of the actions that can be taken to prevent stunting is to provide information and education to mothers at Posyandu Dahlia in Paseban on the definition of stunting, effects, dangers, and how to prevent and correct stunting in children under the age of 2. With increasing knowledge one hopes to be able to prevent stunting. From the results of the pre-and post-tests conducted on 45 participants, there was an 83% increase in knowledge. This demonstrates that this health promotion intervention has succeeded in expanding knowledge and providing participants with knowledge benefits related to stunting.

Abdi dosen, Jun 7, 2023
Premature membrane rupture, extreme stomach pain, severe headaches, and bleeding are all warning ... more Premature membrane rupture, extreme stomach pain, severe headaches, and bleeding are all warning signs of pregnancy. impacts such as miscarriage, early pregnancy, fetal discomfort, and pregnancy-related toxicity that could affect the mother's health and the safety of the unborn child. If the mother and family are aware of the risk indicators of pregnancy and take prompt action to overcome them, complications can be prevented and addressed early. In light of this, it is crucial for moms to be aware of the pregnancy's risk indicators, such as bleeding and an early rupture of the membranes, through education in order to prevent difficulties and assist mothers in recognizing their pregnancy. The technique employed in this activity is to coach participants about pregnancy-hazard symptoms. Online games are played with expectant mothers and their families. Following the counseling, there was an improvement in knowledge of the pregnancy danger signals, going from 76 (pre-test) to 97 (post-test).

Abdi dosen, Sep 6, 2023
Exclusive breastfeeding is an attempt at enhancing the health and survival of infants during the ... more Exclusive breastfeeding is an attempt at enhancing the health and survival of infants during the initial 6 months of life. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that 2 out of 3 infants worldwide do not receive exclusive breastfeeding for the full 6 months. According to UNICEF, it is projected that by 2022, less than half (48%) of infants globally will be exclusively breastfed. The advantages of exclusive breastfeeding for infants encompass the acquisition of antibodies to prevent exposure to diseases, facilitation of brain and physical development, and mitigation of the risk of stunting. The successful practice of exclusive breastfeeding is profoundly affected by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Among the intrinsic factors that impact breastfeeding behavior, knowledge stands out. Insufficient or inaccurate information regarding the benefits of breastfeeding, the mechanism of milk production, as well as attachment and breastfeeding positions, are subjects that contribute to challenges in the breastfeeding process. Elevating awareness and comprehension of breast anatomy, milk production mechanisms, and proper attachment during breastfeeding among postpartum mothers will heighten self-efficacy concerning belief in behavioral change. Community service initiatives employ the health education approach utilizing a replica model of breast anatomy. The counseling sessions target parents (both husband and wife) undergoing postnatal health monitoring, and who are recipients of care in the postnatal care unit. The outcomes of this undertaking reveal a noteworthy 35% enhancement in participants' knowledge subsequent to receiving information on breast anatomy, milk production, and proper attachment."

The Malaysian journal of nursing, Dec 31, 2022
Background: Family resilience is the dynamic condition of a family that has the physical, mental,... more Background: Family resilience is the dynamic condition of a family that has the physical, mental, and material strength to lead an independent life. Aim: This study was to identify the utilization of animated videos on family resilience in the COVID-19 pandemic in East Jakarta. Methods: This is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental design and a randomized pre-/post-test control group design involving 289 respondents, of whom 197 were in the intervention group and 92 were in the control group. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between family resilience before and after intervention through the utilization of animated videos. Conclusion: Animated video is effectively used as a medium for learning and providing education with audio and visuals that can stimulate the human senses. Family resilience is the basis for improving family quality and maintaining the character and health of the whole family. Recommendation: This research recommends the use of animated videos to improve people's cognitive and affective domains and facilitate a good understanding of maintaining family resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.
SEAJOM: The Southeast Asia Journal of Midwifery, Mar 20, 2018

Jurnal Antara Keperawatan, Jul 30, 2021
Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk menganalisis factor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian perdarahan p... more Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk menganalisis factor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian perdarahan post partum dini (early post partum) pada ibu bersalin di rumah sakit X Jakarta Pusat. Metode Penelitian : Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah analitik observasional melalui pendekatan case control dengan menggunakan data sekunder di kamar bersalin Rumah Sakit X Jakarta Pusat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibuyang melahirkan di kamar bersalin rumah sakit X Jakarta Pusat dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 108 orang. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Chi-Square. Hasil Penelitian : Analisis yang didapatkan dari 108 responden menunjukkan Sebagian besar ibu yang bersalin di rumah sakit X Jakarta Pusat (88%) tidak mengalami perdarahan post partum dini, hampir seluruh ibu bersalin yang mengalami perdarahan (92,3%) berusia reproduksi yaitu 20-35 tahun, 53,8% memiliki paritas 1 atau >3, dan hampir seluruh responden (92,3%) memiliki bayi dengan berat badan lahir ≤4000gram. Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian melalui uji Chi-square menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara usia ibu, paritas dan berat badan lahir dengan kejadian perdarahan post partum dini di rumah sakit X Jakarta Pusat.

Abdi Dosen : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Midwifery education programme is an educational forum that graduate professionals to support wome... more Midwifery education programme is an educational forum that graduate professionals to support women throughout their life cycle, using the paradigm that the process women experience is a natural thing. Efforts must be made to improve midwive students' competencies through hands-on learning using the preceptorship method. The preceptorship is a form of clinical learning that helps students to be better prepared for organizational and professional structures and to become more productive. A preceptor's role is to provide support, supervision, monitor learning and assess student placements. Effective Preceptorship can be carried out by preparing Preceptors through an understanding of the duties, responsibilities and use of methods in accompanying students in clinics. Therefore, training is needed to improve the competency of supervising midwives as educators and mentors in clinics. The training was conducted online for 2 days. The assessment of competence improvement is carried ...

Journal of Midwifery
Exclusive breasfeeding is one of the Sustainable Development Goals programs that aim to provide g... more Exclusive breasfeeding is one of the Sustainable Development Goals programs that aim to provide good nutrition for babies naturally. Given the far-reaching benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for babies, mothers and the economy, concerted efforts are needed to meet the World Health Assembly (WHA) target of at least 50% exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months by 2025. The exclusive breastfeeding coverage rate is still far from the expectations removed. This is to be expected as only 1 in 2 babies under 6 months are exclusively breastfed. This shows that almost 50% of Indonesia's child population does not receive the nutrition they need in the first two years of life. The WHO reports that more than 40% of infants were introduced to complementary foods before the age of 6 months and were given food that did not meet their nutritional needs. The aim of this study is to analyze factors related with successful in exclusive breastfeeding during a pandemic. This research is an observationa...

Journal of Midwifery
Menstruation can cause various problems including pain during menstruation or what is commonly kn... more Menstruation can cause various problems including pain during menstruation or what is commonly known as dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea can interfere with daily activities, including school activities for adolescents. Dysmenorrhea can occur 2-3 years after menarche. The average duration of menstruation is 3-6 days, followed by reduced blood loss from the 2nd day to the end. This causes women to feel pain on the 2nd day of their cycle due to the unmaximized detachment of the endometrium. Puberty is an important phase of life, followed by development and growth. Good knowledge will shape behavior that supports maximum growth and development. Dysmenorrhea is the number one reason why female students are absent from school. Absences lead to missing information and an impairment. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between menstrual length and menstrual cycle with dysmenorrhea in female students. This study uses a quantitative method with a cross-sectional approach. The sam...

Jurnal Kebidanan
Kehamilan dan persalinan adalah peristiwa fisiologi yang dinantikan oleh seorang perempuan. Pada ... more Kehamilan dan persalinan adalah peristiwa fisiologi yang dinantikan oleh seorang perempuan. Pada kehamilan terjadi berbagai perubahan yang dialami baik secara fisik maupun psikologis sebagai bentuk proses adaptasi yang menimbulkan berbagai ketidaknyamanan. Perubahan yang dialami ibu hamil disebabkan oleh perubahan hormon progesteron dan estrogen, pembesaran uterus, adaptasi sistem sirkulasi, pembesaran uterus sehingga menyebabkan peningkatan frekuensi berkemih, payudara membesar, kelelahan, dan perubahan metabolisme mengakibatkan ketidaknyamanan (Alita, 2020). Ketidaknyamanan diakibatkan pembesaran uterus, perubahan anatomis dan hormonal yang menyebabkan keluhan nyeri pinggang, nyeri punggung, bengkak dan kram pada kaki (Suryani and Handayani, 2018). Senam hamil merupakan salah satu latihan fisik berupa beberapa gerakan tertentu yang mendukung kemudahan dalam persalinan dan dilakukan khusus untuk meningkatkan kesehatan ibu hamil (Kamaruddin and Usmia, 2019) . Penelitian ini bertujua...

Jurnal Kebidanan
Remaja merupakan individu yang secara anatomis akan mengalami pertumbuhan seksual dan perkembanga... more Remaja merupakan individu yang secara anatomis akan mengalami pertumbuhan seksual dan perkembangan psikologis yang berpengaruh pada pola fikir dan tingkah laku. Seks bebas atau yang dikenal dengan extra marital intercouse atau kinky sex, merupakan aktifitas seksual yang dilakukan di luar ikatan pernikahan, dan diangap sebagai masalah sosial pada lingkungan tertentu. Perilaku seksual ringan dapat dikatagorikan dengan tingkah laku seperti berpegangan tangan, berpelukan atau berciuman (kissing/necking). Perilaku seksual berat tergambarkan dalam bentuk perabaan dada, perabaan alat kelamin, gesekan alat kelamin (petting), oral seks bahkan sampai melakukan hubungan seksual (intercourse). Hubungan seks bebas yang dilakukan pada masa remaja berpotensi untuk dilakukan dengan pasangan yang berbeda dan tanpa alat kontrasepsi serta pelindung terhadap penyakit menular seksual. Remaja yang melakukan hubungan seks bebas memiliki peningkatan risiko untuk mengidap penyakit menular seksual termasuk H...

The leading causes of neonatal or neonatal death in the world according to WHO, 2015 are low birt... more The leading causes of neonatal or neonatal death in the world according to WHO, 2015 are low birth weight (LBW) 29%, sepsis and pneumonia 25%, asphyxia and trauma 23%. The incidence of BBLR in Blahbatuh II UPTD increased from 2017 to 2019. This study aims to determine the dominant factors associated with the incidence of LBW in the UPTD Puskesmas Blahbatuh II workspace. This study used an observational analytical design through a cross-sectional approach. The data used are secondary data from a retrospective cohort. The population of this study was all mothers born in the UPTD Puskesmas Blahbatuh II work area in 2019, a total of 137 respondents. Sampling technique with Total Sampling. Data analysis in this study used the chi-square test to prove the association of the factors causing LBW and multiple logistic regression tests to determine the most influential factors on the incidence of LBW. The results showed a significant association for 2 variables, antenatal examinations and nutritional status during pregnancy, while the variables maternal age, gestational distance, parity, Hb levels and maternal education have no significant association with the incidence of LBW. Multivariate analysis showed that the most important factor between nutritional status during pregnancy and ANC visits affecting LBW in the UPTD Puskesmas Blahbatuh II workspace was nutritional status during pregnancy. The Anova analysis test showed that the effect of nutritional status on LBW is 66.67% and the effect of ANC visits is 2.71%. It can be concluded that maternal nutritional status affects LBW more than ANC visits.
Jurnal Antara Abdimas Kebidanan
Pendahuluan: Pendidikan seks ini sangat penting untuk diinformasikan kepada anak. Dengan adanya P... more Pendahuluan: Pendidikan seks ini sangat penting untuk diinformasikan kepada anak. Dengan adanya Pendidikan seks membantu anak untuk mengerti bahwa seks itu adalah sesuatu yang alamiah dan wajar terjadi pada semua orang, dan juga dapat mebantu anak untuk mengetahui berbagai perilaku seksual beresiko. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dengan memberikan peningkatan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya Pendidikan seks. Hasil: Hasil kegiatan tersebut didapatkan peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya Pendidikan seks di sekolah dasar Ricci Jakarta Barat. Kesimpulan: Anak – anak merasa bermanfaat setelah mengikuti penyuluhan tentang sex education ini, mereka bisa melihat perubahan yang terjadi dalam dirinya.

ABSTRAK Kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak merupakan segala bentuk ancaman, intimidasi, dan pe... more ABSTRAK Kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak merupakan segala bentuk ancaman, intimidasi, dan pelanggaran hak atau kemerdekaan perempuan dan anak. Kekerasan dapat terjadi di mana saja, termasuk di ruang publik seperti di lingkungan pendidikan baik di sekolah maupun di kampus. Kompleksitas masalah kekerasan muncul mulai dari pencegahan, penanganan, dan rehabilitasi korban sehingga kerja multisektor dan multistakeholder sangat diperlukan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan adanya tindak kekerasan di lingkungan pendidikan tinggi dan sekitar, meningkatkan pengetahuan akan bentuk kekerasan dan dampaknya secara fisik, ekonomi, psikis dan seksual serta menyediakan layanan pengaduan dan perlindungan bagi perempuan dan anak. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan pembentukan tim Pos Sahabat Perempuan dan Anak (Pos SAPA), edukasi tentang kekerasan dan sosialisasi layanan Pos SAPA kepada civitas akademika dan lingkungan sekitar. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepad...
Papers by dewi novitasari Suhaid