Purpose: To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibul... more Purpose: To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibular molars restored with different designs of inlays, onlays and endocrowns. Materials and Methods: Extracted mandibular third molars (n=180) were used. An access cavity was prepared on the occlusal surface of each tooth and the roots were obturated with gutta percha. All specimens were randomly divided into 6 groups (n=30/group) according to the cavity design and the restoration material used. C: control group without access cavity preparation. IE: MOD inlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. IG: MOD inlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. OE: onlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. OG: onlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. EC: endocrown with an empty pulp chamber. All restorations were fabricated with CAD/CAM system using CERASMART® (GC Dental products Europe, Belgium) CAD/CAM blocks. Specimens were thermal-cycled and were subjected to a compressive load applied at 30° angle relative to the long axis of the tooth with a universal testing machine. Results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc tests. Chi-square test and Fisher Exact tests were used for the comparisons among groups. Results: The mean fracture strength was significantly different between the groups (P<.001); it was significantly highest for intact teeth, followed by endocrowns (P=.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone formation after maxillary sinus augmentation us... more The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone formation after maxillary sinus augmentation using bovine bone substitute material Bio-Oss alone by means of clinical, histological, and histomorphometrical examination of human biopsies. Deproteinized bovine bone (DPBB, Bio-Oss) was used to fill cavities after elevation of the sinus mucosa following major sinus pneumatization. Twenty patients with edentulous posterior maxillae were treated with 20 sinus augmentation procedures using a 2-stage technique. Residual lateral maxillary bone height was less than 3 mm. Forty-nine Straumann endosseous implants were used to complete the implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. Forty cylinder-shaped bone biopsies were taken from the augmented maxillary region 8 months after grafting during the second-stage surgery before implant placement. All implants were loaded 3 months after insertion, and no failures were recorded. Histomorphometrical analysis showed an average percentage of newly formed bone of 17.6% (62.8%) and a proportion of residual bone substitute material of 29.9% (64.9%) of the total biopsy area. Intimate contact between newly formed bone and Bio-Oss was detected along 28.2% (66.8%) of the particle surfaces. The results also showed that in all cases, the DPBB granules had been interconnected by bridges of vital newly formed bone. Inorganic bovine bone appears to be biocompatible and osteoconductive, and it can be used with success as a bone substitute in maxillary sinus augmentation procedures.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The aim of the present study was to analyse the expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-13 in newly fo... more The aim of the present study was to analyse the expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-13 in newly formed bone following maxillary sinus augmentation using inorganic bovine bone substitute, because these MMPs play a major role in bone remodeling and bone resorption. Deproteinized bovine bone (Bio-Oss(®)) was used to fill cavities after elevating the sinus mucosa. Twenty patients with edentulous posterior maxilla were treated with 20 sinus-augmentation procedures using a two-stage technique. Forty-nine Straumann(®) endosseous implants were used to complete the implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. One cylinder-shaped bone biopsy from each patient was taken from the augmented maxillary region using trephine burs at the second stage of surgery, 8 months after grafting. A biopsy was also taken as a control from the upper molar region from six different patients who did not undergo the sinus procedure. All biopsies were subjected to biochemical analysis and staining for TRAP. No implant losses or failures occurred. The large number of TRAP-positive multinucleated osteoclasts in resorption lacunae indicated that the resorption was very active in all grafts, in contrast with the control group. Zymography and western blot analysis demonstrated a significantly increased expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-13 in the newly formed bone compared with controls (p &lt; 0.05). The quantity of osteoclastic cells and the increased expression of proteolytic enzymes suggest that 8 months after grafting, inorganic bovine bone is slowly resorbing and is the site of important remodeling of the newly formed bone by means of resorption and synthesis.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Purpose: To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibul... more Purpose: To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibular molars restored with different designs of inlays, onlays and endocrowns. Materials and Methods: Extracted mandibular third molars (n=180) were used. An access cavity was prepared on the occlusal surface of each tooth and the roots were obturated with gutta percha. All specimens were randomly divided into 6 groups (n=30/group) according to the cavity design and the restoration material used. C: control group without access cavity preparation. IE: MOD inlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. IG: MOD inlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. OE: onlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. OG: onlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. EC: endocrown with an empty pulp chamber. All restorations were fabricated with CAD/CAM system using CERASMART® (GC Dental products Europe, Belgium) CAD/CAM blocks. Specimens were thermal-cycled and were subjected to a compressive load applied at 30° angle relative to the long axis of the tooth with a universal testing machine. Results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc tests. Chi-square test and Fisher Exact tests were used for the comparisons among groups. Results: The mean fracture strength was significantly different between the groups (P<.001); it was significantly highest for intact teeth, followed by endocrowns (P=.
One of the major goals of adhesive dentistry is to improve the interaction of the already-existin... more One of the major goals of adhesive dentistry is to improve the interaction of the already-existing adhesives with different substrates by using different application techniques. Thus, the objective of the present in vitro study was to assess the bond performance of four adhesive systems, Prime&Bond Universal (PBU), Clearfil SE Bond (CSE), OptiBond Universal (OBU), and OptiBond FL (OBFL), to dentin using various application modes: passive application (PA), active application (AA), Compo-Vibes modified application (CVM), and Compo-Vibes application (CV). Eighty extracted human molars were allocated into four groups based on the application modalities tested. The micro-tensile bond strength as well as fracture mode were tested in accordance with ISO/TS 11.405 after 24 h and 6 months of aging. Adhesive contact angle (CA) and scanning electron microscope analysis were also performed (n = 3). Statistical tests were performed with α = 0.05. After 24 h, a significant difference with a highe...
There is a scant literature on the accuracy of dental photographs captured by Digital Single-Lens... more There is a scant literature on the accuracy of dental photographs captured by Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) and smartphone cameras. The aim was to compare linear measurements of plaster models photographed with DSLR and smartphone's camera with digital models. Thirty maxillary casts were prepared. Vertical and horizontal reference lines were marked on each tooth, with exception to molars. Then, models were scanned with the TRIOS 3 Basic intraoral dental scanner (control). Six photographs were captured for each model: one using DSLR camera (Canon EOS 700D) and five with smartphone (iPhone X) (distance range 16-32 cm). Teeth heights and widths were measured on scans and photographs. The following conclusions could be drawn: (1) the measurements of teeth by means of DSLR and smartphone cameras (at distances of at least 24 cm) and scan did not differ. (2) The measurements of anterior teeth by means of DSLR and smartphone cameras (at all distances tested) and scan exhibited no difference. For documentational purposes, the distortion is negligeable, and both camera devices can be applied. Dentists can rely on DSLR and smartphone cameras (at distances of at least 24 cm) for smile designs providing comparable and reliable linear measurements.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone formation after maxillary sinus augmentation us... more The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone formation after maxillary sinus augmentation using bovine bone substitute material Bio-Oss alone by means of clinical, histological, and histomorphometrical examination of human biopsies. Deproteinized bovine bone (DPBB, Bio-Oss) was used to fill cavities after elevation of the sinus mucosa following major sinus pneumatization. Twenty patients with edentulous posterior maxillae were treated with 20 sinus augmentation procedures using a 2-stage technique. Residual lateral maxillary bone height was less than 3 mm. Forty-nine Straumann endosseous implants were used to complete the implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. Forty cylinder-shaped bone biopsies were taken from the augmented maxillary region 8 months after grafting during the second-stage surgery before implant placement. All implants were loaded 3 months after insertion, and no failures were recorded. Histomorphometrical analysis showed an average percentage of newly formed bone of 17.6% (62.8%) and a proportion of residual bone substitute material of 29.9% (64.9%) of the total biopsy area. Intimate contact between newly formed bone and Bio-Oss was detected along 28.2% (66.8%) of the particle surfaces. The results also showed that in all cases, the DPBB granules had been interconnected by bridges of vital newly formed bone. Inorganic bovine bone appears to be biocompatible and osteoconductive, and it can be used with success as a bone substitute in maxillary sinus augmentation procedures.
The salivary contamination occurring at the try-in procedures of lithium disilicate (LDS) can jeo... more The salivary contamination occurring at the try-in procedures of lithium disilicate (LDS) can jeopardize their bond strength. Various laboratory reports have concluded that applying 37% phosphoric acid (H3PO4) could be considered as a predictable way of removing salivary contaminants. An experimental method that consists of sealing the intaglio of the ceramic restorations with a layer of cured adhesive could allow consequent time saving for dental practitioners. It is, besides, necessary to establish an optimal decontamination protocol. Hence, this study aimed to determine the most efficient surface treatment, before and after salivary contamination, by comparing the adhesion between resin and LDS. In order to do so, five groups of ten specimens (n = 10) each underwent the different types of surface treatments before bonding, followed by 2500 cycles in the thermocycler. A shear bond strength (SBS) test was then conducted on a universal testing machine (YLE GmbH Waldstraße Bad König,...
This study investigated the effect of intraoral humidity on microtensile bond strength (μTBS) to ... more This study investigated the effect of intraoral humidity on microtensile bond strength (μTBS) to dentin of two universal adhesives applied in self-etch (SE) mode. Forty extracted human molars were selected for this study. Dentin specimens were allocated into four groups, standardized and then bonded with two commercial multimode adhesives, according to two humidity conditions (50% relative humidity (RH) and 90% RH). Following composite resin build-up and 24 h of water storage, the μTBS of the bonded interface was analyzed. The 50% RH was higher for Scotchbond Universal (SBU) than Prime&Bond Universal (PBU), while for 90% RH, SBU had significantly lower values than PBU. With PBU, the mean bond strength was not significantly different between both humidity settings tested (p > 0.05), while for SBU, the mean bond strength was significantly different between both conditions tested (p < 0.05); μTBS was significantly higher for 50% RH than for the other group. Within the limitation ...
There is a scant literature on the accuracy of dental photographs captured by Digital Single-Lens... more There is a scant literature on the accuracy of dental photographs captured by Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) and smartphone cameras. The aim was to compare linear measurements of plaster models photographed with DSLR and smartphone’s camera with digital models. Thirty maxillary casts were prepared. Vertical and horizontal reference lines were marked on each tooth, with exception to molars. Then, models were scanned with the TRIOS 3 Basic intraoral dental scanner (control). Six photographs were captured for each model: one using DSLR camera (Canon EOS 700D) and five with smartphone (iPhone X) (distance range 16-32 cm). Teeth heights and widths were measured on scans and photographs. The following conclusions could be drawn: (1) the measurements of teeth by means of DSLR and smartphone cameras (at distances of at least 24 cm) and scan did not differ. (2) The measurements of anterior teeth by means of DSLR and smartphone cameras (at all distances tested) and scan exhibited no differ...
Tooth discoloration is a frequent dental finding, associated with clinical and esthetic issues. I... more Tooth discoloration is a frequent dental finding, associated with clinical and esthetic issues. Its etiologies are diverse and complex but are usually classified as intrinsic, extrinsic or internalized in nature. Tooth discolorations differ in etiology, appearance, composition, location, severity and firmness in adherence to the tooth surface. The intrinsic discolorations can produce an esthetically unsatisfactory dentition. Tooth discoloration presents two major challenges: the first is to ascertain the cause of the stain; the second is its management involving a great deal of consideration of the discoloration can be a significant aesthetic, and in some instances, functional problem [2]. Etiologies of instrinsic discolorations can be divided into two groups, systemic and local. Systemic causes are separated into genetic defects or drug induced. Drug-induced tooth discoloration can be prevented by avoiding prescriptions of well-known offender drugs causing tooth discoloration durin...
Direct pulp capping induces a local inflammatory process. Several biomaterials have been used for... more Direct pulp capping induces a local inflammatory process. Several biomaterials have been used for this procedure. The aim of this study was to compare the dentinal bridge thickness using three different pulp capping biomaterials with the conventional technique (high speed diamond bur) or Er-Yag laser, 1 month after pulp effraction. Materials and Methods: Forty two Class V cavities were prepared on the buccal surface of 4 maxillary incisors and 2 mandibular incisors of New Zealand rabbits. Specimens were divided into 6 treatment groups. Teeth were treated with: In Group 1: Er-Yag laser and Biodentine® (Septodont), in Group 2: Er: Yag laser and calcium hydroxide (Dycal® Dentsply), in Group 3: Er: Yag laser and adhesive system (Prime& Bond® NT Dentsply), in Group 4: high speed diamond bur and Biodentine® (Septodont), in Group 5: high speed diamond bur and calcium hydroxide (Dycal® Dentsply), and in Group 6: high speed diamond bur and adhesive system (Prime& Bond® NT Dentsply). The prep...
Journal of prosthodontics : official journal of the American College of Prosthodontists, 2020
PURPOSE To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibula... more PURPOSE To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibular molars restored with different designs of inlays, onlays and endocrowns. MATERIALS AND METHODS Extracted mandibular third molars (n = 180) were used. An access cavity was prepared on the occlusal surface of each tooth and the roots were obturated with gutta percha. All specimens were randomly divided into 6 groups (n = 30/group) according to the cavity design and the restoration material used. C: control group without access cavity preparation. IE: MOD inlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. IG: MOD inlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. OE: onlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. OG: onlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. EC: endocrown with an empty pulp chamber. All restorations were fabricated with CAD/CAM system using CERASMART® (GC Denta...
The mechanical properties and the thickness of the resin cement agents used for bonding inlay bri... more The mechanical properties and the thickness of the resin cement agents used for bonding inlay bridges can modify the clinical performance of the restoration such as debonding or prosthetic materials fracture. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution and the maximum strain generated by resin cements with different elastic moduli and thicknesses used to cement resin-bonded fixed partial denture (RBFPD). A three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA) was used, and a 3D model was created based on a Cone-Beam Computed Tomography system (CBCT). The model was analyzed by the Ansys software. The model fixation occurred at the root of the abutment teeth and an axial load of 300 N was applied on the occlusal surface of the pontic. The highest stress value was observed for the Variolink 0.4 group (1.76 × 106 Pa), while the lowest was noted for the Panavia 0.2 group (1.07 × 106 Pa). Furthermore, the highest total deformation value was found for the Variolink 0...
Purpose: To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibul... more Purpose: To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibular molars restored with different designs of inlays, onlays and endocrowns. Materials and Methods: Extracted mandibular third molars (n=180) were used. An access cavity was prepared on the occlusal surface of each tooth and the roots were obturated with gutta percha. All specimens were randomly divided into 6 groups (n=30/group) according to the cavity design and the restoration material used. C: control group without access cavity preparation. IE: MOD inlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. IG: MOD inlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. OE: onlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. OG: onlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. EC: endocrown with an empty pulp chamber. All restorations were fabricated with CAD/CAM system using CERASMART® (GC Dental products Europe, Belgium) CAD/CAM blocks. Specimens were thermal-cycled and were subjected to a compressive load applied at 30° angle relative to the long axis of the tooth with a universal testing machine. Results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc tests. Chi-square test and Fisher Exact tests were used for the comparisons among groups. Results: The mean fracture strength was significantly different between the groups (P<.001); it was significantly highest for intact teeth, followed by endocrowns (P=.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone formation after maxillary sinus augmentation us... more The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone formation after maxillary sinus augmentation using bovine bone substitute material Bio-Oss alone by means of clinical, histological, and histomorphometrical examination of human biopsies. Deproteinized bovine bone (DPBB, Bio-Oss) was used to fill cavities after elevation of the sinus mucosa following major sinus pneumatization. Twenty patients with edentulous posterior maxillae were treated with 20 sinus augmentation procedures using a 2-stage technique. Residual lateral maxillary bone height was less than 3 mm. Forty-nine Straumann endosseous implants were used to complete the implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. Forty cylinder-shaped bone biopsies were taken from the augmented maxillary region 8 months after grafting during the second-stage surgery before implant placement. All implants were loaded 3 months after insertion, and no failures were recorded. Histomorphometrical analysis showed an average percentage of newly formed bone of 17.6% (62.8%) and a proportion of residual bone substitute material of 29.9% (64.9%) of the total biopsy area. Intimate contact between newly formed bone and Bio-Oss was detected along 28.2% (66.8%) of the particle surfaces. The results also showed that in all cases, the DPBB granules had been interconnected by bridges of vital newly formed bone. Inorganic bovine bone appears to be biocompatible and osteoconductive, and it can be used with success as a bone substitute in maxillary sinus augmentation procedures.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The aim of the present study was to analyse the expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-13 in newly fo... more The aim of the present study was to analyse the expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-13 in newly formed bone following maxillary sinus augmentation using inorganic bovine bone substitute, because these MMPs play a major role in bone remodeling and bone resorption. Deproteinized bovine bone (Bio-Oss(®)) was used to fill cavities after elevating the sinus mucosa. Twenty patients with edentulous posterior maxilla were treated with 20 sinus-augmentation procedures using a two-stage technique. Forty-nine Straumann(®) endosseous implants were used to complete the implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. One cylinder-shaped bone biopsy from each patient was taken from the augmented maxillary region using trephine burs at the second stage of surgery, 8 months after grafting. A biopsy was also taken as a control from the upper molar region from six different patients who did not undergo the sinus procedure. All biopsies were subjected to biochemical analysis and staining for TRAP. No implant losses or failures occurred. The large number of TRAP-positive multinucleated osteoclasts in resorption lacunae indicated that the resorption was very active in all grafts, in contrast with the control group. Zymography and western blot analysis demonstrated a significantly increased expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-13 in the newly formed bone compared with controls (p &lt; 0.05). The quantity of osteoclastic cells and the increased expression of proteolytic enzymes suggest that 8 months after grafting, inorganic bovine bone is slowly resorbing and is the site of important remodeling of the newly formed bone by means of resorption and synthesis.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Purpose: To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibul... more Purpose: To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibular molars restored with different designs of inlays, onlays and endocrowns. Materials and Methods: Extracted mandibular third molars (n=180) were used. An access cavity was prepared on the occlusal surface of each tooth and the roots were obturated with gutta percha. All specimens were randomly divided into 6 groups (n=30/group) according to the cavity design and the restoration material used. C: control group without access cavity preparation. IE: MOD inlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. IG: MOD inlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. OE: onlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. OG: onlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. EC: endocrown with an empty pulp chamber. All restorations were fabricated with CAD/CAM system using CERASMART® (GC Dental products Europe, Belgium) CAD/CAM blocks. Specimens were thermal-cycled and were subjected to a compressive load applied at 30° angle relative to the long axis of the tooth with a universal testing machine. Results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc tests. Chi-square test and Fisher Exact tests were used for the comparisons among groups. Results: The mean fracture strength was significantly different between the groups (P<.001); it was significantly highest for intact teeth, followed by endocrowns (P=.
One of the major goals of adhesive dentistry is to improve the interaction of the already-existin... more One of the major goals of adhesive dentistry is to improve the interaction of the already-existing adhesives with different substrates by using different application techniques. Thus, the objective of the present in vitro study was to assess the bond performance of four adhesive systems, Prime&Bond Universal (PBU), Clearfil SE Bond (CSE), OptiBond Universal (OBU), and OptiBond FL (OBFL), to dentin using various application modes: passive application (PA), active application (AA), Compo-Vibes modified application (CVM), and Compo-Vibes application (CV). Eighty extracted human molars were allocated into four groups based on the application modalities tested. The micro-tensile bond strength as well as fracture mode were tested in accordance with ISO/TS 11.405 after 24 h and 6 months of aging. Adhesive contact angle (CA) and scanning electron microscope analysis were also performed (n = 3). Statistical tests were performed with α = 0.05. After 24 h, a significant difference with a highe...
There is a scant literature on the accuracy of dental photographs captured by Digital Single-Lens... more There is a scant literature on the accuracy of dental photographs captured by Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) and smartphone cameras. The aim was to compare linear measurements of plaster models photographed with DSLR and smartphone's camera with digital models. Thirty maxillary casts were prepared. Vertical and horizontal reference lines were marked on each tooth, with exception to molars. Then, models were scanned with the TRIOS 3 Basic intraoral dental scanner (control). Six photographs were captured for each model: one using DSLR camera (Canon EOS 700D) and five with smartphone (iPhone X) (distance range 16-32 cm). Teeth heights and widths were measured on scans and photographs. The following conclusions could be drawn: (1) the measurements of teeth by means of DSLR and smartphone cameras (at distances of at least 24 cm) and scan did not differ. (2) The measurements of anterior teeth by means of DSLR and smartphone cameras (at all distances tested) and scan exhibited no difference. For documentational purposes, the distortion is negligeable, and both camera devices can be applied. Dentists can rely on DSLR and smartphone cameras (at distances of at least 24 cm) for smile designs providing comparable and reliable linear measurements.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone formation after maxillary sinus augmentation us... more The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone formation after maxillary sinus augmentation using bovine bone substitute material Bio-Oss alone by means of clinical, histological, and histomorphometrical examination of human biopsies. Deproteinized bovine bone (DPBB, Bio-Oss) was used to fill cavities after elevation of the sinus mucosa following major sinus pneumatization. Twenty patients with edentulous posterior maxillae were treated with 20 sinus augmentation procedures using a 2-stage technique. Residual lateral maxillary bone height was less than 3 mm. Forty-nine Straumann endosseous implants were used to complete the implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. Forty cylinder-shaped bone biopsies were taken from the augmented maxillary region 8 months after grafting during the second-stage surgery before implant placement. All implants were loaded 3 months after insertion, and no failures were recorded. Histomorphometrical analysis showed an average percentage of newly formed bone of 17.6% (62.8%) and a proportion of residual bone substitute material of 29.9% (64.9%) of the total biopsy area. Intimate contact between newly formed bone and Bio-Oss was detected along 28.2% (66.8%) of the particle surfaces. The results also showed that in all cases, the DPBB granules had been interconnected by bridges of vital newly formed bone. Inorganic bovine bone appears to be biocompatible and osteoconductive, and it can be used with success as a bone substitute in maxillary sinus augmentation procedures.
The salivary contamination occurring at the try-in procedures of lithium disilicate (LDS) can jeo... more The salivary contamination occurring at the try-in procedures of lithium disilicate (LDS) can jeopardize their bond strength. Various laboratory reports have concluded that applying 37% phosphoric acid (H3PO4) could be considered as a predictable way of removing salivary contaminants. An experimental method that consists of sealing the intaglio of the ceramic restorations with a layer of cured adhesive could allow consequent time saving for dental practitioners. It is, besides, necessary to establish an optimal decontamination protocol. Hence, this study aimed to determine the most efficient surface treatment, before and after salivary contamination, by comparing the adhesion between resin and LDS. In order to do so, five groups of ten specimens (n = 10) each underwent the different types of surface treatments before bonding, followed by 2500 cycles in the thermocycler. A shear bond strength (SBS) test was then conducted on a universal testing machine (YLE GmbH Waldstraße Bad König,...
This study investigated the effect of intraoral humidity on microtensile bond strength (μTBS) to ... more This study investigated the effect of intraoral humidity on microtensile bond strength (μTBS) to dentin of two universal adhesives applied in self-etch (SE) mode. Forty extracted human molars were selected for this study. Dentin specimens were allocated into four groups, standardized and then bonded with two commercial multimode adhesives, according to two humidity conditions (50% relative humidity (RH) and 90% RH). Following composite resin build-up and 24 h of water storage, the μTBS of the bonded interface was analyzed. The 50% RH was higher for Scotchbond Universal (SBU) than Prime&Bond Universal (PBU), while for 90% RH, SBU had significantly lower values than PBU. With PBU, the mean bond strength was not significantly different between both humidity settings tested (p > 0.05), while for SBU, the mean bond strength was significantly different between both conditions tested (p < 0.05); μTBS was significantly higher for 50% RH than for the other group. Within the limitation ...
There is a scant literature on the accuracy of dental photographs captured by Digital Single-Lens... more There is a scant literature on the accuracy of dental photographs captured by Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) and smartphone cameras. The aim was to compare linear measurements of plaster models photographed with DSLR and smartphone’s camera with digital models. Thirty maxillary casts were prepared. Vertical and horizontal reference lines were marked on each tooth, with exception to molars. Then, models were scanned with the TRIOS 3 Basic intraoral dental scanner (control). Six photographs were captured for each model: one using DSLR camera (Canon EOS 700D) and five with smartphone (iPhone X) (distance range 16-32 cm). Teeth heights and widths were measured on scans and photographs. The following conclusions could be drawn: (1) the measurements of teeth by means of DSLR and smartphone cameras (at distances of at least 24 cm) and scan did not differ. (2) The measurements of anterior teeth by means of DSLR and smartphone cameras (at all distances tested) and scan exhibited no differ...
Tooth discoloration is a frequent dental finding, associated with clinical and esthetic issues. I... more Tooth discoloration is a frequent dental finding, associated with clinical and esthetic issues. Its etiologies are diverse and complex but are usually classified as intrinsic, extrinsic or internalized in nature. Tooth discolorations differ in etiology, appearance, composition, location, severity and firmness in adherence to the tooth surface. The intrinsic discolorations can produce an esthetically unsatisfactory dentition. Tooth discoloration presents two major challenges: the first is to ascertain the cause of the stain; the second is its management involving a great deal of consideration of the discoloration can be a significant aesthetic, and in some instances, functional problem [2]. Etiologies of instrinsic discolorations can be divided into two groups, systemic and local. Systemic causes are separated into genetic defects or drug induced. Drug-induced tooth discoloration can be prevented by avoiding prescriptions of well-known offender drugs causing tooth discoloration durin...
Direct pulp capping induces a local inflammatory process. Several biomaterials have been used for... more Direct pulp capping induces a local inflammatory process. Several biomaterials have been used for this procedure. The aim of this study was to compare the dentinal bridge thickness using three different pulp capping biomaterials with the conventional technique (high speed diamond bur) or Er-Yag laser, 1 month after pulp effraction. Materials and Methods: Forty two Class V cavities were prepared on the buccal surface of 4 maxillary incisors and 2 mandibular incisors of New Zealand rabbits. Specimens were divided into 6 treatment groups. Teeth were treated with: In Group 1: Er-Yag laser and Biodentine® (Septodont), in Group 2: Er: Yag laser and calcium hydroxide (Dycal® Dentsply), in Group 3: Er: Yag laser and adhesive system (Prime& Bond® NT Dentsply), in Group 4: high speed diamond bur and Biodentine® (Septodont), in Group 5: high speed diamond bur and calcium hydroxide (Dycal® Dentsply), and in Group 6: high speed diamond bur and adhesive system (Prime& Bond® NT Dentsply). The prep...
Journal of prosthodontics : official journal of the American College of Prosthodontists, 2020
PURPOSE To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibula... more PURPOSE To evaluate the fracture resistance and failure modes of endodontically treated mandibular molars restored with different designs of inlays, onlays and endocrowns. MATERIALS AND METHODS Extracted mandibular third molars (n = 180) were used. An access cavity was prepared on the occlusal surface of each tooth and the roots were obturated with gutta percha. All specimens were randomly divided into 6 groups (n = 30/group) according to the cavity design and the restoration material used. C: control group without access cavity preparation. IE: MOD inlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. IG: MOD inlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. OE: onlay preparation with EverX Posterior (GC Europe) in the pulp chamber. OG: onlay preparation with G-aenial Universal Flo (GC America) in the pulp chamber. EC: endocrown with an empty pulp chamber. All restorations were fabricated with CAD/CAM system using CERASMART® (GC Denta...
The mechanical properties and the thickness of the resin cement agents used for bonding inlay bri... more The mechanical properties and the thickness of the resin cement agents used for bonding inlay bridges can modify the clinical performance of the restoration such as debonding or prosthetic materials fracture. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution and the maximum strain generated by resin cements with different elastic moduli and thicknesses used to cement resin-bonded fixed partial denture (RBFPD). A three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA) was used, and a 3D model was created based on a Cone-Beam Computed Tomography system (CBCT). The model was analyzed by the Ansys software. The model fixation occurred at the root of the abutment teeth and an axial load of 300 N was applied on the occlusal surface of the pontic. The highest stress value was observed for the Variolink 0.4 group (1.76 × 106 Pa), while the lowest was noted for the Panavia 0.2 group (1.07 × 106 Pa). Furthermore, the highest total deformation value was found for the Variolink 0...
Papers by cynthia kassis