New species for science: Seseli halkensis Cattaneo & al. (78). New floristic records from the Aeg... more New species for science: Seseli halkensis Cattaneo & al. (78). New floristic records from the Aegean Islands of Tilos and Chalki. Report 73-76.
The aim of this paper is to contribute further knowledge of the vascular flora of the Aegean isla... more The aim of this paper is to contribute further knowledge of the vascular flora of the Aegean island of Astypalea (Dodecanese, Greece). The island, which acts as a bridge between the Kiklades and the eastern Aegean, is administrated as part of the Dodecanese Archipelago but shows a remarkable presence of Cycladic elements, both in terms of fauna and flora. Astypalea, home to a high number of Greek endemics and of rare species with a restricted range, is part of the floristic region of the Kiklades (Kik). An analysis of endemic taxa occurring on the island, despite its chorological vicinity to the East Aegean Islands (EAe), shows more phytogeographic connections with Crete and Karpathos (KK). For the first time, 26 new taxa have been reported for the island.
New record of Staehelina fruticosa (Asteraceae) for the small island of Ofidoussa (Dodecanese, Gr... more New record of Staehelina fruticosa (Asteraceae) for the small island of Ofidoussa (Dodecanese, Greece).
Papers by cristina cattaneo
In questo lavoro viene presa in esame la presenza della rana toro (Lithobates catesbeianus Shaw, ... more In questo lavoro viene presa in esame la presenza della rana toro (Lithobates catesbeianus Shaw, 1802) nelle collezioni museali italiane. Viene riportata la presenza di questo anfibio in numerose collezioni museali, sia nei grandi musei metropolitani, sia in alcuni musei provinciali di minori dimensioni. La presenza della rana toro nei musei italiani riveste un interesse particolare per lo studio e il controllo di una specie aliena con un alto potenziale di invasività. Parole chiave: Rana toro, Lithobates catesbeianus, museologia scientifica, collezioni erpetologiche.

Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2011
We report a new record of Lithobates catesbeianus (American bullfrog) from Argentina. L. catesbei... more We report a new record of Lithobates catesbeianus (American bullfrog) from Argentina. L. catesbeianus was first introduced to San Juan Province 11 years ago in Calingasta Department, where the habitat is pre-cordilleran. The new record is for Zonda Department, San Juan Province, in the Monte desert region. Here, L. catesbeianus uses artificial ponds for reproduction and tadpole development. These ponds receive water from an irrigation system that connects the whole agriculture land in the region. The tadpoles use the irrigation canals to move among ponds. We suggest that legislation should be established to prevent future invasions and to achieve sustainable management of the wild American bullfrog populations in San Juan. Prevention of future invasion and management of established populations of this species requires the cooperation of numerous stake holders.
A case-report of cannibalistic behaviour in Italian wall lizard Podarcis siculus campestris De Be... more A case-report of cannibalistic behaviour in Italian wall lizard Podarcis siculus campestris De Betta, 1857 is described here along with the first photographic record
Phytologia Balcanica
The aim of this work is to highlight the phenotypic variability of Scutellaria brevibracteata sub... more The aim of this work is to highlight the phenotypic variability of Scutellaria brevibracteata subsp. icarica on the Aegean Island of Ikaria. While studying the various subpopulations of S. brevibracteata subsp. icarica found on the Island at different altitudes and in different locations, it has been found that the phenotypic expression of this species is strongly linked to the type of substrate and to terrestrial and atmospheric water sources. In particular, the subpopulation from the southwestern part of the Island that grows on granite soil has manifested several unique features that clearly distinguish it from the other Ikarian subpopulations, and which could justify assigning it to a particular ecotype.
The first documentation (also with photos) on the presence of the snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kit... more The first documentation (also with photos) on the presence of the snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii (Bibron et Bory de Saint-Vincet, 1833) (Sauria Scincidae) in Astypalea Island (Dodecanese, Greece) is provided here. Until now, only five specimens in the Natural History Museum of Crete were known.
Biodiversity Journal, 2021
This paper shows new morphological data on Deroceras ikaria P.L. Reischütz, 1983 (Gastropoda Styl... more This paper shows new morphological data on Deroceras ikaria P.L. Reischütz, 1983 (Gastropoda Stylommatophora Agriolimacidae) an endemic species from Ikaria Island (Aegean Sea, Greece), known only for the type serie. This species is similar to D. samium Rähle, 1983 and more informations for a better understanding of both species are provided.
The presence of the grass snake Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758) (Squamata, Serpentes) is reported ... more The presence of the grass snake Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758) (Squamata, Serpentes) is reported for the first time for the island of Kasos (Dodecanese, Greece).
Biodiversity Journal, 2020

İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy
Background and Aims: Origanum × symes was described as a new species by Carlström in 1984 on the ... more Background and Aims: Origanum × symes was described as a new species by Carlström in 1984 on the Aegean Island of Symi (Dodecanese, Greece). In this work, a taxonomic re-evaluation of O. symes is proposed in light of new findings. Methods: New specimens belonging to Origanum symes from the island of Symi were collected by the first author in 2017. These specimens were carefully examined and compared with the type specimen of O. symes. Also, the new Origanum symes specimen was compared morphologically with O. calcaratum and O. onites, which are possible parents, and their calyces were drawn. Results: The new hybrid was morphologically compared with its putative parents Origanum calcaratum and O. onites. Its diagnostic features, description, figures, and distribution map were provided. Conclusion: It has been determined that O. symes has intermediate characteristics between its two parents in terms of features such as leaves, calyx, and corolla. These determinations led us to hypothesize that O. symes is a hybrid. As a result, it was concluded that O. symes was a hybrid between O. calcaratum and O. onites, and was rearranged as Origanum × symes Carlström.
Biodiversity Journal, 2021
The aim of this work is to confirm the occurrence of several living populations of Assyriella rec... more The aim of this work is to confirm the occurrence of several living populations of Assyriella rechingeri (Fuchs et Käufel, 1936) (Gastropoda Helicidae) in Karpathos Island (Dodecanese, Greece) since the species was believed to be extinct in the past by some authors due to the discovery of only subfossils specimens. Its systematic status and the sympatry with Levantina spiriplana (Glaubrecht, 1993) and L. malziana (L. Pfeiffer, 1861) are discussed.
This note is a preliminary study on the herpetological and theriological fauna of Alimia Island (... more This note is a preliminary study on the herpetological and theriological fauna of Alimia Island (Rhodes Archipelago, Aegean Sea). Are described seven species of reptiles and three of micromammals. Is also provided a short botanical characterization of the island.
The presence of Stellagama stellio (Linnaeus, 1758) from the island of Karpathos (Dodecanese, Gre... more The presence of Stellagama stellio (Linnaeus, 1758) from the island of Karpathos (Dodecanese, Greece) is reported for the first time. Two well-established subpopulations of this species, spaced few kilometers from each other have been discovered on the island.
The presence of Hierophis gemonensis (Laurenti, 1768) (Reptilia Serpentes Colubridae) in Tsougria... more The presence of Hierophis gemonensis (Laurenti, 1768) (Reptilia Serpentes Colubridae) in Tsougria, a small island of the Northern Sporades, Greece, is here recorded for the first time. Aegean islands; Balkan whip snake; Hierophis gemonensis ; Northern Sporades; Tsougria.
In this work we report for the first time the presence of non-native invasive turtle Trachemys sc... more In this work we report for the first time the presence of non-native invasive turtle Trachemys scripta elegans (Wied, 1838) (Testudines Emydidae) in the lake of Nemi in the province of Rome (central Latium, Italy).
Received 16.12.2016; accepted 10.02.2017; printed 30.03.2017 Proceedings of the 3rd International... more Received 16.12.2016; accepted 10.02.2017; printed 30.03.2017 Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress “Biodiversity, Mediterranean, Society”, September 4th-6th 2015, NotoVendicari (Italy) A check list of land snails of the island of Chalki and the nearby islet of Alimia (South Aegean Greece, Dodecanese Archipelago) is given. The literature concerning the non-marine mollusks living on the two islands is critically reviewed. New data on morphology of some snails species are presented, with particular account to the genus Rhabdoena Kobelt et Mollendorff, 1902, Zebrina Held, 1838 and Albinaria Vest, 1864.
Crocidura suaveolens was identified amongst skull remains from raptor pellets on Karpathos and in... more Crocidura suaveolens was identified amongst skull remains from raptor pellets on Karpathos and in a discarded bottle on Saria. There are no data for this species in these two islands. In the Mediterranean basin, the insular presence of C. suaveolens is a result of Pleistocene survivors as well as human introductions. An investigation into the origin of Karpathos and Saria shrews would be interesting. Due to the finding in raptor pellets on Karpathos, the presence of a stable population of C. suaveolens must be confirmed here.
Papers by cristina cattaneo