Papers by charles rodning

PubMed, May 1, 1986
Experimental and clinical data suggest that the valva ileocaecalis under neurogenic and hormonal ... more Experimental and clinical data suggest that the valva ileocaecalis under neurogenic and hormonal influences, modulates antegrade and retrograde flow of succus entericus. A priori reasoning suggests that this function may influence nutrient absorption by and intraluminal endogenous microbial flora within the ileum. The hypothesis to be tested was, can anatomical and functional integrity of the valva ileocaecalis be preserved during the performance of a right hemicolectomy with reestablishment of intestinal continuity via a cecocolostomy? The methodology involved utilization of Lewis male rats weighing approximately 500 gm. General anesthesia was induced for all procedures. The animals were randomly assigned to three groups (10 animals/group): (A) sham operation; (B) pericecal dissection (preservation of the arteria et vena ileocolica); and (C) periileal dissection (ligation of the aforementioned vessels). Celiotomy was performed employing standard clean techniques, and was accompanied by a right hemicolectomy and an end-to-end or end-to-side cecocolostomy. Function of the heterotopic valva ileocaecalis was assessed 6-12 weeks post-operatively employing radiographic criteria (fluoroscopic analysis after intraluminal instillation of barium sulfate). Light microscopic analysis was performed subsequent to the radiographic studies. Periileal dissection associated with ligation of the arteria et vena ileocolica uniformly resulted in anastomotic disruption. Pericecal dissection associated with preservation of those vessels resulted in uniform anastomotic integrity, although two animals succumbed secondary to pneumonitis within 5 post-operative days. Radiographic analysis of the heterotopic valva ileocaecalis revealed intermittent antegrade and no retrograde flow of contrast material, which suggested functional integrity. Qualitative light microscopic analysis revealed architectural integrity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

PubMed, Nov 1, 1994
Peripheral vascular reconstructions are common operations for the treatment of occlusive atherosc... more Peripheral vascular reconstructions are common operations for the treatment of occlusive atherosclerosis, and the vast majority are uncomplicated. However, despite all precautionary measures, a small percentage of patients will manifest wound infection and graft exposure that may evolve to loss of limb and/or life. Treatment has traditionally consisted of systemic administration of antibiotic medication(s), graft extirpation, and extra-anatomic arterial bypass; yet despite use of these more radical modalities, morbidity and mortality have remained high. An additional meritorious adjunct for the treatment of exposed prosthetic or autogenous saphenous vein arterial bypass grafts is the use of local/regional autogenous skeletal muscular rotational flaps. Reported herein are the results of this technique applied to the inguinofemoral regions of eight patients. Rectus abdominis (1 patient), rectus femoris (4), and sartorius (4) skeletal muscular rotational flaps were employed. Seven of eight (88%) patients convalesced well at mean duration of follow-up measuring 24 months, although one patient subsequently required major amputation due to progression of occlusive atherosclerosis. One of eight (12%) patients succumbed secondary to irreversible sepsis, despite radical amputation. The data suggest that use of local/regional skeletal muscular rotational flaps is a useful adjunct for the treatment of patients with exposed arterial conduits.
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Jun 1, 1986
PubMed, Jun 1, 1986
Benign gastric pseudotumor, gastritis cystica profunda, possess malignant histological features b... more Benign gastric pseudotumor, gastritis cystica profunda, possess malignant histological features but functionally behave benignly. The case reported herein is illustrative of this entity, but in contrast to previous reports developed without an antecedent history of gastric surgery. A cumulative experience with this entity suggests that it represents a manifestation of a spectrum of hyperplastic and metaplastic responses to mucosal injury.
Southern Medical Journal, Jul 1, 2000
Southern Medical Journal, Feb 1, 1983
ABSTACT The only rational approach to the potential chaos of a mass disaster is thoughtful predis... more ABSTACT The only rational approach to the potential chaos of a mass disaster is thoughtful predisaster preparation and realistic but optimistic confrontation of the situation. An appropriate response implies accurate assessment of the magnitude of the disaster, the establishment of a reliable and effective communication system, a realistic inventory of and provision for sustained personnel and logistical support, and proper triage of individual casualties. It is incumbent upon the medical community to provide imaginative and creative responses to the concept of mass casualty management, and for all physicians involved to function in the generic sense as trauma surgeons.

Journal of Religion & Health, May 31, 2014
Traced sufficiently remotely, all people, profanum vulgus, share a common familial and linguistic... more Traced sufficiently remotely, all people, profanum vulgus, share a common familial and linguistic heritage. Several Occidental and Oriental religiophilosophical traditions and General Systems (neuro-linguistic/neuro-semantic) Theory propound that resolution of personal illness and intra- and inter-generational psychological conflicts among individuals and within society mandates a figurative, if not a literal return, to the source of conflict or contention-to RE-MEMBER with that source-if healing, peace, resolution, concord, solace, sustenance, and wholeness are to be achieved. Words that communicate effectively, linguistic symbols such as water and the cross, and the action of laying-on-of-hands are methodologies that reaffirm a personal commonality among all traditions and facilitate RE-MEMBRANCE. For those who adhere to the Judeo-Christocentric tradition-who are called and chosen to witness and serve through the sacrament of baptism-healing, support, and sustenance are achieved by RE-MEMBRANCE through the Triune God.
Current Surgery, 2001
Is it so small a thing To have enjoyed the sun To have lived light in the spring To have loved, t... more Is it so small a thing To have enjoyed the sun To have lived light in the spring To have loved, to have thought, To have done? (Empedocles on Etna [1852] 1.2, Matthew Arnold [1822-1888])
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Oct 1, 1976

Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Mar 1, 1980
Antigenic determinants for both heavy and light chains of IgA in immunocytes and lysozyme in Pane... more Antigenic determinants for both heavy and light chains of IgA in immunocytes and lysozyme in Paneth cells were successfully identified by immunohistochemistry in sections of tissue embedded in epoxy resin. Successful staining for immunoglobulin and lysozyme required the removal of the epoxy resin prior to application of the immunochemical reagents and was independent of the type of epoxy resin employed. Localization of immunoglobulin antigens depended upon the utilization of either chemical fixation other than glutaraldehyde or physical fixation by freeze-drying. Lysozyme was detected regardless of the fixation process used. Optimal preservation of antigenicity for immunoglobulin and lysozyme was ob-2(X) RODNING, ERLANDSEN, COULTER, WILSON sodium cacodylate or 0. 1 lvi phosphate buffer containing 0.059;: calcium or magnesium chloride and 5CF sucrose; 4) l9 paraformaldehyde and 1'/ glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (24, 38); and 5) 29/ paraformaldehyde in 0.01 M sodium periodate containing 0.0 5 M lysine hydrochloride, and 0.0375 M phosphate buffer (32). Intra-arterial perfusion (5-10 minI and immersion (5 min-24 hr) techniques were employed for chemical fixation, with the fixatives applied at 4#{176}C. Appropriately sized segments of ileum were then rinsed and washed in several changes of their respective buffers for 8-10 hr. The tissues were then dehydrated in a series of graded ethanol solutions followed by propylene oxide.
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Sep 1, 1979

Journal of Surgical Research, 1982
Controversy exists regarding the mechanism and degree of mucosal alterations occurring in defunct... more Controversy exists regarding the mechanism and degree of mucosal alterations occurring in defunctionalized segments of intestine. This study compares the results of a quantitative analysis of mucosal components, including Paneth cells and immunocytes, between in-continuity and defunctionalized (Thity-Vella) segments of rat ileum. The micrometer component quantitator was used for the light microscopic morphometric analysis. Intracellular lysozyme and IgA were identified employing the unlabeled antibody enzyme immunohistochemical staining technique. The ~01% of the ileal mucosal components of animals from the control group and from the in-continuity segments of the experimental group were comparable. Analysis of the Thiry-Vella fistulae, however, revealed a statistically significant decrease in the ~01% of columnar epithelial cells and increase in the ~01% of lysozyme-containing Paneth cells and interstitium of the lamina propria. Since Thiry-Vella fistulae are neurovascularly intact, mucosal alterations imply a causal relationship to interaction with thyme. The data suggest that thyme has both a stimulatory (on the columnar epithelium) and suppressive (on the Paneth cell population) effect. The ~01% of IgA-containing Paneth cells and the percentage of the lamina propria represented by &A-containing immunocytes were also substantially decreased. Normally secretory IgA is the immunoglobulin of highest concentration intraluminally and among immunocytes within the lamina propria, presumably in response to local antigenic stimulation. The presence of immunoglobulin within Paneth cells may reflect the phagocytosis of immunoglobulin complexed antigens. The data suggest that the degree of local antigenic stimulation is decreased in Thiry-Vella fistulae.
Gastroenterology, 1978
Cryosurgical technfques have seen fncreasfng app7icetion in the treatsmt of superflcfai lesions. ... more Cryosurgical technfques have seen fncreasfng app7icetion in the treatsmt of superflcfai lesions. Dur laboratory has demonstrated the safety of this modality in treating esophageal and trachea1 lesions with a prototype cryoprobe passed through the endoscope. The purpose of thfs study was to
European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology, 1989
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Dec 1, 2015
Background/Introduction Deep sternal wound infections (DSWI) are a rare but serious complication ... more Background/Introduction Deep sternal wound infections (DSWI) are a rare but serious complication after median sternotomy. Aims/Objectives We evaluated postoperative outcomes associated with two sternal-closure techniques.

The American surgeon, 1997
Silicone gel-filled breast implants have been employed clinically for decades for aesthetic augme... more Silicone gel-filled breast implants have been employed clinically for decades for aesthetic augmentation or postmastectomy reconstruction. Most patients and surgeons attest to the efficacy and safety of these devices. However, more recently in the medical literature and popular media, silicone gel-filled breast implants have been claimed to incite an array of clinical sequelae such as capsular formation, granulomatous disease, arthritis, arthralgia, fibromyalgia, autoimmune collagen vascular disease, human adjuvant disease, siliconosis, silicone-related disease, and silicone implant-associated syndrome. During a recent 24-month period, 25 referred patients underwent explantation of bilateral silicone gel-filled prostheses at the University of South Alabama. Patient-reported symptoms and signs included mastodynia, arthralgia, fibromyalgia, xerophthalmia, xerostomia, hypesthesia, and amblyopia. Clinical examination and mammography were reliable in diagnosing implant rupture, but only ...

The American Surgeon, 2013
Physician clinical clearance of the cervical spine after blunt trauma is practiced in many trauma... more Physician clinical clearance of the cervical spine after blunt trauma is practiced in many trauma centers. Prehospital clinical clearance of the cervical spine (c-spine) performed by emergency medical services (EMS) personnel can decrease cost, improve patient comfort, decrease complications, and decrease prehospital time. The purpose of this study was to assess whether EMS personnel can effectively clinically clear the c-spine of injury in the prehospital setting. All paramedics from a single urban fire department were trained in clinical clearance of the c-spine. During the 14-month period from January 2008 through March 2009, clinical examination of the c-spine was performed by paramedics on blunt trauma patients in the prehospital setting. Paramedics immobilized the c-spine and delivered the patients to the University of South Alabama Medical Center. After trauma center arrival, paramedics documented their clinical examination of the c-spine in a computerized data collection for...

The American Surgeon, 2017
If statesmanship can be characterized as a bed rock of principles, a strong moral compass, a visi... more If statesmanship can be characterized as a bed rock of principles, a strong moral compass, a vision, and an ability to articulate and effect that vision, then the fortitude, tenacity, imperturbability, and resilience of William Crawford Gorgas cannot be overestimated. As Chief Sanitary Officer in Cuba and as Chief Medical Officer in Panama, he actualized strategies to eradicate the vectors of yellow fever and malaria. His superiors initially pigeonholed his requisitions, refused to provide him with any authority, and clamored for his dismissal. Nevertheless, with dogged persistence he created a coalition of the willing, who eventually implemented those reforms. As Surgeon General in the United States Army, he organized and expanded the Active Duty and Medical Reserve Corps in anticipation of World War I. Skilled university affiliated surgeons and personnel from throughout North America, manned base hospitals in Europe. Those lessons impacted upon subsequent military and civilian sur...

The American Surgeon, 2015
A retrospective analysis of a prospective observational study of a cohort of patients who require... more A retrospective analysis of a prospective observational study of a cohort of patients who required prolonged foregut/midgut decompression/intraluminal stenting and/or enteral nutritional support was conducted. Those patients were intolerant of protracted nasogastric intubation. They also manifested hostile peritoneal cavities and therefore were not candidates for a laparoendoscopic gastrostomy or jejunostomy. Accordingly, they underwent insertion of a pharyngogastric or pharyngojejunal tube. With patients properly positioned and anesthetized and with attention to the anatomy of the superior carotid cervical triangle, those pharyngostomies and cannulations were performed safely and efficiently. The tubes remained indefinitely or were changed/removed ad libitum. Morbidity was nil and no mortality attributable to the procedure was observed. Pharyngostomy should be part of the armamentarium of all general surgeons.
Papers by charles rodning