Proceedings of the Twelfth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing
High dynamic range (HDR) videos provide a more visually realistic experience than the standard lo... more High dynamic range (HDR) videos provide a more visually realistic experience than the standard low dynamic range (LDR) videos. Despite having significant progress in HDR imaging, it is still a challenging task to capture high-quality HDR video with a conventional off-the-shelf camera. Existing approaches rely entirely on using dense optical flow between the neighboring LDR sequences to reconstruct an HDR frame. However, they lead to inconsistencies in color and exposure over time when applied to alternating exposures with noisy frames. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end GAN-based framework for HDR video reconstruction from LDR sequences with alternating exposures. We first extract clean LDR frames from noisy LDR video with alternating exposures with a denoising network trained in a self-supervised setting. Using optical flow, we then align the neighboring alternating-exposure frames to a reference frame and then reconstruct high-quality HDR frames in a complete adversarial setting. To further improve the robustness and quality of generated frames, we incorporate temporal stabilitybased regularization term along with content and style-based losses in the cost function during the training procedure. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance and generates superior quality HDR frames of a video over the existing methods. CCS CONCEPTS • Computing methodologies → Computational photography; Image-based rendering.
ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications
We developed a gaze immersive YouTube player, called GIUPlayer, with two objectives: First to ena... more We developed a gaze immersive YouTube player, called GIUPlayer, with two objectives: First to enable eye-controlled interaction with video content, to support people with motor disabilities. Second to enable the prospect of quantifying attention when users view video content, which can be used to estimate natural viewing behaviour. In this paper, we illustrate the functionality and design of GIUPlayer, and the visualization of video viewing pattern. The long-term perspective of this work could lead to the realization of eye control and attention based recommendations in online video platforms and smart TV applications that record eye tracking data.
Indian journal of languages and linguistics, Mar 30, 2022
The paper proposes that Magahi, a modern Indo-Aryan language, presents the phenomenon of multiple... more The paper proposes that Magahi, a modern Indo-Aryan language, presents the phenomenon of multiple determiners in the syntax of modification and argues that the phenomenon is not a simple case of agreement in definiteness in the noun phrase whereby the additional determiner carries a similar semantic feature. I present examples that contest the possibility of it as a case of concord or agree. For the semantic motivation of the phenomenon, following Plank (2003) & Kumar (2020), the paper claims that the definite determiner /-wa/ in Magahi is not an exclusively dedicated definiteness morpheme, and therefore, the language needs an additional linguistic element. I claim that the additional determiner weakens the definiteness of the definite determiner /-wa/, creating a projection problem in the overall referentiality of the NP. By further describing the individual semantics of the determiner on the noun and the adjective, the paper claims that the determiner on the adjective exudes the semantics of specificity that can co-occur with the numeral. However, the determiner on the noun has the semantics of familiarity or identifiability. The paper further provides an exhaustive account of semantic and structural description and motivation of the phenomenon.
Current advance of internet allows rapid dissemination of information, accelerating the progress ... more Current advance of internet allows rapid dissemination of information, accelerating the progress on wide spectrum of society. This has been done mainly through the use of website interface with inherent unique human interactions. In this regards the usability analysis becomes a central part to improve the human interactions. However, This analysis has not yet quantitatively been evaluated through user perception during interaction, especially when dealing wide range of tasks. In this study, we perform the quantitative analysis the usability of websites based on their usage and relevance. We do this by reporting user interactions based user subjective perceptions, eye-tracking data and facial expressions based on the collected data from two different sets of websites. In general, we found that the user interaction parameters are substantially difference across website sets, with a degree of relation with perceived user emotions during interactions.
The accurate assessment of the mechanical properties of timber from standing trees is beneficial ... more The accurate assessment of the mechanical properties of timber from standing trees is beneficial for the growers and processors. Modulus of elasticity (MOE) is one of the most important mechanical properties for solid timber which determines the structural performance and market value of a sawn piece timber. MOE of boards sawn from a single log can vary significantly because of significant internal variation of MOE within a tree. Several techniques are available to evaluate log MOE and MOE of a clear piece of wood. However, the enormous variation of MOE of boards cut from a single log limits the usefulness of an overall log MOE value and establishes the necessity of predicting MOE of individual board.
Two centuries ago, the statement by Charles Dickens (1812-1870) that tuberculosis (TB) is "a drea... more Two centuries ago, the statement by Charles Dickens (1812-1870) that tuberculosis (TB) is "a dread disease in which struggle between soul and body is gradual quiet and solemn, that day by day, and grain by grain, the mortal part wastes, and withers away" still holds in the present context. With changing times, the effect of HIV on TB and improvement in diagnostic modalities, the recognized patterns of clinical
This paper deals with the study of static behavior of laminated composite plates under transverse... more This paper deals with the study of static behavior of laminated composite plates under transverse loading using FEM. The plate has been modelled using eight noded isoparametric elements with six degree of freedom at each node. First-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) is employed in conjunction with FEM approach. The mid plane of the lamina is considered as reference plane. Several numerical experiments are carried out using the ANSYS Workbench 15.0. At first, the convergence study is carried out to validate the present model. Secondly, the parametric studies are carried out for different cases by varying the stacking sequences, fibre orientations, thickness and number of layers in the laminate. The volume of plate is taken as constant throughout the study. Finally, the results obtained from the study are compared to achieve the maximum strength of plate with the best suitable combinations of the stacking sequence of the plate.
Many plant-associated bacteria produce plant- mimicking hormones which are involved in modulating... more Many plant-associated bacteria produce plant- mimicking hormones which are involved in modulating host physiology. However, their function in modulating bacterial physiology has not been reported. Here we show that the XopQ protein, a type-III effector of the rice pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), is involved in cytokinin biosynthesis. Xoo produces and secretes an active form of cytokinin which enables the bacterium to maintain a planktonic lifestyle and promotes virulence. RNA-seq analysis indicates that the cytokinin produced by Xoo is required for the regulation of several genes which are involved in biofilm formation. We have also identified the Xoo isopentenyl transferase gene, which is involved in the cytokinin biosynthesis pathway and is required for maintaining planktonic behaviour and virulence. Furthermore, mutations in the predicted cytokinin receptor kinase (PcrK) and the downstream response regulator (PcrR) of Xoo phenocopy the cytokinin biosynthetic mutant...
Transverse modal analysis of timber panels is a proven effective alternative method for approxima... more Transverse modal analysis of timber panels is a proven effective alternative method for approximating a material's elastic constants. Specific testing configurations, such as boundary conditions (BC) and location of sensor and impact, play a critical role in the accuracy of the results obtained from the experimental assessment. This article investigates signal-specific details, such as the signal quality factor, that directly relate to the damping properties and internal friction as well as frequency shifting obtained from six different BCs. A freely supported (FFFF), opposing minor sides (shorter length) simply supported, and major sides (longest length) free (SFSF), as well as the reverse of the SFSF configuration with minor sides free and major lengths simply supported (FSFS) and all sides simply supported (SSSS) setup, are investigated. Variations into the proposed methods used to achieve an FFFF supported system are also considered. A combination of experimental testing in ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCA), 2018
Traffic signals are the most effective and flexible active control of traffic and are widely used... more Traffic signals are the most effective and flexible active control of traffic and are widely used in several cities in the world. The present traffic control systems are not sufficient for the control of the growing population. in this proposed paper we describe the design and implementation of a conventional traffic light-controlled technique along with the concept of fuzzy logic technology. Conventional traffic controllers use time-sharing principle for controlling directions of vehicles. A traffic light controller primarily based on fuzzy logic may be used for optimum control of fluctuation traffic volumes consisting of over saturated or unusual load situations. We will not only control the working of the traffic lights based on the traffic density on the lanes, but also, we will consider emergency cases to manage its working. The emergency cases include: arrival of an ambulance or any delegate’s or minister’s vehicle.
Remote sensing technology has been used widely in mapping forest and wetland communities, primari... more Remote sensing technology has been used widely in mapping forest and wetland communities, primarily with moderate spatial resolution imagery and traditional classification techniques. The success of these mapping efforts varies widely. The natural communities of the Laurentian Mixed Forest are an important component of Upper Great Lakes ecosystems. Mapping and monitoring these communities using high spatial resolution imagery benefits resource management, conservation and restoration efforts. This study developed a robust classification approach to delineate natural habitat communities utilizing multispectral high-resolution (60 cm) National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery data. For accurate training set delineation, NAIP imagery, soils data and spectral enhancement techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) were integrated. The study evaluated the importance of biogeophysical parameters such as topography, soil characte...
Computer vision-based automation has become popular in detecting and monitoring plants’ nutrient ... more Computer vision-based automation has become popular in detecting and monitoring plants’ nutrient deficiencies in recent times. The predictive model developed by various researchers were so designed that it can be used in an embedded system, keeping in mind the availability of computational resources. Nevertheless, the enormous popularity of smart phone technology has opened the door of opportunity to common farmers to have access to high computing resources. To facilitate smart phone users, this study proposes a framework of hosting high end systems in the cloud where processing can be done, and farmers can interact with the cloud-based system. With the availability of high computational power, many studies have been focused on applying convolutional Neural Networks-based Deep Learning (CNN-based DL) architectures, including Transfer learning (TL) models on agricultural research. Ensembling of various TL architectures has the potential to improve the performance of predictive models...
Fluid flow and mixing phenomena were investigated in a cylindrical-shaped, mechanically agitated ... more Fluid flow and mixing phenomena were investigated in a cylindrical-shaped, mechanically agitated water model ladle ( D = 0.30 m) both computationally and experimentally. Embodying the dynamic/sliding mesh approach in ANSYS Fluent (version 18.0), appropriate flow models were formulated via the realizable k – ε turbulence model as well as LES (large eddy simulation) and, based on this, flow and mixing times were predicted in the water model system as a function of impeller speed. In parallel, while distributions of axial and rotational components of flow at different locations in the system were mapped via a Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV), electrical conductivity measurement technique was adopted to determine 95 pct bulk mixing times experimentally. Reproducible measurements, obtained under different experimental conditions, were applied to directly assess the relative adequacy of the two flow calculation procedures. Comparison between numerical predictions and experimental measurements indicates that LES provides considerably more accurate estimates and thus outperforms the realizable k – ε turbulence model. In general, the realizable k – ε model is found to overestimate flow recirculation rate leading to expeditious mixing or shorter mixing times in the system. The implications of the present findings, with reference to industrial-scale simulation of mechanically agitated, high-temperature systems, such as the Kanabara (KR)™ reactor, are also briefly addressed in the text.
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 2021
Reservoir sedimentation is a regular process and sequential path of sedimentation in reservoirs c... more Reservoir sedimentation is a regular process and sequential path of sedimentation in reservoirs comprising of erosion, entrainment, transference, deposition and compaction of dregs carried into artificial lakes formed behind the dams. India houses 5334 large dams in function (2329 numbers before 1980) and 411 dams are in pipeline. The Rengali dam, functioned from 1984, that traps 50% of the total sediment load of the Brahmani River continues to thwart the growth and buffering of the Brahmani delta. Remote sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) have emerged as powerful tools to create spatial inventory on Hydro-Bio-geo resources and the state of the environment. The RS/GIS and process-based modelling employed in spatial and dynamic assessment of loss in live storage of the reservoir by developing contour, aspect and slope map by using data received from LANDSAT sources. The sedimentation of the Rengali reservoir (functional from 1984) studied for three decades 1990-20...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 2021
Owing to the critical role of follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) signaling in human rep... more Owing to the critical role of follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) signaling in human reproduction, FSHR has been widely explored for development of fertility regulators. Using high-throughput screening approaches, several low molecular weight (LMW) compounds that can modulate FSHR activity have been identified. However, the information about the binding sites of these molecules on FSHR is not known. In the present study, we extracted the structural and functional information of 161 experimentally validated LMW FSHR modulators available in PubMed records. The potential FSHR binding sites for these modulators were identified through molecular docking experiments. The binding sites were further mapped to the agonist or antagonist activity reported for these molecules in literature. MD simulations were performed to evaluate the effect of ligand binding on conformational changes in the receptor, specifically the transmembrane domain. A peptidomimetic library was screened using these binding sites. Six peptidomimetics that interacted with the residues of transmembrane domain and extracellular loops were evaluated for binding activity using in vitro cAMP assay. Two of the six peptidomimetics exhibited positive allosteric modulatory activity and four peptidomimetics exhibited negative allosteric modulatory activity. All six peptidomimetics interacted with Asp521 of hFSHR(TMD). Several of the experimentally known LMW FSHR modulators also participated in H-bond interactions with Asp521, suggesting its important role in FSHR modulatory activity.
2020 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), 2020
This paper presents power system stabilizer tuning experience in the Indian power system. It expl... more This paper presents power system stabilizer tuning experience in the Indian power system. It explains the various regulatory provision and standards to be complied with for the PSS tuning. It compares the tuning procedures adopted by various utilities in India. It also shares a few case studies to highlight the challenges observed during PSS tuning and procedure overcoming these issues.
We present optimal schemes, based on photon number measurements, for Gaussian state tomography an... more We present optimal schemes, based on photon number measurements, for Gaussian state tomography and for Gaussian process tomography. An n-mode Gaussian state is completely specified by 2n 2 + 3n parameters. Our scheme requires exactly 2n 2 + 3n distinct photon number measurements to tomograph the state and is therefore optimal. Further, we describe an optimal scheme to characterize Gaussian processes by using coherent state probes and photon number measurements. With much recent progress in photon number measurement experimental techniques, we hope that our scheme will be useful in various quantum information processing protocols including entanglement detection, quantum computation, quantum key distribution and quantum teleportation. This work builds upon the works of Parthasarathy et al.
Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering, 2018
Titanium and its alloys are known as a workhorse for aerospace and automobile industries. These a... more Titanium and its alloys are known as a workhorse for aerospace and automobile industries. These alloys possess several features like high strength, better corrosion resistance, lower density, and very good biocompatibility. It is extensively used in chemical, aviation, aerospace, medicinal, and automotive industries. In this study, an experimental investigation and metallurgical characterization of fiber laser weldments of 5 mm thick Ti-6Al-4V alloy plate are performed. After experiments, the qualities of the welded specimens are investigated in terms of penetration depth, weld appearance, bead geometry, hardness, and developed microstructures in fusion and heat-affected zones. The energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis confirms shielding gas effectiveness. The microstructures in fusion zone, as well as heat affected zones, are suitably controlled by welding process parameters. The Vickers microhardness of the welded specimens highly depends on developed microstructures in the fusion and heat-affected zones. The results show that the beam power in laser welding process plays a major role for full penetration in the base plate. There is a critical range of welding power that produces full penetration, narrow weld width, small HAZ, and aesthetic bead appearance with satisfactory bead hardening.
Proceedings of the Twelfth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing
High dynamic range (HDR) videos provide a more visually realistic experience than the standard lo... more High dynamic range (HDR) videos provide a more visually realistic experience than the standard low dynamic range (LDR) videos. Despite having significant progress in HDR imaging, it is still a challenging task to capture high-quality HDR video with a conventional off-the-shelf camera. Existing approaches rely entirely on using dense optical flow between the neighboring LDR sequences to reconstruct an HDR frame. However, they lead to inconsistencies in color and exposure over time when applied to alternating exposures with noisy frames. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end GAN-based framework for HDR video reconstruction from LDR sequences with alternating exposures. We first extract clean LDR frames from noisy LDR video with alternating exposures with a denoising network trained in a self-supervised setting. Using optical flow, we then align the neighboring alternating-exposure frames to a reference frame and then reconstruct high-quality HDR frames in a complete adversarial setting. To further improve the robustness and quality of generated frames, we incorporate temporal stabilitybased regularization term along with content and style-based losses in the cost function during the training procedure. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance and generates superior quality HDR frames of a video over the existing methods. CCS CONCEPTS • Computing methodologies → Computational photography; Image-based rendering.
ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications
We developed a gaze immersive YouTube player, called GIUPlayer, with two objectives: First to ena... more We developed a gaze immersive YouTube player, called GIUPlayer, with two objectives: First to enable eye-controlled interaction with video content, to support people with motor disabilities. Second to enable the prospect of quantifying attention when users view video content, which can be used to estimate natural viewing behaviour. In this paper, we illustrate the functionality and design of GIUPlayer, and the visualization of video viewing pattern. The long-term perspective of this work could lead to the realization of eye control and attention based recommendations in online video platforms and smart TV applications that record eye tracking data.
Indian journal of languages and linguistics, Mar 30, 2022
The paper proposes that Magahi, a modern Indo-Aryan language, presents the phenomenon of multiple... more The paper proposes that Magahi, a modern Indo-Aryan language, presents the phenomenon of multiple determiners in the syntax of modification and argues that the phenomenon is not a simple case of agreement in definiteness in the noun phrase whereby the additional determiner carries a similar semantic feature. I present examples that contest the possibility of it as a case of concord or agree. For the semantic motivation of the phenomenon, following Plank (2003) & Kumar (2020), the paper claims that the definite determiner /-wa/ in Magahi is not an exclusively dedicated definiteness morpheme, and therefore, the language needs an additional linguistic element. I claim that the additional determiner weakens the definiteness of the definite determiner /-wa/, creating a projection problem in the overall referentiality of the NP. By further describing the individual semantics of the determiner on the noun and the adjective, the paper claims that the determiner on the adjective exudes the semantics of specificity that can co-occur with the numeral. However, the determiner on the noun has the semantics of familiarity or identifiability. The paper further provides an exhaustive account of semantic and structural description and motivation of the phenomenon.
Current advance of internet allows rapid dissemination of information, accelerating the progress ... more Current advance of internet allows rapid dissemination of information, accelerating the progress on wide spectrum of society. This has been done mainly through the use of website interface with inherent unique human interactions. In this regards the usability analysis becomes a central part to improve the human interactions. However, This analysis has not yet quantitatively been evaluated through user perception during interaction, especially when dealing wide range of tasks. In this study, we perform the quantitative analysis the usability of websites based on their usage and relevance. We do this by reporting user interactions based user subjective perceptions, eye-tracking data and facial expressions based on the collected data from two different sets of websites. In general, we found that the user interaction parameters are substantially difference across website sets, with a degree of relation with perceived user emotions during interactions.
The accurate assessment of the mechanical properties of timber from standing trees is beneficial ... more The accurate assessment of the mechanical properties of timber from standing trees is beneficial for the growers and processors. Modulus of elasticity (MOE) is one of the most important mechanical properties for solid timber which determines the structural performance and market value of a sawn piece timber. MOE of boards sawn from a single log can vary significantly because of significant internal variation of MOE within a tree. Several techniques are available to evaluate log MOE and MOE of a clear piece of wood. However, the enormous variation of MOE of boards cut from a single log limits the usefulness of an overall log MOE value and establishes the necessity of predicting MOE of individual board.
Two centuries ago, the statement by Charles Dickens (1812-1870) that tuberculosis (TB) is "a drea... more Two centuries ago, the statement by Charles Dickens (1812-1870) that tuberculosis (TB) is "a dread disease in which struggle between soul and body is gradual quiet and solemn, that day by day, and grain by grain, the mortal part wastes, and withers away" still holds in the present context. With changing times, the effect of HIV on TB and improvement in diagnostic modalities, the recognized patterns of clinical
This paper deals with the study of static behavior of laminated composite plates under transverse... more This paper deals with the study of static behavior of laminated composite plates under transverse loading using FEM. The plate has been modelled using eight noded isoparametric elements with six degree of freedom at each node. First-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) is employed in conjunction with FEM approach. The mid plane of the lamina is considered as reference plane. Several numerical experiments are carried out using the ANSYS Workbench 15.0. At first, the convergence study is carried out to validate the present model. Secondly, the parametric studies are carried out for different cases by varying the stacking sequences, fibre orientations, thickness and number of layers in the laminate. The volume of plate is taken as constant throughout the study. Finally, the results obtained from the study are compared to achieve the maximum strength of plate with the best suitable combinations of the stacking sequence of the plate.
Many plant-associated bacteria produce plant- mimicking hormones which are involved in modulating... more Many plant-associated bacteria produce plant- mimicking hormones which are involved in modulating host physiology. However, their function in modulating bacterial physiology has not been reported. Here we show that the XopQ protein, a type-III effector of the rice pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), is involved in cytokinin biosynthesis. Xoo produces and secretes an active form of cytokinin which enables the bacterium to maintain a planktonic lifestyle and promotes virulence. RNA-seq analysis indicates that the cytokinin produced by Xoo is required for the regulation of several genes which are involved in biofilm formation. We have also identified the Xoo isopentenyl transferase gene, which is involved in the cytokinin biosynthesis pathway and is required for maintaining planktonic behaviour and virulence. Furthermore, mutations in the predicted cytokinin receptor kinase (PcrK) and the downstream response regulator (PcrR) of Xoo phenocopy the cytokinin biosynthetic mutant...
Transverse modal analysis of timber panels is a proven effective alternative method for approxima... more Transverse modal analysis of timber panels is a proven effective alternative method for approximating a material's elastic constants. Specific testing configurations, such as boundary conditions (BC) and location of sensor and impact, play a critical role in the accuracy of the results obtained from the experimental assessment. This article investigates signal-specific details, such as the signal quality factor, that directly relate to the damping properties and internal friction as well as frequency shifting obtained from six different BCs. A freely supported (FFFF), opposing minor sides (shorter length) simply supported, and major sides (longest length) free (SFSF), as well as the reverse of the SFSF configuration with minor sides free and major lengths simply supported (FSFS) and all sides simply supported (SSSS) setup, are investigated. Variations into the proposed methods used to achieve an FFFF supported system are also considered. A combination of experimental testing in ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCA), 2018
Traffic signals are the most effective and flexible active control of traffic and are widely used... more Traffic signals are the most effective and flexible active control of traffic and are widely used in several cities in the world. The present traffic control systems are not sufficient for the control of the growing population. in this proposed paper we describe the design and implementation of a conventional traffic light-controlled technique along with the concept of fuzzy logic technology. Conventional traffic controllers use time-sharing principle for controlling directions of vehicles. A traffic light controller primarily based on fuzzy logic may be used for optimum control of fluctuation traffic volumes consisting of over saturated or unusual load situations. We will not only control the working of the traffic lights based on the traffic density on the lanes, but also, we will consider emergency cases to manage its working. The emergency cases include: arrival of an ambulance or any delegate’s or minister’s vehicle.
Remote sensing technology has been used widely in mapping forest and wetland communities, primari... more Remote sensing technology has been used widely in mapping forest and wetland communities, primarily with moderate spatial resolution imagery and traditional classification techniques. The success of these mapping efforts varies widely. The natural communities of the Laurentian Mixed Forest are an important component of Upper Great Lakes ecosystems. Mapping and monitoring these communities using high spatial resolution imagery benefits resource management, conservation and restoration efforts. This study developed a robust classification approach to delineate natural habitat communities utilizing multispectral high-resolution (60 cm) National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery data. For accurate training set delineation, NAIP imagery, soils data and spectral enhancement techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) were integrated. The study evaluated the importance of biogeophysical parameters such as topography, soil characte...
Computer vision-based automation has become popular in detecting and monitoring plants’ nutrient ... more Computer vision-based automation has become popular in detecting and monitoring plants’ nutrient deficiencies in recent times. The predictive model developed by various researchers were so designed that it can be used in an embedded system, keeping in mind the availability of computational resources. Nevertheless, the enormous popularity of smart phone technology has opened the door of opportunity to common farmers to have access to high computing resources. To facilitate smart phone users, this study proposes a framework of hosting high end systems in the cloud where processing can be done, and farmers can interact with the cloud-based system. With the availability of high computational power, many studies have been focused on applying convolutional Neural Networks-based Deep Learning (CNN-based DL) architectures, including Transfer learning (TL) models on agricultural research. Ensembling of various TL architectures has the potential to improve the performance of predictive models...
Fluid flow and mixing phenomena were investigated in a cylindrical-shaped, mechanically agitated ... more Fluid flow and mixing phenomena were investigated in a cylindrical-shaped, mechanically agitated water model ladle ( D = 0.30 m) both computationally and experimentally. Embodying the dynamic/sliding mesh approach in ANSYS Fluent (version 18.0), appropriate flow models were formulated via the realizable k – ε turbulence model as well as LES (large eddy simulation) and, based on this, flow and mixing times were predicted in the water model system as a function of impeller speed. In parallel, while distributions of axial and rotational components of flow at different locations in the system were mapped via a Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV), electrical conductivity measurement technique was adopted to determine 95 pct bulk mixing times experimentally. Reproducible measurements, obtained under different experimental conditions, were applied to directly assess the relative adequacy of the two flow calculation procedures. Comparison between numerical predictions and experimental measurements indicates that LES provides considerably more accurate estimates and thus outperforms the realizable k – ε turbulence model. In general, the realizable k – ε model is found to overestimate flow recirculation rate leading to expeditious mixing or shorter mixing times in the system. The implications of the present findings, with reference to industrial-scale simulation of mechanically agitated, high-temperature systems, such as the Kanabara (KR)™ reactor, are also briefly addressed in the text.
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 2021
Reservoir sedimentation is a regular process and sequential path of sedimentation in reservoirs c... more Reservoir sedimentation is a regular process and sequential path of sedimentation in reservoirs comprising of erosion, entrainment, transference, deposition and compaction of dregs carried into artificial lakes formed behind the dams. India houses 5334 large dams in function (2329 numbers before 1980) and 411 dams are in pipeline. The Rengali dam, functioned from 1984, that traps 50% of the total sediment load of the Brahmani River continues to thwart the growth and buffering of the Brahmani delta. Remote sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) have emerged as powerful tools to create spatial inventory on Hydro-Bio-geo resources and the state of the environment. The RS/GIS and process-based modelling employed in spatial and dynamic assessment of loss in live storage of the reservoir by developing contour, aspect and slope map by using data received from LANDSAT sources. The sedimentation of the Rengali reservoir (functional from 1984) studied for three decades 1990-20...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 2021
Owing to the critical role of follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) signaling in human rep... more Owing to the critical role of follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) signaling in human reproduction, FSHR has been widely explored for development of fertility regulators. Using high-throughput screening approaches, several low molecular weight (LMW) compounds that can modulate FSHR activity have been identified. However, the information about the binding sites of these molecules on FSHR is not known. In the present study, we extracted the structural and functional information of 161 experimentally validated LMW FSHR modulators available in PubMed records. The potential FSHR binding sites for these modulators were identified through molecular docking experiments. The binding sites were further mapped to the agonist or antagonist activity reported for these molecules in literature. MD simulations were performed to evaluate the effect of ligand binding on conformational changes in the receptor, specifically the transmembrane domain. A peptidomimetic library was screened using these binding sites. Six peptidomimetics that interacted with the residues of transmembrane domain and extracellular loops were evaluated for binding activity using in vitro cAMP assay. Two of the six peptidomimetics exhibited positive allosteric modulatory activity and four peptidomimetics exhibited negative allosteric modulatory activity. All six peptidomimetics interacted with Asp521 of hFSHR(TMD). Several of the experimentally known LMW FSHR modulators also participated in H-bond interactions with Asp521, suggesting its important role in FSHR modulatory activity.
2020 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), 2020
This paper presents power system stabilizer tuning experience in the Indian power system. It expl... more This paper presents power system stabilizer tuning experience in the Indian power system. It explains the various regulatory provision and standards to be complied with for the PSS tuning. It compares the tuning procedures adopted by various utilities in India. It also shares a few case studies to highlight the challenges observed during PSS tuning and procedure overcoming these issues.
We present optimal schemes, based on photon number measurements, for Gaussian state tomography an... more We present optimal schemes, based on photon number measurements, for Gaussian state tomography and for Gaussian process tomography. An n-mode Gaussian state is completely specified by 2n 2 + 3n parameters. Our scheme requires exactly 2n 2 + 3n distinct photon number measurements to tomograph the state and is therefore optimal. Further, we describe an optimal scheme to characterize Gaussian processes by using coherent state probes and photon number measurements. With much recent progress in photon number measurement experimental techniques, we hope that our scheme will be useful in various quantum information processing protocols including entanglement detection, quantum computation, quantum key distribution and quantum teleportation. This work builds upon the works of Parthasarathy et al.
Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering, 2018
Titanium and its alloys are known as a workhorse for aerospace and automobile industries. These a... more Titanium and its alloys are known as a workhorse for aerospace and automobile industries. These alloys possess several features like high strength, better corrosion resistance, lower density, and very good biocompatibility. It is extensively used in chemical, aviation, aerospace, medicinal, and automotive industries. In this study, an experimental investigation and metallurgical characterization of fiber laser weldments of 5 mm thick Ti-6Al-4V alloy plate are performed. After experiments, the qualities of the welded specimens are investigated in terms of penetration depth, weld appearance, bead geometry, hardness, and developed microstructures in fusion and heat-affected zones. The energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis confirms shielding gas effectiveness. The microstructures in fusion zone, as well as heat affected zones, are suitably controlled by welding process parameters. The Vickers microhardness of the welded specimens highly depends on developed microstructures in the fusion and heat-affected zones. The results show that the beam power in laser welding process plays a major role for full penetration in the base plate. There is a critical range of welding power that produces full penetration, narrow weld width, small HAZ, and aesthetic bead appearance with satisfactory bead hardening.
Papers by chandan kumar