Al encontrar hallazgos de restos óseos los elementos claves para comenzar un estudio bioantropolo... more Al encontrar hallazgos de restos óseos los elementos claves para comenzar un estudio bioantropologico son: la estimación del sexo y la data de la muerte de los restos recuperados. Simultáneamente, se debe tomar en cuenta que las poblaciones varían según sus orígenes filogenéticos, evolutivos, sexuales, edad y por los caracteres de cada individuo. El sexo en las especies, varía según sus orígenes filogenéticos en tamaño y forma, esta variación se conoce como dimorfismo sexual. La estimación exacta del sexo, al hallarse esqueletos completos se basa en los caracteres morfológicos de la pelvis pero no siempre está presente, por ello se necesitan métodos fundados en otras estructuras óseas. La ACTA BIOCLINICA Revisión
Cannabidiol (CBD) has been gaining increased attention in contemporary society but seems to have ... more Cannabidiol (CBD) has been gaining increased attention in contemporary society but seems to have been little explored in dentistry. This scoping review mapped the scientific and technological scenarios related to the use of CBD in dentistry. Peer-reviewed publications were searched in five international databases, patents were searched in five technological platforms. In total, 11 articles and 13 patents involving CBD in dentistry-related applications were included. The countries contributing to most articles were Brazil (27.3%) and USA (18.2%). The studies involved experiments on animals (63.6%) and/or using bacteria or cells (36.4%), and no clinical study was found. Three different applications of CBD were observed: periodontal therapy (45.4%), aid for bone regeneration (27.3%), and general use in oral therapies (27.3%). Patent inventors were based in China (53.8%) or USA (46.2%). The patent claims were mainly compositions for oral care, tooth whitening, injury repair, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. A total of 76.9% of the patents were filed in association with a company. In general, research suggests that CBD has promising biological properties for applications in dentistry, whereas patents indicate that the current interest of industry relies on compositions for oral care. There appears to be extensive room available for research and technological applications of CBD in dentistry.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Although the clinical use of self-adhesive flowable composite resins is conv... more STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Although the clinical use of self-adhesive flowable composite resins is convenient, the decision to use flowable or conventional composite resin remains controversial. PURPOSE The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the in vitro bond strength of self-adhesive flowable composite resins to enamel or dentin compared with conventional composite resins using etch-and-rinse or self-etch adhesive systems. MATERIAL AND METHODS Two independent reviewers performed searches in the PubMed (MEDLINE), Cochrane Wiley, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases for studies reporting on the bond strength of self-adhesive flowable and conventional composite resins to enamel and dentin published from January 2010 up to September 2020. A meta-analysis software program was used for the meta-analysis. Comparisons were conducted using standardized mean differences considering the random-effects model (α=.05). RESULTS Twenty-two studies were considered for the meta-analysis. Immediate and long-term bond strength to enamel was improved when a conventional composite resin was used in combination with an adhesive system (P<.001). Bond strength to dentin was improved by using an adhesive system in combination with a conventional composite resin (P<.001). CONCLUSIONS The bond strength of self-adhesive flowable composite resins is lower than that of conventional composite resins, indicating limited ability to bond to enamel and dentin.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, Oct 8, 2020
Grafting to" approach was carried out to synthesize PVA based CNT nanocomposites. Simple and mild... more Grafting to" approach was carried out to synthesize PVA based CNT nanocomposites. Simple and mild conditions were used for oxidation of CNTs. No intermediate treatments were required for grafting the PVA to the oxidized CNTs. TGA results show high level of functionalization for CNTs. Obtained thermal durability of the PVA-grafted MWCNT nanocomposite is rather high.
SUMMARY Objective To evaluate the physical and biological properties of different types of flowab... more SUMMARY Objective To evaluate the physical and biological properties of different types of flowable resin composites and their bonding ability to dentin, comparing the performance of self-adhesive and bulk-fill materials with a conventional control. Methods and Materials Four flowable resin composites were tested: two self-adhesive (Y-flow [SA_YF]; and Dyad Flow [SA_DF]); one bulk-fill (Filtek Bulk Fill Flow [BF]); and one conventional composite (Opallis Flow [OF]). The microshear bond strength (μSBS) to dentin (bovine samples) was investigated at 24 hours and 6 months of storage. The materials were also characterized by degree of conversion, cross-link density, water contact angle, color stability, and cell viability (ISO 10993-5/2009) analyses. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance and Tukey tests (α=0.05). Results The μSBS values were higher for control specimens at 24 hours, whereas the resin-dentin bonds were similarly distributed among the groups after aging. Adhesive ...
The professional of oral and maxillofacial surgery executes clinical procedures directly related ... more The professional of oral and maxillofacial surgery executes clinical procedures directly related to the cervicofacial area. That's why knowing the distribution area of a nerve allows the professional to be more secure when he executes surgical procedures, having to safeguard as far as possible the integrity of the nerve tracks avoiding possible iatrogenias. While in addition the corpse dissection represents a way to acquire practical experience which give to the Maxillo-Facial surgery the opportunity of ensuring theoretical knowledge. That's why, the purpose of this work is to determine through corpses dissections the terminal distribution of the hypoglossal nerve, considered the main motor nerve of the intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles. The field work was realized in the dissection area of the human anatomy seminar room of the odontology faculty of the Universidad de los Andes with 7 corpse pieces preserved with undiluted Gerdex® for 6 months before the study according to the actual protocols. The dissections of the nervous elements were realized, and they were individualized in order to illustrate its territory of distribution and its principal relations in the carotid region.
Introdução: Atualmente, uma nova técnica endodôntica permite o desenvolvimento apical contínuo e ... more Introdução: Atualmente, uma nova técnica endodôntica permite o desenvolvimento apical contínuo e o espessamento das paredes radiculares. Esse efeito é obtido por meio da desinfecção adequada do sistema de canais radiculares, nos quais, posteriormente, introduz-se uma matriz extracelular natural autóloga como coadjuvante para induzir a formação do selamento apical. Esse procedimento, denominado Terapia Endodôntica Regenerativa (TER), é uma opção para o tratamento de dentes necróticos com desenvolvimento interrompido do ápice. Os concentrados de plaquetas, como o plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) e a fibrina rica em plaquetas (PRF), são utilizados como matriz extracelular que fornece fatores de crescimento para geração de novas células diferenciadas, que podem regenerar os tecidos, estimulando a neoformação fisiológica do ápice. Objetivo: Descrever a técnica TER e relatar um caso clínico tratado com esse método e com o uso adjuvante de PRF, com acompanhamento de 18 meses. Conclusões: Rad...
The professional of oral and maxillofacial surgery executes clinical procedures directly related ... more The professional of oral and maxillofacial surgery executes clinical procedures directly related to the cervicofacial area. That's why knowing the distribution area of a nerve allows the professional to be more secure when he executes surgical procedures, having to safeguard as far as possible the integrity of the nerve tracks avoiding possible iatrogenias. While in addition the corpse dissection represents a way to acquire practical experience which give to the Maxillo-Facial surgery the opportunity of ensuring theoretical knowledge. That's why, the purpose of this work is to determine through corpses dissections the terminal distribution of the hypoglossal nerve, considered the main motor nerve of the intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles. The field work was realized in the dissection area of the human anatomy seminar room of the odontology faculty of the Universidad de los Andes with 7 corpse pieces preserved with undiluted Gerdex® for 6 months before the study according to the actual protocols. The dissections of the nervous elements were realized, and they were individualized in order to illustrate its territory of distribution and its principal relations in the carotid region.
To map the evidence from studies and patents investigating the hypothesis of the effective use of... more To map the evidence from studies and patents investigating the hypothesis of the effective use of cannabidiol in the areas of dentistry
Los cambios propios del envejecimiento facial se derivan desde el nacimiento del hombre, como un ... more Los cambios propios del envejecimiento facial se derivan desde el nacimiento del hombre, como un proceso natural del ciclo vital. Las terapeuticas aplicadas en la medicina estetica y en la estetica facial buscan favorecer y mejorar el aspecto del rostro, como resultado del envejecimiento que va dejando de manera secuencial efectos sobre las distintas entidades anatomicas, particularmente en la cara. La identificacion de los rasgos anatomicos del rostro permite el equilibrio armonico entre todos los elementos constitutivos, aspecto relevante para garantizar un tratamiento clinico optimo y exitoso ante las expectativas del paciente, sobre todo en los casos de tratamientos quirurgicos y minimamente invasivos para el rejuvenecimiento facial. La anatomica facial puede evidenciarse a traves de la diseccion en piezas anatomicas, contribuyendo al reforzamiento de los conocimientos anatomicos, lo que conlleva a enfrentar con seguridad los procedimientos propios de la medicina estetica. Por e...
Introduccion: En la especie humana, las diferencias obedecen a variaciones biologicas ligadas a l... more Introduccion: En la especie humana, las diferencias obedecen a variaciones biologicas ligadas a los caracteres sexuales, conducta socio-cultural y epigenetica en cada grupo poblacional. Estas variaciones biologicas entre sexos se analizan desde el punto de vista morfologico. Algunos estudios refieren que la morfometria, relacionando el tamano y forma del esqueleto humano, conduce a resultados mas fidedignos y reproducibles. Objetivo: comparar los caracteres morfologicos y morfometricos de los detalles anatomicos propios de la rama mandibular para determinar el sexo en mandibulas humanas, en dos poblaciones venezolanas. Materiales e metodos: la muestra fue 16 mandibulas encontradas como hallazgo fortuito en el 2004 (Poblacion A) y 08 mandibulas humanas procedentes de la Coleccion de paleodemografica, constituida por restos oseos de la poblacion del yacimiento del Valle de Quibor (Edo. Lara) (Poblacion B). Posteriormente, fueron analizadas morfologico y metricamente, empleando los pun...
Novel poly(vinyl alcohol)/chondroitin sulfate (PVA/CS) composite hydrogels containing hydroxyapat... more Novel poly(vinyl alcohol)/chondroitin sulfate (PVA/CS) composite hydrogels containing hydroxyapatite (HA) or Sr-doped HA (HASr) particles were synthesized by a freeze/thaw method and characterized aiming towards biomedical applications. HA and HASr were synthesizedby a wet-precipitation method and added to the composite hydrogels in fractions up to 15 wt%. Physical-chemical characterizationsof particles and hydrogels included scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, porosity, compressive strength/elastic modulus, swelling degree, and cell viability. Particles were irregular in shape and appeared to have narrow size variation. The thermal behavior of composite hydrogels was altered compared to the control (bare) hydrogel. All hydrogels exhibited high porosity. HA/HASr particles reduced total porosity without reducing pore size. The mechanical strength was improved as the fraction of HA or HASr was increased. HASr particles led to a faster water uptake but did not interfere with the total hydrogel swelling capacity. In cell viability essay, increased cell growth (above 120%) was observed in all groups including the control hydrogel, suggesting a bioactive effect. In conclusion, PVA/CS hydrogels containing HA or HASr particles were successfully synthesized and showed promising morphological, mechanical and swelling properties, which are particularly requiredfor scaffolding. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
En Venezuela, el tabaco de mascar se le conoce con el nombre de “chimo". El chimo, se relaci... more En Venezuela, el tabaco de mascar se le conoce con el nombre de “chimo". El chimo, se relaciona a creencias populares que se encuentran arraigadas en la mayoria de los consumidores de este producto. Una de estas creencias es atribuirle una propiedad anticariogenica. Sin embargo, son escasos los trabajos cientificos referidos a la relacion que podria existir entre el uso del chimo y la caries dental. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto in vitro de extractos de tres variedades de chimo sobre Streptococcus mutans, bacteria involucrada en la caries dental. Para ello se utilizaron tres variedades de chimo venezolano con la tecnica de dilucion en agar inoculadas con S. mutans (CVCM656). A las 24 y 48 horas se observo en los medios de cultivo la ausencia de inhibicion a las diferentes concentraciones empleadas. Por consiguiente, se concluye que las variedades de chimo ensayadas a las concentraciones utilizadas carecen de un efecto inhibitorio in vitro sobre S. mu...
La nariz se considera una unidad facial estetica, situada medialmente a nivel de la cara con una ... more La nariz se considera una unidad facial estetica, situada medialmente a nivel de la cara con una relacion dinamica con todas las entidades anatomicas que la delimitan. Sin embargo, dentro de los procedimientos de la Armonizacion orofacial se encuentra la Rinomodelacion, definida como una tecnica minimamente invasiva que tiene como objetivo mejorar la forma y el aspecto de la nariz, corrigiendo pequenos problemas esteticos o las imperfecciones anatomicas empleando hilos o implantes reabsorbibles o toxina botulinica, sin dejar cicatrices que pueden causar trastornos funcionales y que afectan la vision estetica. Hoy en dia es una de los procedimientos esteticos mas demandados. Por ello, la actualizacion de los conocimientos anatomicos juegan un importante papel a la hora de realizar el analisis facial y por ende poder llegar a un diagnostico y poder planificar un correcto plan de tratamiento, por lo que la destreza profesional junto el conocimiento de las diversas tecnicas y los produc...
Currently, the facial care and beauty is one of the biggest concerns in society, regardless of ag... more Currently, the facial care and beauty is one of the biggest concerns in society, regardless of age, gender or race. Facial aesthetics emerged as a subspecialty of the Aesthetic Medicine; this practice applies the necessary techniques for the restoration, maintenance, harmony promotion and the well-being of the face, providing beauty and functionality, away from hype and sudden changes. The facial region includes an anatomical territory witch is protected by skin and innervated in sensitive terms by the trigeminal nerve. Specifically sensory perception of three thirds from the skin face is captured by the superficial terminal branches of the trigeminal nerve:supraorbital nerve (terminal branch of the ophthalmic nerve), the infraorbital nerve (terminal branch of the maxillary nerve) and the mental nerve (terminal branch of the mandibular nerve). So, the objective behind developing this review is to contribute with valuable and updated scientific information, to strengthen morphologica...
The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon executes clinical and anesthetic maneuvers that are directly c... more The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon executes clinical and anesthetic maneuvers that are directly concerned to the orofacial region. For this reason, knowing the distribution territory of anatomical structures, especially the trigeminal nerve dependent, allows the surgeon to have greater security when performing clinical procedures, avoiding potential iatrogenic, while maintaining the integrity of the peripheral nerves. The purpose of this research, is to present through dissections in cadaveric pieces, the peripheral distribution of collateral branches of maxillary nerve (V2) and Mandibular (V3), emphasizing its importance in dental anesthesia. Manual work was done at the dissecting room of the Department of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad de Los Andes. 8 hemi human heads from adult cadavers were prepared , treated with 10% formaldehyde and preserved in undiluted GerdexR for 6 months priorthe execution of the work, and later, under the current protocols, dissec...
When skeletal remains are found, there are some key elements to start a bio-anthropological study... more When skeletal remains are found, there are some key elements to start a bio-anthropological study, they are: sex estimate and date of death of the remains. Simultaneously, it must take into account that populations vary according to their phylogenetic and evolutionary origins, sex, age and character of each individual. Sex in species varies according to its phylogenetic origins in size and shape, this variation is called sexual dimorphism. The precise estimation of sex, when complete skeletons are found, is based on morphological characteristics of pelvis, but this is not always present, that is why, methods based on other osseous structures are needed. Mandible is the strongest facial bone, despite of time, due to their physical characteristics, retains its morphology, showing sexual dimorphism. Therefore, the objective of this update is to describe methods of determining sexual dimorphism in skeletal remains of human mandibles. Narrating the use of multiple metric and non-metric s...
Los premolares superiores poseen dentro su cara oclusal, dos cuspides bien definidas, caracterist... more Los premolares superiores poseen dentro su cara oclusal, dos cuspides bien definidas, caracteristica determinante para su descripcion morfologica como grupo bicuspide. Dentro de este grupo se pueden encontrar diferentes variables morfologicas, las cuales pueden ser de gran utilidad en los estudios filogeneticos poblacionales. Una de esas variables es reportada en la literatura como premolar tricuspide. En la presente comunicacion se reporta la posible presencia de este rasgo dental en un primer premolar superior, perteneciente a un craneo de epoca prehispanica (siglos II a.C.-IV d.C.), cementerio de “Las Locas”, Quibor, Edo. Lara, Venezuela. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar macroscopica y radiograficamente el rasgo en cuestion. Para el estudio del rasgo dental se utilizo el sistema dental antropologico de la Universidad del Estado de Arizona (ASUDAS). El examen radiografico del diente consistio en la toma de radiografias periapicales. Con el apoyo de una lupa estereoscop...
Al encontrar hallazgos de restos óseos los elementos claves para comenzar un estudio bioantropolo... more Al encontrar hallazgos de restos óseos los elementos claves para comenzar un estudio bioantropologico son: la estimación del sexo y la data de la muerte de los restos recuperados. Simultáneamente, se debe tomar en cuenta que las poblaciones varían según sus orígenes filogenéticos, evolutivos, sexuales, edad y por los caracteres de cada individuo. El sexo en las especies, varía según sus orígenes filogenéticos en tamaño y forma, esta variación se conoce como dimorfismo sexual. La estimación exacta del sexo, al hallarse esqueletos completos se basa en los caracteres morfológicos de la pelvis pero no siempre está presente, por ello se necesitan métodos fundados en otras estructuras óseas. La ACTA BIOCLINICA Revisión
Cannabidiol (CBD) has been gaining increased attention in contemporary society but seems to have ... more Cannabidiol (CBD) has been gaining increased attention in contemporary society but seems to have been little explored in dentistry. This scoping review mapped the scientific and technological scenarios related to the use of CBD in dentistry. Peer-reviewed publications were searched in five international databases, patents were searched in five technological platforms. In total, 11 articles and 13 patents involving CBD in dentistry-related applications were included. The countries contributing to most articles were Brazil (27.3%) and USA (18.2%). The studies involved experiments on animals (63.6%) and/or using bacteria or cells (36.4%), and no clinical study was found. Three different applications of CBD were observed: periodontal therapy (45.4%), aid for bone regeneration (27.3%), and general use in oral therapies (27.3%). Patent inventors were based in China (53.8%) or USA (46.2%). The patent claims were mainly compositions for oral care, tooth whitening, injury repair, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. A total of 76.9% of the patents were filed in association with a company. In general, research suggests that CBD has promising biological properties for applications in dentistry, whereas patents indicate that the current interest of industry relies on compositions for oral care. There appears to be extensive room available for research and technological applications of CBD in dentistry.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Although the clinical use of self-adhesive flowable composite resins is conv... more STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Although the clinical use of self-adhesive flowable composite resins is convenient, the decision to use flowable or conventional composite resin remains controversial. PURPOSE The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the in vitro bond strength of self-adhesive flowable composite resins to enamel or dentin compared with conventional composite resins using etch-and-rinse or self-etch adhesive systems. MATERIAL AND METHODS Two independent reviewers performed searches in the PubMed (MEDLINE), Cochrane Wiley, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases for studies reporting on the bond strength of self-adhesive flowable and conventional composite resins to enamel and dentin published from January 2010 up to September 2020. A meta-analysis software program was used for the meta-analysis. Comparisons were conducted using standardized mean differences considering the random-effects model (α=.05). RESULTS Twenty-two studies were considered for the meta-analysis. Immediate and long-term bond strength to enamel was improved when a conventional composite resin was used in combination with an adhesive system (P<.001). Bond strength to dentin was improved by using an adhesive system in combination with a conventional composite resin (P<.001). CONCLUSIONS The bond strength of self-adhesive flowable composite resins is lower than that of conventional composite resins, indicating limited ability to bond to enamel and dentin.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, Oct 8, 2020
Grafting to" approach was carried out to synthesize PVA based CNT nanocomposites. Simple and mild... more Grafting to" approach was carried out to synthesize PVA based CNT nanocomposites. Simple and mild conditions were used for oxidation of CNTs. No intermediate treatments were required for grafting the PVA to the oxidized CNTs. TGA results show high level of functionalization for CNTs. Obtained thermal durability of the PVA-grafted MWCNT nanocomposite is rather high.
SUMMARY Objective To evaluate the physical and biological properties of different types of flowab... more SUMMARY Objective To evaluate the physical and biological properties of different types of flowable resin composites and their bonding ability to dentin, comparing the performance of self-adhesive and bulk-fill materials with a conventional control. Methods and Materials Four flowable resin composites were tested: two self-adhesive (Y-flow [SA_YF]; and Dyad Flow [SA_DF]); one bulk-fill (Filtek Bulk Fill Flow [BF]); and one conventional composite (Opallis Flow [OF]). The microshear bond strength (μSBS) to dentin (bovine samples) was investigated at 24 hours and 6 months of storage. The materials were also characterized by degree of conversion, cross-link density, water contact angle, color stability, and cell viability (ISO 10993-5/2009) analyses. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance and Tukey tests (α=0.05). Results The μSBS values were higher for control specimens at 24 hours, whereas the resin-dentin bonds were similarly distributed among the groups after aging. Adhesive ...
The professional of oral and maxillofacial surgery executes clinical procedures directly related ... more The professional of oral and maxillofacial surgery executes clinical procedures directly related to the cervicofacial area. That's why knowing the distribution area of a nerve allows the professional to be more secure when he executes surgical procedures, having to safeguard as far as possible the integrity of the nerve tracks avoiding possible iatrogenias. While in addition the corpse dissection represents a way to acquire practical experience which give to the Maxillo-Facial surgery the opportunity of ensuring theoretical knowledge. That's why, the purpose of this work is to determine through corpses dissections the terminal distribution of the hypoglossal nerve, considered the main motor nerve of the intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles. The field work was realized in the dissection area of the human anatomy seminar room of the odontology faculty of the Universidad de los Andes with 7 corpse pieces preserved with undiluted Gerdex® for 6 months before the study according to the actual protocols. The dissections of the nervous elements were realized, and they were individualized in order to illustrate its territory of distribution and its principal relations in the carotid region.
Introdução: Atualmente, uma nova técnica endodôntica permite o desenvolvimento apical contínuo e ... more Introdução: Atualmente, uma nova técnica endodôntica permite o desenvolvimento apical contínuo e o espessamento das paredes radiculares. Esse efeito é obtido por meio da desinfecção adequada do sistema de canais radiculares, nos quais, posteriormente, introduz-se uma matriz extracelular natural autóloga como coadjuvante para induzir a formação do selamento apical. Esse procedimento, denominado Terapia Endodôntica Regenerativa (TER), é uma opção para o tratamento de dentes necróticos com desenvolvimento interrompido do ápice. Os concentrados de plaquetas, como o plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) e a fibrina rica em plaquetas (PRF), são utilizados como matriz extracelular que fornece fatores de crescimento para geração de novas células diferenciadas, que podem regenerar os tecidos, estimulando a neoformação fisiológica do ápice. Objetivo: Descrever a técnica TER e relatar um caso clínico tratado com esse método e com o uso adjuvante de PRF, com acompanhamento de 18 meses. Conclusões: Rad...
The professional of oral and maxillofacial surgery executes clinical procedures directly related ... more The professional of oral and maxillofacial surgery executes clinical procedures directly related to the cervicofacial area. That's why knowing the distribution area of a nerve allows the professional to be more secure when he executes surgical procedures, having to safeguard as far as possible the integrity of the nerve tracks avoiding possible iatrogenias. While in addition the corpse dissection represents a way to acquire practical experience which give to the Maxillo-Facial surgery the opportunity of ensuring theoretical knowledge. That's why, the purpose of this work is to determine through corpses dissections the terminal distribution of the hypoglossal nerve, considered the main motor nerve of the intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles. The field work was realized in the dissection area of the human anatomy seminar room of the odontology faculty of the Universidad de los Andes with 7 corpse pieces preserved with undiluted Gerdex® for 6 months before the study according to the actual protocols. The dissections of the nervous elements were realized, and they were individualized in order to illustrate its territory of distribution and its principal relations in the carotid region.
To map the evidence from studies and patents investigating the hypothesis of the effective use of... more To map the evidence from studies and patents investigating the hypothesis of the effective use of cannabidiol in the areas of dentistry
Los cambios propios del envejecimiento facial se derivan desde el nacimiento del hombre, como un ... more Los cambios propios del envejecimiento facial se derivan desde el nacimiento del hombre, como un proceso natural del ciclo vital. Las terapeuticas aplicadas en la medicina estetica y en la estetica facial buscan favorecer y mejorar el aspecto del rostro, como resultado del envejecimiento que va dejando de manera secuencial efectos sobre las distintas entidades anatomicas, particularmente en la cara. La identificacion de los rasgos anatomicos del rostro permite el equilibrio armonico entre todos los elementos constitutivos, aspecto relevante para garantizar un tratamiento clinico optimo y exitoso ante las expectativas del paciente, sobre todo en los casos de tratamientos quirurgicos y minimamente invasivos para el rejuvenecimiento facial. La anatomica facial puede evidenciarse a traves de la diseccion en piezas anatomicas, contribuyendo al reforzamiento de los conocimientos anatomicos, lo que conlleva a enfrentar con seguridad los procedimientos propios de la medicina estetica. Por e...
Introduccion: En la especie humana, las diferencias obedecen a variaciones biologicas ligadas a l... more Introduccion: En la especie humana, las diferencias obedecen a variaciones biologicas ligadas a los caracteres sexuales, conducta socio-cultural y epigenetica en cada grupo poblacional. Estas variaciones biologicas entre sexos se analizan desde el punto de vista morfologico. Algunos estudios refieren que la morfometria, relacionando el tamano y forma del esqueleto humano, conduce a resultados mas fidedignos y reproducibles. Objetivo: comparar los caracteres morfologicos y morfometricos de los detalles anatomicos propios de la rama mandibular para determinar el sexo en mandibulas humanas, en dos poblaciones venezolanas. Materiales e metodos: la muestra fue 16 mandibulas encontradas como hallazgo fortuito en el 2004 (Poblacion A) y 08 mandibulas humanas procedentes de la Coleccion de paleodemografica, constituida por restos oseos de la poblacion del yacimiento del Valle de Quibor (Edo. Lara) (Poblacion B). Posteriormente, fueron analizadas morfologico y metricamente, empleando los pun...
Novel poly(vinyl alcohol)/chondroitin sulfate (PVA/CS) composite hydrogels containing hydroxyapat... more Novel poly(vinyl alcohol)/chondroitin sulfate (PVA/CS) composite hydrogels containing hydroxyapatite (HA) or Sr-doped HA (HASr) particles were synthesized by a freeze/thaw method and characterized aiming towards biomedical applications. HA and HASr were synthesizedby a wet-precipitation method and added to the composite hydrogels in fractions up to 15 wt%. Physical-chemical characterizationsof particles and hydrogels included scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, porosity, compressive strength/elastic modulus, swelling degree, and cell viability. Particles were irregular in shape and appeared to have narrow size variation. The thermal behavior of composite hydrogels was altered compared to the control (bare) hydrogel. All hydrogels exhibited high porosity. HA/HASr particles reduced total porosity without reducing pore size. The mechanical strength was improved as the fraction of HA or HASr was increased. HASr particles led to a faster water uptake but did not interfere with the total hydrogel swelling capacity. In cell viability essay, increased cell growth (above 120%) was observed in all groups including the control hydrogel, suggesting a bioactive effect. In conclusion, PVA/CS hydrogels containing HA or HASr particles were successfully synthesized and showed promising morphological, mechanical and swelling properties, which are particularly requiredfor scaffolding. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
En Venezuela, el tabaco de mascar se le conoce con el nombre de “chimo". El chimo, se relaci... more En Venezuela, el tabaco de mascar se le conoce con el nombre de “chimo". El chimo, se relaciona a creencias populares que se encuentran arraigadas en la mayoria de los consumidores de este producto. Una de estas creencias es atribuirle una propiedad anticariogenica. Sin embargo, son escasos los trabajos cientificos referidos a la relacion que podria existir entre el uso del chimo y la caries dental. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto in vitro de extractos de tres variedades de chimo sobre Streptococcus mutans, bacteria involucrada en la caries dental. Para ello se utilizaron tres variedades de chimo venezolano con la tecnica de dilucion en agar inoculadas con S. mutans (CVCM656). A las 24 y 48 horas se observo en los medios de cultivo la ausencia de inhibicion a las diferentes concentraciones empleadas. Por consiguiente, se concluye que las variedades de chimo ensayadas a las concentraciones utilizadas carecen de un efecto inhibitorio in vitro sobre S. mu...
La nariz se considera una unidad facial estetica, situada medialmente a nivel de la cara con una ... more La nariz se considera una unidad facial estetica, situada medialmente a nivel de la cara con una relacion dinamica con todas las entidades anatomicas que la delimitan. Sin embargo, dentro de los procedimientos de la Armonizacion orofacial se encuentra la Rinomodelacion, definida como una tecnica minimamente invasiva que tiene como objetivo mejorar la forma y el aspecto de la nariz, corrigiendo pequenos problemas esteticos o las imperfecciones anatomicas empleando hilos o implantes reabsorbibles o toxina botulinica, sin dejar cicatrices que pueden causar trastornos funcionales y que afectan la vision estetica. Hoy en dia es una de los procedimientos esteticos mas demandados. Por ello, la actualizacion de los conocimientos anatomicos juegan un importante papel a la hora de realizar el analisis facial y por ende poder llegar a un diagnostico y poder planificar un correcto plan de tratamiento, por lo que la destreza profesional junto el conocimiento de las diversas tecnicas y los produc...
Currently, the facial care and beauty is one of the biggest concerns in society, regardless of ag... more Currently, the facial care and beauty is one of the biggest concerns in society, regardless of age, gender or race. Facial aesthetics emerged as a subspecialty of the Aesthetic Medicine; this practice applies the necessary techniques for the restoration, maintenance, harmony promotion and the well-being of the face, providing beauty and functionality, away from hype and sudden changes. The facial region includes an anatomical territory witch is protected by skin and innervated in sensitive terms by the trigeminal nerve. Specifically sensory perception of three thirds from the skin face is captured by the superficial terminal branches of the trigeminal nerve:supraorbital nerve (terminal branch of the ophthalmic nerve), the infraorbital nerve (terminal branch of the maxillary nerve) and the mental nerve (terminal branch of the mandibular nerve). So, the objective behind developing this review is to contribute with valuable and updated scientific information, to strengthen morphologica...
The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon executes clinical and anesthetic maneuvers that are directly c... more The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon executes clinical and anesthetic maneuvers that are directly concerned to the orofacial region. For this reason, knowing the distribution territory of anatomical structures, especially the trigeminal nerve dependent, allows the surgeon to have greater security when performing clinical procedures, avoiding potential iatrogenic, while maintaining the integrity of the peripheral nerves. The purpose of this research, is to present through dissections in cadaveric pieces, the peripheral distribution of collateral branches of maxillary nerve (V2) and Mandibular (V3), emphasizing its importance in dental anesthesia. Manual work was done at the dissecting room of the Department of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad de Los Andes. 8 hemi human heads from adult cadavers were prepared , treated with 10% formaldehyde and preserved in undiluted GerdexR for 6 months priorthe execution of the work, and later, under the current protocols, dissec...
When skeletal remains are found, there are some key elements to start a bio-anthropological study... more When skeletal remains are found, there are some key elements to start a bio-anthropological study, they are: sex estimate and date of death of the remains. Simultaneously, it must take into account that populations vary according to their phylogenetic and evolutionary origins, sex, age and character of each individual. Sex in species varies according to its phylogenetic origins in size and shape, this variation is called sexual dimorphism. The precise estimation of sex, when complete skeletons are found, is based on morphological characteristics of pelvis, but this is not always present, that is why, methods based on other osseous structures are needed. Mandible is the strongest facial bone, despite of time, due to their physical characteristics, retains its morphology, showing sexual dimorphism. Therefore, the objective of this update is to describe methods of determining sexual dimorphism in skeletal remains of human mandibles. Narrating the use of multiple metric and non-metric s...
Los premolares superiores poseen dentro su cara oclusal, dos cuspides bien definidas, caracterist... more Los premolares superiores poseen dentro su cara oclusal, dos cuspides bien definidas, caracteristica determinante para su descripcion morfologica como grupo bicuspide. Dentro de este grupo se pueden encontrar diferentes variables morfologicas, las cuales pueden ser de gran utilidad en los estudios filogeneticos poblacionales. Una de esas variables es reportada en la literatura como premolar tricuspide. En la presente comunicacion se reporta la posible presencia de este rasgo dental en un primer premolar superior, perteneciente a un craneo de epoca prehispanica (siglos II a.C.-IV d.C.), cementerio de “Las Locas”, Quibor, Edo. Lara, Venezuela. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar macroscopica y radiograficamente el rasgo en cuestion. Para el estudio del rasgo dental se utilizo el sistema dental antropologico de la Universidad del Estado de Arizona (ASUDAS). El examen radiografico del diente consistio en la toma de radiografias periapicales. Con el apoyo de una lupa estereoscop...
Papers by carla david