Papers by busu oprea valentin

Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice, 2017
This article is a comparative and holistic analysis of two celebrations, Saint Valentine and Drag... more This article is a comparative and holistic analysis of two celebrations, Saint Valentine and Dragobete, which have the same subject, namely celebrating love. The main purpose of this article is to explain how these two celebrations are celebrated in Romania nowadays, especially in the Oltenia region. We resorted to different types of researching methods such as: participative observation, questionnaires, interviews and meta-analytical method to prove which of these two celebrations are considered more important in our society. In the last years, Saint Valentine has become an important celebration for Romania's society and it has almost taken over the meaning of our traditional celebration of love. Based on our research, we wanted to better understand this phenomenon, how an imported celebration as Saint Valentine has created its own rituals in the Romania's culture. Romanian celebration of love is still considering Dragobete, but it doesn't have the same intensity as it used to have in the past any more. From our research, we discovered that both Saint Valentine and Dragobete receive almost the same attention from people, but the former one is celebrated more in the cities than in the countryside. People from the countryside are less exposed to the influence of Saint Valentine, so it is celebrated in a few villages in Oltenia. However, the Oltenia villages are closer from the anthropology's perspective to Dragobete and they are more aware of the importance of the Romanian tradition. Also, we found out that neither Saint Valentin nor Dragobete are celebrated in a few villages from the Oltenia region.

Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2018
As a science, facial and dental aesthetics is highly complex, the dentist being compelled to effe... more As a science, facial and dental aesthetics is highly complex, the dentist being compelled to effectively exploit his abilities of reconstructing affected tissues, but also cultivate his aesthetic sense. Nowadays, dentists frequently face the patients high expectations, regarding dental structure and facial reconstruction. Most young patients tend to choose their model from the media, while patients over the age of 50 desire to have teeth like those of youth. It should also be noted that there is no concept of „cosmetic dentistry” as the teeth can only be adjusted in corellation to the face and body appearance. Thus, between physiognomy and the general appearance of the body and of the teeth a state of interdependence is in existence. One of the major errors that leads to endangering the quality of dental treatment and to patient dissatisfaction is the way in which the doctor-patient relationship is managed. If a person opts for an aesthetic treatment it is clear that it is facing a ...

Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, 2017
The article is an analysis of the effects generated by the theraupeutic tales within the process ... more The article is an analysis of the effects generated by the theraupeutic tales within the process of overcoming the trauma experienced by a child whose parent passed away. The aim of the article is to explain how children can get over the trauma produced during the period of mourning, by means of psychotherapy and the creation of therapeutic fairy tales, according to each patient. The research methods we have resorted to are the meta-analysis and the experiment. By the thorough study of several specialty studies belonging to some well-known psychologists and psychotherapists, we have tried to underline the importance of the therapeutic fairy tales when we deal with a child's recovery after the end of the period of mourning. In order to bring the experiment to an end, relying on various rigorous scientific studies, we have shaped two therapeutic fairy tales, appropriate for both boys and girls. The theme of these tales is the comprehension of death by children. Consequently, we have put the two fairy tales into practice in the case of five children that have recently experienced the period of mourning. We have succeeded in obtaining a positive change for four of them. As to the subjects' selection, we have often encountered difficulties concerned with the custodians' refusal to allow us to apply the test to some of the children). Our intention is to perform the experiment on a larger group of children that have lost one of the parents, with a view to obtaining even more relevant results.

Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Social Sciences, 2017
Managing a dental practice is not strictly limited to good administration, but also the efficient... more Managing a dental practice is not strictly limited to good administration, but also the efficient management of patient emotions. Therefore, in a contemporary society, a successful dental practice is one that manages to harmoniously combine the standard work of the medical staff with the help of a psychotherapist. Signing a cooperation agreement between the dentist and the psychotherapist does not only represent a managerial strategy but also a necessity. There are frequent situations when the dentist is faced with complex psychological pathologies that prevent performing the dental act correctly. In this case, the aid of a psychotherapist is mandatory. It is assumed that most individuals present anxiety over certain dental procedures. The psychotherapist is an authorized person that knows and is able to apply various methods which help in combating the fear of dentist. The dentist will use the art of communication and the development of a doctor-patient relationship, based on the affective component. In the case of the doctor-patient relationship, the patient's ability to tolerate pain will increase if their connection is a compatible one, based on empathy, respect and sincerity and affection. The psychotherapist plays a major role in the case of the patients dealing with anxieties caused by the dentist due to traumatic experiences. The psychotherapist is not only responsible of finding out the cause that led to the outbreak of this state but also of using an adequate approach in order to prevent the patient from ending up in a situation to deteriorate his/her health.

Some authors suggest the adoption of quality techniques as the only way projects and organisation... more Some authors suggest the adoption of quality techniques as the only way projects and organisations, in which they are implemented, will be successful. Indeed, Morris (1999) expects a crucial change in projects as regards the atitude and fundamental concerns about the performance. Morris (1999) describes quality management (especially total quality management) as a revolution, and the total quality principles will probably become the dominant philosophy guiding the best practices of project management. In addition, Anderson (1992) illustrates the positive correlation between the managerial attributes of project managers and the success of the project, the result being that if an organisation chooses the right person to administer a project from the outset, there is a lot more chance of success. It stresses that training as a project manager and, in the field of project management, is often ad hoc and carried out at work, although it should take place before an employee takes over the...
Papers by busu oprea valentin