Papers by Doç. Dr. Burcu SEL

Education and Information Technologies, 2025
In this study, in order to reveal current research trends and suggestions for possible future res... more In this study, in order to reveal current research trends and suggestions for possible future research trends in digital citizenship (DC) in the field of education, a bibliometric analysis of 387 publications obtained from the WOS collection between 2003 and 2024 (June) was conducted using the VOSviewer and Biblioshiny programs. The research results reveal that digital citizenship research initially progressed with low production, but increased from 2012 onwards and gained momentum after 2019. In general, it is seen that the concept of DC is a young research area in terms of research processes and continues to grow, but the interest in this area is still insufficient in terms of citations. The most influential journals include Comunicar, Learning Media and Technology, and Educational Technology & Society, while Education and Information Technologies is noted for having the highest growth and rising trend. In addition, USA plays a central role in DC studies when the number of connections between countries, publications and citations is taken into account. The most repeated and strongest keywords were digital literacy, media literacy, citizenship, and digital competence. While more space was given to the theoretical foundations of DC in 2019, it has been observed that the scope has expanded a little more in terms of education due to current issues such as Covid 19 or cyberbullying. It is also seen that DC is considered a more “adult” focused concept on the basis of teachers, adolescents, youth, and higher education, and that the younger age group is not given much importance.

Participatory educational research, Dec 25, 2023
Gender inequality manifests itself in academia as in every field. Although the number of female a... more Gender inequality manifests itself in academia as in every field. Although the number of female academics has increased quantitatively compared to previous years, there is not enough research on the state of gender inequality today. This study, which aims to reveal how the concept of gender equality (GE) is experienced by academics working in faculties of education in Türkiye, is designed as Q methodology. The participants of this study were selected using maximum variation and snowball sampling, and they were consisted of fifteen academicians working in faculties of education. In addition, it was aimed to ensure diversity by paying attention to the fact that some of the participants were working in public universities and some in foundation universities. The data were obtained because of the participants' evaluation of the items in the Q set. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted to determine the participants' views on extreme values. The PQMethod 2.35 statistical program was used to analyze the data in the Q items, and content analysis was used for the data obtained from semi-structured interviews. It was observed that the views of the participants were grouped under two factors; socioeconomic and cultural factors that form the basis of gender inequality (GI) in Türkiye were emphasized, and in this context, social change and legal regulations were suggested as the antidote to GI.
Eğitim ve bilim, Nov 28, 2023
Eğitim ve bilim, Nov 28, 2023

Milli Eğitim Dergisi
Çocuklarda ortak kültürel belleğin küçük yaşlarda medya aracılığıyla inşası, ileriki yaşlarda da ... more Çocuklarda ortak kültürel belleğin küçük yaşlarda medya aracılığıyla inşası, ileriki yaşlarda da eğitsel süreçler aracılığıyla sürekliliğinin sağlanması ve korunması nitelikli bir kültürel hafıza oluşumu açısından önemlidir. Bu araştırmada kültürel mirasın önemli bir “odak” haline geldiği sosyal bilgiler ve hayat bilgisi öğretim programı kapsamında, Yörük bir ailenin hikâyesinin anlatıldığı “Maysa ve Bulut” adlı animasyon çizgi dizinin kültürel miras ögeleri açısından incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada betimsel ve nitel bir yaklaşım benimsenerek doküman analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu kapsamda sürece ve bağlama hâkim olma, veri toplama protokolünün hazırlanması, protokolün test edilmesi, verilerin toplanması ve analiz edilmesi süreçleri göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Çizgi dizinin 86 bölümü izlenmiş, verilerin toplanması ve makro analizi eş zamanlı olarak yürütülmüştür. Veriler MAXQDA 2022 programına aktarılarak içerik analizi yoluyla analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda sözl...

Turkish Journal of Education
Although there has been a recent surge of interest in financial literacy some inadequacies based ... more Although there has been a recent surge of interest in financial literacy some inadequacies based on interdisciplinary approach in teachers' instructional practices within the scope of financial education draw attention. This research focused on improving the teaching process of elementary school teachers by integrating financial literacy into an interdisciplinary approach to social studies teaching. Research was conducted in three elementary schools with low socioeconomic status in three different cities in Türkiye. The data obtained from reflection forms, student products, and semi-structured interview forms were analyzed using MAXQDA 2020 program. As a result of examining views on the instructional practices implemented, participants indicated that they contributed to developing various instructional competencies, such as the acquisition of interdisciplinary skills, the effective use of information technologies, observing the effects of interdisciplinary, and preparing origina...

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 20, 2018
Değer öğretimi, nitelikli yurttaş yetiştirmek ve demokratik süreçler açısından çok önemli bir kav... more Değer öğretimi, nitelikli yurttaş yetiştirmek ve demokratik süreçler açısından çok önemli bir kavramdır. Ayrıca, kültürel aktarım ve devlet-vatandaş ilişkileri açısından da aktif bir role sahiptir. Bu araştırmada dördüncü sınıf İnsan Hakları, Yurttaşlık ve Demokrasi ders kitabında yer alan değerlerin ünitelere göre metinlerde ve metin dışı (görsel) unsurlarda dağılımının, kullanılma sıklığının ve hangi yaklaşımlar benimsenerek öğretildiğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Nitel araştırma yönteminin benimsendiği çalışmada doküman incelemesi tekniğinden yararlanılarak veriler toplanmış, içerik analizi tekniğiyle analiz edilmiştir. Kategorilerin tanımlanması, kodlamanın yapılması, geçerlilik ve güvenirlik aşamalarından sonra sayım sistemi ve çıkarsama sürecine geçilmiştir. Sonuç olarak gerek metinlerde gerekse metin dışı unsurlarda değerlerin homojen olarak dağılmadığı, belirli ünitelere yığıldığı ve bazı değerlere içerik elverişli olsa da çok az yer verildiği görülmüştür. Değer yaklaşımları açısından ise en yoğun olarak önceden belirlenen değerlerin sorgulatılmaksızın doğrudan öğrencilere aktarılmasına dayalı telkin yoluyla değer öğretiminin kullanıldığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Değer açıklama (değeri belirginleştirme), ahlaki muhakeme (ahlaki ikilem) ve değer analizi yaklaşımlarına ise çok az yer verildiği belirlenmiştir.

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 26, 2022
In this research, it was aimed to examine teachers' views on the use of mathematical skills in so... more In this research, it was aimed to examine teachers' views on the use of mathematical skills in social studies teaching. In the research, which used case study method among qualitative research designs, the study group consisted of 10 classroom teachers determined by the criterion sampling method. Semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool, and the data obtained were analyzed by content analysis method. As a result of the research, it is seen that teachers express their opinions that it contributes to the development of understanding processes and thinking skills, increases academic success and quality in application processes. When the activities they performed in the use of mathematical skills in social studies lesson were examined, three sub-categories were identified: pre-lesson activities, activities during the lesson, and also the concept, subject and learning areas. The problems encountered in the teaching of the social studies course are respectively; The problems experienced in terms of curriculum-process-material are classified as teacher-oriented problems and student-oriented problems. When the findings for the solution of the problems are examined, it is seen that two categories have been created: the teacher education and the curriculum-process-material category.

Kuramsal Eğitimbilim
In this research, the purpose is to develop a systematic perspective on the research on citizensh... more In this research, the purpose is to develop a systematic perspective on the research on citizenship education within the scope of social studies field, to reveal the tendency of the studies, and to reach a synthesis in this direction. Meta-synthesis method was used for this purpose. Researches on "citizenship" were collected and reviewed according to certain criteria, and then the reading process was repeated in order to identify the relationships between the researches, similar, different aspects were identified by using perspective-based continuous comparison, and a synthesis has been reached based on the obtained findings. The researches were obtained from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education and Ulakbim TRDizin. During the analysis of the data process, thematic synthesis and descriptive analysis were utilized. Three main themes were reached: citizenship types/approaches, citizenship perception, and components of citizenship education. Citizenship types/approaches are addressed as spatial, environmentally responsible, effective/effectual/active citizenship, global and digital citizenship. In the context of citizenship perception, it is seen that the subjects of meaning attributed to citizenship, citizenship awareness/identity construction, good/ideal citizen, patriotism are taken as a basis. Under the main theme of components of citizenship education, three sub-themes were generated: basic elements in citizenship education, approaches in citizenship education, and problems in citizenship education. It can be suggested to examine the factors that cause the formation of nationalist and socialist citizenship perception, which is frequently encountered in the studies examined. In addition, comparative studies can be carried out by expanding the databases.

Change and continuity perception skills are among the fundamental skills of historical thinking. ... more Change and continuity perception skills are among the fundamental skills of historical thinking. It is important to address these skills in terms of the content covered in social studies courses and explore comprehensively with sub-dimensions beyond historical description. The aim of this study is to compare the change and continuity perception skills addressed in social studies curriculum in Turkey and the United States of American within the scope of historical time teaching. A document analysis method was used in the study and the sample consisted of Social Studies Standards of Education Department of the State of Michigan and the Social Studies Curriculum of National Education Ministry of the Republic of Turkey. In analyzing the data, descriptive statistics and content analysis were employed. The results showed that the change and continuity perception skills in both programs are particularly focused on history subjects in 6th and 7th grades. Acquisitions addressing change and c...

Türkiye sosyal araştırmalar dergisi, 2017
The concept of gender inequality can show its existence explicitly and implicitly ways in the tex... more The concept of gender inequality can show its existence explicitly and implicitly ways in the textbooks which can be evaluated as an important sub-component of education within the context of education access and equality. The purpose of this study is to reveal gender inequality in the children's literature products in the 1-4th class Turkish language teaching textbooks. In this study, qualitative research model was adopted and document analysis was used in the process of data collection. The objective sampling method was used and four Turkish text books belonging to 1-4th classes which were taught within the academic year of 2016-2017 were taken as sample. Content analysis was done through visual and non-visual methods; textbooks were analyzed in terms of the incidence of gender, occupational distribution, family housework division, gender and emotional characteristics, gender and appearance, gender and language used, gender-free texts. In terms of the incidence of sex, it is seen that men are more involved in both images and texts than women. Approximately 30% of the texts have not been found to have a specific gender. Women are in the books with less occupational types than men. When we look at the relationship between domestic work division and gender, there are differences in the male and female work divisions. In books, gender outward appearance was more homogeneous than other areas. It has been determined that in books writers have been careful not to use sexist expressions. It has been seen that the personality traits of men and women cannot go beyond tradition. As a result of the study, even if there is a break in the axis of sexism in the textbooks, it is possible to say that there is a structure based on male supremacy.

Participatory Educational Research, 2022
Critical thinking, trust and confirmation towards social media have become increasingly important... more Critical thinking, trust and confirmation towards social media have become increasingly important in this period called the post-truth era when the reality has become indistinct, is reproduced, and the truth is undermined. The study aimed to examine the prospective teachers' confirmation / trust levels and critical thinking tendencies towards social media in terms of various variables. The research was conducted with the relational survey model. The critical thinking tendency scale and social media confirmation/trust scale were used in the data collection process. In the analysis of the data, Mann Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman Brown Rank-Order correlation coefficient were used. It was observed that prospective teachers' critical thinking tendency was at a good level, and their level of confirmation/trust towards social media was at a medium level. It was determined that critical thinking tendency levels did not differ by gender, but by the number of news sources followed on social media and the frequency of reading books. It was seen that their confirmation / trust level towards social media did not differ depending on gender or frequency of reading books, but the level of confirmation varied depending on the number of news sources followed on social media. Additionally, it was determined that there was a low level of positive relationship between the skill regarding critical thinking tendency and confirmation dimension.
Farklılaştırılmış Öğretim Stratejileri Tek Beden Herkese Uymaz, 2020

International Journal of Progressive Education, 2020
The aim of this study is to analyze the perceptions of the individuals of different ages about th... more The aim of this study is to analyze the perceptions of the individuals of different ages about the concepts of teacher-manager-school by means of metaphors. Phenomenology method, one of qualitative research form, and convenience sampling have been used in this study. The study group consisted of 210 participants with different age levels. Research data has been obtained via metaphor identification form. Data has been analyzed by content analysis technique and according to research results, 542 valid metaphors have been determined. Five categories have been determined as to “teacher conception”, which are loadstar and future enlightening person, source of information, compassionate and sacred being, supervisor-disciplined and authoritative being and creator of future respcetively. Another five categories for “headmasters” which are focus of management, authoritative and supervisor being, leader and loadstar being, financier of education, a being that have negative features. As to “school conception”, six categories have been defined: love and solidarity environment, growth and maturation environment, supervising and discipline environment, guidance environment and finance environment. The conceptual categories created as a result of this categorization process have been analyzed by Pearson's chi-square analysis by taking the age of the participants into consideration. As a result of the analysis, no significant difference has been found between age groups of participants as to teachers, principals and school concepts. Although a number of radical changes in the role of important components such as school-headmaster-teacher within the scope of modern education system are targeted, the traditional perceptions of these concepts continue.
Educational Research Review, 2015
Political education is a term with negative associations and triggering prejudiced approaches and... more Political education is a term with negative associations and triggering prejudiced approaches and discourses -maybe some paranoid thoughts- like “keep politics away from education!” in the minds of several people. This article deals with “political education” phenomenon almost never discussed and made subject to scientific researches in Turkey; and discussing what is tried to be achieved in the minds and actions of the children and youths via political education suggests integration as a cross curriculum of the formally neglected political education phenomenon we rather see at informal contexts. This study is a theoretical one based on literature review. It has been realized by review, compilation, synthesis and presentation of the existing researches on political education. Key words: Education, good citizen, politics, political education.
Farklılaştırılmış Öğretim Stratejileri Tek Beden Herkese Uymaz, 2020

Deger ogretimi, nitelikli yurttas yetistirmek ve demokratik surecler acisindan cok onemli bir kav... more Deger ogretimi, nitelikli yurttas yetistirmek ve demokratik surecler acisindan cok onemli bir kavramdir. Ayrica, kulturel aktarim ve devlet-vatandas iliskileri acisindan da aktif bir role sahiptir.Bu arastirmada dorduncu sinif Insan Haklari, Yurttaslik ve Demokrasi ders kitabinda yer alan degerlerin unitelere gore metin ve metin disi (gorsel) unsurlarda dagiliminin, kullanilma sikliginin ve hangi yaklasimlar benimsenerek ogretildiginin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Nitel arastirma yonteminin benimsendigi calismada dokuman incelemesi tekniginden yararlanilarak veriler toplanmis, icerik analizi teknigiyle analiz edilmistir. Kategorilerin tanimlanmasi, kodlamanin yapilmasi, gecerlilik ve guvenirlik asamalarindan sonra sayim sistemi ve cikarsama surecine gecilmistir. Sonuc olarak gerek metinlerde gerekse metin disi unsurlarda degerlerin homojen olarak dagilmadigi, belirli unitelere yigildigi ve bazi degerlere icerik elverisli olsa da cok az yer verildigi gorulmustur. Deger yaklasimlari ac...

Toplumsal cinsiyet esitsizligi kavrami; gerek egitime erisim gerekse esitlik kapsaminda egitimin ... more Toplumsal cinsiyet esitsizligi kavrami; gerek egitime erisim gerekse esitlik kapsaminda egitimin onemli bir alt bileseni olarak degerlendirilebilecek ders kitaplarinda varligini kimi zaman acik iletilerle kimi zaman da farkli ortuk (gizil) sureclerle devam ettirebilmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci 1-4 sinif Turkce ders kitaplarinda yer alan cocuk edebiyati urunlerinde toplumsal cinsiyet esitsizligini besleyen dusunme bicimlerini ortaya koymaktir. Nitel arastirma modelinin benimsendigi bu calismada verilerin toplanmasi surecinde dokuman analizi yonteminden yararlanilmistir. Amacsal ornekleme yonteminden yararlanilarak 2016-2017 egitim ogretim yili kapsaminda okutulan 1-4 siniflara ait 4 Turkce ders kitabi orneklem olarak ele alinmistir. Icerik analizi yontemiyle veriler gorsel ve gorsel olmayan yapilar uzerinden; cinsiyetin gorulme sikligi, mesleki dagilim, aile ici is bolumu, toplumsal cinsiyet ve duygusal ozellikler, toplumsal cinsiyet ve gorunum, toplumsal cinsiyet ve kullanilan dil...
Papers by Doç. Dr. Burcu SEL