Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 2011
In this article, we seek to shed some light on the relation between the ethnicity and social capi... more In this article, we seek to shed some light on the relation between the ethnicity and social capital indicators. Aiming this, a field survey was carried out in 10 neighborhoods of Adana for 600 people through vis a vis interview. Those neighborhoods cover the ones supposed to be "Kurdish ghettos", ones having ethnic diversity and the ones inhabited mostly by Turks. The findings of the survey have been evaluated in relation to social capital that is a crucial dimension of social cohesion and mainly to trust. In this article, we seek to explore the linkages between ethnicity and variety of social capital indicators including interpersonal trust, trust to family, and trust in institutions
In this article, we analyze to what extent the neighborhoods called `ghetto` have common characte... more In this article, we analyze to what extent the neighborhoods called `ghetto` have common characteristic attributable to "ghetto in literature" and try to comprehend whether `ghetto` is a real conduct or a discursive construction. This article agrees that metropolitan cities, which attracted great deal of migration, have residential segregation problem. However we question if this residential segregation makes a place `ghetto`. In this article findings of the field survey carried out in Adana (April /September 2010) has been used. Outcome is that in Adana, American type of ghetto, which is determined by its high degree of institutional discrimination and exclusion and by its inward closure have not been observed.
Resting on the assumption that confrontations do matter among different ethnic groups, this artic... more Resting on the assumption that confrontations do matter among different ethnic groups, this article asks the question of “which encounters stimulate ethnic conscious/conflict and which of them produce solidarities that discourage and substitute ethnic identities” in metropolitan cities which attracted great deal of ethnic migration. It is found that the presence or absence of economic competition among ethnic groups and the quality of that competition can produce ethnic competition/conflict which can further articulate into political competition when it combines with the power-threat perception. In this article, findings of a project supported by TUBİTAK under the name of “Kurdish Issue in the Context of Social Cohesion (110K474)” have partially been used. 451 field surveys belonging to Adana, Mersin and Antalya region and 39 deep interviews carried out in Mersin have been analyzed.
Resting on the assumption that confrontations do matter among different ethnic groups, this artic... more Resting on the assumption that confrontations do matter among different ethnic groups, this article asks the question of “which encounters stimulate ethnic conscious/conflict and which of them produce solidarities that discourage and substitute ethnic identities” in metropolitan cities which attracted great deal of ethnic migration. It is found that the presence or absence of economic competition among ethnic groups and the quality of that competition can produce ethnic competition/conflict which can further articulate into political competition when it combines with the power-threat perception. In this article, findings of a project supported by TUBITAK under the name of “Kurdish Issue in the Context of Social Cohesion (110K474)” have partially been used. 451 field surveys belonging to Adana, Mersin and Antalya region and 39 deep interviews carried out in Mersin have been analyzed.
In this article, the relationship between 'trust' and 'civic engagement' which ar... more In this article, the relationship between 'trust' and 'civic engagement' which are supposed to be the main indicators of social capital and religious order have been evaluated. While trust has been elaborated in terms of "social trust", "trust among religious orders" and "trust to non-Islamic groups", civic engagement has been analyzed with regards to the dimensions of formal and informal interactions and voluntary donations. For this aim, the findings of a field survey carried out in Kahramanmaras by 400 people have been used. At the first level of analysis, religious order and at the second level the extent of religiosity of those orders has been taken as independent variable and the relationship with indicators of social capital has been explored. Keywords: Social Capital, Religous Order, Religiosity, Civic Engagement, Trust
This study analyzes expectations of the elderly (over 65 years of age) residents of Istanbul rega... more This study analyzes expectations of the elderly (over 65 years of age) residents of Istanbul regarding urban renewal on the basis of their cultural capital. The literature review indicated that a very limited number of studies existed that focused on urban renewal while considering elderly people's views. In those studies, the elderly often is either treated as a homogenous group or separated on the basis of their ethnicity and/or socioeconomic status. Therefore, this study was conducted to fill an important gap in the literature, namely that the analysis of the differentiation of urban renewal expectations of the elderly based on their cultural capital. Materials and Methods: The data were collected via face-to-face surveys conducted with 1818 elderly people in 20 districts. In this study, cultural capital was operationalized in line with the embodied and institutionalized aspects as well as the taste dimension. Moreover, an urban renewal expectations scale was developed, and a one-way analysis of variance was carried out among the elderly based on their cultural capital and their scores in the urban renewal expectations scale. Results: The study highlights elderly people's expectations of urban renewal with regard to their economic profits and the physical and social improvement of the housing and environment in which they live. Conclusion: The low-cultural capital group has been identified as the most fragile group, and the negative consequences of urban renewal that may result in displacement, family division, and isolation have been emphasized.
Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, Jan 26, 2011
Bu makalede, etnisitenin sosyal sermaye ile iliskisi ele alinmaktadir. Bu amacla zorunlu ve gonul... more Bu makalede, etnisitenin sosyal sermaye ile iliskisi ele alinmaktadir. Bu amacla zorunlu ve gonullu olarak yogun goc alan ve bir metropol olan Adana‟nin 10 mahallesinde 600 kisi ile bir alan arastirmasi gerceklestirilmistir. Soz konusu mahalleler “Kurt gettosu” olarak varsayilan mahalleleri, etnik cesitlilik tasiyan mahalleleri ve daha yogun olarak yerlesik Turklerin yasadigi mahalleleri kapsamaktadir. Arastirmanin bulgulari, sosyal kaynasmanin onemli bir boyutu olan sosyal sermaye ve onun temel bileseni ve kaynagi “guven” ile sinirli sekilde tartisilmaktadir. Bu makalede ozellikle etniklik ile “kisilerarasi, etnik kimlikler arasi guven”, “tanidiklara guven” ve “kurumlara guven” gibi sosyal sermaye gostergeleri arasindaki iliskiler sorgulanacaktir
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2010
In this article, we analyze to what extent the neighborhoods called `ghetto` have common characte... more In this article, we analyze to what extent the neighborhoods called `ghetto` have common characteristic attributable to "ghetto in literature" and try to comprehend whether `ghetto` is a real conduct or a discursive construction. This article agrees that metropolitan cities, which attracted great deal of migration, have residential segregation problem. However we question if this residential segregation makes a place `ghetto`. In this article findings of the field survey carried out in Adana (April /September 2010) has been used. Outcome is that in Adana, American type of ghetto, which is determined by its high degree of institutional discrimination and exclusion and by its inward closure have not been observed.
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2013
This research tries to comprehend differences among Kurdish ethnicity in terms of ideological/pol... more This research tries to comprehend differences among Kurdish ethnicity in terms of ideological/political identity. In this study, it is found that the Kurdish Society is divided within itself also from the ideological aspect, which separation is reflected in many fields. However the focus of this article is limited to show ideological differences among Kurds on the perception of democracy. We clearly see from the research that left wing ideologies and religiosity are redlines that divides Kurdish people. While left wing ideologies provide a ground of opposition to Turkish State and feed Kurdish nationalism, religiosity makes Kurds more loyal to the state and remote from ethnonationalism, although left/leftist have articulated religion to their discourse as a political strategy in recent period that makes the ideologic demarcation blurred. * Bu makale Crosscheck sistemi tarafından taranmış ve bu sistem sonuçlarına göre orijinal bir makale olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Bu çalışma son zamanlarda akademik ve siyasi ilgi görmeye başlayan sosyal kaynaşma kavramı ve bu ... more Bu çalışma son zamanlarda akademik ve siyasi ilgi görmeye başlayan sosyal kaynaşma kavramı ve bu kavramın boyutları ile sosyal sermaye, sosyal içerme ve dışlanma gibi kavramlarla ilişkilerini anlamaya çalışmaktadır. Bu yönüyle literatürdeki farklı sosyal kaynaşma kavramsallaştırmalarını değerlendirmektedir. Ayrıca sosyal değişme ve sosyal kaynaşma arasındaki ilişkileri analiz eden yaklaşımlar tanıtılmaktadır.
Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 2011
In this article, we seek to shed some light on the relation between the ethnicity and social capi... more In this article, we seek to shed some light on the relation between the ethnicity and social capital indicators. Aiming this, a field survey was carried out in 10 neighborhoods of Adana for 600 people through vis a vis interview. Those neighborhoods cover the ones supposed to be "Kurdish ghettos", ones having ethnic diversity and the ones inhabited mostly by Turks. The findings of the survey have been evaluated in relation to social capital that is a crucial dimension of social cohesion and mainly to trust. In this article, we seek to explore the linkages between ethnicity and variety of social capital indicators including interpersonal trust, trust to family, and trust in institutions
In this article, we analyze to what extent the neighborhoods called `ghetto` have common characte... more In this article, we analyze to what extent the neighborhoods called `ghetto` have common characteristic attributable to "ghetto in literature" and try to comprehend whether `ghetto` is a real conduct or a discursive construction. This article agrees that metropolitan cities, which attracted great deal of migration, have residential segregation problem. However we question if this residential segregation makes a place `ghetto`. In this article findings of the field survey carried out in Adana (April /September 2010) has been used. Outcome is that in Adana, American type of ghetto, which is determined by its high degree of institutional discrimination and exclusion and by its inward closure have not been observed.
Resting on the assumption that confrontations do matter among different ethnic groups, this artic... more Resting on the assumption that confrontations do matter among different ethnic groups, this article asks the question of “which encounters stimulate ethnic conscious/conflict and which of them produce solidarities that discourage and substitute ethnic identities” in metropolitan cities which attracted great deal of ethnic migration. It is found that the presence or absence of economic competition among ethnic groups and the quality of that competition can produce ethnic competition/conflict which can further articulate into political competition when it combines with the power-threat perception. In this article, findings of a project supported by TUBİTAK under the name of “Kurdish Issue in the Context of Social Cohesion (110K474)” have partially been used. 451 field surveys belonging to Adana, Mersin and Antalya region and 39 deep interviews carried out in Mersin have been analyzed.
Resting on the assumption that confrontations do matter among different ethnic groups, this artic... more Resting on the assumption that confrontations do matter among different ethnic groups, this article asks the question of “which encounters stimulate ethnic conscious/conflict and which of them produce solidarities that discourage and substitute ethnic identities” in metropolitan cities which attracted great deal of ethnic migration. It is found that the presence or absence of economic competition among ethnic groups and the quality of that competition can produce ethnic competition/conflict which can further articulate into political competition when it combines with the power-threat perception. In this article, findings of a project supported by TUBITAK under the name of “Kurdish Issue in the Context of Social Cohesion (110K474)” have partially been used. 451 field surveys belonging to Adana, Mersin and Antalya region and 39 deep interviews carried out in Mersin have been analyzed.
In this article, the relationship between 'trust' and 'civic engagement' which ar... more In this article, the relationship between 'trust' and 'civic engagement' which are supposed to be the main indicators of social capital and religious order have been evaluated. While trust has been elaborated in terms of "social trust", "trust among religious orders" and "trust to non-Islamic groups", civic engagement has been analyzed with regards to the dimensions of formal and informal interactions and voluntary donations. For this aim, the findings of a field survey carried out in Kahramanmaras by 400 people have been used. At the first level of analysis, religious order and at the second level the extent of religiosity of those orders has been taken as independent variable and the relationship with indicators of social capital has been explored. Keywords: Social Capital, Religous Order, Religiosity, Civic Engagement, Trust
This study analyzes expectations of the elderly (over 65 years of age) residents of Istanbul rega... more This study analyzes expectations of the elderly (over 65 years of age) residents of Istanbul regarding urban renewal on the basis of their cultural capital. The literature review indicated that a very limited number of studies existed that focused on urban renewal while considering elderly people's views. In those studies, the elderly often is either treated as a homogenous group or separated on the basis of their ethnicity and/or socioeconomic status. Therefore, this study was conducted to fill an important gap in the literature, namely that the analysis of the differentiation of urban renewal expectations of the elderly based on their cultural capital. Materials and Methods: The data were collected via face-to-face surveys conducted with 1818 elderly people in 20 districts. In this study, cultural capital was operationalized in line with the embodied and institutionalized aspects as well as the taste dimension. Moreover, an urban renewal expectations scale was developed, and a one-way analysis of variance was carried out among the elderly based on their cultural capital and their scores in the urban renewal expectations scale. Results: The study highlights elderly people's expectations of urban renewal with regard to their economic profits and the physical and social improvement of the housing and environment in which they live. Conclusion: The low-cultural capital group has been identified as the most fragile group, and the negative consequences of urban renewal that may result in displacement, family division, and isolation have been emphasized.
Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, Jan 26, 2011
Bu makalede, etnisitenin sosyal sermaye ile iliskisi ele alinmaktadir. Bu amacla zorunlu ve gonul... more Bu makalede, etnisitenin sosyal sermaye ile iliskisi ele alinmaktadir. Bu amacla zorunlu ve gonullu olarak yogun goc alan ve bir metropol olan Adana‟nin 10 mahallesinde 600 kisi ile bir alan arastirmasi gerceklestirilmistir. Soz konusu mahalleler “Kurt gettosu” olarak varsayilan mahalleleri, etnik cesitlilik tasiyan mahalleleri ve daha yogun olarak yerlesik Turklerin yasadigi mahalleleri kapsamaktadir. Arastirmanin bulgulari, sosyal kaynasmanin onemli bir boyutu olan sosyal sermaye ve onun temel bileseni ve kaynagi “guven” ile sinirli sekilde tartisilmaktadir. Bu makalede ozellikle etniklik ile “kisilerarasi, etnik kimlikler arasi guven”, “tanidiklara guven” ve “kurumlara guven” gibi sosyal sermaye gostergeleri arasindaki iliskiler sorgulanacaktir
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2010
In this article, we analyze to what extent the neighborhoods called `ghetto` have common characte... more In this article, we analyze to what extent the neighborhoods called `ghetto` have common characteristic attributable to "ghetto in literature" and try to comprehend whether `ghetto` is a real conduct or a discursive construction. This article agrees that metropolitan cities, which attracted great deal of migration, have residential segregation problem. However we question if this residential segregation makes a place `ghetto`. In this article findings of the field survey carried out in Adana (April /September 2010) has been used. Outcome is that in Adana, American type of ghetto, which is determined by its high degree of institutional discrimination and exclusion and by its inward closure have not been observed.
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2013
This research tries to comprehend differences among Kurdish ethnicity in terms of ideological/pol... more This research tries to comprehend differences among Kurdish ethnicity in terms of ideological/political identity. In this study, it is found that the Kurdish Society is divided within itself also from the ideological aspect, which separation is reflected in many fields. However the focus of this article is limited to show ideological differences among Kurds on the perception of democracy. We clearly see from the research that left wing ideologies and religiosity are redlines that divides Kurdish people. While left wing ideologies provide a ground of opposition to Turkish State and feed Kurdish nationalism, religiosity makes Kurds more loyal to the state and remote from ethnonationalism, although left/leftist have articulated religion to their discourse as a political strategy in recent period that makes the ideologic demarcation blurred. * Bu makale Crosscheck sistemi tarafından taranmış ve bu sistem sonuçlarına göre orijinal bir makale olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Bu çalışma son zamanlarda akademik ve siyasi ilgi görmeye başlayan sosyal kaynaşma kavramı ve bu ... more Bu çalışma son zamanlarda akademik ve siyasi ilgi görmeye başlayan sosyal kaynaşma kavramı ve bu kavramın boyutları ile sosyal sermaye, sosyal içerme ve dışlanma gibi kavramlarla ilişkilerini anlamaya çalışmaktadır. Bu yönüyle literatürdeki farklı sosyal kaynaşma kavramsallaştırmalarını değerlendirmektedir. Ayrıca sosyal değişme ve sosyal kaynaşma arasındaki ilişkileri analiz eden yaklaşımlar tanıtılmaktadır.
Papers by betül duman