Papers by iñaki barcena Hinojal
e-cadernos CES, 2020
Resumen: Este artículo trata de poner en discusión una serie de problemáticas político-sociales, ... more Resumen: Este artículo trata de poner en discusión una serie de problemáticas político-sociales, tanto teóricas como prácticas, en torno a lo que denominamos el "ecosocialismo feminista" vasco. Se hace un ejercicio de reflexión sobre el enlace y la alianza entre tres movimientos sociales-sindicalismo, ecologismo y feminismo-en Euskal Herria, haciendo un breve repaso histórico que explique, grosso modo, las causas y las dificultades para la construcción de esta corriente ideológica, así como sus debates y campañas.

Sustainability, 2021
Achieving the ambitious targets set by Europe in its 2050 roadmap, moving away from fossil fuels ... more Achieving the ambitious targets set by Europe in its 2050 roadmap, moving away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources, while reducing carbon emissions, will require a radical change in Europe’s energy system. Much of the action that will enable this energy transition to be realised in a democratic way is at the local level. It is at this level that many of the decisions regarding the energy transition desired by European citizens will have to be taken. The methodology used in this study is based on data collection, literature review, data validation and analysis. A part of this analysis will also be taken by the mPower project as a diagnostic baseline. The first finding of this research work is that energy transition data availability at the local level is quite low. Second, the local authorities are experiencing difficulties in decarbonising their energy consumption. Finally, the factor with highest positive relationships with other energy transition variables is the nu...
Revista Espanola De Ciencia Politica, 2012
Democracia y medio ambiente ocupan cada vez un mayor espacio en los estudios políticos. La crisis... more Democracia y medio ambiente ocupan cada vez un mayor espacio en los estudios políticos. La crisis ambiental, que ya casi nadie se atreve a negar, tiende a verse imbricada con la crisis de la democracia y los conflictos socio-ambientales, de carácter local, nacional e internacional. Tales conflictos no son exclusivamente una evidencia del paso de la sacralización a la cosificación de la naturaleza, son también promotores de una "cultura de la emergencia" (Manzini y Bigues, 2000: 19), "cultura de la catástrofe" (Latouche, 2008: 255) o "cultura de la crisis" (Riechmann, 2005) que pueden dar lugar tanto a propuestas de democratización como a la ampliación de las concepciones clásicas de ciudadanía.
Conflicto Ambiental Caso De Las Centrales Termicas De Castejon Navarra Caso Del Litoral Valenciano Caso Del New Flame Algeciras Cadiz 2009 Isbn 978 84 9903 188 0 Pags 429 466, 2009
Participacion Cultura Politica Y Sostenibilidad 2011 Isbn 978 84 96913 34 9 Pags 109 138, 2011

Language, 2008
■ El presente artículo pretende contraponer dos conceptos utilizados por distintos agentes social... more ■ El presente artículo pretende contraponer dos conceptos utilizados por distintos agentes sociales para enfrentar la crisis socio-ecológica. Desde hace varias décadas, el mundo empresarial-más en concreto, las empresas transnacionales-y los movimientos sociales-ecologistas y feministas, indígenas y campesinos, sindicalistas e internacionalistas-se enfrentan dialécticamente y en campañas y estrategias conflictuales utilizando diferentes conceptos y mensajes para referirse a un hecho común: el deterioro social y ambiental de la vida en el planeta. En concreto, vamos a referirnos a la dinámica confrontativa que surge de la utilización, por los primeros, de la denominada Responsabilidad Social Corporativa y, por otros, de la llamada deuda ecológica. La cuestión no es baladí, ya que ambos conceptos, como veremos, tienen semejanzas y divergencias, pero en algunos campos tan importantes para la vida humana como la cuestión energética representan los hilos argumentales de un conflicto socio-político en alza.

EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzia eta Teknologia Aldizkaria
Nazio Batuen Erakundeak 1972.n urtean «Man and Biosphere» nazioarteko konferentzia antolatu zuen ... more Nazio Batuen Erakundeak 1972.n urtean «Man and Biosphere» nazioarteko konferentzia antolatu zuen Esto- kolmon gure planetan gertatzen ari zen krisi sozio-ekologikoari erreparatzeko. Sozio-politikoki aldaketa sakonak ezagutu di- tugu munduan garai horretatik hona, egoera bipolar batetik geopolitika multipolar batera pasatu gara eta globalizazioaren aze- lerazio prozesu azkarra ezagutu dugu, Berlingo harresia desagertu zenetik COVID-19aren pandemia etorri arte, besteak beste. Ordutik hona, azken mende erdi honetan Nazio Batuen Erakundea (NBE) ingurumen politikoen erdigunean izan dugu, erre- ferente printzipala izanik, bai munduko Nazio-estatuentzat eta bai munduko eragile sozio-politiko eta herritarrentzat ere. Ar- tikulu honetan, azken 50 urte hauetan Nazio Batuek izandako mugarri eta ardatz nagusiek errepaso labur eta kritikoa egiten da lehengo atalean, bigarren atalean Garapen Iraunkorraren 17. helburuari egiten zaio erreferentzia eta hirugarrenean Garapen Iraunkorraren kontzeptuar...

This article offers an analysis of the process of criminalization, which, in the authors' opinion... more This article offers an analysis of the process of criminalization, which, in the authors' opinion, the Basque Ecologist Movement (BEM) has suffered in its fight against the High Speed Train (HST). The text is structured in five sections. The initial section highlights the main characteristics of the BEM from its origins to the present, indicating the importance in its development of the Basque national question and political violence on one side, and a combined discourse that is at once local and global on the other. The second section provides data referring to the HST project, indicating its political and socioeconomic impacts, while the third section is dedicated to clarifying the main identity features and lines of action of the anti-HST movement. The fourth section shows both the repertory of collective action of the opponents of the HST and the policies of repression and criminalization exercised against them. The fifth and final section is situated in today's new political cycle, which follows the end of ETA's armed activity and sets out possible future scenarios. Rather than an academic article consisting of intellectual reflection, this article is intended as a political testimony of the long struggle of this social movement, involving 20 years of ecologist activism, a struggle that continues today, since the infrastructure project is still in force, although the conflict is little known at the international level.
Ecología Política. Cuadernos de debate internacional
Keywords: progressive governments, environmental hell, food sovereignty, agroecology, political e... more Keywords: progressive governments, environmental hell, food sovereignty, agroecology, political ecology

Nowadays, there is a wide scientific consensus about the unsustainability of the current energy s... more Nowadays, there is a wide scientific consensus about the unsustainability of the current energy system and at the same time, social awareness about climate change and the IPCC’s goals is increasing in Europe. Amongst the different pathways towards them, one alternative is the radical transition to a democratic low-carbon energy system where the local scale has a key leading role. Under this scope, this research is framed within the mPOWER project, financed by the European Commission’s H2020 programme, which promotes collaboration among different European municipalities in order to boost the transition to a renewable-based participatory energy system. This paper presents the starting point of the mPOWER project, where the main energy features of 27 selected European municipalities are collected and analysed for the year 2016. An open public tender and selection process was carried out among European cities in order to choose the candidates to participate in mPOWER project. A view of ...

Within the context of an energy transition towards achieving a renewable low-impact energy consum... more Within the context of an energy transition towards achieving a renewable low-impact energy consumption system, this study analyses how bottom-up initiatives can contribute to state driven top-down efforts to achieve the sustainability related goals of (1) reducing total primary energy consumption; (2) reducing residential electricity and heat consumption; and (3) increasing generated renewable energy and even attaining self-sufficiency. After identifying the three most cited German bottom-up energy transition cases, the initiatives have been qualitatively and quantitatively analysed. The case study methodology has been used and each initiative has been examined in order to assess and compare these with the German national panorama. The novel results of the analysis demonstrate the remarkable effects of communal living, cooperative investment and participatory processes on the creation of a new sustainable energy system. The study supports the claim that bottom-up initiatives could a...

Within the context of an energy transition towards achieving a renewable low-impact energy consum... more Within the context of an energy transition towards achieving a renewable low-impact energy consumption system, this study analyses how bottom-up initiatives can contribute to state driven top-down efforts to achieve the sustainability related goals of (1) reducing total primary energy consumption; (2) reducing residential electricity and heat consumption; and (3) increasing generated renewable energy and even attaining self-sufficiency. After identifying the three most cited German bottom-up energy transition cases, the initiatives have been qualitatively and quantitatively analysed. The case study methodology has been used and each initiative has been examined in order to assess and compare these with the German national panorama. The novel results of the analysis demonstrate the remarkable effects of communal living, cooperative investment and participatory processes on the creation of a new sustainable energy system. The study supports the claim that bottom-up initiatives could also contribute to energy sustainability goals together within the state driven plans. Furthermore, the research proves that the analysed bottom-up transitions are not only environmentally and socially beneficial but they can also be economically feasible, at least in a small scale, such as the current German national top-down energy policy panorama.
The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology, 1997
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

During recent centuries, in the Global North, every energy crisis has been overcome, sooner or la... more During recent centuries, in the Global North, every energy crisis has been overcome, sooner or later, with a transition that has led to an increase in the average per capita energy consumption. Currently, due to the environmental and social impacts of the dominant high-consumption and fossil-fuels based energy model, we are seeing some initiatives that pursue a transition towards a democratic, low-carbon and low-energy consumption level energy system. This work analyses some of the socio-cultural, technological, economic and political factors that are leading to different multi-scale transitions towards low-energy societies around the world. It examines several different cases of transition and proposals from the Global South and Global North. Furthermore, given the limitations of the local or partial nature of these case studies, we also analyse their national energy contexts taking into account the hidden energy flows. These data integrate the total energy needed to provide the go...
Papers by iñaki barcena Hinojal