Papers by Saswat bandyopadhyay

Academia Letters, 2021
The recent draft Master Plan for Delhi 2041 has re-ignited the discussions about " why plan citie... more The recent draft Master Plan for Delhi 2041 has re-ignited the discussions about " why plan cities" and the expected outcomes from such a statutory planning exercise. Even after 75 years of independence, many Indian cities are struggling to make urban planning work towards safe, inclusive, and resilient urban development. The culture of urban planning practice varies significantly from state to state, and many Indian cities are clearly struggling to publish a credible city plan. Like Delhi, several other Indian metropolitan cities such as Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, and Kolkata are also struggling to notify a meaningful urban planning framework to guide their respective city development processes. According to a TCPO survey, less than 100 out of 4041 statutory Indian cities had some form of statutory plans till 2018. The present state of urban planning in India evokes a sense of surprise, considering that, in 2011. India had a share of about 11% of the global urban population, living in its urban areas and the economic contributions from these urban areas were estimated to be contributing about 65% of the national economy! This paper attempts to discuss the arguments presented " for and against' the statutory form urban planning and whether India should abandon the process of statutory planning and finally, also attempts to make a case for national level urban planning reforms in India. Why Plan Cities? Globally, the process of urban planning has evolved as a long-term instrument towards management of urban growth, establishment of a spatial order and urban form, development of a framework for public goods and services within a planning boundary. Although urban planning ranks significantly among the various social movements that emerged in 20th cen
Environment and Urbanization ASIA

Rapid high carbon intensive urbanization is one of the important concerns in the environmental an... more Rapid high carbon intensive urbanization is one of the important concerns in the environmental and global warming debates in the context of environmentally fragile and sensitive areas like the Himalayas. Rapid urbanization and urban growth leads to rapid destruction of green infrastructure, high emission of GHG from transportation, construction, manufacturing and associated sectors. High waste generation and improper management and disposal of the waste further aggravate the problem. The ecological footprints of supplying food and basic services like water along with the destruction and deterioration of other eco system services makes the urban areas vulnerable to hazards and climate impacts both in the short and the long term. The problems get further accentuated because of poor regional and urban planning practices and weak implementation of planning bye laws and development control regulations. All these have significant impact on the local climate, including heat island effects leading to increased variability and intensity of rainfall, temperature and humidity. As a result the urban areas become more vulnerable to hazards, disasters and epidemics and disease. Under such circumstances vulnerability mapping and evolving response and coping mechanism by internalizing them in sustainable habitat planning and development practices becomes important. Taking action to mitigate the problem is important but equally important is to evolve adaptation strategies which are locally conducive. The paper intends to understand these issues with respect to Gangtok Urban region using the available census and other statistical information. Attempt has been made to understand the weather, climate variability over the last few decades in the region and document the history of hazards and disasters through secondary literature. The study also focuses on the impacts of rapid urban growth on the local environment and its impact on eco system services. To what extent planning and urban management practices have tried to address these concerns have been explored by reviewing existing plan documents, bye laws and their implementation mechanism. Based on these analyses the study highlights vulnerabilities in Gangtok urban region and suggest coping mechanisms and strategies at the local and state level to address urban vulnerabilities in Sikkim.
Papers by Saswat bandyopadhyay