Papers by bülent demir

Altorientalische Forschungen, 2021
In the spring of 2016 a unique stone slab carved in relief was accidentally discovered on Kurey T... more In the spring of 2016 a unique stone slab carved in relief was accidentally discovered on Kurey Tepesi near Harput/Elazığ in eastern Turkey. The relief depicts the capture of a heavily fortified city in horizontally arranged registers. At first sight it comes to recognition that the Harput Relief stands in the tradition of Mesopotamian victory steles, starting with the Eannatum Stele (Stele of Vultures) in Early Dynastic Sumer (c. 2900–2350 BC) and continuing with the kings of Akkad (c. 2350–2150 BC). From a stylistic and iconographic point of view, the relief seems closer to the victory stele of Daduša of Ešnunna and the Mardin Stele of the early Old Babylonian period (c. 2000–1600 BC). The subsequently excavated archaeological context, a heavily burned architectural layer, contained Middle Bronze Age I pottery typical of the Elazığ-Malatya region, corroborating a date in the early second millennium BC.

Geçtiğimiz aylarda Elazığ yakınındaki Harput'ta rastlantı sonucu büyük bir kabartma ele geçti... more Geçtiğimiz aylarda Elazığ yakınındaki Harput'ta rastlantı sonucu büyük bir kabartma ele geçti. 2,72 x 2,42 m boyutlarındaki kabartma yöresel kumtaşı bir kayaç üzerine işlenmiştir. Üzerindeki ana tema bir kalenin fethi ve savaş esirlerinin kralın huzuruna çıkarılışıyla ilgilidir. Yatay kuşaklar halindeki sahnelerde alttan üste doğru savaşın episodları resmedilmiştir. Ortadaki savaş sahnelerinde özellikle büyük bir ahşap kulenin surlara yaklaşması ve kalenin yanışı anlatılmıştır. Sağda kent kapısı üzerindeki iki çıplak erkek figürünün başlarına kartal pençeli ayaklarıyla basarak yükselen, sarkık kanatlı bir tanrıça figürüne yer verilmiştir. Mısır etkili tüylü bir başlık giyen tanrıçanın bacakları birbirine dolanmış durumda ifade edilmiştir. Genç ve çıplak bir erkek figürünü ensesinden kavramış olarak gösterilen bu ilginç tanrıça figürünün benzerlerine eski Babil silindir mühür baskıları ile Kassit dönemine ait bir kudurru üzerinde rastlanır. Kabartmanın üst kuşakları, zaferle sonu...
Struma ovari esas olarak matur tiroid dokusundan oluşur. Struma ovari tanısı genellikle postopera... more Struma ovari esas olarak matur tiroid dokusundan oluşur. Struma ovari tanısı genellikle postoperatif dönemde patolojik inceleme ile konulan nadir görülen bir ovaryan tümördür. 69 yaşında kadın hasta, karın ağrısı şikayeti ile Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum polikliniğine başvurdu. Manyetik rezonans görüntülemede (MR) sol adneksiyel alanda 13x19 mm boyutlarında solid kitle oluşturan yapı izlendi. Patolojik inceleme sonucu struma ovarii tanısı konuldu. Struma ovari, tüm over tümörlerinin %0.1-1'ini ve over teratomlarının %2-5'ini oluşturmaktadır. Genellikle benign bir tumor davranışı sergileyen struma ovari, %5-10 oranında malign dönüşüme uğrayabilir. Struma ovari her yaşta görülebilmekle birlikte genellikle yaşamın 5. ve 6. dekadında görülmektedir. Literatür ışığında bir struma ovari olgusu sunduk..

Malatya Üçtepe II Tümülüsü Pers Kral Yolu Üzerinde Bir Hellenistik Mezar Yapısı Malatya Üçtepe II Tumulus A Hellenistic Tomb Structure on the Persian King Road, 2021
Öz: Bu makalede, Malatya Müzesi Müdürlüğü tarafından 2019 yılında yapılan Üçtepe II Tümülüsü kurt... more Öz: Bu makalede, Malatya Müzesi Müdürlüğü tarafından 2019 yılında yapılan Üçtepe II Tümülüsü kurtarma kazısı ele alınmıştır. Mezar hırsızları tarafından soyulan ve tahrip edilen tümülüsteki kazı çalışmalarının amacı mezar mimarisinin ortaya çıkarılması ve bu geleneğin Doğu Anadolu’daki tipolojik gelişiminin aydınlatılmasına yöneliktir. Koruma, sağlamlaştırma ve sergileme özelinde yürütülen kazı çalışmaları sonucunda 35 m genişlik ve 3 m yüksekliğindeki yığma tepenin altında dromoslu bir mezar yapısı ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Mezar odası içerisinde herhangi bir taşınır kültür varlığına rastlanılmamıştır. Ancak dromosta pişmiş toprak bir unguentariuma ait boyun ve ağız parçaları ele geçirilmiştir. Mezar odası üst yapısındaki bloklar arasına, oda içerisine sıvı ve nem akışını önlemek adına eritilmiş kurşun dökülmüştür. Mezar mimarisi ve unguentarium tümülüsün MÖ II. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına ait olabileceği izlenimini uyandırmaktadır.
Anahtar sözcükler: Malatya, Mezar, Tümülüs, Unguentarium, Kurşun.
Abstract: In this article, rescue excavation of Üçtepe II Tumulus carried out by the Malatya Museum Directorate in 2019 is discussed. The aim of the excavations in the tumulus, which was robbed and destroyed by treasury hunters, is to uncover the tomb architecture and to illuminate the development of this sepulchre typology and burial tradition in Eastern Anatolia. As a result of this conservation and displaying excavations a chamber tomb with dromos was unearthed under the 35 m wide and 3 m high piled uphill. No small finds were found in the burial chamber, except neck and mouth fragments of a terracotta unguentarium which were unearthed in the dromos. In order to prevent to flow of liquid and moisture into the chamber, a melted lead was poured between the blocks on the upper structure of the grave chamber. The tomb architecture and fragmentary unguentarium helps us to estimate that the tumulus belongs to the second half of the IInd century BC.
Keywords: Malatya, Tümülüs, Unguentarium, Lead.
Harput Kabartması Anadolu Uygarlıklarına Yeni Bir Katkı, 2016
Elazığ/Harput Kabartması
Elazığ-Ağın İlçesi Bademli Nekropolü, 2020
The current study aims to introduce and make evaluations as to the periods of 14 rock-cut tombs a... more The current study aims to introduce and make evaluations as to the periods of 14 rock-cut tombs and chamosorion type tomb which has embossed facade situated in Bademli Village, Ağın-Elazığ. These specialization-required rock-cut tombs were formed on bedrocks carving the room with entrance door. This tradition is observed in Anatolia from 1 st millenium B. C to 7th century A. O. Unfortunately, the 14 rock-cut tombs and chamosorian type tomb in Bademli Necropolis that are the faca/ point of this study, were burglarized. For this reason, it is not possible to date the Necropolis based on the remains in the tombs. in most of these vaulted and rock-cut tombs with kline, linear drawings and geometrica/ ornaments drawn with red madder are observed. Alsa, chamosorian type rock-cut tomb and reliefs on it in Necropolis give clues as to date.

Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 159, 2019
Arkeoloji Sanat Yay. Tur. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. adına Sahi bi ve ya yın yö net me ni M. Ne zih Başg... more Arkeoloji Sanat Yay. Tur. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. adına Sahi bi ve ya yın yö net me ni M. Ne zih Başge len So rum lu ya zıiş le ri mü dü rü Or hun Gök çay İda ri yöne tim Se ma Baş gelen Editör M. Ne zih Başge len Editör yardımcısı Özgür Yılmaz Uygulama Ser dar Kıran Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM tarafından taranan ha kem li bir der gidir. Ya yım la nan ya zı lar da ki her türlü gö rüş ve dü şün ce lerin, bilimsel değerlendirmeler ve eleştirilerin yasal sorumluluğu ya za rla rı na ait tir. Ar ke olo ji ve Sa nat Dergisi/Yayınları bun lar dan herhangi bir so rum lu luk ka bul et mez. Ya zı ve her tür lü gör sel mal ze me nin her türlü ya yın hak kı sak lı dır. Ya yı ne vi nin ya zı lı iz ni ol mak sı zın elekt ro nik, me ka nik, fo to ko pi ve ben ze ri araç lar la ya da di ğer kay de di ci ci haz lar la kop ya la na maz, ak ta rı la maz ve ço ğal tı la maz. Yö ne tim ye ri ve ya zış ma ad re si Hay ri ye Cad. Cezayir Sok. Mateo Mratoviç Apt. No: 5/2 Be yoğ lu-İs tan bul Tel.: (0 212) 293 03 78 (pbx) Faks: (0 212) 245 68 77 İstanbul sa tış ma ğa za sı ArkeoPera Kitabevi Ye ni çar şı Cad. No: 66/A 34433 Ga la ta sa ray-Beyoğlu-İs tan bul Tel.: (0 212) 249 92 26
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi,143, 2013
26. Müze Kurtarma Kazıları Sempozyumu, 2016

Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi 153, 2016
In spring 2016, a large relief was accidentally discovered in Harput near Elazığ. The relief, mea... more In spring 2016, a large relief was accidentally discovered in Harput near Elazığ. The relief, measur- ing 2.72 x 2.4 m, is carved on a local sandstone slab. The main subject of the relief is the capture of a fortress and the presentation of war captives to the king. Different episodes of the battle are depicted in registrars arranged horizontally from the bottom to the top. Towards the middle of the relief, a giant wooden tower is pictured close to the fortifications of the attacked city, which is depicted in flames. To the right, a goddess figure with the claws of an eagle and lowered wings is represented stepping over two naked male figures lying on top of the city gate. The hairdo of the goddess shows Egyptian influence while her legs are shown as twisted. This interesting goddess image, who is apparently strangling a naked male figure, finds good comparanda on Old Babylonian cylinder seal impressions and a kudurru from the Kassite Period.
The upper registers of the relief show naked prisoners of war with tied hands, who are brought before the king by armed soldiers. These narrative scenes seem to repeat the conventional repre- sentation of military victory scenes that date back to the Early Dynastic Period in Mesopotamia. On the top right register, the king is depicted sitting on a backless chair on top of naked enemy figures, looking to the right and shown in profile. He holds a fenestrated axe of duckbill type in his right hand.
At first sight, the stylistic and iconographic features of the Harput relief recall an Akkadian style of art, especially the artistic representations of Naram-Sin and his successors. However, it is unique in terms of its use of the monolithic figurative space and displays a more advanced artistic repre- sentation than Naram-Sin. Besides, the relief was discovered in a heavily-burned architectural layer together with Middle Bronze Age I pottery typical of the Elazığ-Malatya region. Therefore, we sug- gest that this relief should to be dated to 2000-1850 B.C.
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 135, 2010
Book Reviews by bülent demir
Papers by bülent demir
Anahtar sözcükler: Malatya, Mezar, Tümülüs, Unguentarium, Kurşun.
Abstract: In this article, rescue excavation of Üçtepe II Tumulus carried out by the Malatya Museum Directorate in 2019 is discussed. The aim of the excavations in the tumulus, which was robbed and destroyed by treasury hunters, is to uncover the tomb architecture and to illuminate the development of this sepulchre typology and burial tradition in Eastern Anatolia. As a result of this conservation and displaying excavations a chamber tomb with dromos was unearthed under the 35 m wide and 3 m high piled uphill. No small finds were found in the burial chamber, except neck and mouth fragments of a terracotta unguentarium which were unearthed in the dromos. In order to prevent to flow of liquid and moisture into the chamber, a melted lead was poured between the blocks on the upper structure of the grave chamber. The tomb architecture and fragmentary unguentarium helps us to estimate that the tumulus belongs to the second half of the IInd century BC.
Keywords: Malatya, Tümülüs, Unguentarium, Lead.
The upper registers of the relief show naked prisoners of war with tied hands, who are brought before the king by armed soldiers. These narrative scenes seem to repeat the conventional repre- sentation of military victory scenes that date back to the Early Dynastic Period in Mesopotamia. On the top right register, the king is depicted sitting on a backless chair on top of naked enemy figures, looking to the right and shown in profile. He holds a fenestrated axe of duckbill type in his right hand.
At first sight, the stylistic and iconographic features of the Harput relief recall an Akkadian style of art, especially the artistic representations of Naram-Sin and his successors. However, it is unique in terms of its use of the monolithic figurative space and displays a more advanced artistic repre- sentation than Naram-Sin. Besides, the relief was discovered in a heavily-burned architectural layer together with Middle Bronze Age I pottery typical of the Elazığ-Malatya region. Therefore, we sug- gest that this relief should to be dated to 2000-1850 B.C.
Book Reviews by bülent demir
Anahtar sözcükler: Malatya, Mezar, Tümülüs, Unguentarium, Kurşun.
Abstract: In this article, rescue excavation of Üçtepe II Tumulus carried out by the Malatya Museum Directorate in 2019 is discussed. The aim of the excavations in the tumulus, which was robbed and destroyed by treasury hunters, is to uncover the tomb architecture and to illuminate the development of this sepulchre typology and burial tradition in Eastern Anatolia. As a result of this conservation and displaying excavations a chamber tomb with dromos was unearthed under the 35 m wide and 3 m high piled uphill. No small finds were found in the burial chamber, except neck and mouth fragments of a terracotta unguentarium which were unearthed in the dromos. In order to prevent to flow of liquid and moisture into the chamber, a melted lead was poured between the blocks on the upper structure of the grave chamber. The tomb architecture and fragmentary unguentarium helps us to estimate that the tumulus belongs to the second half of the IInd century BC.
Keywords: Malatya, Tümülüs, Unguentarium, Lead.
The upper registers of the relief show naked prisoners of war with tied hands, who are brought before the king by armed soldiers. These narrative scenes seem to repeat the conventional repre- sentation of military victory scenes that date back to the Early Dynastic Period in Mesopotamia. On the top right register, the king is depicted sitting on a backless chair on top of naked enemy figures, looking to the right and shown in profile. He holds a fenestrated axe of duckbill type in his right hand.
At first sight, the stylistic and iconographic features of the Harput relief recall an Akkadian style of art, especially the artistic representations of Naram-Sin and his successors. However, it is unique in terms of its use of the monolithic figurative space and displays a more advanced artistic repre- sentation than Naram-Sin. Besides, the relief was discovered in a heavily-burned architectural layer together with Middle Bronze Age I pottery typical of the Elazığ-Malatya region. Therefore, we sug- gest that this relief should to be dated to 2000-1850 B.C.