Papers by ayu priskaanggraini
Asupan zat gizi yang cukup akan menjamin tumbuh kembang yang optimal untuk fisik maupun otak anak... more Asupan zat gizi yang cukup akan menjamin tumbuh kembang yang optimal untuk fisik maupun otak anak di kemudian hari. Pada saat lahir, kadar lemak esensial pada plasenta dapat memberikan indikasi kecepatan berpikir seorang anak pada saat dia berusia 8 tahun demikian pula dengan kadar homosistein dalam darah (jenis asam amino yang dapat menginformasikan apakah seorang anak kekurangan atau kelebihan vitamin B). Seorang remaja yang mengkonsumsi mineral seng dua kali lebih banyak dari angka kecukupan gizi yang dianjurkan dapat membantu meningkatkan konsentrasi yang cukup.

Medan Labuan Health Centre has the highest number of severe underweight children among the other ... more Medan Labuan Health Centre has the highest number of severe underweight children among the other health centrein Medan City, North Sumatera Province. The study performed to analyze the implementation of children undernutrition improvement programme. This research is descriptive qualitative study conducted in February-May 2009. The subjects of the research are head of health centre, nutritionist, and 25 cadre leaders of Posyandu. The data from in-depth interviews is processed using the EZ-Tex, presented in a matrix, and data is analyzed using comparison methods of Fixed (constant comparative method). Nutritionist is only found one person for 2 villages with 25 subvillages, while many cadres are not active, frequently changing and less skilled. The infrastructure is limited, the scales are not standardized and there are no tools for body length/height measurements. One of two villages does not undertake 5 tables Posyandu. Growth monitoring of underfive children are still low. Achievement of toddler weight gain (N/D) from January to December 2008 is 34.58 percent to 69.35 percent of the target coverage of 80 percent. Complementary feeding distribution is not in accordance with the guidelines. The feeding that is only purposed to undernutrition children from poor families are also given to all the children who come to Posyandu. Coverage of exclusive breastfeeding between January-November 2008 is 1.45 to 6.36 percent, rather than the target coverage of 80 percent. These problems are caused by insufficient knowledge and awareness of community about child carring pattern and the lack of cadres participation in Posyandu. From input, process, or output perspective, the of malnutrition improvement programme implementation in Medan Labuan health care is not good enough.
Papers by ayu priskaanggraini