Articles by Aysen ERCAN İŞTİN

Amacı: Mevcut çalışmanın amacı; Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği tarafından yürütülen, "... more Amacı: Mevcut çalışmanın amacı; Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği tarafından yürütülen, "Ekolojik Çiftliklerde Tarım Turizmi ve Gönüllü Bilgi, Tecrübe Takası (TaTuTa)" projesi kapsamına dâhil olan 94 çiftliğe dikkat çekmek ve bu çiftliklerin öne çıkan özelliklerini incelemektir. Araştırma Yöntemi: Tarama modeli kapsamında tasarlanan araştırmada, TaTuTa ağına kayıtlı olan 94 çiftliğin internet siteleri incelenmiştir. Veriler, incelenen çiftliklerin internet sitelerinden elde edilen ikincil verilerin gruplandırılmasıyla ortaya çıkmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde frekans ve çoklu cevap (multiple response) analizi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular sonucunda, TaTuTa çiftliklerinin sırasıyla en fazla Ege, Karadeniz, Marmara ve Akdeniz bölgelerinde olduğu; şehir olarak en fazla sırasıyla Muğla, İzmir, Samsun ve Antalya'da olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, TaTuTa çiftliklerinin daha çok küçük çiftlik özelliğinde olduğu, sebze/meyve/şifalı ot yetiştirme ve yerli tohum/geleneksel üretimle daha çok ilgilendikleri, ziyaretçi tipinin çoğunluğunu gönüllülerin oluşturduğu tespit edilen diğer bulgular arasındadır. Sonuç ve Öneriler: TaTuTa ağına bağlı olan ve bu kapsamda internet siteleri incelen 94 çiftliğin, alternatif turizm (çiftlik turizmi, eko turizm gibi) çerçevesinde ziyaretçilere çeşitli tatil alternatifleri sunduğu ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Dolayısıyla turizm faaliyetlerini bütün bir yıla yayabilecek bir potansiyel oluşturabileceğinden TaTuTa çiftliklerinin yaygınlaştırılması önerilmektedir. Araştırmanın Sınırları: Araştırmada, TaTuTa çiftliklerine dikkat çekmek ve bu çiftliklerin öne çıkan özelliklerini ortaya çıkarmak için literatür taraması yapılmış; incelenen çiftliklerin internet sitelerinden elde edilen ikincil verilerden yararlanılmıştır. Dolayısıyla araştırma, yapılan literatür taraması çerçevesinde ve 94 çiftliğin internet sitelerinden elde edilen verilerle sınırlıdır.

Artan rekabet koşulları neticesinde pazarda bulunan birçok ürün veya hizmet
benzer özellikler gös... more Artan rekabet koşulları neticesinde pazarda bulunan birçok ürün veya hizmet
benzer özellikler göstermeye başlamıştır. Bu bağlamda farklılık yaratmak adına
yiyecek & içecek işletmeleri,hijyen, personel kalitesi, güven, servis, fiziksel yapı
gibi niteliklere önem vererek marka olgusunu kullanmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın
ana amacı; yerel yiyecek & içecek işletmeleri ile uluslararası markalı, zincir yiyecek
& içecek işletmelerin hangi nedenlerle daha çok tercih edildiklerini belirlemektir.
Bu bağlamda, yiyecek ve içecek işletmelerinin tercih edilme nedenlerini
belirlemeye yönelik Alanya şehir merkezindeki yerli ve markalı zincir işletmeleri
üzerinde bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırma iki bölümden oluşmaktadır, birinci
bölümünde teorik bilgiler yer alırken; ikinci bölüm olan uygulama bölümünde,
nicel araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak güvenirlik, faktör, korelasyon ve regresyon
analizine ilişkin bulgulara yer verilmiştir. Faktör analizi sonucunda beş boyut belirlenerek
elde edilen boyutların güvenilirliğinin test edilmesinde güvenilirlik
katsayıları (Cronbach’s Alpha) hesaplanmıştır. Uygulanan diğer istatistiki testlerin
neticesinde; yiyecek-içecek işletmelerinin özellikle hijyen, temizlik ve kalite,
güven, lezzet, tazelik konusunda kesinlikle taviz vermemeleri gerektiği sonucuna

Alcoholic Beverages Pricing in À La Carte Restaurants: A Study on Restaurants Operating in Mersin City Center, 2016
Pricing is the only element of marketing mix which provides income. Therefore, pricing is critica... more Pricing is the only element of marketing mix which provides income. Therefore, pricing is critically important for businesses. Pricing methods have been listed as cost, competition and demand-based pricing. Restaurant businesses generally prefer cost-based pricing methods. It is considered as cost-plus pricing, factor pricing and break-even point among cost-based pricing. Cost-based pricing methods can be applied frequently for reasons generally such as knowing the cost function, simplicity and ease of implementation. In this study, it is tried to determine the factors which are taken into consideration for determining prices of the most selling Raki among alcoholic beverages in the restaurants where operate in Mersin city center and have à la carte service. Data were collected via interview method.

Bu araştırmanın amacı kültür destinasyonu olma özelliği ile bilinen Mardin’e
gelen turistlerin de... more Bu araştırmanın amacı kültür destinasyonu olma özelliği ile bilinen Mardin’e
gelen turistlerin destinasyon özelliklerine yönelik algı düzeylerini, destinasyon
memnuniyeti çerçevesinde ele almaktır. Bu amaç kapsamında Mardin iline gelen
yerli turistlere yönelik destinasyon memnuniyeti ölçeği kullanılarak yerli
turistlerin Mardin destinasyonunda hangi konularda ve ne düzeyde memnun
kaldıkları, anket tekniği ile sorulmuştur. Elde edilen veriler paket programlar
aracılığı ile analize tabi tutulmuştur. Analizler sonucunda 36 ifadelik destinasyon
memnuniyeti ölçeği, 30 madde ve 9 boyut üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir. Yerli
turistlerin yeme-içme, otantiklik, güvenlik, tur organizasyonu, turistlere yönelik
tutum, konaklama hizmetleri boyutlarına yönelik memnuniyetlerinin yüksek
düzeyde olduğu, temizlik ve ulaşım, etkinlikler ve fiyat boyutlarına yönelik
memnuniyetlerinin ise diğer boyutlara göre daha düşük olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Destinasyon, Mardin, Memnuniyet.

Culture is a major destination attraction leading many people to travel for
recognizing ... more Abstract
Culture is a major destination attraction leading many people to travel for
recognizing many countries. In this context, if cultural tourism is developed with
sustainability principles and policies by becoming a tool for the protection of
cultural heritage, the destruction of cultural values against globalization can be prevented. Otherwise, it can cause to deterioration of the cultural assets creating
negative effects on them. The aim of study is determined to the products of cultural
tourism in Mardin Province and offered to the suggestions for providing a
sustainable tourism development of its cultural heritage. In this direction, in August
of 2017, it was applied to content analysis for the abtained datas by using
structured interview technique with 17 participants from the public sector in
Mardin. As a result of the study, according to the participants' responses, in order
to develop sustainable cultural tourism, it is necessary to give more attentionfor
promotional and restoration activities development of professional guidance
services and resolution of transportation problems.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Culture Tourism, Sustainability, Mardin.

The Effect Of Demographic And Occupational Characteristics On Employees’ Self Efficacy Perception: A Study On Accommodation Enterprises In Alanya, 2018
Aim: It is aimed to determine the effect of demographic and accupational characteristics... more Abstract
Aim: It is aimed to determine the effect of demographic and accupational characteristics on
employees’ self efficacy perception.
Method: Employees in various departments, department manager assistants, department
managers and managers participated to the study which were applied to employees who
working in 3,4,5 stars and apart hotels in Alanya being tourism region. 400 questionnaires were
distributed to the participant, but 205 questionnaires were found suitable for providing data and
analyzed. ANOVA and t-test were used to determine whether employees’ self efficacy
perception differed according to demographic (gender, age, marital status, educational status)
and occupational (type of hotel, department, position and duration of working) characteristics
Findings: As a result of the t-test, it was determined that employees’ self efficacy showed a
significant difference in all dimensions (weakness of struggle power, stability and closeness to
innovation) of self efficacy according to the gender variable. According to the marital status
variable, employees’ self efficacy showed a significant difference in weakness of struggle
power and stability dimensions of self efficacy. As a result of the ANOVA, employees’ self
efficacy showed a significant difference in weakness of struggle power and closeness to
innovation dimensions of self efficacy according to the type of hotel. According to duration of
working, employees’ self efficacy showed a significant difference in all dimensions of self
efficacy. According to the position of working, employees’ self efficacy showed a significant
difference in stability dimension of self efficacy. However, employees’ self efficacy didn’t
show a significant difference in any dimensions of self efficacy according to age, education
status and department of working.
Results and suggestions: According to the findings of the study, male employees’ self efficacy
is higher than female employees’ self efficacy; and married employees’ self efficacy is higher
than single employees’ self efficacy; employees’ self efficacy in apart hotels and 5 stars hotels
is higher than the others. Furthermore, it can be said that employees’ self efficacy working longterm
in hotels is higher than employees placed on short time. The employees’ self efficacy in
the position of general manager is higher than the other. Self efficacy shows differences in how
people feel, think, and behave. In this context, managers firstly working in the accommodation
enterprises and service enterprises that will be able to benefit from study should develop
practices to equate self-efficacy beliefs between men and women, married and single
employees. In addition, high efficiency and performance in equal level among employees can
be achived by identified and then removed negative reasons for difference regarding self
efficacy belief according to the type of hotel and by achived a low labor turnover rate
considering that employees’ self efficacy working long-term is higher than the others.

Consumers’ reviews and perceptions of a product or service have become an important factor
affect... more Consumers’ reviews and perceptions of a product or service have become an important factor
affecting decision-making process of potential consumers in terms of marketing research.
Along with the development of technology and wide spread usage of the internet, online
consumer evaluation sand electronic word of mouth communication can be a new motivating factor while providing great convenience for risk reduction and quality evaluation for
potential consumers. Online consumer evaluations which can also be used as a marketing tool,
have a wide range of influence in terms of audience the yreached. In this context, online
consumer reviews about hotels located in Van province are examined through TripAdvisor
website. TripAdvisor is a world-class tourism platform providing a multitude online views
from international travelers.
The evaluations about three, four and five star hotels operating in Van included in
TripAdvisor website are analysed via Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney U tests whether
differentiated or not according to type of hotel, type of travel, country of origin and years.
With regard to findings obtained from analysis the general evaluations cores of hotels
differentiates by hotel type, travel type and years, while country of origin does not
differentiate. In the line with findings, it is recommended that more effective service to
develop for families and couples by hotels and to give more importance to service
performances of four star hotels.
Keywords: 1st TripAdvisor, 2nd Van, 3rd Hotels , 4th Online Consumer Views
An Assessment on the Floristic Variety of Province of Şırnak- Turkey In Terms of Botanical Tourism, 2018
Social loafing is the tendency of individuals to expend less effort when working in groups than w... more Social loafing is the tendency of individuals to expend less effort when working in groups than when
working alone. Social loafing adversely affects the productivity in work environment where group work is
especially common. In this study, the reasons of social loafing, the emergence of social loafing theories and
Ringelmann Effect, research on the concept of social loafing, theories conflicting with the concept of social
loafing, antecedents of social loafing are summarized through literature survey and a model of the research and
hypotheses are developed. Suggestions for reducing social loafing at work are presented.

The importance of service and service quality have increased day by day due to increasing in the ... more The importance of service and service quality have increased day by day due to increasing in the number of restaurants in the food & beverage sector where the competition has increased rapidly. Therefore, customers’ expectations oriented provide service quality is vital for restaurants. For this reason, the aim of study is revealed customer perceptions of the service quality in the restaurants by DINESERV Model. In this study conducted between June and July 2017, the data collected by the questionnaire were obtained with the participation of 83 persons.
Frequency, reliability and factor analysis were used for the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, five dimensions related to factor analysis were determined. Results of the study show that the quality of service in the restaurants is composed of five dimensions. In addition, as result of the reliability analysis, DINESERV scale and its dimensions are reliable because Cronbach’s Alpha value is greater than 0,60 .

Salespersons and their empowerment have an important role in the success of hotel sales. In this ... more Salespersons and their empowerment have an important role in the success of hotel sales. In this context, a research was conducted to determine on what conditions and why salespersons were empowered on price offer. To obtain valid data, research was executed on salespersons who have been working for a national chain hotel in Turkey,
assuming that members of chain had similar organizational culture. Data were obtained through salespersons responses to open-ended questions which were e-mailed in July 2015. Out of 53 salespersons in 13 hotels, 28 persons responded to the questions. Data were subjected to content analysis. It was detected that salespersons were empowered by top management considering mainly demands for hotel services. It is widely believed that the more empowerment of salespersons on price download means the faster sales process and the more guest satisfaction. It was also found that empowerment could strengthen the sense of responsibility of salespersons and increase their performances. On the other hand, there was also a dominated concern that the empowerment might create inconsistency in pricing policies. The study ended up with the recommendation that empowering the salespersons within the limitations determined by top management considering demand and cost issues could positively affect performance figures of hotels besides guest satisfaction.
Papers by Aysen ERCAN İŞTİN
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Issues
Articles by Aysen ERCAN İŞTİN
benzer özellikler göstermeye başlamıştır. Bu bağlamda farklılık yaratmak adına
yiyecek & içecek işletmeleri,hijyen, personel kalitesi, güven, servis, fiziksel yapı
gibi niteliklere önem vererek marka olgusunu kullanmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın
ana amacı; yerel yiyecek & içecek işletmeleri ile uluslararası markalı, zincir yiyecek
& içecek işletmelerin hangi nedenlerle daha çok tercih edildiklerini belirlemektir.
Bu bağlamda, yiyecek ve içecek işletmelerinin tercih edilme nedenlerini
belirlemeye yönelik Alanya şehir merkezindeki yerli ve markalı zincir işletmeleri
üzerinde bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırma iki bölümden oluşmaktadır, birinci
bölümünde teorik bilgiler yer alırken; ikinci bölüm olan uygulama bölümünde,
nicel araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak güvenirlik, faktör, korelasyon ve regresyon
analizine ilişkin bulgulara yer verilmiştir. Faktör analizi sonucunda beş boyut belirlenerek
elde edilen boyutların güvenilirliğinin test edilmesinde güvenilirlik
katsayıları (Cronbach’s Alpha) hesaplanmıştır. Uygulanan diğer istatistiki testlerin
neticesinde; yiyecek-içecek işletmelerinin özellikle hijyen, temizlik ve kalite,
güven, lezzet, tazelik konusunda kesinlikle taviz vermemeleri gerektiği sonucuna
gelen turistlerin destinasyon özelliklerine yönelik algı düzeylerini, destinasyon
memnuniyeti çerçevesinde ele almaktır. Bu amaç kapsamında Mardin iline gelen
yerli turistlere yönelik destinasyon memnuniyeti ölçeği kullanılarak yerli
turistlerin Mardin destinasyonunda hangi konularda ve ne düzeyde memnun
kaldıkları, anket tekniği ile sorulmuştur. Elde edilen veriler paket programlar
aracılığı ile analize tabi tutulmuştur. Analizler sonucunda 36 ifadelik destinasyon
memnuniyeti ölçeği, 30 madde ve 9 boyut üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir. Yerli
turistlerin yeme-içme, otantiklik, güvenlik, tur organizasyonu, turistlere yönelik
tutum, konaklama hizmetleri boyutlarına yönelik memnuniyetlerinin yüksek
düzeyde olduğu, temizlik ve ulaşım, etkinlikler ve fiyat boyutlarına yönelik
memnuniyetlerinin ise diğer boyutlara göre daha düşük olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Destinasyon, Mardin, Memnuniyet.
Culture is a major destination attraction leading many people to travel for
recognizing many countries. In this context, if cultural tourism is developed with
sustainability principles and policies by becoming a tool for the protection of
cultural heritage, the destruction of cultural values against globalization can be prevented. Otherwise, it can cause to deterioration of the cultural assets creating
negative effects on them. The aim of study is determined to the products of cultural
tourism in Mardin Province and offered to the suggestions for providing a
sustainable tourism development of its cultural heritage. In this direction, in August
of 2017, it was applied to content analysis for the abtained datas by using
structured interview technique with 17 participants from the public sector in
Mardin. As a result of the study, according to the participants' responses, in order
to develop sustainable cultural tourism, it is necessary to give more attentionfor
promotional and restoration activities development of professional guidance
services and resolution of transportation problems.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Culture Tourism, Sustainability, Mardin.
Aim: It is aimed to determine the effect of demographic and accupational characteristics on
employees’ self efficacy perception.
Method: Employees in various departments, department manager assistants, department
managers and managers participated to the study which were applied to employees who
working in 3,4,5 stars and apart hotels in Alanya being tourism region. 400 questionnaires were
distributed to the participant, but 205 questionnaires were found suitable for providing data and
analyzed. ANOVA and t-test were used to determine whether employees’ self efficacy
perception differed according to demographic (gender, age, marital status, educational status)
and occupational (type of hotel, department, position and duration of working) characteristics
Findings: As a result of the t-test, it was determined that employees’ self efficacy showed a
significant difference in all dimensions (weakness of struggle power, stability and closeness to
innovation) of self efficacy according to the gender variable. According to the marital status
variable, employees’ self efficacy showed a significant difference in weakness of struggle
power and stability dimensions of self efficacy. As a result of the ANOVA, employees’ self
efficacy showed a significant difference in weakness of struggle power and closeness to
innovation dimensions of self efficacy according to the type of hotel. According to duration of
working, employees’ self efficacy showed a significant difference in all dimensions of self
efficacy. According to the position of working, employees’ self efficacy showed a significant
difference in stability dimension of self efficacy. However, employees’ self efficacy didn’t
show a significant difference in any dimensions of self efficacy according to age, education
status and department of working.
Results and suggestions: According to the findings of the study, male employees’ self efficacy
is higher than female employees’ self efficacy; and married employees’ self efficacy is higher
than single employees’ self efficacy; employees’ self efficacy in apart hotels and 5 stars hotels
is higher than the others. Furthermore, it can be said that employees’ self efficacy working longterm
in hotels is higher than employees placed on short time. The employees’ self efficacy in
the position of general manager is higher than the other. Self efficacy shows differences in how
people feel, think, and behave. In this context, managers firstly working in the accommodation
enterprises and service enterprises that will be able to benefit from study should develop
practices to equate self-efficacy beliefs between men and women, married and single
employees. In addition, high efficiency and performance in equal level among employees can
be achived by identified and then removed negative reasons for difference regarding self
efficacy belief according to the type of hotel and by achived a low labor turnover rate
considering that employees’ self efficacy working long-term is higher than the others.
affecting decision-making process of potential consumers in terms of marketing research.
Along with the development of technology and wide spread usage of the internet, online
consumer evaluation sand electronic word of mouth communication can be a new motivating factor while providing great convenience for risk reduction and quality evaluation for
potential consumers. Online consumer evaluations which can also be used as a marketing tool,
have a wide range of influence in terms of audience the yreached. In this context, online
consumer reviews about hotels located in Van province are examined through TripAdvisor
website. TripAdvisor is a world-class tourism platform providing a multitude online views
from international travelers.
The evaluations about three, four and five star hotels operating in Van included in
TripAdvisor website are analysed via Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney U tests whether
differentiated or not according to type of hotel, type of travel, country of origin and years.
With regard to findings obtained from analysis the general evaluations cores of hotels
differentiates by hotel type, travel type and years, while country of origin does not
differentiate. In the line with findings, it is recommended that more effective service to
develop for families and couples by hotels and to give more importance to service
performances of four star hotels.
Keywords: 1st TripAdvisor, 2nd Van, 3rd Hotels , 4th Online Consumer Views
working alone. Social loafing adversely affects the productivity in work environment where group work is
especially common. In this study, the reasons of social loafing, the emergence of social loafing theories and
Ringelmann Effect, research on the concept of social loafing, theories conflicting with the concept of social
loafing, antecedents of social loafing are summarized through literature survey and a model of the research and
hypotheses are developed. Suggestions for reducing social loafing at work are presented.
Frequency, reliability and factor analysis were used for the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, five dimensions related to factor analysis were determined. Results of the study show that the quality of service in the restaurants is composed of five dimensions. In addition, as result of the reliability analysis, DINESERV scale and its dimensions are reliable because Cronbach’s Alpha value is greater than 0,60 .
assuming that members of chain had similar organizational culture. Data were obtained through salespersons responses to open-ended questions which were e-mailed in July 2015. Out of 53 salespersons in 13 hotels, 28 persons responded to the questions. Data were subjected to content analysis. It was detected that salespersons were empowered by top management considering mainly demands for hotel services. It is widely believed that the more empowerment of salespersons on price download means the faster sales process and the more guest satisfaction. It was also found that empowerment could strengthen the sense of responsibility of salespersons and increase their performances. On the other hand, there was also a dominated concern that the empowerment might create inconsistency in pricing policies. The study ended up with the recommendation that empowering the salespersons within the limitations determined by top management considering demand and cost issues could positively affect performance figures of hotels besides guest satisfaction.
Papers by Aysen ERCAN İŞTİN
benzer özellikler göstermeye başlamıştır. Bu bağlamda farklılık yaratmak adına
yiyecek & içecek işletmeleri,hijyen, personel kalitesi, güven, servis, fiziksel yapı
gibi niteliklere önem vererek marka olgusunu kullanmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın
ana amacı; yerel yiyecek & içecek işletmeleri ile uluslararası markalı, zincir yiyecek
& içecek işletmelerin hangi nedenlerle daha çok tercih edildiklerini belirlemektir.
Bu bağlamda, yiyecek ve içecek işletmelerinin tercih edilme nedenlerini
belirlemeye yönelik Alanya şehir merkezindeki yerli ve markalı zincir işletmeleri
üzerinde bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırma iki bölümden oluşmaktadır, birinci
bölümünde teorik bilgiler yer alırken; ikinci bölüm olan uygulama bölümünde,
nicel araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak güvenirlik, faktör, korelasyon ve regresyon
analizine ilişkin bulgulara yer verilmiştir. Faktör analizi sonucunda beş boyut belirlenerek
elde edilen boyutların güvenilirliğinin test edilmesinde güvenilirlik
katsayıları (Cronbach’s Alpha) hesaplanmıştır. Uygulanan diğer istatistiki testlerin
neticesinde; yiyecek-içecek işletmelerinin özellikle hijyen, temizlik ve kalite,
güven, lezzet, tazelik konusunda kesinlikle taviz vermemeleri gerektiği sonucuna
gelen turistlerin destinasyon özelliklerine yönelik algı düzeylerini, destinasyon
memnuniyeti çerçevesinde ele almaktır. Bu amaç kapsamında Mardin iline gelen
yerli turistlere yönelik destinasyon memnuniyeti ölçeği kullanılarak yerli
turistlerin Mardin destinasyonunda hangi konularda ve ne düzeyde memnun
kaldıkları, anket tekniği ile sorulmuştur. Elde edilen veriler paket programlar
aracılığı ile analize tabi tutulmuştur. Analizler sonucunda 36 ifadelik destinasyon
memnuniyeti ölçeği, 30 madde ve 9 boyut üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir. Yerli
turistlerin yeme-içme, otantiklik, güvenlik, tur organizasyonu, turistlere yönelik
tutum, konaklama hizmetleri boyutlarına yönelik memnuniyetlerinin yüksek
düzeyde olduğu, temizlik ve ulaşım, etkinlikler ve fiyat boyutlarına yönelik
memnuniyetlerinin ise diğer boyutlara göre daha düşük olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Destinasyon, Mardin, Memnuniyet.
Culture is a major destination attraction leading many people to travel for
recognizing many countries. In this context, if cultural tourism is developed with
sustainability principles and policies by becoming a tool for the protection of
cultural heritage, the destruction of cultural values against globalization can be prevented. Otherwise, it can cause to deterioration of the cultural assets creating
negative effects on them. The aim of study is determined to the products of cultural
tourism in Mardin Province and offered to the suggestions for providing a
sustainable tourism development of its cultural heritage. In this direction, in August
of 2017, it was applied to content analysis for the abtained datas by using
structured interview technique with 17 participants from the public sector in
Mardin. As a result of the study, according to the participants' responses, in order
to develop sustainable cultural tourism, it is necessary to give more attentionfor
promotional and restoration activities development of professional guidance
services and resolution of transportation problems.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Culture Tourism, Sustainability, Mardin.
Aim: It is aimed to determine the effect of demographic and accupational characteristics on
employees’ self efficacy perception.
Method: Employees in various departments, department manager assistants, department
managers and managers participated to the study which were applied to employees who
working in 3,4,5 stars and apart hotels in Alanya being tourism region. 400 questionnaires were
distributed to the participant, but 205 questionnaires were found suitable for providing data and
analyzed. ANOVA and t-test were used to determine whether employees’ self efficacy
perception differed according to demographic (gender, age, marital status, educational status)
and occupational (type of hotel, department, position and duration of working) characteristics
Findings: As a result of the t-test, it was determined that employees’ self efficacy showed a
significant difference in all dimensions (weakness of struggle power, stability and closeness to
innovation) of self efficacy according to the gender variable. According to the marital status
variable, employees’ self efficacy showed a significant difference in weakness of struggle
power and stability dimensions of self efficacy. As a result of the ANOVA, employees’ self
efficacy showed a significant difference in weakness of struggle power and closeness to
innovation dimensions of self efficacy according to the type of hotel. According to duration of
working, employees’ self efficacy showed a significant difference in all dimensions of self
efficacy. According to the position of working, employees’ self efficacy showed a significant
difference in stability dimension of self efficacy. However, employees’ self efficacy didn’t
show a significant difference in any dimensions of self efficacy according to age, education
status and department of working.
Results and suggestions: According to the findings of the study, male employees’ self efficacy
is higher than female employees’ self efficacy; and married employees’ self efficacy is higher
than single employees’ self efficacy; employees’ self efficacy in apart hotels and 5 stars hotels
is higher than the others. Furthermore, it can be said that employees’ self efficacy working longterm
in hotels is higher than employees placed on short time. The employees’ self efficacy in
the position of general manager is higher than the other. Self efficacy shows differences in how
people feel, think, and behave. In this context, managers firstly working in the accommodation
enterprises and service enterprises that will be able to benefit from study should develop
practices to equate self-efficacy beliefs between men and women, married and single
employees. In addition, high efficiency and performance in equal level among employees can
be achived by identified and then removed negative reasons for difference regarding self
efficacy belief according to the type of hotel and by achived a low labor turnover rate
considering that employees’ self efficacy working long-term is higher than the others.
affecting decision-making process of potential consumers in terms of marketing research.
Along with the development of technology and wide spread usage of the internet, online
consumer evaluation sand electronic word of mouth communication can be a new motivating factor while providing great convenience for risk reduction and quality evaluation for
potential consumers. Online consumer evaluations which can also be used as a marketing tool,
have a wide range of influence in terms of audience the yreached. In this context, online
consumer reviews about hotels located in Van province are examined through TripAdvisor
website. TripAdvisor is a world-class tourism platform providing a multitude online views
from international travelers.
The evaluations about three, four and five star hotels operating in Van included in
TripAdvisor website are analysed via Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney U tests whether
differentiated or not according to type of hotel, type of travel, country of origin and years.
With regard to findings obtained from analysis the general evaluations cores of hotels
differentiates by hotel type, travel type and years, while country of origin does not
differentiate. In the line with findings, it is recommended that more effective service to
develop for families and couples by hotels and to give more importance to service
performances of four star hotels.
Keywords: 1st TripAdvisor, 2nd Van, 3rd Hotels , 4th Online Consumer Views
working alone. Social loafing adversely affects the productivity in work environment where group work is
especially common. In this study, the reasons of social loafing, the emergence of social loafing theories and
Ringelmann Effect, research on the concept of social loafing, theories conflicting with the concept of social
loafing, antecedents of social loafing are summarized through literature survey and a model of the research and
hypotheses are developed. Suggestions for reducing social loafing at work are presented.
Frequency, reliability and factor analysis were used for the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, five dimensions related to factor analysis were determined. Results of the study show that the quality of service in the restaurants is composed of five dimensions. In addition, as result of the reliability analysis, DINESERV scale and its dimensions are reliable because Cronbach’s Alpha value is greater than 0,60 .
assuming that members of chain had similar organizational culture. Data were obtained through salespersons responses to open-ended questions which were e-mailed in July 2015. Out of 53 salespersons in 13 hotels, 28 persons responded to the questions. Data were subjected to content analysis. It was detected that salespersons were empowered by top management considering mainly demands for hotel services. It is widely believed that the more empowerment of salespersons on price download means the faster sales process and the more guest satisfaction. It was also found that empowerment could strengthen the sense of responsibility of salespersons and increase their performances. On the other hand, there was also a dominated concern that the empowerment might create inconsistency in pricing policies. The study ended up with the recommendation that empowering the salespersons within the limitations determined by top management considering demand and cost issues could positively affect performance figures of hotels besides guest satisfaction.