Batik is one of the many Indonesian cultural heritages worldwide and has become a hallmark of Ind... more Batik is one of the many Indonesian cultural heritages worldwide and has become a hallmark of Indonesian society. Every Batik contains meaning. Meaning in signs is also called semiotics. This article aims to clarify the semiotic meaning of the colors and motives of the Riau Islands Batik. The researcher took the data from the interpretation of the Riau Islands' cultural symbols by the locals. In clarifying the data, the researcher was done by using qualitative methods. The result showed the semiotic meaning of Batik and how the interpretation of the Riau Islands recognized the cultural values of Batik. For practical purposes, the research results are expected to promote the culture of the Riau Islands and its characteristics for Indonesia and the international community. It is also hoped to provide knowledge about the ornaments of Riau Island to the community, especially the people of the Riau Islands, so that the cultural heritage is not lost. The data were analyzed by using Ch...
The mangrove ecosystem is a coastal ecosystem that is important for humans. Mangroves absorb carb... more The mangrove ecosystem is a coastal ecosystem that is important for humans. Mangroves absorb carbon in the atmosphere and store it in biomass or sediment. So, in other words, mangroves play a significant role in mitigating global climate change. This study aimed to examine the structure of the mangrove ecosystem composition and estimate standing carbon stocks on Sangiang Island, Banten. The data taken was for the categories of trees, saplings, and seedlings (consisting of mangrove species, DBH, and height). The study was conducted at three stations with three replications for each station. The allometric formula obtained the estimated carbon stock from the stand biomass value. The results showed that 11 species of mangrove species were found with an average density of 1266 ind/ha (trees), 3733 ind/ha (saplings), and <70% (seedlings). Then the estimated average carbon stock in Sangiang Island, Banten is 271.29 tons/ha.
Berisi penjelasan mengenai pengaruh penggunaan teknik Think Talk Write (TTW) berbantuan media aud... more Berisi penjelasan mengenai pengaruh penggunaan teknik Think Talk Write (TTW) berbantuan media audiovisual terhadap keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 41 Padang.
Pasar monopolistik dan oligopoli merupakan pasar yg termasuk kedalam pasar persaingan tidak sempu... more Pasar monopolistik dan oligopoli merupakan pasar yg termasuk kedalam pasar persaingan tidak sempurna.karena ada beebrapa karakter yg mendekati ekstrim kanan dana ekstrim kiri
Pertimbuhan pasar keuangan syariah yang meningkat pesat memiliki sinyal yang bagus bagi instrumen... more Pertimbuhan pasar keuangan syariah yang meningkat pesat memiliki sinyal yang bagus bagi instrument syariah di pasar modal salah satunya yaitu obligasi syariah. Sukuk. Penelitian ini membahas reaksi pasar saat perusahaan menerbitkan sukuk dan melihat dari profitabilitas (ROA), rating sukuk dan jatuh tempo sukuk pada perusahaan yang menerbitkan sukuk per Desember 2017. Tujuan penelitian yaitu melihat pengaruh penerbitan sukuk terhadap reaksi pasar saham dan profitabilitas, rating dan jatuh tempo sukuk perusahaan penerbit berpengaruh terhadap average abnormal return saham serta asimetri memoderasi profitabilitas, ratung dan jatuh tempo sukuk pada return saham. Peneliti menggunakan statistk deskriptif, uji beda one sample t-test, uji beda paired sample test dan analisis linier berganda model MRA untuk menguji variabel moderating nya. Hasil pada temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan jika rating dapat mempenaruhi average abnormal return saham. Adanya asimetri informasi untuk memperkuat variab...
This research aimed to find out the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking... more This research aimed to find out the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking ability at grade 8 of SMP Negeri 26 Padang. This research was quantitative research which used correlational technique design. The sample of the research was 30 students of grade eight selected by clustering sampling. The instruments used in the research were vocabulary test and speaking test. Vocabulary test consisted of 50 questions of multiple choices, and speaking test in the form of role play. The research data were in the form of interpretation of students’ vocabulary and speaking test results, and their correlation. Based on data analysis, it was found that students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking ability were fair. They were proved by the mean score 65 for vocabulary mastery and 68 for speaking ability. Moreover, there was strong correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking ability. It was shown by the rvalue = 0,703.
The aims of the research were to measure a significant effect on students’ average scores of read... more The aims of the research were to measure a significant effect on students’ average scores of reading comprehension achievement between students:1)who both had high instrumental motivation in experiment class (Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips) and control class;2) who had high instrumental motivation in control class and the ones who had middle instrumental motivation in experiment class;3) who both had middle instrumental motivation in experiment class (Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips) and control class;4) who had high instrumental motivation in experiment class and the ones who had middle instrumental motivation in control class;and 5) to find whether there was an interaction or not on students’ reading comprehension achievement taught using Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips towards instrumental motivation. Experimental with factorial design was used in this research by using 40 samples of the third semester students of English Education Study Program of UNRIKA classified into high and middle ...
The aims of the research were to measure a significant effect on students’ average scores of read... more The aims of the research were to measure a significant effect on students’ average scores of reading comprehension achievement between students:1)who both had high instrumental motivation in experiment class (Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips) and control class;2) who had high instrumental motivation in control class and the ones who had middle instrumental motivation in experiment class;3) who both had middle instrumental motivation in experiment class (Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips) and control class;4) who had high instrumental motivation in experiment class and the ones who had middle instrumental motivation in control class;and 5) to find whether there was an interaction or not on students’ reading comprehension achievement taught using Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips towards instrumental motivation. Experimental with factorial design was used in this research by using 40 samples of the third semester students of English Education Study Program of UNRIKA classified into high and middle ...
Batik is one of the many Indonesian cultural heritages worldwide and has become a hallmark of Ind... more Batik is one of the many Indonesian cultural heritages worldwide and has become a hallmark of Indonesian society. Every Batik contains meaning. Meaning in signs is also called semiotics. This article aims to clarify the semiotic meaning of the colors and motives of the Riau Islands Batik. The researcher took the data from the interpretation of the Riau Islands' cultural symbols by the locals. In clarifying the data, the researcher was done by using qualitative methods. The result showed the semiotic meaning of Batik and how the interpretation of the Riau Islands recognized the cultural values of Batik. For practical purposes, the research results are expected to promote the culture of the Riau Islands and its characteristics for Indonesia and the international community. It is also hoped to provide knowledge about the ornaments of Riau Island to the community, especially the people of the Riau Islands, so that the cultural heritage is not lost. The data were analyzed by using Ch...
The mangrove ecosystem is a coastal ecosystem that is important for humans. Mangroves absorb carb... more The mangrove ecosystem is a coastal ecosystem that is important for humans. Mangroves absorb carbon in the atmosphere and store it in biomass or sediment. So, in other words, mangroves play a significant role in mitigating global climate change. This study aimed to examine the structure of the mangrove ecosystem composition and estimate standing carbon stocks on Sangiang Island, Banten. The data taken was for the categories of trees, saplings, and seedlings (consisting of mangrove species, DBH, and height). The study was conducted at three stations with three replications for each station. The allometric formula obtained the estimated carbon stock from the stand biomass value. The results showed that 11 species of mangrove species were found with an average density of 1266 ind/ha (trees), 3733 ind/ha (saplings), and <70% (seedlings). Then the estimated average carbon stock in Sangiang Island, Banten is 271.29 tons/ha.
Berisi penjelasan mengenai pengaruh penggunaan teknik Think Talk Write (TTW) berbantuan media aud... more Berisi penjelasan mengenai pengaruh penggunaan teknik Think Talk Write (TTW) berbantuan media audiovisual terhadap keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 41 Padang.
Pasar monopolistik dan oligopoli merupakan pasar yg termasuk kedalam pasar persaingan tidak sempu... more Pasar monopolistik dan oligopoli merupakan pasar yg termasuk kedalam pasar persaingan tidak sempurna.karena ada beebrapa karakter yg mendekati ekstrim kanan dana ekstrim kiri
Pertimbuhan pasar keuangan syariah yang meningkat pesat memiliki sinyal yang bagus bagi instrumen... more Pertimbuhan pasar keuangan syariah yang meningkat pesat memiliki sinyal yang bagus bagi instrument syariah di pasar modal salah satunya yaitu obligasi syariah. Sukuk. Penelitian ini membahas reaksi pasar saat perusahaan menerbitkan sukuk dan melihat dari profitabilitas (ROA), rating sukuk dan jatuh tempo sukuk pada perusahaan yang menerbitkan sukuk per Desember 2017. Tujuan penelitian yaitu melihat pengaruh penerbitan sukuk terhadap reaksi pasar saham dan profitabilitas, rating dan jatuh tempo sukuk perusahaan penerbit berpengaruh terhadap average abnormal return saham serta asimetri memoderasi profitabilitas, ratung dan jatuh tempo sukuk pada return saham. Peneliti menggunakan statistk deskriptif, uji beda one sample t-test, uji beda paired sample test dan analisis linier berganda model MRA untuk menguji variabel moderating nya. Hasil pada temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan jika rating dapat mempenaruhi average abnormal return saham. Adanya asimetri informasi untuk memperkuat variab...
This research aimed to find out the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking... more This research aimed to find out the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking ability at grade 8 of SMP Negeri 26 Padang. This research was quantitative research which used correlational technique design. The sample of the research was 30 students of grade eight selected by clustering sampling. The instruments used in the research were vocabulary test and speaking test. Vocabulary test consisted of 50 questions of multiple choices, and speaking test in the form of role play. The research data were in the form of interpretation of students’ vocabulary and speaking test results, and their correlation. Based on data analysis, it was found that students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking ability were fair. They were proved by the mean score 65 for vocabulary mastery and 68 for speaking ability. Moreover, there was strong correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking ability. It was shown by the rvalue = 0,703.
The aims of the research were to measure a significant effect on students’ average scores of read... more The aims of the research were to measure a significant effect on students’ average scores of reading comprehension achievement between students:1)who both had high instrumental motivation in experiment class (Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips) and control class;2) who had high instrumental motivation in control class and the ones who had middle instrumental motivation in experiment class;3) who both had middle instrumental motivation in experiment class (Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips) and control class;4) who had high instrumental motivation in experiment class and the ones who had middle instrumental motivation in control class;and 5) to find whether there was an interaction or not on students’ reading comprehension achievement taught using Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips towards instrumental motivation. Experimental with factorial design was used in this research by using 40 samples of the third semester students of English Education Study Program of UNRIKA classified into high and middle ...
The aims of the research were to measure a significant effect on students’ average scores of read... more The aims of the research were to measure a significant effect on students’ average scores of reading comprehension achievement between students:1)who both had high instrumental motivation in experiment class (Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips) and control class;2) who had high instrumental motivation in control class and the ones who had middle instrumental motivation in experiment class;3) who both had middle instrumental motivation in experiment class (Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips) and control class;4) who had high instrumental motivation in experiment class and the ones who had middle instrumental motivation in control class;and 5) to find whether there was an interaction or not on students’ reading comprehension achievement taught using Onomatopoeia in Comic Strips towards instrumental motivation. Experimental with factorial design was used in this research by using 40 samples of the third semester students of English Education Study Program of UNRIKA classified into high and middle ...
Papers by aulia putri