Papers by Astri Yulia, S.ST, M.T

Jurnal Civronlit Unbari
The pulp and paper industry produces the remaining bark as solid waste, where this solid waste pi... more The pulp and paper industry produces the remaining bark as solid waste, where this solid waste pile when it rains will produce leachate that seeps into the ground, causing soil and groundwater pollution. This wood waste can be used as activated carbon (adsorbent) for leachate treatment. The research was divided into two stages, namely adsorbent production and leachate treatment. Production of activated carbon from bark (bark) was activated using a solution of NaOH and H2SO4 as an activator, with variations of bark (gr): activator (ml) = 20:100; 50:200; 70:300. The leachate adsorption process used activated carbon with a mass of 2.5 and 5 g for 30, 60 and 120 minutes. The lowest adsorbent water content was 0.87% activated using NaOH, and the lowest ash content 0.79% when activated with H2SO4. This is still in accordance with the SII standard No.0258-88. The best variation occurred when the addition of activated carbon which was activated using 5 grams of H2SO4 for 120 minutes caused ...

International Journal Of Research In Vocational Studies, Dec 27, 2022
Sanitation in Indonesia is defined as efforts to dispose of liquid waste and domestic waste to cr... more Sanitation in Indonesia is defined as efforts to dispose of liquid waste and domestic waste to create a clean and healthy living environment both at the household and settlement levels Domestic waste management needs to be considered in managing a settlement Domestic waste product, especially those containing human feces, contain dangerous pathogens. If it is released directly into water bodies without processing it will result in environmental pollution Technology and knowledge are needed to accelerate the implementation of development states that technology options are highly dependent on technical and non-technical aspects; environmental factors, cultural and behavioral factors, as well as capital and recurring cost factors To analyze the choice of technology, determined based on perception using the Process Hierarchy Analysis (AHP) method. the AHP method can be used in determining sanitation technology in specific areas in order to obtain the most suitable sanitation technology for use in specific areas. The selected sanitation technology is a recommendation that is acceptable to the local population. Based on this, in order to accelerate the implementation of development, it is necessary to determine the right choice of sanitation technology for slum settlements in Bangko City, Merangin Regency. The selection of sanitation technology in the most effective waste treatment technology in Bangko uses the AHP method, namely conducting sewage treatment by suctioning feces with 31% and good drainage by making grase traps as much as 28%.

International Journal of Business and Society
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence drivers for zakat payers to commit to ... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence drivers for zakat payers to commit to paying zakat through the official zakat institutions. To execute this study, the Stimulus Organism Response (SOR) theory was used as the basis of the investigation in which stimuli will invite attention or interest from the recipients and produce responses. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire that asked the respondents’ opin-ions on reputation, opportunism, trust, and commitment from a mass Islamic lecture. We employed the Partial Least Squares program named Warp-pls 5.0 to analyse the data. The result shows that the reputation of the zakat institution stimulates zakat payers to trust it and commit to paying zakat. Nevertheless, opportunism is not been proved statistically. The result shows that the zakat institution must maintain and improve its reputa-tion and look for other factors to stimulate zakat payers to pay zakat to the official institution for bigger zakat.
Enhancing Business Stability Through Collaboration, 2017

Proceedings of EEIC, 2019
The objective of conducting this research was to find out whether the use of FRESH technique can ... more The objective of conducting this research was to find out whether the use of FRESH technique can improve the students' writing ability. This experimental research involved one group pretest-posttest design. The participants of the study were first year students of a high school in Banda Aceh. One class was randomly selected from the year one students. To collect the data, the students were asked to take a written test, one before the experiment (pretest) and one after (posttest). The data analysis result showed that the students' mean score was 24.5 in the pretest and was 71.3 in the posttest. Moreover, the analysis of t-test showed that tscore > ttable or 20.95 > 1.72 at the level of significance 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 19 indicating significant increase in the posttest performance. The most improvement of writing aspect was in organization and content. For other aspects, such as grammar, vocabulary and mechanic were also improved, but not as much as those two aspects. It means that the use of FRESH technique can improve students' writing ability in descriptive text especially in organization and content aspects. In brief, the application of FRESH technique can be used to improve the students' writing ability, especially in writing a descriptive text.

Graduate employability becomes a severe issue globally; industry, university, and government blam... more Graduate employability becomes a severe issue globally; industry, university, and government blame each other for the matter getting worse. This study focus on new graduates opinion of important, urgency and their performance on employability skills required by the employer in order to be employed by industry. 1656 new graduates from Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak participated in this study. The questionnaire used to gather the information, meanwhile the employability skills variables, emphasis on four types of skill; they are basic skills, applied, interpersonal and 21st -century skills. The data analyzed by using SPSS and descriptive statistics, correlation, as well multiple regressions use to answer the research question. The finding indicated that new graduates believed that the 21st -century skills were the most important factor to predict employment opportunity while the basic skills were the least important. The correlation results suggest that the perceived importan...

Selangor is leading in the economy and contributes towards 23% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP... more Selangor is leading in the economy and contributes towards 23% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Malaysia. Does its social status equate to its economic status? This paper examined the element of Quality of Life (QoL), underpinning the twelve domains provided by the state across all of its town municipals. A total of 1500 questionnaires were distributed to Selangorians as the targeted respondents by using random and non-proportionate stratified samplings. SPSS and SmartPLS were utilised for descriptive and statistical analysis purposes. The findings revealed the domains of building (t-value=2.515), digital infrastructures (t-value=1.986), disaster management (t-value=2.127), food and agriculture (t-value= 2.917), safety and security (t-value=2.217), and transport and mobility (t-value=2.155) were significant towards QoL. In contrast, education (t-values=0.81), energy and utility (t-values=0.074), governance (t-values=1.833), healthcare (t-values=0.816), waste management (t-values=1.708), and water management (t-values=0.88) were found to be not significant towards the construct. These outcomes yield a tool for better governance.

International Journal of Community Well-Being, 2021
The concern on mental health issues keeps increasing among college students globally. College yea... more The concern on mental health issues keeps increasing among college students globally. College years are prone for students to experience mental disorders. Hence, the demand for mental health services on campus far exceeds the available resources. Colleges around the world are aware of the critical issue of mental health among their students. Some institutions have come up with emerging programs, new online resources, and innovative approaches to tackling the problems. This study, therefore, aims at identifying the resources to aid mental health problems made available by the universities in Malaysia. To identify available resources, we employed the systematic review using the PRISMA guidelines. The review includes reports as well as information available on the internet. A checklist is employed to filter the information gathered. Gathering information from the local universities, the study reviews websites and interviews the student affairs division for activities concerning mental health. The findings reveal available approaches to tackle the mental health problems among students and to what extent the universities take actions to help resolve the condition. Finally, this study recommends that universities take intensive initiatives to help students with mental health problems. They should move forward from increasing awareness toward conducting intervention programs.

The rates of mental illness amongst Malaysian youth have been noted to be quite high. Subsequentl... more The rates of mental illness amongst Malaysian youth have been noted to be quite high. Subsequently, majority were reported among school and university students. Thus, it causes urgency in deriving the solution in various platform. However, the number of cases is yet to be reduced with regard to many conventional counseling services. On the other hand, the government were urge to provide solution which is preferably in a form of preventive rather than cure. Techniques such as meeting counselors at schools is impractical due to sensitivity of problems faced by students. Thus, this paper takes a new look at preventing this problem from occur with the help of computer-based applications known as My Pocket Counselor. This mobile based application offers an assessment services which used for guidance purpose. Counselors from six universities were interviewed as part of requirement gathering. The traceability matrix was used to map the proposed system’s functionality with those user requir...
Zoning regulations for the use of small wind turbines vary from state to state and from one local... more Zoning regulations for the use of small wind turbines vary from state to state and from one local jurisdiction to the next. This paper examines the zoning experiences of small wind turbine owners, options for local actions, and examples of state and federal limited preemption of local zoning authority as a means of promoting the implementation of new technologies. 15. SUBJECT TERMS distributed wind systems; zoning laws regulations; small wind electric systems 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT

The demand for halal cosmetics products is rapidly increasing due to the high quality of the prod... more The demand for halal cosmetics products is rapidly increasing due to the high quality of the products. Hance, it is not surprising that halal cosmetics industry can be the next emerging sector for the Halal Industries in Malaysia . The halal cosmetic products in Malaysia are certified and control under JAKIM (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia) and follow the Malaysian Standard MS 2200:2008 requirement. According to the Standard MS2200: 2008, Halal Cosmetics products must be safe and not hazardous to be used by customers. It means the products should have high quality in the manufacturing process. Thus, the implementation of Quality Control method intended to improve the quality of the halal products has become a business strategy for organizations. Statistical Process Control (SPC) is known as a powerful technique which organizations can use in improving the quality of products or services and lead to the many benefit for companies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is...

Despite the heavy reliance on Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) among tourists’, and the increase number ... more Despite the heavy reliance on Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) among tourists’, and the increase number of hotspots available at tourist attractions, limited research is available that investigates the service quality of Wi-Fi. This study investigated the dimension of service quality (SERVQUAL), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, and their relationships with tourists’ satisfaction and tourism experience with Wi-Fi technology at tourists’ attractions. The results indicated that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and service quality significantly linked with tourists’ satisfaction. We also found a significant effect of service quality on tourist experience. Implications of these results suggest that the key attributes need to be investigated to better understand the tourist satisfaction on the service quality assessments. Hence, the destination managers should consider upgrading Wi-Fi services as well as maintaining quality WI-FI servi...

The Malaysian government started to introduce goods and service tax (GST) in April 2015 as an ini... more The Malaysian government started to introduce goods and service tax (GST) in April 2015 as an initiative to enhance capability, effectiveness, and transparency of tax management. However, would the taxpayers, particularly the working citizens, be satisfied with the implementation? Would they understand the GST legislation? And would the computation of GST be burdensome to them? This study attempts to answer the above research questions by looking at Malaysian working citizens' perspectives on the matter. The participants of the study were the employees who work in firms that process the GST transactions. We investigated the positive and negative reactions towards GST implementation among the working citizens. Importantly, we evaluated the influence of income on their perceptions. To analyze the data, MANOVA was employed to compare the employees based on their income level. The results presented that the low-income group was significantly different from the higher-income groups r...

Selangor is leading the other thirteen states in Malaysia in the economy, making it one of the mo... more Selangor is leading the other thirteen states in Malaysia in the economy, making it one of the most preferred places to stay for its economic flourish, employment prospect, great infrastructure, and excellent facilities. Selangor is ranked the highest by contributing 23% of its National Gross National Product to Malaysia. Nevertheless, for social indicators, Selangor ranked fourth in the country. Social development was not at par with the fast-growing economy and the extensive physical developments that take place. Thus, the objective of this paper is to identify the critical dimensions of Selangorians’ well-being. We adapted a questionnaire from a Gallup survey and distributed it about 1500 questionnaires to people in Selangor using random Indian Journal of Finance and Banking Vol. 4, No. 3; 2020 40 and non-proportionate stratified sampling in twelve (12) municipalities of the state. We employed SPSS 22.0 for descriptive results and Sma...

Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2020
Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is to determine the role of education in shaping ... more Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is to determine the role of education in shaping the well-being of the people in Selangor, Malaysia. Specifically, we traced the linkages between education and three well-being attributes: economic, health, and emotion. Methodology: To collect the data, this study distributed a survey questionnaire to 1304 people in 12 municipalities of Selangor, Malaysia. The questionnaire recorded information about the people’s agreement on a variety of statements related to well-being and education. Besides, demographic information was also collected for demographic profile analysis. To analyze the data, we utilized the SmartPLS3 to test the SEM-PLS model. Main Findings: The SEM-PLS results revealed education significantly linked with emotions. The main aspect of education responsible for shaping emotion is access to good education providers in their area. We traced the number of books at home that were positively associated with their emotions. To ...

Studies in English Language and Education, 2019
Technology adoption in classrooms has impacted the way educational practitioners conduct assessme... more Technology adoption in classrooms has impacted the way educational practitioners conduct assessments. Online quizzes are preferred compared to paper-pencil based tests. However, very few information that explains the contribution of online assessment towards holistic attainment of students in English. The present study aimed at examining the effects of online assessments on students’ performance. This research employed a quasi-experimental study to evaluate the role of interactive online assessments toward students’ performance in English. Eighty-six undergraduate students in TESL participated in this study; 53 were randomly assigned to the online group while 33 were assigned to the control group. The research computed t-tests to compare the performance of both groups on five different assessments. The results revealed that the online assessment group performed better on four assessments tested—listening and reading skills. The control group performed significantly higher on the ass...
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2019
The purpose of this study is to look at the literature review on Blended Learning. In accordance ... more The purpose of this study is to look at the literature review on Blended Learning. In accordance with the development of learning technology, pedagogy is also growing. Many countries through higher education and schools have implemented this Blended Learning pedagogy. Blended Learning is a combination of two teaching pedagogies which are traditional face to face and E-Learning. This paper also provides the breakdown of both modes of study to determine whether the learning is under Blended Learning or not. This study also states the Blended Learning characteristics to be observed by researchers. The main characteristics are listed as a guideline to practitioners in order to implement Blended Learning in educational practices.

International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2019
Employability skills may implicate and reflect the employment opportunity especially among the ne... more Employability skills may implicate and reflect the employment opportunity especially among the new graduates. This study aims to compare the performance of employability skills among new business graduates in Malaysia base on stakeholder perceptions; they are the employer, academician and new graduate. Besides, is to identify if there is any significant difference between their opinions. Three sets of questionnaires were established to evaluate employability skills; they are basic, applied, interpersonal and 21st-century skills. The result revealed that stakeholders rated the performance of new graduate high and interpersonal skill is the most performed. The result also revealed that they speak in a different language in which specific skills is the most important than the others. Accordingly, recommendations and limitations highlighted in this study. Contribution/ Originality: This study contributes to the existing literature that provides practical evidence on the role of employers, academicians, and graduates in the employment opportunity. Besides, to offer the stakeholders some clear picture on current employability skills gap that links directly to the performance and sustainability of organization and country as the whole.
Advanced Science Letters, 2017
Papers by Astri Yulia, S.ST, M.T