Papers by armando hernandez
Latin American Antiquity, 2003
Page 1. SAK TZ'I', A CLASSIC MAYA CENTER: A LOCATIONAL MODEL BASED ON GIS AND EPIGRAPHY... more Page 1. SAK TZ'I', A CLASSIC MAYA CENTER: A LOCATIONAL MODEL BASED ON GIS AND EPIGRAPHY Armando Anaya Hernandez, Stanley P. Guenter, and Marc U. Zender The ancient Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions of ...
Ancient Mesoamerica, 2009

Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English), Jan 17, 2015
As one of its goals, synthetic biology seeks to increase the number of building blocks in nucleic... more As one of its goals, synthetic biology seeks to increase the number of building blocks in nucleic acids. While efforts towards this goal are well advanced for DNA, they have hardly begun for RNA. Herein, we present a crystal structure for an RNA riboswitch where a stem C:G pair has been replaced by a pair between two components of an artificially expanded genetic-information system (AEGIS), Z and P, (6-amino-5-nitro-2(1H)-pyridone and 2-amino-imidazo[1,2-a]-1,3,5-triazin-4-(8H)-one). The structure shows that the Z:P pair does not greatly change the conformation of the RNA molecule nor the details of its interaction with a hypoxanthine ligand. This was confirmed in solution by in-line probing, which also measured a 3.7 nM affinity of the riboswitch for guanine. These data show that the Z:P pair mimics the natural Watson-Crick geometry in RNA in the first example of a crystal structure of an RNA molecule that contains an orthogonal added nucleobase pair.
El tratamiento y el reuso del agua juegan un papel fundamental en la administración y manejo de e... more El tratamiento y el reuso del agua juegan un papel fundamental en la administración y manejo de este recurso en todos los países, especialmente en aquellos que presentan problemas de escasez. En los países industrializados se han desarrollado muchos proyectos e investigaciones para el reuso del agua con los beneficios adicionales de protección del ambiente y prevención de riesgos a la salud. En los países en desarrollo también es necesario cubrir estos aspectos, sólo que se requiere utilizar tecnologías de menor costo. La evolución del tratamiento y reuso data de tiempos remotos y se puede clasificar en tres grandes épocas (Asano, 1995b):

Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2005
The Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG)-induced/purified protein derivative (PPD)-elicited tuberculin ... more The Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG)-induced/purified protein derivative (PPD)-elicited tuberculin skin test is a reliable measure of cell-mediated immune response (CMIR), specifically delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH); however, its use in livestock may confound diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Therefore, various alternative antigen/adjuvant combinations were evaluated as inducers of DTH that were compared to the BCG/PPD test system with the purpose of finding a skin DTH protocol that does not cross-react with the tuberculin test and allows identification of high and low CMIR responder phenotypes. Specifically, 30 non-lactating cows (five/treatment) were sensitized on day 0 with mycobacteria [BCG, M. tuberculosis or Mycobacterium phlei cell wall extract (MCWE)], and ovalbumin (OVA) emulsified in Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA), non-ulcerative Freund's adjuvant (NUFA), complete NUFA or MCWE. On day 21, cows were injected intradermally with various test antigens including PPD tuberculin, phlein, and OVA. Phosphate buffered saline was included as the negative control and the T-cell mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was also administered. Double skin-fold thickness was evaluated before and at 6, 24, and 48 h post-injection. Skin biopsies were taken at 24 and 48 h to assess oedema, necrosis, and inflammatory cell infiltration. BCG/PPD and M. phlei/phlein treatments when given with a Freund's adjuvant induced equivalent DTH with peak reactions at 24-48 h after antigen injection. Cows receiving NUFA had fewer injection site granulomas than FCA or CNUFA treatments. The change in skin thickness response to PHA peaked at 6 h. Only cows receiving mycobacteria in NUFA had skin response to OVA, which peaked 6-24 h post-injection. Only sites tested with PPD or phlein had significantly higher lymphocyte infiltration than control, whereas neutrophils were significantly higher at PHA test sites and eosinophils predominated at the PHA test sites. Macrophages were significantly more numerous at the PPD and/or phlein test sites in treatment groups that received killed mycobacteria in a Freund's adjuvant and/or with BCG, and at the PHA test sites in all treatment groups. It was concluded that the M. phlei/phlein system did induce DTH and was similar to the DTH induced by the BCG/PPD system when MCWE was administered with a Freund's adjuvant. Therefore, this protocol is suitable for detecting high/low CMIR responders in research herds. However, cross-reaction to PPD was evident following induction of DTH using M. phlei. Hence, this protocol does not alleviate the problem of artificial induction of DTH cross-reactivity and would not be suitable for commercial herds where tuberculin testing is required.

Journal of Neuroscience, 2010
We examined neural spike recordings from prefrontal cortex (PFC) while monkeys performed a delaye... more We examined neural spike recordings from prefrontal cortex (PFC) while monkeys performed a delayed somatosensory discrimination task. In general, PFC neurons displayed great heterogeneity in response to the task. That is, though individual cells spiked reliably in response to task variables from trial-to-trial, each cell had idiosyncratic combinations of response properties. Despite the great variety in response types, some general patterns held. We used linear regression analysis on the spike data to both display the full heterogeneity of the data and classify cells into categories. We compared different categories of cells and found little difference in their ability to carry information about task variables or their correlation to behavior. This suggests a distributed neural code for the task rather than a highly modularized one. Along this line, we compared the predictions of two theoretical models to the data. We found that cell types predicted by both models were not represented significantly in the population. Our study points to a different class of models that should embrace the inherent heterogeneity of the data, but should also account for the non-random features of the population.
Tetrahedron Letters, 2004
Lithium amides promote the amination of 2-fluoropyridine under mild reaction conditions, providin... more Lithium amides promote the amination of 2-fluoropyridine under mild reaction conditions, providing 2-aminopyridines in good yields and purity. Treatment of 2-fluoropyridine with 1 equiv of lithium amide at room temperature affords complete conversion after 2 h. To our knowledge, this is the first study of lithium amide-promoted amination of fluoropyridines that are not further activated by electron-withdrawing groups.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011
The neuronal correlate of perceptual decision making has been extensively studied in the monkey s... more The neuronal correlate of perceptual decision making has been extensively studied in the monkey somatosensory system by using a vibrotactile discrimination task, showing that stimulus encoding, retention, and comparison are widely distributed across cortical areas. However, from a network perspective, it is not known what role oscillations play in this task. We recorded local field potentials (LFPs) from diverse cortical areas of the sensorimotor system while one monkey performed the vibrotactile discrimination task. Exclusively during stimulus presentation, a periodic response reflecting the stimulus frequency was observed in the somatosensory regions, suggesting that after initial processing, the frequency content of the stimulus is coded in some other way than entrainment. Interestingly, we found that oscillatory activity in the beta band reflected the dynamics of decision making in the monkey sensorimotor network. During the comparison and decision period, beta activity showed a categorical response that reflected the decision of the monkey and distinguished correct from incorrect responses. Importantly, this differential activity was absent in a control condition that involved the same stimulation and response but no decision making required, suggesting it does not merely reflect the maintenance of a motor plan. We conclude that beta band oscillations reflect the temporal and spatial dynamics of the accumulation and processing of evidence in the sensorimotor network leading to the decision outcome.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009
Monkeys have the capacity to accurately discriminate the difference between two acoustic flutter ... more Monkeys have the capacity to accurately discriminate the difference between two acoustic flutter stimuli. In this task, monkeys must compare information about the second stimulus to the memory trace of the first stimulus, and must postpone the decision report until a sensory cue triggers the beginning of the decision motor report. The neuronal processes associated with the different components of this task have been investigated in the primary auditory cortex (A1); but, A1 seems exclusively associated with the sensory and not with the working memory and decision components of this task. Here, we show that ventral premotor cortex (VPC) neurons reflect in their activities the current and remembered acoustic stimulus, their comparison, and the result of the animal's decision report. These results provide evidence that the neural dynamics of VPC is involved in the processing steps that link sensation and decision-making during auditory discrimination.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1967
Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maint... more Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without your express consent. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. ... Skip Navigation Links Home > October ...

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2002
In a typical sequential sensory discrimination task, subjects are required to make a decision bas... more In a typical sequential sensory discrimination task, subjects are required to make a decision based on comparing a sensory stimulus against the memory trace left by a previous stimulus. What is the neuronal substrate for such comparisons and the resulting decisions? This question was studied by recording neuronal responses in a variety of cortical areas of awake monkeys (Macaca mulatta), trained to carry out a vibrotactile sequential discrimination task. We describe methods to analyse responses obtained during the comparison and decision phases of the task, and describe the resulting findings from recordings in secondary somatosensory cortical area (S2). A subset of neurons in S2 become highly correlated with the monkey's decision in the task.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2002
Organic Letters, 2011
The synthesis and properties of a full set of four benzo-expanded ribonucleosides (xRNA), analogo... more The synthesis and properties of a full set of four benzo-expanded ribonucleosides (xRNA), analogous to A, G, C, and U RNA monomers, are described. The nucleosides are efficient fluorophores with emission maxima of 369-411 nm. The compounds are expected to be useful as RNA pathway probes, and as components of an unnatural ribopolymer.
Nature Chemistry, 2013
ABSTRACT Non-enzymatic copying of an RNA template is appealing as a transition from pre-life to a... more ABSTRACT Non-enzymatic copying of an RNA template is appealing as a transition from pre-life to an RNA world, but it has been difficult to demonstrate in the laboratory. Now, two separate studies focusing on RNA's backbone connectivity offer partial solutions to some of the problems raised with this hypothesis for the origin of life.

Genetics Selection Evolution, 2003
An immune response (IR) index to identify cows with high (H) and low (L) antibodymediated immune ... more An immune response (IR) index to identify cows with high (H) and low (L) antibodymediated immune responses (AMIR) had been previously devised. High AMIR associated with decreased mastitis and improved response to vaccination. Measurement of cell-mediated immune response (CMIR) was not included in the index; therefore various antigen/adjuvant combinations were evaluated as inducers of DTH to be added to the IR-index. The Bacillus Calmette Guérin (BCG)-induced/purified protein derivative (PPD)-elicited tuberculin skin test is a reliable measure of DTH; however, its use to identify livestock with high CMIR may be confounded due to previous exposure to Mycobacteria tuberculosis. DTH to BCG/PPD was therefore compared with that induced by Mycobacteria phlei (saprophyte) and its derivative phlein as the test antigen. Antibody to OVA was also evaluated. The results indicated that BCG/PPD and M. phlei/phlein induced similar DTH, but cross reaction to PPD was evident following induction of DTH using M. phlei making it a less than ideal alternative for testing livestock. Nonetheless, cows could be ranked for both AMIR and CMIR. RNA from two cows with the highest and lowest IR ranks was then used to probe a human 1.7 kD microarray to determine the ability of a human array to provide information on bovine genes associated with H and L. dairy cows / antibody response / delayed-type hypersensitivity / selection / microarray

Diabetologia, 2005
This study was carried out to determine the impact of American Diabetes Association (ADA) 2000 cr... more This study was carried out to determine the impact of American Diabetes Association (ADA) 2000 criteria for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in the Spanish population. Pregnant women were assigned to one of four categories: negative screenees, false-positive screenees, ADA-only-GDM (untreated) and GDM according to National Diabetes Data Group (NDDG) criteria (treated). Fetal macrosomia and Caesarean section were defined as primary outcomes, with seven additional secondary outcomes. Of 9,270 pregnant women screened for GDM, 819 (8.8%) met NDDG criteria. If the threshold for defining GDM had been lowered to ADA criteria, an additional 2.8% of women would have been defined as having the condition (relative increase of 31.8%). Maternal characteristics of women with ADA-only-GDM were between those of false-positive screenees and women with NDDG-GDM. The risk of diabetes-associated complications was slightly elevated in the individuals who would have been classified as abnormal only after the adoption of ADA criteria. In addition, the ADA-only-GDM contribution to morbidity was lower than that of other variables, especially BMI. Use of the ADA criteria to identify GDM would result in a 31.8% increase in prevalence compared with NDDG criteria. However, as the contribution of these additionally diagnosed cases to adverse GDM outcomes is not substantial, a change in diagnostic criteria is not warranted in our setting.

Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2012
We describe the synthesis and properties of new fluorescence quenchers containing aldehyde, hydra... more We describe the synthesis and properties of new fluorescence quenchers containing aldehyde, hydrazine, and aminooxy groups, allowing convenient bioconjugation as oximes or hydrazones. Conjugation to oligonucleotides proceeded in high yield with aniline as catalyst. Kinetics studies of conjugation show that, under optimal conditions, a hydrazine or aminooxy quencher can react with aldehyde-modified DNA to form a stable hydrazone or oxime adduct in as little as five minutes. The resulting quencher-containing DNAs were assessed for their ability to quench the emission of fluorescein in labeled complements and compared to the commercially available dabcyl and Black Hole Quencher 2 (BHQ2), which were conjugated as phosphoramidites. Results show that the new quenchers possess slightly different absorbance properties compared to dabcyl and are as efficient as the commercial quenchers in quenching fluorescein emission. Hydrazone-based quenchers were further successfully incorporated into molecular beacons and shown to give high signal to background ratios in single nucleotide polymorphism detection in vitro. Finally, aminooxy and hydrazine quenchers were applied to quenching of an aldehyde-containing fluorophore associated with living cells, demonstrating cellular quenching within one hour.
... Armando Rivas Hernandez* Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua. Biólogo con especialidad ... more ... Armando Rivas Hernandez* Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua. Biólogo con especialidad en control biológico de aguas contaminadas y maestría en Ingeniería Ambiental. ... México CP 62550 Tel - Fax 52(777)329-3622 e-mail: [email protected] ...
Water science & …, 2005
... L. Cardoso Vigueros*, V. Escalante Estrada*, A. Gómez Navarrete*, A. Rivas Hernández* and E. ... more ... L. Cardoso Vigueros*, V. Escalante Estrada*, A. Gómez Navarrete*, A. Rivas Hernández* and E. Díaz Tapia** * Mexican Institute of Water Technology, Paseo Cuauhnahuac 8532, Col. Progreso, Jiutepec, Morelos, México, CP 62500 (E-mail: [email protected] ...
Papers by armando hernandez