Papers by aprielia winata

El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 2022
This study describes the price, facilities, and service quality provided by the London Beauty Cen... more This study describes the price, facilities, and service quality provided by the London Beauty Center Beauty Clinic to its customers so that customer satisfaction arises and causes customers to become loyal to the products provided by the beauty clinic. This research activity aims to determine the effect of price, facilities, and service quality on customer loyalty through the intervention variable, namely customer satisfaction. The number of samples is 100 respondents. The data analysis technique used is path analysis with the help of the SPSS 25.0 program. Sobel test results show that there is an influence between brand image on customer loyalty with buyer satisfaction which is the intervening variable, price on customer loyalty which is the intervening variable, and the quality of customer satisfaction through buyer satisfaction which is the intervening variable. That's because the value of t count exceeds t table. Keywords: Price, Facilities, Service Quality, Customer Satisfa...
Pengembangan industrialisasi kopi di Indonesia sangat prospektif untuk dilakukan baik untuk kopi ... more Pengembangan industrialisasi kopi di Indonesia sangat prospektif untuk dilakukan baik untuk kopi arabika maupun kopi robusta. Disamping pasar domestik. potensi pasar internasional masih sangat terbuka. karena permintaan kopi dunia terus menunjukkan trend meningkat. Kopi spesialti asal Indonesia mempunyai kekuatan "brand image" yang sangat tinggi sehingga mampu memberikan nilai ekonomi yang sangat tinggi. Sebagai negara produsen kopi ke tiga terbesar dunia setelah Brasil dan Vietnam. kopi Indonesia masih dihadapkan pada banyak masalah. baik untuk bahan baku. produksi. pemasaran dan infrastruktur. Pengembangan industrialisasi kopi Indonesia dapat dilakukan melalui peningkatan produktivitas tanaman dan mutu produk. peningkatan ekspor dan nilai tambah. pemberdayaan petani kopi serta perbaikan infrastruktur pada agribisnis kopi.
Papers by aprielia winata