Papers by apip miptahudin

JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, Dec 31, 2022
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a collection of sensors communicating at close range by forming ... more Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a collection of sensors communicating at close range by forming a wireless-based network (wireless). Since 2015 research related to the use of WSN in various health, agriculture, security industry, and other fields has continued to grow. One interesting research case is the use of WSN for the monitoring process by collecting data using sensors placed and distributed in locations based on a wireless system. Sensors with low power, multifunction, supported by a combination of wireless network, microcontroller, memory, operating system, radio communication, and energy source in the form of an integrated battery enable a monitoring process of the monitoring area to run properly. The implementation of the wireless sensor network includes five main parts, namely sender, receiver, wireless transmission media, data/information, network architecture/configuration, and network management. Network management itself includes network configuration management, network performance management, network failure management, network security management, and network financing management. The main obstacles in implementing a wireless sensor network include three things: an effective and efficient data sending/receiving process, limited and easily depleted sensor energy/power, network security, and data security that is vulnerable to eavesdropping and destruction. This paper presents a taxonomy related to the constraints in implementing Wireless Sensor Networks. This paper also presents solutions from existing studies related to the constraints of implementing the WSN. Furthermore, from the results of the taxonomy mapping of these constraints, new gaps were identified related to developing existing research to produce better solutions.
Kiblat adalah kata Arab yang merujuk arah yang dituju saat seorang Muslim mendirikan salat. Dalam... more Kiblat adalah kata Arab yang merujuk arah yang dituju saat seorang Muslim mendirikan salat. Dalam penelitian ini, kami membuat sebuah kontruksi arah kiblat berbasis kompas digital dan mikroprosesor arduino. Metode trigonometri segitiga bola digunakan untuk mengetahui arah kiblat dengan mendapatkan garis lintas dan garis bujur. Sedangkan arah kiblat diperoleh dengan bantuan kompas digital. Pengujian alat ini dilakukan di masjid Gedhe Kauman Yogyakarta. Hasillnya menunjukkan bahwa arah kiblat terletak pada 294.7148437 o dengan koreksi-0.35 o .
Kiblat adalah kata Arab yang merujuk arah yang dituju saat seorang Muslim mendirikan salat. Dalam... more Kiblat adalah kata Arab yang merujuk arah yang dituju saat seorang Muslim mendirikan salat. Dalam penelitian ini, kami membuat sebuah kontruksi arah kiblat berbasis kompas digital dan mikroprosesor arduino. Metode trigonometri segitiga bola digunakan untuk mengetahui arah kiblat dengan mendapatkan garis lintas dan garis bujur. Sedangkan arah kiblat diperoleh dengan bantuan kompas digital. Pengujian alat ini dilakukan di masjid Gedhe Kauman Yogyakarta. Hasillnya menunjukkan bahwa arah kiblat terletak pada 294.7148437o dengan koreksi -0.35o.
International Journal of Quantitative Research and Modeling, 2021
In this paper, the Sprott jerk system based quadratic function is presented. The dynamics of this... more In this paper, the Sprott jerk system based quadratic function is presented. The dynamics of this system is revealed through equilibrium analysis, phase portrait, bifurcation diagram and Lyapunov exponents. The Sprott system can exhibit a chaotic attractor, which has complex dynamic behavior. Finally, the circuit implementation is carried out to verify the Sprott Jerk system. The comparison between the MATLAB and MultiSIM simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the Sprott system.

BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Society must be able to follow the rhythm of the times when the era of modernization is developed... more Society must be able to follow the rhythm of the times when the era of modernization is developed rapidly, especially in terms of information technology so that people must have sufficient knowledge and insight to co-exist with the era of the all-electronic as status quo. In this case, e-commerce becomes one of the easiest alternatives to support someone in entrepreneurship. Through the E-Commerce Management Training at the Al-hikmah Mangunreja boarding school foundation in Tasikmalaya Regency, which has been organized by the Muhammadiyah University of Tasikmalaya, it can provide knowledge and skills for the people sheltered by the Al-Hikmah Foundation, specifically the use of e-commerce to be able to compete in global business. The training participants from the Al-Hikmah Foundation were very enthusiastic in participating in these activities and had high expectations of participants so that service activities such as e-commerce training could be carried out on an ongoing basis and ...
2012 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE/PEMC), 2012
ABSTRACT Industrial Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) used for supervising of high power transformer ... more ABSTRACT Industrial Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) used for supervising of high power transformer cooling system is presented in the paper. Due to the fact that in the thermal power plant where industrial prototype is installed is very noisy environment, a lot of problems should be solved in order to obtain high reliability and accuracy of the system. Results of the analysis presented in paper are obtained from the real thermal power plant where WSN system control cooling systems of 100MVA and 210MVA generator power transformers.

Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem & Industri (JRSI), Sep 23, 2017
Pemerintah menjanjikan akan segera menyediakan aturan terkait penyediaan layanan 4G LTE (Long Ter... more Pemerintah menjanjikan akan segera menyediakan aturan terkait penyediaan layanan 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) di frekuensi 1800 Mhz. Sebelum aturan terkait tersebut dibuat, ada salah satu proses yang harus dilakukan, yaitu penataan alokasi frekuensi yang ditempati operator-operator telekomunikasi di frekuensi 1800 Mhz. Penataan ulang ini dilakukan agar operator bisa menempati blok pita frekuensi secara berurutan untuk dapat mengoptimalkan spektrum yang mereka miliki saat ini. Metode penataan ulang yang berkembang terpecah menjadi dua, yaitu direct dan indirect. Direct adalah skenario pemindahan kanal bertahap per wilayah dengan cara menggeser frekuensi serempak. Sementara indirect adalah pemindahan kanal bertahap per wilayah dengan cara menggeser frekuensi tetapi disediakan kanal kosong untuk transisi. Lebar pita di frekuensi 1800 Mhz secara keseluruhan adalah 75 MHz. XL memiliki 22,5 Mhz dalam 2 blok terpisah terpisah, Telkomsel memiliki total 22,5 MHz dengan 3 blok frekuensi yang terpisah, Indosat memiliki total 20 MHz dengan 2 blok frekuensi yang terpisah, dan Tri memiliki total 10 Mhz yang sudah bergabung. Proses realokasi ini perlu mekanisme perencanaan dan aturan yang jelas agar tidak menimbulkan terganggunya penyelenggaraan layanan telekomunikasi oleh operator terhadap pengguna dan menimbulkan resiko-resiko lainnya.
Papers by apip miptahudin