Papers by antonio Herbert sena moreira

Journal of Risk and Financial Management
This research examines the capital budgeting practices used by small and medium-sized firms (SMEs... more This research examines the capital budgeting practices used by small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) in two Portuguese industries, footwear and metalworking, aiming at answering the following research questions: How much knowledge do managers have about capital budgeting practices? What are the most used practices? How much importance do they attribute to applying them? The research was conducted through an online survey with a response rate of 14.9%. The results document that most companies in both industries are familiar with capital budgeting practices, despite differences between the two. The footwear industry recognizes the importance of these indicators but makes little use of them, and many companies prefer using payback period (PBP). The metalworking industry, on the other hand, makes greater use of capital budgeting practices, with net present value being the favored indicator and PBP being used as supplementary. This study contributes to the capital budgeting literature in t...

Management Review Quarterly
The telecommunications industry is particularly competitive and characterized by very high churn ... more The telecommunications industry is particularly competitive and characterized by very high churn rates. The literature on the topic is vast, but studies on the determinants of churn behavior are dispersed, failing to provide a comprehensive view of the state of the art. Based on this research gap, this article aims to contribute to developing the literature on customer churn in the telecommunications sector by summarizing the current state of research, and identifying the main determinants of churn and switching intentions. It provides a systematic literature review (SLR) of 37 articles on the topic published between 1999 and 2022. The results reveal the existence of two research streams. The first, in which the studies are based on surveys examining the alleged intentions of subscribers to change operators, with criteria such as satisfaction and attitudes as predictors, and the second, dealing with subscribers’ actual switching behavior and relating this to behaviors and characteri...

The growing demand for conventional internal combustion engine vehicles can aggravate the current... more The growing demand for conventional internal combustion engine vehicles can aggravate the current energy and environmental crisis by presenting a higher dependence on fossil fuels and a higher level of greenhouse gases. The transition to electric mobility is a sustainable solution to mitigate the negative impact on the environment and energy security. In recent years, global sales of electric vehicles (EVs) have grown steadily; however, their worldwide market share is still less than 10%. The present study aims to improve and strengthen the knowledge base on consumer behavior toward EV purchases by investigating the antecedents of EV purchase intention, as well as their impact. This paper is based on a systematic literature review where 63 articles published between 1994 and 2021 were analyzed. The antecedents were classified into three main categories: consumer characteristics, EV characteristics, and EV-related policies. A summary model represents the impact information of each of...

Education Sciences
Entrepreneurial universities are a significant element of entrepreneurial ecosystems and aspire t... more Entrepreneurial universities are a significant element of entrepreneurial ecosystems and aspire to foster entrepreneurial initiative through their “third mission”. However, while entrepreneurial ecosystems are scrutinized using a contextual approach to detect differences and similarities and how they affect entrepreneurship, little is known about how entrepreneurial universities impact entrepreneurial initiatives in general, considering multiple environments. Drawing on entrepreneurial university and entrepreneurial ecosystem theories, a conceptual framework is proposed that aims to explain the effect of the entrepreneurial university on an entrepreneurial initiative through its three “missions”, using an entrepreneurial ecosystem taxonomy. Based on individual data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, this entrepreneurial initiative analyzed 18 European countries in 2017. The results do not generally support the importance of entrepreneurial universities to entrepreneurial init...

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
Open innovation (OI) has been implemented to develop competitive advantages based on the manageme... more Open innovation (OI) has been implemented to develop competitive advantages based on the management of innovation with external players. As such, it is expected that the generalized adoption of OI practices needs to be nurtured by governmental public policies in order to enhance OI-based ecosystems. The role of open innovation ecosystems is known by the importance of multiple synergies among players/stakeholders, which are expected to be supported by regulations and funding to consolidate firms’ innovation results. This paper analyzes the role of regulations and funding on firms’ innovation performance using the double-hurdle estimation procedure. The results show that, in the first tier, inbound knowledge flows positively affect performance, and, in the second tier, public funds further reinforce innovation performance and fiscal and security regulations. In contrast, as regulations are perceived as barriers, they fail to impact innovation performance. With this paper, we manage to...

Triple Helix
Since the emergence of the Triple Helix, expansions to Quadruple, Quintuple, N-tuple helices, and... more Since the emergence of the Triple Helix, expansions to Quadruple, Quintuple, N-tuple helices, and models decomposing higher-order helices into multiple interrelated triple helices, or two-layer triple helices have been proposed. Albeit presenting alternative conceptual frameworks these different Helix models seem unsuited to address internal boundaries to the institutional spheres of the university, industry, and government. Addressing this circumstance, the present article pursues the research purpose of conceptualizing a perspective that opens the possibility of analysis to occur between but also within the boundaries of the institutional spheres. To that effect it advocates the application of different reference frames (scopes) to capture the dynamics that empirically emerge from the system under research. The novelty of this study is that it expands the existing theory by proposing that adding “scopes” (instead of introducing new helices) can increase the analytical potential of...
Although innovation capabilities are important drivers of export performance, few studies address... more Although innovation capabilities are important drivers of export performance, few studies address how they influence export performance in the context of emerging economies. This paper evaluates the moderating effects of government institutional support and firms’ active and reactive internationalization behaviors on the relationship between innovation capabilities and export performance. The sample analyzed is based on 250 Mozambican small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The results indicate that although innovation capabilities positively influence the export performance of Mozambican SMEs, the moderating effects of government institutional support and firms’ active and reactive internationalization behaviors were not found to be statistically significant.

A informação é uma vantagem competitiva passível de ser explorada a nível empresarial e é assumid... more A informação é uma vantagem competitiva passível de ser explorada a nível empresarial e é assumida como inestimável na abordagem dos recursos da estratégia empresarial. Esta qualidade da informação encerra em si mesma um dilema: ao afirmar-se que é "inestimável", está-se a concluir que a informação "não é quantificável", isto é, está para além das capacidades de qualquer sistema de quantificação como é o contabilístico.O objectivo do presente artigo é lançar o repto de procurar novas formas de medição de realidades a priori intangíveis, como é o caso da informação, mas que, não obstante, têm um valor indiscutível.Na primeira parte do artigo descrevem-se as vantagens competitivas não materiais.Seguidamente, aborda-se a contabilidade enquanto sistema de informação aplicável a realidades mensuráveis e limitado por esse facto. Aqui, a perspectiva da intangibilidade da informação é confrontada com a dificuldade da sua avaliação pela contabilidade tradicional e várias ...

This chapter aims, on the one hand, to characterise the profile of Cape Verde entrepreneurs and t... more This chapter aims, on the one hand, to characterise the profile of Cape Verde entrepreneurs and their business firms and, on the other hand, to address the policy implications for entrepreneurship in developing, catch-up countries. The study was carried out in Praia City, Cape Verde, where 70 business firms were analysed. The Cape Verde entrepreneurs are typically males who are inexperienced, unsatisfied with their former employers, understaffed, underbudgeted and looking for their financial. In order to catch up, entrepreneurial policies should take into account the country's stage of development and focus on the development of Entrepreneurial Support Organisations (ESOs) to foster networking and mentor the incubation of new firms. The findings of this first exploratory study about Cape Verde entrepreneurs hopes to help in the development of an entrepreneurial infrastructure in Cape Verde.

Nucleus, 2015
Objetivou-se com este trabalho, estimar o plastocrono na cultura do Crambe em duas épocas de seme... more Objetivou-se com este trabalho, estimar o plastocrono na cultura do Crambe em duas épocas de semeadura no município de Capitão Poço no estado do Pará. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental do Campus de Capitão Poço da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, PA, onde foi realizada a semeadura em Setembro de 2013 e Janeiro de 2014 e utilizou-se a cultivar de crambe "FMS Brilhante". A fim de determinar o plastocrono nos diferentes subperíodos, foram gerados, para as duas épocas, modelos de regressão considerando os seguintes subperíodos: emergência até o início do florescimento (EM-FL), emergência até o início da frutificação (EM-FRUT), emergência até a senescência (EM-SEN). Para cada época de cultivo, foi gerado uma regressão linear entre o número de nós acumulados (NN) na planta e a soma térmica acumulada (STa) a partir da emergência. O plastocrono (°C dia nó-1) foi considerado como sendo o inverso do coeficiente angular da regressão linear entre NN e STa. Diferentes épocas de semeaduras e subperíodos de desenvolvimento da cultura apresentaram valores diferentes sobre o plastocrono em Crambe. Considerando as datas de cultivo estudadas o plastocrono é em média 90,3; 105,5 e 135,2 ºC dia nó-1 para os períodos compreendidos da emergência ao florescimento, emergência a frutificação e emergência a senescência respectivamente. Palavras-chave: Brassicaceae. Crambe abyssinica Hochst. Fenologia. Graus-dia. Soma térmica acumulada. SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to estimate the plastochron in the culture of Crambe in two sowing dates in the municipality of Captain Well in the state of Pará The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the Capitão Poço, Campus Federal Rural University of Amazonia, PA, where the seeding was done in September 2013 and January 2014 and used to grow crambe FMS Brilliant '. In order to determine the plastochron in different stages, were generated for the two periods, regression models considering the following sub-periods: emergence to early flowering (EM-FL), emergence to early fruiting (EM-FRUT) emergence until senescence (EM-SEN). For each growing season, was generated a linear regression between the accumulated number of nodes (NN) in the plant and the accumulated thermal time (TT) from the emergency. The plastochron (° C day node-1) was considered as the inverse of the slope of the linear regression between NN and TT. Different sowing dates and crop developmental phases showed different values on the plastochron in Crambe. Considering the cultivation dates studied the plastochron is on average 90,3; 105,5 and 135,2 ° C day node-1 for the periods from emergence to flowering, fruiting and emergency senescence respectively.

In the electricity spot market the various competitive levels, as well as their subsequent change... more In the electricity spot market the various competitive levels, as well as their subsequent changes in the market equilibrium, are justified by the simultaneous quantity game between electricity generators. It is expected that the dominant market players employ differentiated strategic behaviours, thus, permitting the quantification of such differentiated effects on the use of market power. The various competitive levels, as well as their subsequent changes in the market equilibrium, are justified by the simultaneous quantity game. The results show that the quantities purchased in the spot market for sale in open market influence prices, i.e., when there is an imbalance in the estimated long-term relationship, prices themselves move in order to recover the state of equilibrium, which reveals that, in the long-term, the OMEL Price is weakly exogenous to the cointegration vector, whereas quantities purchased for sale in open market move towards the reestablishment of the long-term equilibrium.

Customer-Centric Knowledge Management, 2012
Knowledge management, understood as a means of value creation for stakeholders, has become one of... more Knowledge management, understood as a means of value creation for stakeholders, has become one of the main concerns of the "New Economy," and therefore, is receiving a great deal of interest from academics as well as the business world. Formerly restricted to private companies, the concern for knowledge management is now studied in public institutions in order to understand the influence of customers' demands. As public services are part of a complex network in which citizens are the main players, public authorities are increasingly trying to identify and deploy programs that promote the modernization and simplification of Portuguese public services. Knowledge management activities play an important role in these programs; therefore, this study seeks to understand how collaborative knowledge practices are implemented in Portuguese public services. This study aims primarily at understanding the importance of collaboration in knowledge management having the value creation for Portuguese public institution stakeholders' in mind. In order to gain a better understanding of this theme, this chapter presents a case study involving the Simplex Program, created and managed by Agência para a Modernização Administrativa (AMA) and its implementation in the municipal councils of Porto and Águeda and the Inter-municipal Community of Vale do Minho.

Review of Business Management, 2013
The rapid and all-encompassing changes in regional and world wine markets have stimulated us to c... more The rapid and all-encompassing changes in regional and world wine markets have stimulated us to carry out this study. Accordingly, based on the competitiveness of an important Port wine producer in Portugal, this article analyzes a strategic alliance between this company and another important multinational one that is present in many different worldwide distribution markets. Basically, the article seeks to understand, on the one side, the impact of a strategic alliance on a small Port wine producer when becoming involved with a multinational company, and, on the other hand, to identify differences, before and after the alliance, to the markets where the small company was made present. This work is centered on a case study and involves the use of econometrics methodologies that analyze panel data, in order to grasp differences of strategic pre-and post-alliance actions. The conclusions are important, since they allow one to compare, on one hand, difference between the company´s performance over two different time horizons. On the other hand, econometrics methods are robust, since they allow one to come to relational conclusions, keeping the case study in mind.

Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 2010
Os anestésicos figuram como poderosa ferramenta na aquicultura, atuando na redução do estresse e ... more Os anestésicos figuram como poderosa ferramenta na aquicultura, atuando na redução do estresse e mortalidade usualmente causados pelo manejo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de eugenol em adultos de tilápia e determinar a concentração ideal para realização de uma biometria. Foram avaliadas seis concentrações (30, 60, 120, 180, 240 e 300 mg L-1). Para cada tratamento, 12 peixes (comprimento médio: 32,7 ± 3,0; peso médio: 557,0 ± 160 g), foram imersos individualmente na solução anestésica durante 10 min. Durante a indução anestésica, foram monitorados todos os estágios de anestesia e ao atingir o estágio de anestesia profunda, foi monitorado o número de batimentos operculares durante o minuto seguinte. Após a indução anestésica, os peixes foram transferidos para aquário contendo água sem anestésico e aferido o tempo de recuperação. A concentração de 60 mg L-1 necessitou de maior tempo para atingir o estágio desejado de anestesia profunda (206,3 segundos), enquanto a concentração de 300 g L-1 atingiu este estágio mais rapidamente (77,8 segundos). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a concentração ideal de eugenol para realização de uma biometria é de 120 mg L-1 , e, que o aumento da dosagem do anestésico, implica na diminuição dos batimentos operculares.

Rem: Revista Escola de Minas, 2014
Al-Sn alloys are widely used in tribological applications. In this study, thermal, microstructura... more Al-Sn alloys are widely used in tribological applications. In this study, thermal, microstructural and microhardness (HV) analysis were carried out with an Al-5.5wt.%Sn alloy ingot produced by horizontal directional transient solidification. The main parameters analyzed include the growth rate (V L) and cooling rate (T R).These thermal parameters play a key role in the microstructural formation. The dendritic microstructure has been characterized by primary dendritic arm spacing (λ1) which was experimentally determined and correlated with V L, and T R. The behavior presented by the Al-5.5wt.%Sn alloy during solidification was similar to that of other aluminum alloys, i.e., the dendritic network became coarser with decreasing cooling rates, indicating that the immiscibility between aluminum and tin does not have a significant effect on the relationship between primary dendritic arm spacing and the cooling rate. The dependence of the microhardness on V L, T R and λ1 was also analyzed....

Revista Universo Contábil, 2012
A assimetria de informação apresenta grande importância no mercado imobiliário. O presente estudo... more A assimetria de informação apresenta grande importância no mercado imobiliário. O presente estudo apresenta uma revisão sintética da literatura que sustenta a relevância da assimetria de informação no mercado imobiliário, dividida em quatro vertentes distintas: distorção de preços no mercado imobiliário, assimetria de informação e seleção adversa, assimetria de informação e previsibilidade de retornos e assimetria de informação e depreciação imobiliária. Com base na revisão da literatura foi elaborado um inquérito que foi respondido por 330 delegados comerciais das três maiores empresas de mediação imobiliária do mercado imobiliário português. Depois de uma análise descritiva dos resultados estudaram-se as diferenças estatisticamente significativas no nível de informação considerado pelos agentes imobiliários em função do género, do nível de escolaridade, do desempenho da profissão em full-time ou part-time e, também, a nível da preferência de realização dos negócios com potenciais clientes. Com o objetivo de descobrir e analisar um conjunto de variáveis interrelacionadas e reduzir o grande número de variáveis num número mais pequeno de fatores aplicou-se a Análise Fatorial. O estudo concluiu que existem oito fatores determinantes da assimetria de informação no mercado imobiliário: externalidades negativas, possibilidades de negócio, qualidade da habitação, área de serviços/arrumos, proximidade a negócios, áreas de descanso e lazer, reputação da qualidade e externalidades positivas. Palavras-chave: Assimetria de informação, mercado imobiliário, procura na habitação

Archives of Veterinary Science, 2012
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o mentol como anestésico para diferentes classes de tamanho... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o mentol como anestésico para diferentes classes de tamanho de tilápia do Nilo. Foram avaliadas três classes de tamanho: alevinos, juvenis e adultos, submetidas a seis concentrações de mentol (30, 60, 120, 180, 240 e 300 mg L-1), expostos individualmente por 10 minutos à solução anestésica e acompanhados durante a indução e recuperação. Para os alevinos, juvenis e adultos as concentrações recomendadas para atingirem o estágio de anestesia profunda foram de 60 (124,8±6,9 s), 180 (202.7 ± 17.0 s) e 240 (210,5 ± 17,3 s) mg L-1, respectivamente. Os tempos de recuperação para as concentrações supracitadas foram, na mesma ordem, de 306,2 ± 27,1, 202,7 ± 17,0 e 328,6 ± 32,0 s. Para indução ao estágio de anestesia cirúrgica, as concentrações foram de 60 (172,8±10,1 s), 120 (313,7 ± 14,7 s) para alevinos e juvenis, respectivamente. A utilização do mentol como anestésico mostra-se eficaz, variando entre as diferentes classes de tamanho de tilápia do Nilo.
This paper is part of a broader study about international production taking into account the rela... more This paper is part of a broader study about international production taking into account the relationships between Portuguese Small and Medium-sized firms (SMEs) and foreign multinationals (MNCs). Its importance lies in the complementary linkage MNCs exercise on SMEs. This paper addresses and analyses the patterns of technology evolution in the relationship between SMEs and their MNC clients. The objective is

Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2012
PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of cilostazol, in kidney and skeletal muscle of rats submitted... more PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of cilostazol, in kidney and skeletal muscle of rats submitted to acute ischemia and reperfusion. METHODS: Fourty three animals were randomized and divided into two groups. Group I received a solution of cilostazol (10 mg/Kg) and group II received saline solution 0.9% (SS) by orogastric tube after ligature of the abdominal aorta. After four hours of ischemia the animals were divided into four subgroups: group IA (Cilostazol): two hours of reperfusion. Group IIA (SS): two hours of reperfusion. Group IB (Cilostazol): six hours of reperfusion. Group IIB (SS) six hours of reperfusion. After reperfusion, a left nephrectomy was performed and removal of the muscles of the hind limb. The histological parameters were studied. In kidney cylinders of myoglobin, vacuolar degeneration and acute tubular necrosis. In muscle interstitial edema, inflammatory infiltrate, hypereosinophilia fiber, cariopicnose and necrosis. Apoptosis was assessed by immunohistochemist...
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2013
Involved with technical procedures, acquisition of data and critical revision.
Papers by antonio Herbert sena moreira