Journal Articles by anna curcio
Rethinking Marxism, 2010
In this conversation Étienne Balibar and Toni Negri address the question of how to understand and... more In this conversation Étienne Balibar and Toni Negri address the question of how to understand and practice communism in our conjuncture*/ specifically, in the context of our contemporary global economic crisis. While taking this question as their entry point, they articulate a series of important philosophical and political convergences and divergences between their frameworks. These points of productive intersections and tensions open to a plurality of readings of Marx and Marxism. At the same time, the conversation maps a terrain that includes the question of social ontology and its relation to the political and the ethical; the conceptual status of labor and production and the place of anthropological differences within Marxism; and the politics of equaliberty and its relation to the common and its new institutions.
Rethinking Marxism, 2010
This issue brings together papers that tackle a series of problematics which are formulated aroun... more This issue brings together papers that tackle a series of problematics which are formulated around the concepts of common, commune, community, and communism, and which engage with the field of critical Marxism. The discussions include the critique of property and commodity fetishism; the relation between 'modes of production' and 'modes of subjectivity'; the rupture with a bourgeois political imaginary circumscribed by the relation between public and private; and the antagonistic nature of class as a process or composition. While an organizing aspiration has been to stage an encounter between operaismo and Althusserian Marxism, contributors complicate this divide by drawing from different philosophical sources and bringing into existence a broader intellectual plane within which these problematics can be situated.
Papers by anna curcio

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 1, 2010
Labour transformations and increasing precariousness are giving a new shape to contemporary labou... more Labour transformations and increasing precariousness are giving a new shape to contemporary labour struggles. A widespread "intellectualization" of labour emerges following the new forms and contents of the contemporary production (these are languages, relational and communicative aptitude, knowledge, affect, and so). The function of representatives is thus incorporated into the practices and strategies of the living labour challenging the traditional distinction between workers and union delegates. Nowadays precarious workers' struggles are oriented on specific goals and projects, and the relationship with union delegates follows this pattern. In this sense it is possible to talk about the rise of a «project-based» union representation that reflects the contingent relationship between precarious workers and unions. Inquiring three different kind of precarious workers' struggles around Europe (the Italian Rete Nazionale Ricercatori Precari in 2004, and two Social Unionism experiences: the "Justice for Cleaners" campaign in London in 2005 and a pilot project among the security service workers in Hamburg in 2006), this essay considers the combination of union strategies and collective action that emerges from the contemporary precarious workers' struggles. Ultimately it reflects on precarious workers' practices and strategies and what, if any, is their contribution to redrawing the new forms of organization of contemporary labour.

Rethinking Marxism, Jul 1, 2010
Curcio.pdf (dostęp dzień miesiąc rok) } Summary: This essay explores how racialized and gendered ... more Curcio.pdf (dostęp dzień miesiąc rok) } Summary: This essay explores how racialized and gendered subjectivities might produce a common space of social cooperation that can break down the capitalist hierarchization of society. It analyzes both the capitalistic valorization of difference and the production of resistant and militant subjectivities that exceed and overturn capitalistic segmentation and dispossession. Within this framework I consider the production of the common through praxis and mode of organization, bringing to light the necessity for heterolingual translation of difference in order to interrupt the homogeneity of the capitalist language of value. The aim of this article is twofold. On the one hand, there is the need to better understand the present time and its violent contradictions. On the other, there is the necessity to bring to the fore race and gender differences in order to neutralize the social valence of indifference and to challenge and transform the current social order.
Workers' Inquiry and Global Class Struggle, 2020
This journal may be freely downloaded and quoted for all non-commercial purposes. The authors and... more This journal may be freely downloaded and quoted for all non-commercial purposes. The authors and the edu-factory collective, however, would like to be so informed at the address below

Den Streik neu denken und auf seine Verallgemeinerung setzen. Das ist es, was sich vom Arbeitskam... more Den Streik neu denken und auf seine Verallgemeinerung setzen. Das ist es, was sich vom Arbeitskampfzyklus in der italienischen Logistikbranche 2011–2013 lernen lasst. In den letzten drei Jahren kam es dort zu vermehrten Kampfen, und zwar vor allem in den Kooperativen, die fur grose multinationale Distributionskonzerne wie TNT, SDA und UBS oder fur grose Marken von IKEA bis Coop den Gutertransport auf der Strase abwickeln und die dafur notwendigen Lagerarbeiter_innen und Packer_innen beschaftigen. Die folgenden Darstellungen werden sich auf zwei von vielen Kampforten fokussieren: die Warenlager von IKEA in Piacenza und von Granarolo in Bologna. In diesen Kampfen ist es den Ar beitern und (wenigen) Arbeiterinnen gelungen, sich einen Teil der (auch vorher schon minimalen) Rechte zuruckholen, die ihnen in einer langen Phase der Deregulierung genommen wurden. Ent scheidend fur diese Deregulierung und die sich daraus ergebenden miesen Arbeitsbedingungen in der Logistik sind das Zusammen...

This paper, focussed on what we can call a cycle of struggles in the field of retail logistics in... more This paper, focussed on what we can call a cycle of struggles in the field of retail logistics in Italy, is the result of a process of political inquiry. That is to say the result of a process of knowledge production that has put analysis of the struggles together with moments of political organization. It analyses the specific context of production in retail logistic at the age of just-in-time capitalism; the labour composition and the race management that organize labour; the production of an autonomous and resistant subjectivity, capable to overthrow race hierarchies and other capitalist dispositifs of control, as well as to relate to ‘its’ trade union in a pragmatic manner that we could define as ‘the workers' making use of the union. In the conclusion, it considers the political betting at stake within these straggles. Rethinking the strike, bet on generalization. Here is what we learned from a cycle of struggles in the field of retail logistics in Italy, and specifically w...
International Review of Sociology, 2005
Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2006
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 08935696 2010 490344, Aug 25, 2010
praktyka t e o r e t y c z n a
Partecipazione E Conflitto, 2010
Praktyka Teoretyczna, 2015
Journal Articles by anna curcio
Papers by anna curcio