Papers by anisoara duma copcea

SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference� EXPO Proceedings
The objective of this paper is the morphological characterization as well as the establishment of... more The objective of this paper is the morphological characterization as well as the establishment of soil quality classes in the commune of Dubova, Mehedinti County, Romania. Soil is a primary component for plant production, although it is often considered only as a physical support for plant growth. However, the concerns of mankind over the sustainability of agriculture have made it possible to consider that soil is a living, high-quality system and should, therefore, be preserved. This is the result of several interactions between biological components, including microbial communities, essential for physical-chemical operation. Agricultural crops are threatened by diseases transmitted through the soil, making them difficult to control because of the �hidden� character of pathogens and low efficiency of conventional treatments. These practices greatly affect the quality of the soil, which, in turn, affects the state of crop quality. One of the goals of this paper is to show that, desp...

SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference� EXPO Proceedings
The main objective of this study is to analyse the main pedogenesis factors that have contributed... more The main objective of this study is to analyse the main pedogenesis factors that have contributed to the formation of soils in Seca?, Timi? County, Romania, using modern methods. The pedological data found in the study are represented by the transformation of analogue maps into digital maps using the GIS method. To begin with, the study area, geomorphology, geology, hydrology and hydrography of the locality, climate and vegetation conditions, decisive factors in the formation of soils in the study area were delimited. Anthropic activity is an important factor in the formation and maintenance of soil fertility, the use of soils in a correct and efficient way with respect for the environment by practicing a sustainable, efficient and high-quality agriculture does nothing but increase the level and quality of life on Earth. The data taken from specialised studies, from the town hall of the Secas and from O.S.P.A. Timi? were supplemented with data from the field and, then, processed usi...

Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series, 2012
Knowing the land resources under aspects concerning the productive capacity and technological fea... more Knowing the land resources under aspects concerning the productive capacity and technological features represents a primordial condition for a modern and efficient agriculture.Earth, as production mean, totalizes what in the modern literature is defined as ecological condition, directly participates in the process of agricultural and forest production, as a “machine created by nature” and improved or degraded by humans. In the same time, earth represents the primordial condition of human existence, who cannot be conceived in earth absence, representing that so-called habitat space.Geologically, formation of hills within this territory is connected to tectonic of the western part of the Western Charpatians which were subjected in Neogene to tectonic kneading and submergences, and also connected to evolution of the Pannonian Lake.Nature and intensity of degradation synthetically presented as evaluation marks were analyzed for each limitative factor related to the expression manner in ...
The village is located in the depression formed by the upper course of Arieșul Mic 46022' nor... more The village is located in the depression formed by the upper course of Arieșul Mic 46022' north latitude and 22049' east longitude with an altitude of 750 m is surrounded by mountains Biharia in NV, Mount Gaina part of V, and Muntele Mare in the NV.Soil studies and research synthesis that large areas of land are affected by one or more limiting factors and/or restrictive agricultural production.Physical soil has a loamy texture and bulk density increased with control conditions aerohydric regime.Agrochemical soil is moderately debazificated acid, following the limits concerned in correcting soil and protection of the reaction (pH). Has an average supply of humus, probably due to the application in the area exclusively manure. Soil fertility and productivity is low.

The goal of the paper was to assess the production capacity of agricultural lands for rational us... more The goal of the paper was to assess the production capacity of agricultural lands for rational use. This paper relies on a selective land assessment of data in literature concerning some general and particular features of the production of agricultural lands at Halânga (Mehedinţi County). The mean land assessment grade thus obtained supplied general information on the suitability of the agricultural lands for different uses and on their suitability for different crops, as well as on their proper use in the production process. They are presented in tables containing data on land assessment grades per land unit, per unit, per farm, and per parcel. Since the production capacity of the lands is impacted by both natural and man-made factors, land assessment should reflect this. In managed and improved lands, the land assessment grade for natural conditions should be multiplied using the land assessment coefficients corresponding to the improvement works in discussion.
Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series, 2012
The Făget city is located in the south-western Romania, in the contact area of theHills Plain Lug... more The Făget city is located in the south-western Romania, in the contact area of theHills Plain Lugoj the upper Bega River.Plain occupies about half the land area is investigated and the lowest level morphologywith hypsometric values between 75 and 200 mIn general, agricultural land is conditional evaluation of knowledge of the complexoperation of breeding and fruit-bearing plants and to determine the degree of favorability ofthese conditions for each use and culture (as can be adversely land for certain crops andagricultural uses and favorable for others), through an index system of evaluationtechniques and notes.The main types and subtypes of soils in the urban area Făget are: Regosoil,Luvisoil stagnated Luvisoil white, Gleiosolil typical, eutric.
Soils studied area formed by the complex interaction of factors of which the most important pedog... more Soils studied area formed by the complex interaction of factors of which the most important pedogenetic are: landscape, water, rock parent, climate, vegetation, man. Thus the investigated area are two areas where soils are well differentiated, a result of different pedogenetic conditions.In the high plains and hilly area on the material more or less reddish carbonate formed and evolved preluvisols mollic typical.Mineralization because most parts of the debris that is deposited annually in the top soil to form a small amount of humus and therefore higher horizon color is brown (Ao), met frequently with preluvisols horizon.
Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series, 2012
The total area of 23,198 ha is Recas village.When taken in culture and fertilized soils shows an ... more The total area of 23,198 ha is Recas village.When taken in culture and fertilized soils shows an enrichment of cations basics.Agricultural use as arable land is constrained cups increased Lift temporarily poor because of their compactness or submitted.To improve a number of interventions are necessary agrotechnical and agrochemical: the moldboard plowing to alleviate temporary excess humidity, calcareous amendments correct reaction conditions, organic fertilizers to increase reserves of humus and fertilizers. Due to excessive rainfall and high humidity plants are not optimal development.State nutrient supply is poor and existing reserves are mobilized difficult because air-fluid system losses and poor microbiological activities.

The area is 4,993 km2 Mehedinti, representing 2.1% of the country. Mehedinti County due to its po... more The area is 4,993 km2 Mehedinti, representing 2.1% of the country. Mehedinti County due to its potential, diversity of terrain and geographical location, has a well-defined economic landscape, being one of the few counties with the smooth articulation of agricultural use, featuring a whole range agrochemical and pedological, which requires a scientific approach permanently and agricultural phenomenon. Structural changes in agriculture, the existence of conflicting properties with optimal criteria, economic and biological, agricultural farms, impose a number of restrictions that require us to promote research priorities and objectives able to rehabilitate agricultural infrastructure around. Knowing in detail yielding and technological features, favouring and restricting factors of agricultural production on each land portion both from the point of view of present response and of real possibilities of turning them into better ones can be, for the decision-maker a precious tool in achi...

Beba Veche is a locality in Timiş County. Its coordinates in what latitude is concerned are 46° 7... more Beba Veche is a locality in Timiş County. Its coordinates in what latitude is concerned are 46° 7' 60 north, 20° 19' east. It lies 81 m above sea level. It is the most western locality in Romania, situated at the border with Serbia and Hungary. The archaeological discoveries made here attest the millenary existence of the locality. The agricultural land of the commune is composed of the following: arable 7.767 ha, pastures 976 ha, hay land 3 ha, vineyard 16 ha and orchard 30 ha. As for the fertility classes, for the "arable" land the situation is the following: 1st class 804 ha (9.3%), 2nd class 2193 ha (25.5%), 3rd class 2755 ha (31.9%), 4th class 2777 ha (32.2%) and 5th class 98 ha (1.1%). The limiting factors that influence land quality in this area are represented by the phenomenon of severe salinization (salinization on 6.3% and alkalisation on 34.5% of the surface), low humus content (0.82%), clayish texture (moderate 48.3% and low 11.20%) and soil settlement (severe 17.61% and moderate 42.13%). Because of the nature and intensity of the factors that limit and/or restrict agricultural yield, improvement of the productive capacity of soils will be oriented towards promoting and generalizing systems of sustainable agriculture. This type of agriculture promoted will be competitive, profitable, ecological and it will involve minimal land works, soil improvement crops, pest control, based on various individual initiatives or international or governmental programs of technical assistance.
In order to reach the aim of this paper, we established the following objectives that we research... more In order to reach the aim of this paper, we established the following objectives that we researched in the field and in the laboratory: identification of the soils and of soil units and land units morphological, physical and chemical characterization of the main types of soil (for this we opened soil profiles in the characteristic areas of the space under research, from which we took samples), We made use of several research methods that are specific for pedology: soil mapping, morphological description, expeditive field determinations, laboratory analyses, processing the data referring to soils, etc. Thus, we identified nine genetic types of soil in the perimeter under research, after direct observations made recently in the field and processed in the laboratory. The analyses and other determinations were performed in the
Papers by anisoara duma copcea