andsisko ID
Address: Jakarta, Indonesia
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Books by andsisko ID
By Steven Heller
The answer must be rooted in context. What is a favorite
now may not be in a year or two. As we mature
and are introduced to new (old) things, our opinions
invariably change. Of course, there are always those
things that have an incredible influence on our work
and perceptions. That is, I suspect, what the student
asking the question is going for (whether they know
it or not).
Islam’s rise was so spectacular that within a few decades after the Prophet’s demise, one of the two existing super-powers that had set out to impede the spread of Islam lay shattered. As for the other, it was to a great extent crippled by losing some of the richest territories under its occupation. The dramatic character of these developments do not detract from the fact that the conquests proceeded smoothly, that the reforms which Islam sought to bring about met with the willing acceptance of the conquered populace; in fact, a fair section of them welcomed the new regime. Those who held the reins of power also exhibited a rare maturity in dealing with the populace under their control and were generally inclined not to change things unnecessarily lest they caused inconvenience to people. ~ Zafar Ishaq Ansari
Ilusi Negara Islam; Ekspansi Gerakan Islam Transnasional di Indonesia.
Editor: KH. Abdurrahman Wahid
Prolog: Prof.Dr. H. Ahmad Syafii Maarif
Epilog: KH. A. Mustofa Bisri
Buku hasil penelitian selama lebih dari 2 tahun ini mengungkap asal-usul, ideologi dan agenda gerakan garis keras transnasional yang beroperasi di Indonesia, serta rekomendasi membangun gerakan untuk menghadapi dan mengatasinya secara damai dan bertanggungjawab.
Tartib Wa Tahdzib
Kitab Al Bidayah Wan Nihayah
Ibnu Katsir
Dr. Muhammad bin Shamil as-Sulami
Ibnu Katsir mengkritik para penulis sejarah yang banyak memuat riwayat israilliyat dalam buku-buku mereka, Ibnu Katsir berkata "Kami tidak akan mengikuti jejak mereka, ataupun menempuh jalan mereka. Kami tidak akan menyebutkan riwayat-riwayat seperti itu kecuali sedikit saja agar lebih ringkas, kemudian akan kami terangkan yang haq dan yang sesuai dengan apa-apa yang terdapat dalam agama kita. Adapun berita yang menyelisihi konsep agama kita pastilah akan aku ingkari."
Papers by andsisko ID
A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
By Steven Heller
The answer must be rooted in context. What is a favorite
now may not be in a year or two. As we mature
and are introduced to new (old) things, our opinions
invariably change. Of course, there are always those
things that have an incredible influence on our work
and perceptions. That is, I suspect, what the student
asking the question is going for (whether they know
it or not).
Islam’s rise was so spectacular that within a few decades after the Prophet’s demise, one of the two existing super-powers that had set out to impede the spread of Islam lay shattered. As for the other, it was to a great extent crippled by losing some of the richest territories under its occupation. The dramatic character of these developments do not detract from the fact that the conquests proceeded smoothly, that the reforms which Islam sought to bring about met with the willing acceptance of the conquered populace; in fact, a fair section of them welcomed the new regime. Those who held the reins of power also exhibited a rare maturity in dealing with the populace under their control and were generally inclined not to change things unnecessarily lest they caused inconvenience to people. ~ Zafar Ishaq Ansari
Ilusi Negara Islam; Ekspansi Gerakan Islam Transnasional di Indonesia.
Editor: KH. Abdurrahman Wahid
Prolog: Prof.Dr. H. Ahmad Syafii Maarif
Epilog: KH. A. Mustofa Bisri
Buku hasil penelitian selama lebih dari 2 tahun ini mengungkap asal-usul, ideologi dan agenda gerakan garis keras transnasional yang beroperasi di Indonesia, serta rekomendasi membangun gerakan untuk menghadapi dan mengatasinya secara damai dan bertanggungjawab.
Tartib Wa Tahdzib
Kitab Al Bidayah Wan Nihayah
Ibnu Katsir
Dr. Muhammad bin Shamil as-Sulami
Ibnu Katsir mengkritik para penulis sejarah yang banyak memuat riwayat israilliyat dalam buku-buku mereka, Ibnu Katsir berkata "Kami tidak akan mengikuti jejak mereka, ataupun menempuh jalan mereka. Kami tidak akan menyebutkan riwayat-riwayat seperti itu kecuali sedikit saja agar lebih ringkas, kemudian akan kami terangkan yang haq dan yang sesuai dengan apa-apa yang terdapat dalam agama kita. Adapun berita yang menyelisihi konsep agama kita pastilah akan aku ingkari."
A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School at the University of Missouri-Columbia.