andre ferreira
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Papers by andre ferreira
from de first years of 1960’s, in Pernambuco – on an analysis grounded in
the Cultural History perspective, which intends to accomplish a
reavaliation of these actions through dimensions that may include the
policy, the social, the economy, but, mainly, the culture. Aiming, by this
way, explicit the daily’s plots of these educational movements, we used
as methodologic contribution, the orality and documental collection. This
way, we identified details of the untwine of these educational actions,
impressions of the individuals that acted in the movements, internal and
external divergences to the actions, and the contributions of these
movements to the Educational History, as well.
during the early 1960s in the interior of Pernambuco, specifically in the city of
Palmares. We start with the following question: what is the social and cultural context
in the arrival of popular education practices, which the political actors involved and
what reception the Popular Culture Movement initiatives (MCP) in Palmares region
between 1962 and 1964? Methodologically, we propose to study the History of
Education in the perspective of Social Movements, therefore, use documentary sources
and interviews with actors who were part of this process. In terms of socio-cultural
context, research has shown that Palmares was given the nickname "AthensPernambucana" was based plants and storage of locomotives enjoying peculiar cultural
and economic dynamics, whose main feature is the symbolic force emanating from the
practices of literacy. However, in view of the delay in the provision of schooling, the
movements related to the field workers are organized, either around the church (with the
Basic Education Movement), the Peasant Leagues and or PCB (with the Movement of
Popular Culture) and progress in sponsorship actions to this education, taking on greater
importance in the political landscape of the region.
positions, in the city Recife-PE are shown in the present study.
Methodologically, the insertion in the oral history is justified by
the possibility of achieving the everyday perceptions,
approaching the subjective creation of consensus and subjective
modes in response to the coercive environment brought by CivilMilitary Dictatorship. It is about the concepts of force, coercion
and consensus based on Gramsci. It was concluded that among
the waves of domination by the dictatorship, the educators
developed deviation and resistance strategies in relation to
coercion. Through the precariousness of the quotidian
domination – the regime’s gaps - educators preserved the critical
view on the dictatorship and performed actions directly against
the supposedly hegemonic interests.
between 1892 and 1906, because correspond to the mobilizations for the coming order to
Recife and culminate with the launch of the High School Statute. Methodologically, it is
anchor by the concept of representation (CHARTIER, 1990), because enable the power
design of a group through their characteristics expressions. It believes that the variation
between the promises launch by the mobilizations and the curricular structure of the Statute
documents the group practices associated with the Salesians and the Church. In conclusion,
the installation of the Salesians in Recife is included in the called conservative modernization
(EISENBERG, 1977). The teaching offered represented the charity in terms of the "poor’s”
insertion in the "life of decent and honest crafts". But, by the representation of a modern
service, to offer ability for the worker’s sons, it reproduced the traditional social composition
from de first years of 1960’s, in Pernambuco – on an analysis grounded in
the Cultural History perspective, which intends to accomplish a
reavaliation of these actions through dimensions that may include the
policy, the social, the economy, but, mainly, the culture. Aiming, by this
way, explicit the daily’s plots of these educational movements, we used
as methodologic contribution, the orality and documental collection. This
way, we identified details of the untwine of these educational actions,
impressions of the individuals that acted in the movements, internal and
external divergences to the actions, and the contributions of these
movements to the Educational History, as well.
during the early 1960s in the interior of Pernambuco, specifically in the city of
Palmares. We start with the following question: what is the social and cultural context
in the arrival of popular education practices, which the political actors involved and
what reception the Popular Culture Movement initiatives (MCP) in Palmares region
between 1962 and 1964? Methodologically, we propose to study the History of
Education in the perspective of Social Movements, therefore, use documentary sources
and interviews with actors who were part of this process. In terms of socio-cultural
context, research has shown that Palmares was given the nickname "AthensPernambucana" was based plants and storage of locomotives enjoying peculiar cultural
and economic dynamics, whose main feature is the symbolic force emanating from the
practices of literacy. However, in view of the delay in the provision of schooling, the
movements related to the field workers are organized, either around the church (with the
Basic Education Movement), the Peasant Leagues and or PCB (with the Movement of
Popular Culture) and progress in sponsorship actions to this education, taking on greater
importance in the political landscape of the region.
positions, in the city Recife-PE are shown in the present study.
Methodologically, the insertion in the oral history is justified by
the possibility of achieving the everyday perceptions,
approaching the subjective creation of consensus and subjective
modes in response to the coercive environment brought by CivilMilitary Dictatorship. It is about the concepts of force, coercion
and consensus based on Gramsci. It was concluded that among
the waves of domination by the dictatorship, the educators
developed deviation and resistance strategies in relation to
coercion. Through the precariousness of the quotidian
domination – the regime’s gaps - educators preserved the critical
view on the dictatorship and performed actions directly against
the supposedly hegemonic interests.
between 1892 and 1906, because correspond to the mobilizations for the coming order to
Recife and culminate with the launch of the High School Statute. Methodologically, it is
anchor by the concept of representation (CHARTIER, 1990), because enable the power
design of a group through their characteristics expressions. It believes that the variation
between the promises launch by the mobilizations and the curricular structure of the Statute
documents the group practices associated with the Salesians and the Church. In conclusion,
the installation of the Salesians in Recife is included in the called conservative modernization
(EISENBERG, 1977). The teaching offered represented the charity in terms of the "poor’s”
insertion in the "life of decent and honest crafts". But, by the representation of a modern
service, to offer ability for the worker’s sons, it reproduced the traditional social composition