Journal of Educational Management and Instruction (JEMIN)
Self-regulated learning (SRL) becomes a crucial part for the success of online classroom activiti... more Self-regulated learning (SRL) becomes a crucial part for the success of online classroom activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, studies exploring students’ SRL in the contexts of Malaysian and Indonesian universities are still lacking and remain more empirical evidence. This study aims to examine and compare both university students’ SRL toward online learning activities at the time of global pandemic. The required data are quantitatively collected from 103 undergraduates from University A in Malaysia and 119 college students from University B in Indonesia by using an online questionnaire on students’ self-regulated learning adapted from Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). The sudden shifting from face-to-face interaction to online class instruction is a new learning style and could be challenging, but the finding of this study shows that the students from both universities achieve high mean scores on the SRL questionnaire. This finding indicates that...
Recent major researches on quality of successful university lecturers mainly focus on their effec... more Recent major researches on quality of successful university lecturers mainly focus on their effectiveness in teaching and learning with students. The purpose of this paper is to review literatures to critically analyze factors that influence behaviour of lecturers during teaching process that results to effective teaching. This paper reviews some approaches that focus on job experience and job satisfaction as the influencing factors for effective teaching among lecturers. This study provides constructive suggestions on improving teaching effectiveness among lecturers. This concept paper also suggests other factors to be considered by Higher Learning Education administration in hiring new academic staff such as teaching experience and job satisfaction because these factors will affect teaching performance and effectiveness. The authors highlight that in order to create effective teaching style, lecturers should plan lessons in advance; diversify teaching methods to attract students; ...
The Effect of Leadership Styles on the Business Performance of SMEs in Malaysia
Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 2013
This paper investigates the effect of leadership styles on the business performance of SMEs in Ma... more This paper investigates the effect of leadership styles on the business performance of SMEs in Malaysia. The owner/managers were sent a package of questionnaires which comprised the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ 5X, the Business Performance BP questionnaire and the demographic questionnaire. The findings revealed that there were significant positive relationships between transactional leadership and business performance and transformational leadership and business performance. The findings also found that passive-avoidant leadership was negatively correlated with business performance. The findings can be generalized that transactional and transformational leadership styles were the dominant form of leaderships displayed by the owner/managers of the SMEs in Malaysia. This study also provides an opportunity to expand the research on other industries such as manufacturing, constructions, agricultures and telecommunications.
Applicability Bill of Quantities in Construction Procurement
Bill of quantities (B/Qs) is an essential document in a construction project which provides the d... more Bill of quantities (B/Qs) is an essential document in a construction project which provides the detail of the contract amount. Historically, the formal form of B/Qs was initiated in the United Kingdom after the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. It was mainly used by contractors for paying their workers and claiming payments from clients by submitting it as partisan final account. Particularly, B/Qs is widely used in the traditional procurement for cost estimating and as part of tender and contract document. However, as construction industry evolved and changed technologically, economically, legally, and procedurally, sodoes the usage of B/Qs in the construction projects. It is not known whether B/Qs in its current format is suitable to be used with the more modern procurement systems or not. Based on literature, the issue on the declining usage of B/Qs due to the non-traditional procurement system adopted in construction industry has been encountered in the UK’s, Australia’...
Entrepreneurial Strategic Planning on Business Performance: Relationship between Marketing and Business Performance
International Journal of Management Sciences, 2014
Strategic planning that includes the characteristics of entrepreneurship, and marketing are cruci... more Strategic planning that includes the characteristics of entrepreneurship, and marketing are crucial to performance of a business within a business environment that is very challenging and competitive nowadays. This article explores inter-relationships of entrepreneurial strategic planning, marketing and relation of both to business performance.
This study aims to examine whether lecturers in Perak, Malaysia who are considered as knowledge w... more This study aims to examine whether lecturers in Perak, Malaysia who are considered as knowledge workers possess the necessary knowledge and emotional intelligence to teach effectively in the classroom. The conceptual framework of this study is based on the model of emotional intelligence named Emotional Skills Assessment Process (ESAP) developed by Nelson and Low (1998) and the model of teaching effectiveness developed by Aregbeye (2010). This study involves lecturers from public and private universities in Perak, Malaysia. For the purpose of this study, only permanent lecturers from the selected universities are chosen as respondents. Part time and contract lecturers are not included as they are not usually required to carry out both teaching and research activities. This study will also provide recommendations and suggestions for future research.
This study aims to identify the relationship between leadership style and the work environment th... more This study aims to identify the relationship between leadership style and the work environment that effect on performance of Local Government administrative organization in Malaysia. In addition, this study also determines whether work experience serves as a moderator between leadership style and work environment that affect the performance of local government organizations. This study provides practical suggestions to build in terms of proving that the style of leadership, work environment and work experience have an influence on the performance of local government administration. The concept paper contributes to the development and proliferation of knowledge in the field of leadership and management in particular with regard to the effectiveness of leadership style, work environment and work experience in local government organization in Malaysia. This study can also provide constructive suggestions on the theory of effective leadership, work environment, and the performance of Lo...
Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosi Dan Tekanan Kerja Terhadap Keberkesanan Pengajaran Pensyarah Politeknik Serta Peranan Pengalaman Kerja Sebagai Moderator
Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kecerdasan emosi, tekanan kerja dan ke... more Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kecerdasan emosi, tekanan kerja dan keberkesanan pengajaran dalam kalangan pensyarah politeknik. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti hubungan dan pengaruh antara kecerdasan emosi dan tekanan kerja dengan keberkesanan pengajaran dalam kalangan pensyarah politeknik. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga bertujuan menentukan sama ada pengalaman kerja berfungsi sebagai pemboleh ubah moderator antara kecerdasan emosi dan tekanan kerja dengan keberkesanan pengajaran dalam kalangan pensyarah politeknik. Sejumlah 167 orang pensyarah lelaki dan 126 orang pensyarah perempuan telah dipilih menggunakan kaedah persampelan kelompok dari empat buah politeknik di Malaysia sebagai sampel kajian. Set soal selidik yang mengandungi lima item soalan tertutup dan 55 item berskala 4 likert telah digunakan sebagai instrumen dalam kajian ini. Sebanyak enam hipotesis nol telah dibentuk bagi kajian ini. Untuk tujuan pengujian hipotesis, kaedah st...
The Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance of SMEs in Malaysia
This paper investigates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and the business per... more This paper investigates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and the business performance of SMEs in Malaysia. The owner/managers were sent a package of questionnaires which comprised the Entrepreneurial Orientation Questionnaire EOQ, the Business Performance BP questionnaire and the demographic questionnaire. The finding revealed that there was a significant positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of SMEs in Malaysia. This study also provides an opportunity to expand the research on other industries such as manufacturing, constructions, agricultures and telecommunications.
Importance and Functions of Bills of Quantities in the Construction Industry: A Content Analysis
Bills of Quantities (BQ) is one of systematic ways applied in the construction industry in which ... more Bills of Quantities (BQ) is one of systematic ways applied in the construction industry in which its primary function is to record items of works for tendering purposes and to create a fair agreement among the parties involved for contracting purposes. However, there are some issues pertaining to BQ functions such as BQ is a misunderstood facet in the construction industry today, BQ is only useful for tendering purposes, BQ’s benefit is not fully utilised by the construction team and most of them cannot relate BQ with everyday construction works and processes. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study on the importance of BQ and its functions in the construction industry. A content analysis was used to identify the importance and functions of BQ from reviewing articles and books. Findings from this paper are beneficial in providing knowledge to the education field and construction teams on the importance and functions of BQ in the construction industry.
International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
1. INTRODUCTION OF ISLAMIC FINANCIAL LITERACY Mohomed (2015) explained that since literature on I... more 1. INTRODUCTION OF ISLAMIC FINANCIAL LITERACY Mohomed (2015) explained that since literature on Islamic financial literacy are scarce, no definition was found except for Abdullah & Anderson (2015) which built on Houston"s (2010) definition of financial knowledge stating that Islamic financial knowledge means "the stock of knowledge that one acquires through education and/or experience specifically related to essential Islamic finance concepts and products". Hence, it can be simplified that the definition of Islamic financial literacy specifically refers to financial literacy of Islamic financial products and Islamic finance concepts. The most important differences between Islamic finance and conventional finance is the prohibition of forbidden elements in the transactions such as Riba (interest), Gharar (uncertainty) and Maysir (gambling). Numerous Islamic instruments are used by Islamic finance categorized as saving (wadiah), sale contracts (Murabahah, Salam, Istisnah), partnership modes (Mudarabah, Musharakah), or hybrid modes (Diminishing Musharakah), amongst others. Currently, even the increased awareness in Islamic finance such as Islamic Social Finance and Islamic Financial Technology around the world especially from the Muslim countries, the Islamic financial products are still unclear to some people not only youngsters but also among adults. The root for the unclear knowledge among consumers regarding Islamic financial products is normally because of the unclear Islamic concepts in the product"s information from one to another. Not to mention that many Muslim consumers themselves are not aware and ignore the importance of Shariah compliant products. Thus, low Islamic financial literacy levels may signify a serious threat to the survival of current and future Islamic products specifically and to the Islamic finance sector in general. As suggested by Mohomed (2015), the need of the consumer protection and financial literacy are vital
The Effect of Leadership Styles on the Business Performance of SMEs in Malaysia
This paper investigates the effect of leadership styles on the business performance of SMEs in Ma... more This paper investigates the effect of leadership styles on the business performance of SMEs in Malaysia. The owner/managers were sent a package of questionnaires which comprised the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ 5X, the Business Performance BP questionnaire and the demographic questionnaire. The findings revealed that there were significant positive relationships between transactional leadership and business performance and transformational leadership and business performance. The findings also found that passive-avoidant leadership was negatively correlated with business performance. The findings can be generalized that transactional and transformational leadership styles were the dominant form of leaderships displayed by the owner/managers of the SMEs in Malaysia. This study also provides an opportunity to expand the research on other industries such as manufacturing, constructions, agricultures and telecommunications.
International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology, 2012
The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of design factors which consist of tr... more The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of design factors which consist of training content, training delivery, trainer competency and opportunity to use on small businesswomen's goal setting activities. The instrument for this research is adapted and modified from the Training Transfer Model and Model for Excellence (American Society of Training and Development Competency Research). Four independent
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Job Stress on the Teaching Effectiveness among Malaysia Polytechnic Lecturers
This study aimed to find out the effect emotional intelligence (EI) and job stress (JS) on the te... more This study aimed to find out the effect emotional intelligence (EI) and job stress (JS) on the teaching effectiveness (TE) among Malaysia Polytechnic lecturers. That research considers the development of a measurement instrument of EI, JS and TE based on lecturer’s evaluation. The present study was conducted to understand the correlation between EI, stress and TE in the case of lecturers at Malaysia Polytechnic. A total 293 lecturers from four primary department of Malaysia Polytechnic participated in the study. The various tests employed show a reasonable degree of reliability and validity of the proposed scale. Correlation and Regression analysis was used to examine the objective this study. The findings revealed that there were significant positive relationships between EI, JS and TE. This study also provides an opportunity to expand the research on other Higher Learning Institutions (HLI).
Journal of Educational Management and Instruction (JEMIN)
Self-regulated learning (SRL) becomes a crucial part for the success of online classroom activiti... more Self-regulated learning (SRL) becomes a crucial part for the success of online classroom activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, studies exploring students’ SRL in the contexts of Malaysian and Indonesian universities are still lacking and remain more empirical evidence. This study aims to examine and compare both university students’ SRL toward online learning activities at the time of global pandemic. The required data are quantitatively collected from 103 undergraduates from University A in Malaysia and 119 college students from University B in Indonesia by using an online questionnaire on students’ self-regulated learning adapted from Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). The sudden shifting from face-to-face interaction to online class instruction is a new learning style and could be challenging, but the finding of this study shows that the students from both universities achieve high mean scores on the SRL questionnaire. This finding indicates that...
Recent major researches on quality of successful university lecturers mainly focus on their effec... more Recent major researches on quality of successful university lecturers mainly focus on their effectiveness in teaching and learning with students. The purpose of this paper is to review literatures to critically analyze factors that influence behaviour of lecturers during teaching process that results to effective teaching. This paper reviews some approaches that focus on job experience and job satisfaction as the influencing factors for effective teaching among lecturers. This study provides constructive suggestions on improving teaching effectiveness among lecturers. This concept paper also suggests other factors to be considered by Higher Learning Education administration in hiring new academic staff such as teaching experience and job satisfaction because these factors will affect teaching performance and effectiveness. The authors highlight that in order to create effective teaching style, lecturers should plan lessons in advance; diversify teaching methods to attract students; ...
The Effect of Leadership Styles on the Business Performance of SMEs in Malaysia
Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 2013
This paper investigates the effect of leadership styles on the business performance of SMEs in Ma... more This paper investigates the effect of leadership styles on the business performance of SMEs in Malaysia. The owner/managers were sent a package of questionnaires which comprised the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ 5X, the Business Performance BP questionnaire and the demographic questionnaire. The findings revealed that there were significant positive relationships between transactional leadership and business performance and transformational leadership and business performance. The findings also found that passive-avoidant leadership was negatively correlated with business performance. The findings can be generalized that transactional and transformational leadership styles were the dominant form of leaderships displayed by the owner/managers of the SMEs in Malaysia. This study also provides an opportunity to expand the research on other industries such as manufacturing, constructions, agricultures and telecommunications.
Applicability Bill of Quantities in Construction Procurement
Bill of quantities (B/Qs) is an essential document in a construction project which provides the d... more Bill of quantities (B/Qs) is an essential document in a construction project which provides the detail of the contract amount. Historically, the formal form of B/Qs was initiated in the United Kingdom after the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. It was mainly used by contractors for paying their workers and claiming payments from clients by submitting it as partisan final account. Particularly, B/Qs is widely used in the traditional procurement for cost estimating and as part of tender and contract document. However, as construction industry evolved and changed technologically, economically, legally, and procedurally, sodoes the usage of B/Qs in the construction projects. It is not known whether B/Qs in its current format is suitable to be used with the more modern procurement systems or not. Based on literature, the issue on the declining usage of B/Qs due to the non-traditional procurement system adopted in construction industry has been encountered in the UK’s, Australia’...
Entrepreneurial Strategic Planning on Business Performance: Relationship between Marketing and Business Performance
International Journal of Management Sciences, 2014
Strategic planning that includes the characteristics of entrepreneurship, and marketing are cruci... more Strategic planning that includes the characteristics of entrepreneurship, and marketing are crucial to performance of a business within a business environment that is very challenging and competitive nowadays. This article explores inter-relationships of entrepreneurial strategic planning, marketing and relation of both to business performance.
This study aims to examine whether lecturers in Perak, Malaysia who are considered as knowledge w... more This study aims to examine whether lecturers in Perak, Malaysia who are considered as knowledge workers possess the necessary knowledge and emotional intelligence to teach effectively in the classroom. The conceptual framework of this study is based on the model of emotional intelligence named Emotional Skills Assessment Process (ESAP) developed by Nelson and Low (1998) and the model of teaching effectiveness developed by Aregbeye (2010). This study involves lecturers from public and private universities in Perak, Malaysia. For the purpose of this study, only permanent lecturers from the selected universities are chosen as respondents. Part time and contract lecturers are not included as they are not usually required to carry out both teaching and research activities. This study will also provide recommendations and suggestions for future research.
This study aims to identify the relationship between leadership style and the work environment th... more This study aims to identify the relationship between leadership style and the work environment that effect on performance of Local Government administrative organization in Malaysia. In addition, this study also determines whether work experience serves as a moderator between leadership style and work environment that affect the performance of local government organizations. This study provides practical suggestions to build in terms of proving that the style of leadership, work environment and work experience have an influence on the performance of local government administration. The concept paper contributes to the development and proliferation of knowledge in the field of leadership and management in particular with regard to the effectiveness of leadership style, work environment and work experience in local government organization in Malaysia. This study can also provide constructive suggestions on the theory of effective leadership, work environment, and the performance of Lo...
Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosi Dan Tekanan Kerja Terhadap Keberkesanan Pengajaran Pensyarah Politeknik Serta Peranan Pengalaman Kerja Sebagai Moderator
Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kecerdasan emosi, tekanan kerja dan ke... more Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kecerdasan emosi, tekanan kerja dan keberkesanan pengajaran dalam kalangan pensyarah politeknik. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti hubungan dan pengaruh antara kecerdasan emosi dan tekanan kerja dengan keberkesanan pengajaran dalam kalangan pensyarah politeknik. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga bertujuan menentukan sama ada pengalaman kerja berfungsi sebagai pemboleh ubah moderator antara kecerdasan emosi dan tekanan kerja dengan keberkesanan pengajaran dalam kalangan pensyarah politeknik. Sejumlah 167 orang pensyarah lelaki dan 126 orang pensyarah perempuan telah dipilih menggunakan kaedah persampelan kelompok dari empat buah politeknik di Malaysia sebagai sampel kajian. Set soal selidik yang mengandungi lima item soalan tertutup dan 55 item berskala 4 likert telah digunakan sebagai instrumen dalam kajian ini. Sebanyak enam hipotesis nol telah dibentuk bagi kajian ini. Untuk tujuan pengujian hipotesis, kaedah st...
The Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance of SMEs in Malaysia
This paper investigates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and the business per... more This paper investigates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and the business performance of SMEs in Malaysia. The owner/managers were sent a package of questionnaires which comprised the Entrepreneurial Orientation Questionnaire EOQ, the Business Performance BP questionnaire and the demographic questionnaire. The finding revealed that there was a significant positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of SMEs in Malaysia. This study also provides an opportunity to expand the research on other industries such as manufacturing, constructions, agricultures and telecommunications.
Importance and Functions of Bills of Quantities in the Construction Industry: A Content Analysis
Bills of Quantities (BQ) is one of systematic ways applied in the construction industry in which ... more Bills of Quantities (BQ) is one of systematic ways applied in the construction industry in which its primary function is to record items of works for tendering purposes and to create a fair agreement among the parties involved for contracting purposes. However, there are some issues pertaining to BQ functions such as BQ is a misunderstood facet in the construction industry today, BQ is only useful for tendering purposes, BQ’s benefit is not fully utilised by the construction team and most of them cannot relate BQ with everyday construction works and processes. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study on the importance of BQ and its functions in the construction industry. A content analysis was used to identify the importance and functions of BQ from reviewing articles and books. Findings from this paper are beneficial in providing knowledge to the education field and construction teams on the importance and functions of BQ in the construction industry.
International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
1. INTRODUCTION OF ISLAMIC FINANCIAL LITERACY Mohomed (2015) explained that since literature on I... more 1. INTRODUCTION OF ISLAMIC FINANCIAL LITERACY Mohomed (2015) explained that since literature on Islamic financial literacy are scarce, no definition was found except for Abdullah & Anderson (2015) which built on Houston"s (2010) definition of financial knowledge stating that Islamic financial knowledge means "the stock of knowledge that one acquires through education and/or experience specifically related to essential Islamic finance concepts and products". Hence, it can be simplified that the definition of Islamic financial literacy specifically refers to financial literacy of Islamic financial products and Islamic finance concepts. The most important differences between Islamic finance and conventional finance is the prohibition of forbidden elements in the transactions such as Riba (interest), Gharar (uncertainty) and Maysir (gambling). Numerous Islamic instruments are used by Islamic finance categorized as saving (wadiah), sale contracts (Murabahah, Salam, Istisnah), partnership modes (Mudarabah, Musharakah), or hybrid modes (Diminishing Musharakah), amongst others. Currently, even the increased awareness in Islamic finance such as Islamic Social Finance and Islamic Financial Technology around the world especially from the Muslim countries, the Islamic financial products are still unclear to some people not only youngsters but also among adults. The root for the unclear knowledge among consumers regarding Islamic financial products is normally because of the unclear Islamic concepts in the product"s information from one to another. Not to mention that many Muslim consumers themselves are not aware and ignore the importance of Shariah compliant products. Thus, low Islamic financial literacy levels may signify a serious threat to the survival of current and future Islamic products specifically and to the Islamic finance sector in general. As suggested by Mohomed (2015), the need of the consumer protection and financial literacy are vital
The Effect of Leadership Styles on the Business Performance of SMEs in Malaysia
This paper investigates the effect of leadership styles on the business performance of SMEs in Ma... more This paper investigates the effect of leadership styles on the business performance of SMEs in Malaysia. The owner/managers were sent a package of questionnaires which comprised the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ 5X, the Business Performance BP questionnaire and the demographic questionnaire. The findings revealed that there were significant positive relationships between transactional leadership and business performance and transformational leadership and business performance. The findings also found that passive-avoidant leadership was negatively correlated with business performance. The findings can be generalized that transactional and transformational leadership styles were the dominant form of leaderships displayed by the owner/managers of the SMEs in Malaysia. This study also provides an opportunity to expand the research on other industries such as manufacturing, constructions, agricultures and telecommunications.
International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology, 2012
The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of design factors which consist of tr... more The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of design factors which consist of training content, training delivery, trainer competency and opportunity to use on small businesswomen's goal setting activities. The instrument for this research is adapted and modified from the Training Transfer Model and Model for Excellence (American Society of Training and Development Competency Research). Four independent
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Job Stress on the Teaching Effectiveness among Malaysia Polytechnic Lecturers
This study aimed to find out the effect emotional intelligence (EI) and job stress (JS) on the te... more This study aimed to find out the effect emotional intelligence (EI) and job stress (JS) on the teaching effectiveness (TE) among Malaysia Polytechnic lecturers. That research considers the development of a measurement instrument of EI, JS and TE based on lecturer’s evaluation. The present study was conducted to understand the correlation between EI, stress and TE in the case of lecturers at Malaysia Polytechnic. A total 293 lecturers from four primary department of Malaysia Polytechnic participated in the study. The various tests employed show a reasonable degree of reliability and validity of the proposed scale. Correlation and Regression analysis was used to examine the objective this study. The findings revealed that there were significant positive relationships between EI, JS and TE. This study also provides an opportunity to expand the research on other Higher Learning Institutions (HLI).
Papers by anas tajudin