Drafts by Andriy Bilousov
We always find ourselves at the present time, which occupies only one moment. This moment is the ... more We always find ourselves at the present time, which occupies only one moment. This moment is the state of rest and we can observe motion only with the help our memory, that is, by experience. If motion were absolute, then we could be in the past, present, and future, we could travel in time. In reality, we compare what was before with what is now and thus comprehend the change, which we interpret as movement. If we did not have memory, we would not be able to comprehend change, we would always see the present image. Once again, it all depends on which angle we consider the given phenomenon. From the point of view of the present time, there is always a state of rest; from the point of view of experience – there is motion. The state of rest and motion occur simultaneously. The Universe just exists; it exists always at the present time and always takes all its places.
Books by Andriy Bilousov

The Drive to Superiority, 2014
If an individual has great physical strength and his body is beautiful , but the ability to reaso... more If an individual has great physical strength and his body is beautiful , but the ability to reason logically* is absent, he seems to many people grotesque, unpleasant and stupid.
If a person has a lot of money, but the ability to reason logically is absent, he is often despised by a majority.
If a person has learned and memorized all the details of science, in which he deals, but the ability to reason logically is absent, he is considered abstracted from real life.
The ability to reason logically is the only quality in the intellectual sense _______________________________________________
*Reason logically – to form concepts to completion.
that gives one homo sapiens superiority over the other. This is the main human quality that separates "Julius Caesar" from the uncouth man.
A great number of people do not feel the boundaries between reality and fiction, between knowledge, which can be verified in experience and knowledge that goes beyond it and is only a fruit of the mind. And this is not surprising, because we accept this visible, orderly world for granted, building in our mind the same orderly schemas that do not correspond to the underlying reality, and are often mistaken in our judgments. But, at the same time, if we take a closer look at nature, everything will become perfectly clear. The reason for this is a modern culture, which has largely distorted our thinking.
Imagine a contemperary individual who spends many hours sitting at the computer in interactive websites. He has plunged into a world of digital reality, he has gone through all the most difficult levels of a video game; he's an expert in everything, his own opinion he considers the only correct one. This person will tell you about God, culture, politics... moreover, he still dares to criticize the government, which pays him unemployment benefits and social security guarantees... Let's mentally send this super clever man to Ancient Greece, in the times of the fearless heroes, which were considered inferior in their physical strength and mental capabilities only to the immortal gods. For the Spartans, for example, verbosity was a sign of stupidity. If such an expert would not be killed immediately, he would be made a laughingstock for the nation. Although Sparta did not give the world any outstanding thinkers, as Athens, nevertheless it left the eternal memory of the fearless warriors who loved and defended their homeland.
Unfortunately, this is a price for technologies, which leads to a dulling of the natural human qualities. We don't need to remember much information. Why? After all, we can always go to Google and find the answer to almost any question. We don't need excessive physical strength: it is replaced by machines; we do not need excessive skills, vision, efforts for getting a piece of bread. Life has become much easier but, unfortunately, the price of such simplicity is very high to unceremoniously surrender into the hands of progress, without standing for our mental and physical development. If we do not defend our natural qualities from civilization, we are doomed to complete degradation. After all, by nature we are given a physical body so that we can contact with this world, and the mind to perceive it. All around us is in constant motion, and the one who is passive in life, is not in harmony with nature.
Drafts by Andriy Bilousov
Books by Andriy Bilousov
If a person has a lot of money, but the ability to reason logically is absent, he is often despised by a majority.
If a person has learned and memorized all the details of science, in which he deals, but the ability to reason logically is absent, he is considered abstracted from real life.
The ability to reason logically is the only quality in the intellectual sense _______________________________________________
*Reason logically – to form concepts to completion.
that gives one homo sapiens superiority over the other. This is the main human quality that separates "Julius Caesar" from the uncouth man.
A great number of people do not feel the boundaries between reality and fiction, between knowledge, which can be verified in experience and knowledge that goes beyond it and is only a fruit of the mind. And this is not surprising, because we accept this visible, orderly world for granted, building in our mind the same orderly schemas that do not correspond to the underlying reality, and are often mistaken in our judgments. But, at the same time, if we take a closer look at nature, everything will become perfectly clear. The reason for this is a modern culture, which has largely distorted our thinking.
Imagine a contemperary individual who spends many hours sitting at the computer in interactive websites. He has plunged into a world of digital reality, he has gone through all the most difficult levels of a video game; he's an expert in everything, his own opinion he considers the only correct one. This person will tell you about God, culture, politics... moreover, he still dares to criticize the government, which pays him unemployment benefits and social security guarantees... Let's mentally send this super clever man to Ancient Greece, in the times of the fearless heroes, which were considered inferior in their physical strength and mental capabilities only to the immortal gods. For the Spartans, for example, verbosity was a sign of stupidity. If such an expert would not be killed immediately, he would be made a laughingstock for the nation. Although Sparta did not give the world any outstanding thinkers, as Athens, nevertheless it left the eternal memory of the fearless warriors who loved and defended their homeland.
Unfortunately, this is a price for technologies, which leads to a dulling of the natural human qualities. We don't need to remember much information. Why? After all, we can always go to Google and find the answer to almost any question. We don't need excessive physical strength: it is replaced by machines; we do not need excessive skills, vision, efforts for getting a piece of bread. Life has become much easier but, unfortunately, the price of such simplicity is very high to unceremoniously surrender into the hands of progress, without standing for our mental and physical development. If we do not defend our natural qualities from civilization, we are doomed to complete degradation. After all, by nature we are given a physical body so that we can contact with this world, and the mind to perceive it. All around us is in constant motion, and the one who is passive in life, is not in harmony with nature.
If a person has a lot of money, but the ability to reason logically is absent, he is often despised by a majority.
If a person has learned and memorized all the details of science, in which he deals, but the ability to reason logically is absent, he is considered abstracted from real life.
The ability to reason logically is the only quality in the intellectual sense _______________________________________________
*Reason logically – to form concepts to completion.
that gives one homo sapiens superiority over the other. This is the main human quality that separates "Julius Caesar" from the uncouth man.
A great number of people do not feel the boundaries between reality and fiction, between knowledge, which can be verified in experience and knowledge that goes beyond it and is only a fruit of the mind. And this is not surprising, because we accept this visible, orderly world for granted, building in our mind the same orderly schemas that do not correspond to the underlying reality, and are often mistaken in our judgments. But, at the same time, if we take a closer look at nature, everything will become perfectly clear. The reason for this is a modern culture, which has largely distorted our thinking.
Imagine a contemperary individual who spends many hours sitting at the computer in interactive websites. He has plunged into a world of digital reality, he has gone through all the most difficult levels of a video game; he's an expert in everything, his own opinion he considers the only correct one. This person will tell you about God, culture, politics... moreover, he still dares to criticize the government, which pays him unemployment benefits and social security guarantees... Let's mentally send this super clever man to Ancient Greece, in the times of the fearless heroes, which were considered inferior in their physical strength and mental capabilities only to the immortal gods. For the Spartans, for example, verbosity was a sign of stupidity. If such an expert would not be killed immediately, he would be made a laughingstock for the nation. Although Sparta did not give the world any outstanding thinkers, as Athens, nevertheless it left the eternal memory of the fearless warriors who loved and defended their homeland.
Unfortunately, this is a price for technologies, which leads to a dulling of the natural human qualities. We don't need to remember much information. Why? After all, we can always go to Google and find the answer to almost any question. We don't need excessive physical strength: it is replaced by machines; we do not need excessive skills, vision, efforts for getting a piece of bread. Life has become much easier but, unfortunately, the price of such simplicity is very high to unceremoniously surrender into the hands of progress, without standing for our mental and physical development. If we do not defend our natural qualities from civilization, we are doomed to complete degradation. After all, by nature we are given a physical body so that we can contact with this world, and the mind to perceive it. All around us is in constant motion, and the one who is passive in life, is not in harmony with nature.