Papers by amit chakravarty

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Background: This study was conducted to herbally antagonize the growth of a multi drug resistant ... more Background: This study was conducted to herbally antagonize the growth of a multi drug resistant Pseudomonas sp using ethanolic carrot rough fiber extractive. Materials and methods: The isolated strain of Pseudomonas sp was subjected to treatment with 5 different antibiotics-Chloramphenicol, penicillin, streptomycin, amoxycillin clavulanate along with monocef up to a concentration of 500µg/ml. The isolated organism was also treated with a mutagen Ethyl methane sulphonate. The antimicrobial property of the ethanolic carrot rough fiber extractive was tested by well diffusion method. MIC study of the ethanolic carrot rough fiber extractive was also performed. Result: The isolated strain was found to be resistant against 5 different antibiotics-Chloramphenicol, penicillin, streptomycin, amoxycillin clavulanate along with monocef up to a concentration of 500µg/ml. This organism was also found to grow at 44°C without any pigment production. This Pseudomonas sp also possess the ability of ...

Recent studies demonstrated that resveratrol has many therapeutic effects on liver disorders. It ... more Recent studies demonstrated that resveratrol has many therapeutic effects on liver disorders. It significantly increased survival after liver transplantation, decreased fat deposition, necrosis, and apoptosis which induced by ischemia in Wistar rats. It provided liver protection against chemical, cholestatic, and alcohol injury. Resveratrol can improve glucose metabolism and lipid profile and decrease liver fibrosis and steatosis. Furthermore, it was able to alter hepatic cell fatty acid composition. This study we observed the pre-treatment and post-treatment of resveratrol and evaluation of blood CBC parameters in patients with beta and HbE-beta thalassaemia shows three categories of response: Complete Response (52.2%; in patients who can able to maintain at an average Hb level of 6-9 gm/dL without blood transfusion, in this group 12.3% patients are without any previous H/O blood transfusion, others shifted from monthly blood transfusion dependency to a stable transfusion-free condition); Partial Response (18.2%; in patients who remained transfusion dependent but at longer intervals : 2-3 months or more) and Non response (15.9%; in patients who, after more than one year of treatment, remained at the same level of transfusion dependency) and we observed the evaluation of LFT of Beta and Hb E/Beta thalassaemic patients on Trans Resveratrol Therapy.

Trans-Resveratrol responses were influenced by Several genetic, non-genetic and pharmacological f... more Trans-Resveratrol responses were influenced by Several genetic, non-genetic and pharmacological factors in different early studies. The response to Trans-Resveratrol is significantly different among good, moderate and non-responders irrespective of the IVS I-5 (GC), the common beta mutation here and even among other β 0 or β + thalassaemia mutations. It has been shown that even among good responders in some cases (8.39 %) patients are not showing high HbF values. (< 20% HbF values are taken). We studied among 220 patients that Trans-Resveratrol therapy completely replace blood transfusion in Eastern part of India. The predominant β-thalassemia defect is the IVSI-5(GC), the most frequent β0-thal mutation in the area. This mutation is found in 87.66% of the CR patients and in 86.66% of the PR / NR patients. The next represented defects are the β+-thalassemia mutations like Cod 8/9, Fr. 41/42, Cod 15, Cod 30 etc. The distribution of the IVSI-5 (GC) genotype among the CR, PR / NR....

ABSTRACT: Purpose-In order to assess major chromosomal abnormalities among sick neonate with dysm... more ABSTRACT: Purpose-In order to assess major chromosomal abnormalities among sick neonate with dysmorphic feature and delayed milestones in Kolkata, a chromosome aberration survey was initiated in collaboration with Dr. B. C. Roy Post Graduate Institute for Pediatric Science ( Kolkata) is in progress. Methods- In last two years, we have screened about 120 sick neonates (Indicated cases as per clinical findings). Cytogenetic analysis of blood lymphocytes were studied with High Resolution GTG-banding analysis by using Chromosome profiling (Cyto-vision software 3.6) on their chromosomes. Results- The result shows that among 120 patients 22 cases have chromosomal abnormality ( 2 % cases) and 36 % ( 8 cases out of 22) have chromosomal structural variation in sick neonate with gross dysmorphic features with MR which is correlated with International Data. Conclusions- Present data shows 1 % (total 22 cases) was affected with chromosomal anomalies represent about 1800 sick neonate screening i...
Genomics & Gene Therapy International Journal

International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research
Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate dried pomegranate peels as a substrate for citric ... more Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate dried pomegranate peels as a substrate for citric acid production by Aspergillus niger. Methods: The morphological study of Aspergillus niger was carried out by wet mount with lactophenol cotton blue and slide culture method. A preliminary qualitative screening of citric acid-producing ability of this fungal strain was also performed by using the Czapek-Dox agar medium containing Bromocresol green. Dried and finely powdered Pomegranate peel was used as a principal substrate for the production of citric acid by submerged fermentation. Classical method of citric acid recovery involved a precipitation technique using calcium hydroxide followed by filtration and subsequent treatment with sulphuric acid. The citric acid produced was also chemically detected and titrimetrically estimated by 0.1 N NaOH. Results: The present experiment demonstrated that pomegranate peels may serve as an inexpensive medium for the production of citric acid with ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Interdisciplinary toxicology, 2017
The effects of four food additives, namely sodium nitrite (NaNO), sodium nitrate (NaNO), potassiu... more The effects of four food additives, namely sodium nitrite (NaNO), sodium nitrate (NaNO), potassium nitrite (KNO), and potassium nitrate (KNO), on animal development were evaluated by using Drosophila melanogster, a model organism. Adult male and female flies were allowed to breed in culture medium, each containing one of 4 concentrations, .10, 20, 30 or 40 mM of the above mentioned salts. The concentration of 40 mM, NaNO and KNO completely arrested the development of the flies. Of the different concentrations of the four salts tested, exposure of flies to 30 mM NaNO exhibited only significant delays in the initial appearances of third instar larvae, pupae and young adults, along with huge reduction in the number of pupae and young adults compared to controls. Rearrangements like inversions, deletion looping, regional shrinking, as well as highly enlarged puffing, . were also observed in the polytene chromosomes of the third instar larvae exposed to 30 mM NaNO. Developmental outcomes...

International Journal of Gynecological Endoscopy
Introduction: Spontaneous abortion has been reported in 15 to 20% of all diagnosed pregnancies. T... more Introduction: Spontaneous abortion has been reported in 15 to 20% of all diagnosed pregnancies. The most common cause of spontaneous abortion is chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo. Robertsonian translocation is one of the major chromosomal rearrangements with a prevalence rate of 0.1% of the general population and 1% of the infertile population. Robertsonian translocation carriers especially 21,14 are the most common balanced rearrangements among the carrier couples with a history of spontaneous abortion. Materials and methods: Cytogenetic evaluation of both the partners and the child revealed that the child had translocated Down's syndrome and the mother was carrier of balanced Robertsonian translocation of 14q;21q. Amniocentesis of the next pregnancy and detection of chromosomal abnormality in the fetus were done by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of the amniotic cells with 13,18,21,X,Y probe mix. Conclusion: The present case study shows that genetic counseling, cytogenetic evaluation, prenatal diagnosis by amniocentesis, and FISH together help couples with nonhomologous RT and history with syndromic child and repeated abortions to get normal offspring.

International Journal of Infertility & Fetal Medicine
Purpose: Spontaneous abortion has been reported in 15 to 20% of all diagnosed pregnancies. The mo... more Purpose: Spontaneous abortion has been reported in 15 to 20% of all diagnosed pregnancies. The most common cause of spontaneous abortion is chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo. Robertsonian translocation (RT) is one of the major chromosomal rearrangements with a prevalence rate of 0.1% of the general population and 1% of the infertile population. Robertsonian translocation carriers, especially 21-14, are the most common balanced rearrangement among the carrier couples with a history of spontaneous abortion. Materials and methods: Cytogenetic analysis was carried out based on phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures and without phytohemagglutinin-stimulated amniocyte culture. Lymphocyte and amniocyte culturing and GTG banding were performed following standard protocols as described by the Association of genetic technologists (AGT) Cytogenetics Laboratory Manual. Results: Cytogenetic evaluation of both the partners and the child revealed that the child had translocated Down's syndrome and the mother was a carrier of balanced RT of 14q;21q. Amniocentesis of the next pregnancy and detection of chromosomal abnormality in the fetus was done by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of the amniotic cells with 13,18,21,X,Y probe mix found normal chromosomal constituent in the fetus. Conclusion: The present study shows that genetic counseling, cytogenetic evaluation, prenatal diagnosis by amniocentesis, and FISH together help couples with nonhomologous RT and history with syndromic child and repeated abortions to get normal offspring.
International Journal of Advanced Research
International Journal of Advanced Research
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2017
Applied Medical Research, 2017

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2017
Inositol hexa phosphoric acid (IP6) or Phytic acid, a natural antioxidant of some leguminous plan... more Inositol hexa phosphoric acid (IP6) or Phytic acid, a natural antioxidant of some leguminous plants, known to act as a protective agent for seed storage in plants by suppressing iron catalyzed oxidative process. Following the same mechanism, we have tested the effect of IP6 on iron overloaded in vitro oxidative stress, and studied it&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s in vivo hepatoprotective ability in iron-dextran (injection)-induced iron overloaded liver injury in mice (intraperitoneal). Our results showed that IP6 had in vitro iron chelation (IC50 38.4μg/ml) activity, with the inhibition of iron-induced lipid peroxidation (IC50 552μg/ml), and deoxyribose sugar degrading hydroxyl radicals (IC50 448.6μg/ml). Oral administration of IP6 (0-200mg/kg) revealed significant decrease in biochemical markers such as serum iron, total iron binding, serum ferritin and serum enzymes. Histopathology of liver stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Prussian blue showed reduced hepatocellular necrosis, ballooning and inflammation, indicating the restoration of normal cellular integrity. Interestingly, the IP6 was found to down-regulate the mRNA expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, Interleukin (IL)-1β, and IL-6 in iron overloaded liver tissues. Thus, we provide an insight that IP6, a natural food component, can serve as an iron chelator against iron overload diseases like Thalassemia, and also as a dietary hepatoprotective supplement.

Journal of Pediatric Genetics, 2015
Here, we present two thalassemic patients (one male and one female), having unusual clinical phen... more Here, we present two thalassemic patients (one male and one female), having unusual clinical phenotypes. Both had mental retardation in which one was associated with microcephaly and other had congenital cataract. They were referred to our institute for clinical evaluation and cytogenetic testing. Both patients were tested for presence of abnormal hemoglobin by high performance liquid chromatography and found to be thalassemic. Their -globin mutation was also determined by amplification refractory mutation system-polymerase chain reaction. The male patient was found to have intervening sequence 1-5 (G-C)/+, indicating -thalassemia trait and the female was found to have Cod 26 (G-A)/IVS 1-5 (G-C), indicating hemoglobin E- thalassemia. Their cytogenetic analysis of blood lymphocytes were studied with high-resolution GTG-banding analysis by using chromosome profiling (Cyto-vision software 3.6) on their chromosomes. Results revealed 46,XY,del(1)(p36.21) in the male and 46,XX,del(1)(p36.3) in the female. Their genotype variation showed (based on genome browser) significant gene loss which probably leads to marked phenotype variation. We believe, thalassemia with mental retardation associated with microcephaly and congenital cataract, both having loss in chromosome 1, p36 position, is reported probably first time from India. This report will definitely enlighten all concerns and add to the information in growing literature.
International Blood Research & Reviews, 2016

Scientifica, 2016
In this report we have tried to explain the reasons behind the difference in the pattern of trans... more In this report we have tried to explain the reasons behind the difference in the pattern of transfusion requirement between two members of a family with similarβ-globin mutation. The father and younger son both are HbE-β, but the father never had transfusion, whereas the younger son takes transfusion monthly. Mother and the elder son are HbEE without any history of transfusion.β-globin mutations of all family members were determined by ARMS-PCR. These were reconfirmed by direct sequencing ofβ-globin gene. Father and younger son were found to be Cod 26 (G-A)/IVS 1-5 (G-C), whereas mother and elder son were found to be Cod 26 (G-A)/Cod 26 (G-A). XmnI sequencing also revealed that all members of the family were CC. Then, flow cytometry study of red blood cells (RBCs) was performed to measure the oxidative stress of the RBCs. This study was also done on the light and dense fractions of the RBC population of the father and younger son. It was seen that the younger son suffers severe oxid...

Proteomics Clin Appl, 2010
In (hemoglobin, Hb) HbEβ-thalassemia, HbE (β-26 Glu→Lys) interacts with β-thalassemia to produce ... more In (hemoglobin, Hb) HbEβ-thalassemia, HbE (β-26 Glu→Lys) interacts with β-thalassemia to produce clinical manifestation of varying severity. This is the first proteomic effort to study changes in protein levels of erythrocytes isolated from HbEβ-thalassemic patients compared to normal. We have used 2-DE and MALDI-MS/MS-based techniques to investigate the differential proteome profiling of membrane and Hb-depleted fraction of cytosolic proteins of erythrocytes isolated from the peripheral blood samples of HbEβ-thalassemia patients and normal volunteers. Our study showed that redox regulators such as peroxiredoxin 2, Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase and thioredoxin and chaperones such as α-hemoglobin stabilizing protein and HSP-70 were upregulated in HbEβ-thalassemia. We have also observed larger amounts of membrane associated globin chains and indications of disruption of spectrin-based junctional complex in the membrane skeleton of HbEβ-thalassemic erythrocytes upon detection of low molecular weight fragments of β-spectrin and decrease in β-actin and dematin content. We have observed interesting changes in the proteomic levels of redox regulators and chaperons in the thalassemic hemolysates and have observed strong correlation or association of the extent of such proteomic changes with HbE levels. This could be important in understanding the role of HbE in disease progression and pathophysiology.
Papers by amit chakravarty