To date, a rather large set of both mathematical theories for species delimitation, based on sing... more To date, a rather large set of both mathematical theories for species delimitation, based on single-locus genetic data, and their implementations as software products, has been accumulated. Comparison of the efficiencies of different delineation methods in the task of accumulating and analyzing data with reference to different taxa in different regions, is vital. The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of fifteen single-locus species delimitation methods using the example of a fish species found in a single lake in European Russia (Lake Plescheyevo) with reference to other sequences of revealed taxa deposited in international databases. We analyzed 186 original COI sequences belonging to 24 haplotypes, and 101 other sequences previously deposited in GenBank and BOLD. Comparison of all 15 alternative taxonomies demonstrated that all methods adequately separate only the genera, while the number of delimited mOTUs differed from 16 (locMin) to 43 (HwM/CoMa). We can assume th...
The Far East of Russia is a region where boreal and tropical faunas mix; it is also a zone of cla... more The Far East of Russia is a region where boreal and tropical faunas mix; it is also a zone of cladoceran endemism. The present study aimed to compare a set of microcrustacean (Cladocera and Copepoda) associations in three large lakes of the Russian Far East: Khanka, Bolon, and Chukchagir. The associations of the microcrustaceans were identified based on the function of the discrete hypergeometric distribution. Many of the 108 taxa found here were unaffiliated with an association. Interestingly, the portion of taxa involved and “not involved” in species associations differed among geographic faunistic complexes. The rate of endemism was significantly higher among the taxa incorporated into the associations as compared to the “not involved” taxa. In all the lakes, there were large clusters of phytophilous species characteristic of the macrophyte zone (and its margins) and clusters characteristic of pelagic and sublittoral plankton. We found that in the three lakes, the microcrustacean...
In this study, we examine, identify, and discuss fossil remains of large branchiopod crustaceans ... more In this study, we examine, identify, and discuss fossil remains of large branchiopod crustaceans collected from six sites across the Beringian region (north-eastern Asia and north-western North America). Eggs and mandibles from Anostraca and Notostraca, as well as a notostracan telson fragment and a possible notostracan second maxilla, were collected from both paleosediment samples and also from large mammal hair. The remains of large branchiopods and other species that are limited to seasonally astatic aquatic habitats (temporary wetlands) could be useful indicator organisms of paleoecological conditions. Different recent large branchiopod species have very different ecological preferences, with each species limited to specific geochemical component tolerance ranges regarding various salinity, cation, and gypsum concentrations. Our purpose is to bring the potential usefulness of these common fossil organisms to the attention of paleoecologists.
Aquatic ecosystems around the world are under increasing pressure from human activities and globa... more Aquatic ecosystems around the world are under increasing pressure from human activities and global warming, either directly or indirectly [...]
The variability of the 12S gene fragment of the mtDNA for taxa belonging to subgenus Daphnia (Dap... more The variability of the 12S gene fragment of the mtDNA for taxa belonging to subgenus Daphnia (Daphnia) O.F. Müller, 1776 (Crustacea: Cladocera) in NE Russia is studied, and their phylogenetic analysis performed. We identified (based both on morphological and molecular data) nine species belonging to four species complexes, namely: (A) D. longispina s.l.: (1) D. longispina O.F. Müller, 1776; (2) D. dentifera Forbes, 1893; (3) D. galeata Sars, 1864; (4) D. umbra Taylor, Hebert et Colbourne, 1996; (B) D. cristata s.l.: (5) D. cristata Sars, 1862; (6) D. longiremis Sars, 1862; (C) D. curvirostris s.l.: (7) D. curvirostris Eylmann, 1887; (D) D. pulex s.l.: (8) D. pulex Leydig, 1860; (9) D. middendorffiana Fischer, 1851. Rare arcto-mountainous taxon D. umbra was found in the mountains of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic for the first time. Species diversity in NE Asia is relatively low, and the most revealed taxa are trans-Beringian. We also performed a phylogeographic analysis of D. dentifer...
Adequate species’ identification is critical for the detection and monitoring of biological invas... more Adequate species’ identification is critical for the detection and monitoring of biological invasions. In this study, we proposed and assessed the efficiency of newly created primer sets for the genetic identification of non-indigenous species (NIS) of fishes in the Volga basin based on: (a) a “long” fragment of cytochrome c oxidase subunit one of the mitochondrial gene (COI) (0.7 kb), used in “classical” DNA barcoding; (b) a short 3’-fragment (0.3 kb) of COI, suitable for use in high-throughput sequencing systems (i.e., for dietary analysis); (c) fragment of 16S mitochondrial rRNA, including those designed to fill the library of reference sequences for work on the metabarcoding of communities and eDNA studies; (d) a fragment of 18S nuclear rRNA, including two hypervariable regions V1-V2, valuable for animal phylogeny. All four sets of primers demonstrated a high amplification efficiency and high specificity for freshwater fish. Also, we proposed the protocols for the cost-effective...
Reliable species identification is critical for detection and monitoring of biological invasions.... more Reliable species identification is critical for detection and monitoring of biological invasions. In this study, we propose four sets of primers for efficient amplification of several loci, including the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase-c (COI) subunit I gene which is a basis for DNA barcoding. This set of primers gives a shorter product which can be used in high-throughput sequencing systems for metabarcoding purposes. Another mitochondrial locus encoding the large ribosomal subunit (16S) may be useful to study the population structure and as an additional source of information in the metabarcoding of communities. We propose to use a set of primers for the nuclear locus of the small ribosomal subunit (18S) as a positive control and to verify the results of the barcoding. Our proposed sets of primers demonstrate a high amplification efficiency and a high specificity both for freshwater alien and indigenous fishes. The proposed research design makes it possible to carry out extremely...
A diatom analysis of a peat deposit from Shemya Island (Aleutian Arc, USA) is performed, and the ... more A diatom analysis of a peat deposit from Shemya Island (Aleutian Arc, USA) is performed, and the dynamics of the diatom community are described. According to the radiocarbon dating, the formation of the deposit began 9300 cal. years BP. Principal component analysis made it possible to relate the dynamics of the diatom community to certain environmental conditions and the factors that influenced the coastal ecosystems during its formation. The following factors (predictors) were considered: the influence of age, zoo- and anthropogenic effects, and changes in climatic conditions. Sea level change was the main driver of the diatom community in the studied water body having a continuous direct and indirect influence on the studied small water body, i.e., by bird colony formation and more humid and coastal conditions. Since 3000–2000 cal. years BP, the anthropogenic factor (hunting depression of the bird colony) also became significant. During the whole water body lifetime and following ...
We discuss current progress with the revision of Alona Baird, 1843 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Chydori... more We discuss current progress with the revision of Alona Baird, 1843 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Chydoridae), the largest cladoceran lump genus. We present the first inventory of these Aloninae since the 1970’s and include an updated checklist of names, with comments on the current status and position of each taxon. We discuss validity, affinities and synonymy of ca. 240 names, including subspecies and varieties. Recent taxonomic shifts have lead to a better delineation of natural groups in the Aloninae but the Alona puzzle remains incomplete. The majority of taxa are grouped into species-complexes or separate genera. We count 14 Aloninae genera, now considered valid, that were split from Alona. The status of a significant portion remains unclear, due to poor original descriptions and/or loss of type material. Even with detailed morphological descriptions, the phylogenetic position of many Aloninae remains unsettled. Analysis of Alona taxonomy based on the checklist shows historical trends...
лизировать структуру сообществ с целью выявить основные факторы среды, определяющие последнюю. Вс... more лизировать структуру сообществ с целью выявить основные факторы среды, определяющие последнюю. Всего было идентифицировано 19 видов Copepoda (14 родов) и 16 видов Branchiopoda (12 родов). Среди них, семь видов были впервые найдены в этом регионе северной части Восточной Сибири, а именно два вида каляноид (Acanthodiaptomus denticornis, Arctodiaptomus wierzejskii), три вида циклопоид (Acanthocyclops venustus, Diacyclops crassicaudis, D. languidoides) и два вида кладоцер (Eurycercus cf. glacialis, Pleuroxus cf. trigonellus). Фауна района очень бедна и в основном представлена эврибионтными видами с широкими палеарктическими или голарктическими ареалами. Различия в структуре сообществ в различных водоемах могут быть объяснены различными абиотическими предпочтениями (в т.ч., в части удельной электропроводности/солености и температуры) доминантных видов.
A large series (26 samples) of fossil insect assemblages were excavated from riverbank exposures ... more A large series (26 samples) of fossil insect assemblages were excavated from riverbank exposures at two localities at Ikpikpuk and Titaluk Rivers on the North Slope of Alaska, U.S.A. Climatic conditions were reconstructed for the Late Pleistocene and early Holocene based on the fossil insect assemblage data. Insects indicate the continuous existence of a steppe-tundra community on the Alaskan North Slope during the end of the Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene. The invasion of poplar during the Early Holocene occurred within the context of the steppe-tundra community. The insect faunas indicate plant communities dominated by grasses and other herbs, with the local presence of tall shrubs and dwarf willows. The composition of the North Slope insect communities during the study interval was affected by the high latitude of the localities, periglacial winds coming off Brooks Range glaciers, and the close proximity of eolian sand and silt. The North Slope environment differed from those in more southerly localities in Eastern Beringia, reflecting ancient climatic and vegetational zonation.
The genus Daphnia O. F. Müller (Crustacea: Cladocera) is a model taxon for freshwater biology and... more The genus Daphnia O. F. Müller (Crustacea: Cladocera) is a model taxon for freshwater biology and a crucial component of freshwater food webs. However, the genus contains commonly studied species groups, such as Daphnia longispina sensu lato, that are taxonomically confused and poorly characterized with respect to morphology. Here we: (1) analyse the taxonomic value of male anatomical characters within the longispina group and (2) integrate taxonomic, morphological, morphometric and genetic (based on COI and 12S rRNA gene sequences) data to resolve the species complex better. We also address a longstanding taxonomic issue in the group, termed the 'Daphnia umbra problem' after a dubious taxon found in the Canadian Arctic. We redescribe the morphology of adult males of Daphnia longispina O. F. Müller, 1785, Daphnia cf. hyalina Leydig, 1860 and Daphnia dentifera Forbes, 1893. As with other cladocerans, we demonstrate that the adult males provide more characters for taxonomic differentiation than the adult females. We also fully redescribe Daphnia umbra Taylor, Hebert et Colbourne emend. nov. and expand its known distribution to the Siberian Arctic and the temperate mountains of Asian Russia. Our results emphasize the value of integrating traditional, long-term, step-by-step taxonomic revisions and routine species redescriptions with morphometrics and genetics to resolve species problems within Daphnia.
Different surveys in the Campechano–Petenense biogeographical province, including a part of Yucat... more Different surveys in the Campechano–Petenense biogeographical province, including a part of Yucatan Peninsula, Belize, and North of Guatemala (Departments of Peten and Alta Verapaz), produced a list of 56 species of the Cladocera. Studied water bodies included small temporary pools, sinkholes (named cenotes), permanent lagoons, wetlands, and Peten Lake. We increase the number of known cladoceran species from Mexico by adding eight new records, and provide the first published species list for Belize, as well as for the Mayan Mountains and intermittent rivers from Guatemala. Interesting taxa found are Diaphanosoma bergamini Paggi & da Rocha, 1999; Macrothrix spinosa King, 1853; M. elegans Sars, 1901; Grimaldina brazzai Richard, 1892; Picripleuroxus quasidenticulatus Smirnov, 1996; Ephemeroporus tridentatus (Bergamin, 1939); Graptoleberis sp.; Alona cf. ossiani Sinev, 1998; Oxyurella ciliata Bergamin, 1939, and O. longicaudis (Birge, 1910). The majority of these species are Neotropical...
Species with large geographic distributions present a challenge for phylogeographic studies due t... more Species with large geographic distributions present a challenge for phylogeographic studies due to the logistic difficulties of obtaining adequate samples. Daphnia O.F. Mü ller (Anomopoda: Daphniidae) is a model genus for evolutionary biology and ecology, but many regions such as the remote areas of Siberia, remain poorly studied. Here we examined genetic polymorphism in the ribosomal 12S and the protein-coding ND2 mitochondrial genes of three closely related taxa of the Daphnia (Daphnia) longispina complex, namely D. galeata Sars, D. longispina O.F. Mü ller and D. dentifera Forbes. We estimated the phylogenetic relationships among these taxa based on a concatenated alignment of these two genes. Using sequences from the present study and those available in GenBank, we investigated the geographic distributions of the mitochondrial haplotypes of these species and proposed an evolutionary scenario for each taxon. Network structures, haplotype distribution patterns, and F ST values indicated significant differences in the evolutionary history of the examined species. Our analysis of D. galeata populations confirmed its recent and fast expansion, without a previous phase of a strong population disconnection. In contrast, the high haplotype diversity in D. dentifera and D. longispina could be explained by the survival of different phylogroups in several glacial refugia located in different geographic regions. For all studied species, maximum haplotype diversity was recorded in the remote regions of Siberia-lakes of the Yenisei River and Transbaikalia. Our study is an important step in our understanding of the evolutionary history of the Daphnia longispina group and provides further evidence of the biogeographic significance of Siberia for freshwater taxa.
Species with a large geographic distributions present a challenge for phylogeographic studies due... more Species with a large geographic distributions present a challenge for phylogeographic studies due to logistic difficulties of obtaining adequate sampling. For instance, in most species with a Holarctic distribution, the majority of studies has concentrated on the European or North American part of the distribution, with the Eastern Palearctic region being notably understudied. Here, we study the phylogeography of the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna Straus, 1820 (Crustacea: Cladocera), based on partial mitochondrial COI sequences and using specimens from populations spread longitudinally from westernmost Europe to easternmost Asia, with many samples from previously strongly understudied regions in Siberia and Eastern Asia. The results confirm the previously suspected deep split between Eastern and Western mitochondrial haplotype super-clades. We find a narrow contact zone between these two super-clades in the eastern part of Western Siberia, with proven co-occurrence in a single ...
A new species of Acroperus Baird, 1843 (Cladocera: Chydoridae) is described based on the material... more A new species of Acroperus Baird, 1843 (Cladocera: Chydoridae) is described based on the material from Lake Tana, Ethiopia and two water bodies in Eastern Cape, Republic of South Africa. In Africa, Acroperus africanus sp. nov. had a chance to be confused by previous authors with Palearctic A. harpae (Baird, 1834) and A. angustatus Sars, 1863, but it could be easily distinguished from the latter by: (1) smaller seta on the proximal segment of antenna II endopod; (2) larger values of seta 3/seta 2 length ratio on the limb I, as well as some additional features. Diversity of the genus in Africa is underestimated yet, and further investigations of taxon distribution and ecology are necessary.
The aim of the present study is to represent an annotated checklist of the Branchiopoda (Crustace... more The aim of the present study is to represent an annotated checklist of the Branchiopoda (Crustacea) reported from Chilean inland waters. Only Anostraca and Cladocera are found in Chile, while there are no reports on Notostraca and "Conchostraca". Our checklist contains 85 valid taxa, among which nine anostracans and 76 cladocerans. Such "low" biodiversity of the branchiopods in Chile is in reality an artifact of insufficient sampling. Our work indicates that more faunistic, taxonomic and biogeographical studies of Chilean branchiopods are necessary, especially in areas with subtropical climate, Atacama desert, Southern Patagonia, and central Chilean ephemeral pools.
Previous studies provided evidence of the mixing of boreal–tropical cladocerans (Crustacea) in th... more Previous studies provided evidence of the mixing of boreal–tropical cladocerans (Crustacea) in the Far East of Eurasia, as well as the presence of numerous pre-Pleistocene relict endemics. In this study, we hypothesize that the colonization history is reflected in the proportions of endemic/boreal/tropical taxa among different habitat types within this region. We analyzed 442 qualitative samples collected from seven sub-regions of the Far East of Russia and South Korea along a latitudinal transect of approximately 2200 km, where we identified 101 Cladocera species. Our results showed a significantly higher proportion of endemic taxa in the plankton compared to the littoral and benthic zones. The proportions of endemic/boreal/tropical taxa in the permanent and temporary waters were similar. We observed a distinct shift in dominance in benthos and littoral zone across our transect: boreal taxa were prevalent in the northern sub-regions (1–4), while tropical taxa were prevalent in the ...
The aim of this paper is to study the species composition, structure and seasonal dynamics of the... more The aim of this paper is to study the species composition, structure and seasonal dynamics of the cladoceran fauna and species associations in inland water bodies of Jeju Island (Republic of Korea). Only 47 taxa were found in 199 samples. Such faunal paucity could be explained by the existence of only a few types of aquatic environments on Jeju Island as compared to continental China and the Far East of Russia, with their great diversity of water types. We have demonstrated a high significance of the tropical species on Jeju. Our data confirm seasonal faunistic changes in the continental waters of Jeju Island. The rate of tropical taxa is highest in September, after the monsoon season, while the Far Eastern endemic taxa are more common in winter. At the same time, the contribution of Boreal taxa to the fauna of the island is low even in winter. Species associations have been revealed based on binominal distribution; they change significantly from summer to winter. However, a contrib...
To date, a rather large set of both mathematical theories for species delimitation, based on sing... more To date, a rather large set of both mathematical theories for species delimitation, based on single-locus genetic data, and their implementations as software products, has been accumulated. Comparison of the efficiencies of different delineation methods in the task of accumulating and analyzing data with reference to different taxa in different regions, is vital. The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of fifteen single-locus species delimitation methods using the example of a fish species found in a single lake in European Russia (Lake Plescheyevo) with reference to other sequences of revealed taxa deposited in international databases. We analyzed 186 original COI sequences belonging to 24 haplotypes, and 101 other sequences previously deposited in GenBank and BOLD. Comparison of all 15 alternative taxonomies demonstrated that all methods adequately separate only the genera, while the number of delimited mOTUs differed from 16 (locMin) to 43 (HwM/CoMa). We can assume th...
The Far East of Russia is a region where boreal and tropical faunas mix; it is also a zone of cla... more The Far East of Russia is a region where boreal and tropical faunas mix; it is also a zone of cladoceran endemism. The present study aimed to compare a set of microcrustacean (Cladocera and Copepoda) associations in three large lakes of the Russian Far East: Khanka, Bolon, and Chukchagir. The associations of the microcrustaceans were identified based on the function of the discrete hypergeometric distribution. Many of the 108 taxa found here were unaffiliated with an association. Interestingly, the portion of taxa involved and “not involved” in species associations differed among geographic faunistic complexes. The rate of endemism was significantly higher among the taxa incorporated into the associations as compared to the “not involved” taxa. In all the lakes, there were large clusters of phytophilous species characteristic of the macrophyte zone (and its margins) and clusters characteristic of pelagic and sublittoral plankton. We found that in the three lakes, the microcrustacean...
In this study, we examine, identify, and discuss fossil remains of large branchiopod crustaceans ... more In this study, we examine, identify, and discuss fossil remains of large branchiopod crustaceans collected from six sites across the Beringian region (north-eastern Asia and north-western North America). Eggs and mandibles from Anostraca and Notostraca, as well as a notostracan telson fragment and a possible notostracan second maxilla, were collected from both paleosediment samples and also from large mammal hair. The remains of large branchiopods and other species that are limited to seasonally astatic aquatic habitats (temporary wetlands) could be useful indicator organisms of paleoecological conditions. Different recent large branchiopod species have very different ecological preferences, with each species limited to specific geochemical component tolerance ranges regarding various salinity, cation, and gypsum concentrations. Our purpose is to bring the potential usefulness of these common fossil organisms to the attention of paleoecologists.
Aquatic ecosystems around the world are under increasing pressure from human activities and globa... more Aquatic ecosystems around the world are under increasing pressure from human activities and global warming, either directly or indirectly [...]
The variability of the 12S gene fragment of the mtDNA for taxa belonging to subgenus Daphnia (Dap... more The variability of the 12S gene fragment of the mtDNA for taxa belonging to subgenus Daphnia (Daphnia) O.F. Müller, 1776 (Crustacea: Cladocera) in NE Russia is studied, and their phylogenetic analysis performed. We identified (based both on morphological and molecular data) nine species belonging to four species complexes, namely: (A) D. longispina s.l.: (1) D. longispina O.F. Müller, 1776; (2) D. dentifera Forbes, 1893; (3) D. galeata Sars, 1864; (4) D. umbra Taylor, Hebert et Colbourne, 1996; (B) D. cristata s.l.: (5) D. cristata Sars, 1862; (6) D. longiremis Sars, 1862; (C) D. curvirostris s.l.: (7) D. curvirostris Eylmann, 1887; (D) D. pulex s.l.: (8) D. pulex Leydig, 1860; (9) D. middendorffiana Fischer, 1851. Rare arcto-mountainous taxon D. umbra was found in the mountains of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic for the first time. Species diversity in NE Asia is relatively low, and the most revealed taxa are trans-Beringian. We also performed a phylogeographic analysis of D. dentifer...
Adequate species’ identification is critical for the detection and monitoring of biological invas... more Adequate species’ identification is critical for the detection and monitoring of biological invasions. In this study, we proposed and assessed the efficiency of newly created primer sets for the genetic identification of non-indigenous species (NIS) of fishes in the Volga basin based on: (a) a “long” fragment of cytochrome c oxidase subunit one of the mitochondrial gene (COI) (0.7 kb), used in “classical” DNA barcoding; (b) a short 3’-fragment (0.3 kb) of COI, suitable for use in high-throughput sequencing systems (i.e., for dietary analysis); (c) fragment of 16S mitochondrial rRNA, including those designed to fill the library of reference sequences for work on the metabarcoding of communities and eDNA studies; (d) a fragment of 18S nuclear rRNA, including two hypervariable regions V1-V2, valuable for animal phylogeny. All four sets of primers demonstrated a high amplification efficiency and high specificity for freshwater fish. Also, we proposed the protocols for the cost-effective...
Reliable species identification is critical for detection and monitoring of biological invasions.... more Reliable species identification is critical for detection and monitoring of biological invasions. In this study, we propose four sets of primers for efficient amplification of several loci, including the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase-c (COI) subunit I gene which is a basis for DNA barcoding. This set of primers gives a shorter product which can be used in high-throughput sequencing systems for metabarcoding purposes. Another mitochondrial locus encoding the large ribosomal subunit (16S) may be useful to study the population structure and as an additional source of information in the metabarcoding of communities. We propose to use a set of primers for the nuclear locus of the small ribosomal subunit (18S) as a positive control and to verify the results of the barcoding. Our proposed sets of primers demonstrate a high amplification efficiency and a high specificity both for freshwater alien and indigenous fishes. The proposed research design makes it possible to carry out extremely...
A diatom analysis of a peat deposit from Shemya Island (Aleutian Arc, USA) is performed, and the ... more A diatom analysis of a peat deposit from Shemya Island (Aleutian Arc, USA) is performed, and the dynamics of the diatom community are described. According to the radiocarbon dating, the formation of the deposit began 9300 cal. years BP. Principal component analysis made it possible to relate the dynamics of the diatom community to certain environmental conditions and the factors that influenced the coastal ecosystems during its formation. The following factors (predictors) were considered: the influence of age, zoo- and anthropogenic effects, and changes in climatic conditions. Sea level change was the main driver of the diatom community in the studied water body having a continuous direct and indirect influence on the studied small water body, i.e., by bird colony formation and more humid and coastal conditions. Since 3000–2000 cal. years BP, the anthropogenic factor (hunting depression of the bird colony) also became significant. During the whole water body lifetime and following ...
We discuss current progress with the revision of Alona Baird, 1843 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Chydori... more We discuss current progress with the revision of Alona Baird, 1843 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Chydoridae), the largest cladoceran lump genus. We present the first inventory of these Aloninae since the 1970’s and include an updated checklist of names, with comments on the current status and position of each taxon. We discuss validity, affinities and synonymy of ca. 240 names, including subspecies and varieties. Recent taxonomic shifts have lead to a better delineation of natural groups in the Aloninae but the Alona puzzle remains incomplete. The majority of taxa are grouped into species-complexes or separate genera. We count 14 Aloninae genera, now considered valid, that were split from Alona. The status of a significant portion remains unclear, due to poor original descriptions and/or loss of type material. Even with detailed morphological descriptions, the phylogenetic position of many Aloninae remains unsettled. Analysis of Alona taxonomy based on the checklist shows historical trends...
лизировать структуру сообществ с целью выявить основные факторы среды, определяющие последнюю. Вс... more лизировать структуру сообществ с целью выявить основные факторы среды, определяющие последнюю. Всего было идентифицировано 19 видов Copepoda (14 родов) и 16 видов Branchiopoda (12 родов). Среди них, семь видов были впервые найдены в этом регионе северной части Восточной Сибири, а именно два вида каляноид (Acanthodiaptomus denticornis, Arctodiaptomus wierzejskii), три вида циклопоид (Acanthocyclops venustus, Diacyclops crassicaudis, D. languidoides) и два вида кладоцер (Eurycercus cf. glacialis, Pleuroxus cf. trigonellus). Фауна района очень бедна и в основном представлена эврибионтными видами с широкими палеарктическими или голарктическими ареалами. Различия в структуре сообществ в различных водоемах могут быть объяснены различными абиотическими предпочтениями (в т.ч., в части удельной электропроводности/солености и температуры) доминантных видов.
A large series (26 samples) of fossil insect assemblages were excavated from riverbank exposures ... more A large series (26 samples) of fossil insect assemblages were excavated from riverbank exposures at two localities at Ikpikpuk and Titaluk Rivers on the North Slope of Alaska, U.S.A. Climatic conditions were reconstructed for the Late Pleistocene and early Holocene based on the fossil insect assemblage data. Insects indicate the continuous existence of a steppe-tundra community on the Alaskan North Slope during the end of the Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene. The invasion of poplar during the Early Holocene occurred within the context of the steppe-tundra community. The insect faunas indicate plant communities dominated by grasses and other herbs, with the local presence of tall shrubs and dwarf willows. The composition of the North Slope insect communities during the study interval was affected by the high latitude of the localities, periglacial winds coming off Brooks Range glaciers, and the close proximity of eolian sand and silt. The North Slope environment differed from those in more southerly localities in Eastern Beringia, reflecting ancient climatic and vegetational zonation.
The genus Daphnia O. F. Müller (Crustacea: Cladocera) is a model taxon for freshwater biology and... more The genus Daphnia O. F. Müller (Crustacea: Cladocera) is a model taxon for freshwater biology and a crucial component of freshwater food webs. However, the genus contains commonly studied species groups, such as Daphnia longispina sensu lato, that are taxonomically confused and poorly characterized with respect to morphology. Here we: (1) analyse the taxonomic value of male anatomical characters within the longispina group and (2) integrate taxonomic, morphological, morphometric and genetic (based on COI and 12S rRNA gene sequences) data to resolve the species complex better. We also address a longstanding taxonomic issue in the group, termed the 'Daphnia umbra problem' after a dubious taxon found in the Canadian Arctic. We redescribe the morphology of adult males of Daphnia longispina O. F. Müller, 1785, Daphnia cf. hyalina Leydig, 1860 and Daphnia dentifera Forbes, 1893. As with other cladocerans, we demonstrate that the adult males provide more characters for taxonomic differentiation than the adult females. We also fully redescribe Daphnia umbra Taylor, Hebert et Colbourne emend. nov. and expand its known distribution to the Siberian Arctic and the temperate mountains of Asian Russia. Our results emphasize the value of integrating traditional, long-term, step-by-step taxonomic revisions and routine species redescriptions with morphometrics and genetics to resolve species problems within Daphnia.
Different surveys in the Campechano–Petenense biogeographical province, including a part of Yucat... more Different surveys in the Campechano–Petenense biogeographical province, including a part of Yucatan Peninsula, Belize, and North of Guatemala (Departments of Peten and Alta Verapaz), produced a list of 56 species of the Cladocera. Studied water bodies included small temporary pools, sinkholes (named cenotes), permanent lagoons, wetlands, and Peten Lake. We increase the number of known cladoceran species from Mexico by adding eight new records, and provide the first published species list for Belize, as well as for the Mayan Mountains and intermittent rivers from Guatemala. Interesting taxa found are Diaphanosoma bergamini Paggi & da Rocha, 1999; Macrothrix spinosa King, 1853; M. elegans Sars, 1901; Grimaldina brazzai Richard, 1892; Picripleuroxus quasidenticulatus Smirnov, 1996; Ephemeroporus tridentatus (Bergamin, 1939); Graptoleberis sp.; Alona cf. ossiani Sinev, 1998; Oxyurella ciliata Bergamin, 1939, and O. longicaudis (Birge, 1910). The majority of these species are Neotropical...
Species with large geographic distributions present a challenge for phylogeographic studies due t... more Species with large geographic distributions present a challenge for phylogeographic studies due to the logistic difficulties of obtaining adequate samples. Daphnia O.F. Mü ller (Anomopoda: Daphniidae) is a model genus for evolutionary biology and ecology, but many regions such as the remote areas of Siberia, remain poorly studied. Here we examined genetic polymorphism in the ribosomal 12S and the protein-coding ND2 mitochondrial genes of three closely related taxa of the Daphnia (Daphnia) longispina complex, namely D. galeata Sars, D. longispina O.F. Mü ller and D. dentifera Forbes. We estimated the phylogenetic relationships among these taxa based on a concatenated alignment of these two genes. Using sequences from the present study and those available in GenBank, we investigated the geographic distributions of the mitochondrial haplotypes of these species and proposed an evolutionary scenario for each taxon. Network structures, haplotype distribution patterns, and F ST values indicated significant differences in the evolutionary history of the examined species. Our analysis of D. galeata populations confirmed its recent and fast expansion, without a previous phase of a strong population disconnection. In contrast, the high haplotype diversity in D. dentifera and D. longispina could be explained by the survival of different phylogroups in several glacial refugia located in different geographic regions. For all studied species, maximum haplotype diversity was recorded in the remote regions of Siberia-lakes of the Yenisei River and Transbaikalia. Our study is an important step in our understanding of the evolutionary history of the Daphnia longispina group and provides further evidence of the biogeographic significance of Siberia for freshwater taxa.
Species with a large geographic distributions present a challenge for phylogeographic studies due... more Species with a large geographic distributions present a challenge for phylogeographic studies due to logistic difficulties of obtaining adequate sampling. For instance, in most species with a Holarctic distribution, the majority of studies has concentrated on the European or North American part of the distribution, with the Eastern Palearctic region being notably understudied. Here, we study the phylogeography of the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna Straus, 1820 (Crustacea: Cladocera), based on partial mitochondrial COI sequences and using specimens from populations spread longitudinally from westernmost Europe to easternmost Asia, with many samples from previously strongly understudied regions in Siberia and Eastern Asia. The results confirm the previously suspected deep split between Eastern and Western mitochondrial haplotype super-clades. We find a narrow contact zone between these two super-clades in the eastern part of Western Siberia, with proven co-occurrence in a single ...
A new species of Acroperus Baird, 1843 (Cladocera: Chydoridae) is described based on the material... more A new species of Acroperus Baird, 1843 (Cladocera: Chydoridae) is described based on the material from Lake Tana, Ethiopia and two water bodies in Eastern Cape, Republic of South Africa. In Africa, Acroperus africanus sp. nov. had a chance to be confused by previous authors with Palearctic A. harpae (Baird, 1834) and A. angustatus Sars, 1863, but it could be easily distinguished from the latter by: (1) smaller seta on the proximal segment of antenna II endopod; (2) larger values of seta 3/seta 2 length ratio on the limb I, as well as some additional features. Diversity of the genus in Africa is underestimated yet, and further investigations of taxon distribution and ecology are necessary.
The aim of the present study is to represent an annotated checklist of the Branchiopoda (Crustace... more The aim of the present study is to represent an annotated checklist of the Branchiopoda (Crustacea) reported from Chilean inland waters. Only Anostraca and Cladocera are found in Chile, while there are no reports on Notostraca and "Conchostraca". Our checklist contains 85 valid taxa, among which nine anostracans and 76 cladocerans. Such "low" biodiversity of the branchiopods in Chile is in reality an artifact of insufficient sampling. Our work indicates that more faunistic, taxonomic and biogeographical studies of Chilean branchiopods are necessary, especially in areas with subtropical climate, Atacama desert, Southern Patagonia, and central Chilean ephemeral pools.
Previous studies provided evidence of the mixing of boreal–tropical cladocerans (Crustacea) in th... more Previous studies provided evidence of the mixing of boreal–tropical cladocerans (Crustacea) in the Far East of Eurasia, as well as the presence of numerous pre-Pleistocene relict endemics. In this study, we hypothesize that the colonization history is reflected in the proportions of endemic/boreal/tropical taxa among different habitat types within this region. We analyzed 442 qualitative samples collected from seven sub-regions of the Far East of Russia and South Korea along a latitudinal transect of approximately 2200 km, where we identified 101 Cladocera species. Our results showed a significantly higher proportion of endemic taxa in the plankton compared to the littoral and benthic zones. The proportions of endemic/boreal/tropical taxa in the permanent and temporary waters were similar. We observed a distinct shift in dominance in benthos and littoral zone across our transect: boreal taxa were prevalent in the northern sub-regions (1–4), while tropical taxa were prevalent in the ...
The aim of this paper is to study the species composition, structure and seasonal dynamics of the... more The aim of this paper is to study the species composition, structure and seasonal dynamics of the cladoceran fauna and species associations in inland water bodies of Jeju Island (Republic of Korea). Only 47 taxa were found in 199 samples. Such faunal paucity could be explained by the existence of only a few types of aquatic environments on Jeju Island as compared to continental China and the Far East of Russia, with their great diversity of water types. We have demonstrated a high significance of the tropical species on Jeju. Our data confirm seasonal faunistic changes in the continental waters of Jeju Island. The rate of tropical taxa is highest in September, after the monsoon season, while the Far Eastern endemic taxa are more common in winter. At the same time, the contribution of Boreal taxa to the fauna of the island is low even in winter. Species associations have been revealed based on binominal distribution; they change significantly from summer to winter. However, a contrib...
Papers by alexey kotov