Papers by avid leonardo sari

Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
The Family Planning Program (KB) is the government's mainstay in suppressing the population growt... more The Family Planning Program (KB) is the government's mainstay in suppressing the population growth rate. Increasing public awareness and participation in maintaining reproductive health is one of the efforts to make the family planning program successful. For this reason, the active Role of several parties is needed in providing education about reproductive health. Midwife. Midwives, as health workers, are considered to be essential subjects in carrying out this education because midwives provide counselling or communication, information and education (IEC) to the public about the importance of maintaining reproductive health. Therefore this study aims to analyze the strategic Role of midwives in implementing family planning programs, especially in increasing public awareness and participation in reproductive health. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. The results of the study showed that Permenkes 1464/Menkes/Per/X/2010 gave authority to midwives to provide services and counselling on reproductive health to the community so that midwives have a strategic role in increasing public awareness and participation in maintaining their reproductive health. The midwife's Role, in this case, can be seen as a manager, educator, facilitator and motivator. However, midwives are often faced with various challenges in carrying out their roles, such as limited resources, lack of government support, socio-cultural problems in the community and lack of public knowledge.

This article focuses on immigration in Minangkabau culture and how Minangkabau people assimilate ... more This article focuses on immigration in Minangkabau culture and how Minangkabau people assimilate in foreign lands. Using the Minangkabau proverb "Nan sakuduang jadi saruik, nan salapeh jadi kambang" as a theoretical framework, this study examines how the Minangkabau people maintain and preserve their culture while contributing to and assimilating into the new society Identity ("nan sakuduang jadi saruik"). It ('nan salapeh jadi kambang'). Research methods included a literature review, in-depth interviews, and participatory observation of Minangkabau communities in multiple resettlement sites. The results of this study show that despite the challenges and obstacles, the Minangkabau people successfully navigated and adapted to a new culture without losing their own cultural identity. This study provides new insights into immigrant cultural dynamics and adjustment processes in the context of Minangkabau, and has the potential to make a significant contributi...

Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi (MEA)
Bulan Ramadan merupakan bulan yang banyak sekali ditunggu oleh masyarakat di Indonesia, khususnya... more Bulan Ramadan merupakan bulan yang banyak sekali ditunggu oleh masyarakat di Indonesia, khususnya bagi keluarga muslim. Hal ini dikarenakan berbagai kebaikan yang ada di dalamnya. Namun sayangnya sering kali terdapat adanya pengeluaran keuangan yang lebih tinggi secara signifikan selama bulan Ramadan. Penelitian ini kemudian akan bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana kehadiran Bulan Ramadan dapat mempengaruhi perilaku keuangan masyarakat di Indonesia, khususnya bagi keluarga muslim. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini berasal dari hasil wawancara dengan beberapa keluarga muslim yang sebelumnya pernah merasakan bulan Ramadan. Hasil dari penelitian ini kemudian menemukan bahwa terdapat adanya beberapa faktor selama bulan Ramadan yang mempengaruhi pengeluaran keluarga muslim, seperti faktor tradisi, konsumsi makanan dan minuman, kebutuhan pakaian dan perlengkapan, dan kehadiran diskon ataupun potongan harga ...

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
The COVID-19 outbreak spread throughout the world and developed into a non-natural disaster. This... more The COVID-19 outbreak spread throughout the world and developed into a non-natural disaster. This pandemic has created crises in various fields, including in the tourism sector. The tourism sector is one of the sectors hardest hit by this disaster because almost every country in the world prohibits its citizens from traveling and prohibits all tourist objects from operating to prevent crowds and crowds that are the main cause of the rapid spread of this dangerous virus. Those who work in the travel, leisure, catering, cooking, and recreation sectors ask what if there is no economy, workplace, or stable revenue stream tomorrow. Tourism as the most humanly focused and labor-intensive sector represents the future in the collapse of the post-Apocalyptic society of millions of hard-working people. The report was then carried out so that after the COVID-19 epidemic, an analysis of the tourism industry was completed. The presentation of research-related data uses qualitative methods.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 21, 2022

International Journal of Demos, Apr 28, 2022
This paper describes the seren year culture in society. In this Seren Year culture, it has its ch... more This paper describes the seren year culture in society. In this Seren Year culture, it has its characteristics or uniqueness. The relationship between them is based on personal and mutual trust. This research also uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The research results are the key to the success of a collaboration, which is strongly influenced by the size of the level of trust (radius of trust) established between the parties involved. Good communication will be easy to do, and cooperation can last a long time if it builds high values and norms of belief. Conversely, collaboration and culture will also be destroyed if they have low values and standards of faith. Thus the level of cooperation and high cultural traditions is closely related to how much value and trust norms are formed between the parties involved. And early childhood learning by teaching the art of aklung or nabeh from grade 1 elementary school is introduced until it is taught up to grade 6 elementary school with traditional selftaught methods and other skills.

ENDLESS, Apr 4, 2022
The importance of national development to improve the quality of people's lives is quite essentia... more The importance of national development to improve the quality of people's lives is quite essential because the welfare of its people indeed measures the development of a country. One of the steps to improve this welfare is to improve the quality of SMEs. Enhancing SMEs' quality can be implemented by utilizing good human resource management. This study aims to see how the state operates human resource management to be able to increase SMEs owned by the community. This research will be carried out using various data obtained from the results of the study and previous studies that are still related to this research. This study found that weak human resource management often causes SMEs to be afraid to use new technologies, so their development is relatively slow. With the government's intervention in improving the management of existing human resources, it is hoped that SMEs in Indonesia can develop quite quickly.

Komitmen: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an influence of motivation, financia... more The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an influence of motivation, financial literacy, and social media financial platforms on student investment interest. This research uses quantitative research with a descriptive analysis approach. The types of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The population of this study was all students majoring in management at the University in Bandung. At the same time, the sample in this study consisted of 50 students using purposive sampling—data collection techniques using the questionnaire method. The type of questionnaire used is a closed and structured questionnaire. The questions or statements do not give freedom to the respondents to provide answers and opinions according to their wishes because the responses have been provided—analysis of research data using Descriptive Analysis, Validity Test, Reliability Test, and Partial Hypothesis Testing. Based on the research and data analysis results, it can b...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
In the hospitality sector, attrition of employees is a big global concern. The intentions of empl... more In the hospitality sector, attrition of employees is a big global concern. The intentions of employee sales are the proxy for the current turnover of employees. The management of shifting working ties is one of the daunting challenges facing hospitality organizations. The hotel sector uses its human capital to gain its strategic edge in the consumer services market. Experts stress that the hospitality industry is a highly guest-based market that determines the enterprise's performance through meetings between staff and visitors. This analysis uses qualitative literature studies in the collection of the related data.

This article discusses how the social vulnerability and social resilience of the Indonesian peopl... more This article discusses how the social vulnerability and social resilience of the Indonesian people in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research was conducted using a qualitative exploratory method. Data were collected through literature studies and field studies using observation and in-depth interviews. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has an impact on the living conditions of people in nearly 207 countries in the world, is also being felt in Indonesia. A COVID-19 pandemic is a form of danger that has the potential to threaten all aspects of people's lives. Conditions of social vulnerability (social vulnerability) are a real reality that occurs in society in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers argue that the social resilience of the Indonesian people in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic is quite strong, this is because the Indonesian people have a local culture that is not shared by other countries in the world, namely the culture of mutual cooperation. Indonesian...

International Journal of Science and Society, 2019
This article explains the development of Islamic education in Singapore, specifically Madrasah al... more This article explains the development of Islamic education in Singapore, specifically Madrasah al-Juneid al-Islamiyah. The problem: how is curriculum development at Madrasah al-Juneid? And what are the challenges of the future of this madrasa? To answer this problem, the amount of data collected through the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data collected were analyzed descriptively-qualitatively. The results show: first, the curriculum at Madrasah al-Juneid initially did not contain pure religion then was expanded by adding general lessons. In learning, study materials are commonly used to approach integration with Islamic teachings. Second, madrassas in Singapore face challenges in the future that are not easy, namely the demands of the world of work, demands for quality, challenges of Western lifestyles, and accusations against Islam as a terrorist religion. Creative madrassas must address all these challenges in developing quality programs so that graduates c...
The problem of street children in the city of Bandung is no stranger to the people of Bandung. Mo... more The problem of street children in the city of Bandung is no stranger to the people of Bandung. Moreover, the emergence of street children is caused due to family poverty. They survive in various ways such as singing, shining shoes, selling newspapers, begging and so on. Not infrequently the street children to commit crimes such as pickpocketing, stealing because of being pressured by economic circumstances. In this study, the authors used qualitative methods to reveal more in-depth, how the implementation of Law No. 23 of 2002 on the protection of children in the development of street children in the Department of Social Welfare and Poverty Bandung, which handles these street children. While the descriptive analysis of data collected through interviews with key informants and ordinary informants are not structured or open.

The young family as a result of marride by accident will be affected to parenting, where the idea... more The young family as a result of marride by accident will be affected to parenting, where the ideal parenting will be seen on loyalty time, care and attention of parents to the child in order to grow into a better generation. However, too young to get married will hinder the knowledge of young couple about ideal parenting. The purpose of this study is to describe the knowledge of parenting on young families, to describe the problematics of parenting and to describe the forms of parenting on young families as a result of married by accident. This research was conducted by qualitative approach. The results of this study is the lack of knowledge about ideal parenting, so that the parenting has been converted the function from young families to grandma or sister them. Problematic parenting young families visits from three factors: the rearing, the actor who played and obstacles encountered during having children. There are four forms of parenting is democratic parenting, authoritarian pa...

The description of the role of social workers is considered important because the initiator of th... more The description of the role of social workers is considered important because the initiator of the formation of a village tourism program in Sukaratu Village is the social worker itself, so that if the role can be fully described it is not impossible the role of social workers. In the village of Sukaratu can be adopted by other communities in different regions that have the same commitment to community development. These findings indicate that the role of community social workers at the identification stage is more facilitative and educative. At the socialization stage, the role of social workers is more dominant in practicing the role of representation and education. Subsequent roles in the social worker planning stage play a more facilitative role and in the implementation stages of social workers practice more training (educational) skills. Then at the evaluation stage the social worker does not perform a representational role, but rather performs a facilitation role to facilitat...

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Statistik Indonesia, 2021
Mempromosikan kesetaraan gender telah menjadi kenyataan yang diakui secara global dan dapat diter... more Mempromosikan kesetaraan gender telah menjadi kenyataan yang diakui secara global dan dapat diterima. Masalah gender juga telah diidentifikasi sebagai hal yang penting untuk pencapaian tujuan pembangunan nasional. Bahkan, pencapaian kesetaraan gender tidak hanya dilihat sebagai tujuan itu sendiri, tetapi juga sebagai katalisator, dan sine-qua-non bagi pencapaian pembangunan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini mencoba menilai tingkat pencapaian kesetaraan gender dan pemberdayaan perempuan dengan menggunakan tiga indikator penting yaitu: partisipasi dalam pendidikan di tingkat dasar, menengah dan tinggi, pekerjaan dan pengambilan keputusan politik, memanfaatkan sumber data sekunder yang berharga. Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang dianalisis dengan pendekatan deksriptif. Narasumber adalah pemilik Cirebon Home Made. Inti masalah ketimpangan gender di Indonesia adalah dilema pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengambil keputusan untuk mengurangi masalah perluasan tingkat kapasitas yang dipe...

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Mamangan, 2018
Poverty is a multidimensional problem such as political dimension, social dimension, environmenta... more Poverty is a multidimensional problem such as political dimension, social dimension, environmental dimension, economic dimension and asset dimension. Indonesian government creates program to alleviate poverty. Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is one of Indonesian government program. Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is a social protection program through the provision of conditional cash transfers to very poor families. This program focuses on improving the quality of life to achieve social welfare through behavioral changes to education and health. The article aims to explore the impact of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) on the socio-economic of poor families in Linggo Sari Baganti district, Pesisir Selatan regency. Data were collected from interviews, observations, and documentation by referring to descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Research findings evaluate the provision of Conditional Cash Transfers. It has not been effective in improving the socio-economic li...

TEMALI : Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial, 2018
Masalah utama dalam penelitian ini adalah peran dan fungsi komponen pariwisata dan pemerintah mas... more Masalah utama dalam penelitian ini adalah peran dan fungsi komponen pariwisata dan pemerintah masih rendah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kegiatan bidang pariwisata belum sepenuhnya dikelola dengan baik.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) menyusun strategi optimalisasi komponen destinasi wisata Bandung Transit Area (BTA). (2) menyusun strategi optimalisasi peranan pemerintah dalam pembangunan Bandung Transit Area (BTA). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis SWOT yang merupakan singkatan dari Strength (S), Weakness (W), Opportunities (O), dan Threats (T) artinya kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman/kendala, dimana secara sistematis dapat membantu dalam mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor: luar (O dan T) dan faktor di dalam organisasi (S dan W). Tahap awal penelitian adalah menaksir kekuatan, kelemahan, kesempatan, dan ancaman yang dimiliki organisasi. Hasil analisis dapat dilakukan perubahan pada misi, tujuan, kebijakan, atau strategi yang sedang berjalan. Hasil penelitian bahwa Pe...

Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on blended learning, educational technology and Innovation (ACBLETI 2020), 2021
MSEs are the primary modes of industry in Indonesia, up to 90% of them. However, there is a tende... more MSEs are the primary modes of industry in Indonesia, up to 90% of them. However, there is a tendency for entrepreneurs to be associated with big companies. The purposive sampling technique was carried out by selecting 121 respondents. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is often used to predict entrepreneurial activity. The findings of this analysis suggest that there are entrepreneurial traits in MSEs. There are more notable entrepreneurial characteristics in large-scale production, and these characteristics can be the initial capital of society, especially women, to face AEC. This positive characteristic needs great and serious support from the Tasikmalaya district government. Entrepreneurial characteristics have the most influence on entrepreneurial behavior. Besides, entrepreneurship also has a positive and important influence on company results. Thus, this research shows that entrepreneurship activity is still taking place in small industries, not just in big businesses.

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2022
The rapid development of technology has increased the demand for information technology-based lea... more The rapid development of technology has increased the demand for information technology-based learning media, which is becoming increasingly necessary. E-Learning, also known as information technology-based learning media, is changing how education is delivered from a traditional to a digital format. At this time, the world is being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is causing restrictions on activities and gatherings and causing difficulties in lectures. Electronic learning, the most widely used learning medium by all groups, is seen as a solution to keep the learning going in higher education, from primary to post-secondary levels of education. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of E-Learning as a learning medium in the Indonesian language education department of universities following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis to implement Indonesian language education learning by taking samples...

This research was conducted on the Maribaya Timur school community in Lembang Subdistrict, West B... more This research was conducted on the Maribaya Timur school community in Lembang Subdistrict, West Bandung Regency, Indonesia, which is an active community in the area that is threatened by the potential for earthquake disasters due to the active Lembang fault. Disaster risk reduction efforts are pursued through increasing school-based preparedness that involves members of the school community, surrounding communities and various institutions that are associated with reducing the risk of school-based earthquake. Increasing preparedness against earthquakes focuses more on aspects of capacity building of school communities in reducing disaster risk, while aspects of vulnerability and threats have not been the focus of disaster risk reduction. The steps taken refer to the element of preparedness by aligning with the conditions, needs and potential that exist in the school community. Theoretically, if the school community has preparedness to face an earthquake disaster, the risk of earthqu...
Papers by avid leonardo sari