Background: Background: Background: Background: Background: Lung cancer has been the most common ... more Background: Background: Background: Background: Background: Lung cancer has been the most common cancer in the world since 1985 and the leading cause of cancer death. Worldwide it is by far the most common cancer of men and increasingly being recognized in Bangladesh. Objectiv Objectiv Objectiv Objectiv Objective: e: e: e: e: To observe the profile of lung cancer patients and the outcome of chemotherapy.
Retene (7-isopropyl-1-methyl phenanthrene) is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), that cause... more Retene (7-isopropyl-1-methyl phenanthrene) is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), that causes dioxin-like toxicity to early life stages of fish, including increased rates of mortality, developmental defects characterized as blue sac disease (BSD), and induction of CYP1A enzymes. This study determined whether toxicity is associated with retene, or with its metabolism by CYP1A enzymes to hydroxylated derivatives. Larval rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were co-exposed to four concentrations of waterborne retene and four concentrations of waterborne α-naphthoflavone (ANF), a compound that antagonizes CYP1A induction and inhibits oxygenation reactions. The prevalence of mortality and BSD increased in an exposure-dependent manner for larvae exposed to retene alone. Tissue concentrations of CYP1A protein and retene metabolites also increased, but no un-metabolized retene (i.e., the parent compound) was measurable. At low concentrations of ANF, toxicity increased dramatically, while tissue concentrations of polar hydroxylated metabolites of retene decreased, and concentrations of less polar metabolites, and of parent retene, increased. At the highest concentration of ANF, retene toxicity was eliminated, and parent retene was the predominant form in tissue; no concentration of ANF was toxic by itself. The inhibition of retene hydroxylation and toxicity by ANF suggests that toxicity was caused by specific retene metabolites, and not by parent retene. The potentiation of retene toxicity at low concentrations of ANF, and the antagonism at high concentrations is a unique, non-linear interaction based on modulating CYP1A enzyme activity and retene metabolism. It demonstrates that effects on fish of different complex mixtures of hydrocarbons may not be easily predicted.
Interpretation of toxicity test results may be hampered when doubt exists about the actual exposu... more Interpretation of toxicity test results may be hampered when doubt exists about the actual exposure concentration. Processes that are responsible for differences between the nominal and the actual concentration in aqueous test systems may include sorption, precipitation, volatilization, chemical and biological degradation, and uptake into biological or test tissue. In this study, the use of a poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) film containing the test compound is introduced as a versatile technique for partition controlled delivery of hydrophobic compounds to aqueous toxicity tests. Two methods developed produced preloaded films, having toxicant added to the PDMS prepolymer solution before film deposition and curing, and postloaded films, which are created by the addition of toxicant in a solvent to an already-polymerized PDMS film. Preloaded films were generally more easily prepared, may better accommodate larger molecules, and have a higher capacity than postloaded films. Postloaded films provided film-solution partition coefficients with higher precision and allowed for the use of films from stock and thus for a more portable technique. Chemical analysis showed that equilibrium between films and the aqueous solution was established within 7-10 min and was maintained for a suite of aromatic compounds (log Kow ranging from 2.8 to 6.1). The reliability of the film technique was demonstrated by application to the Microtox bacterial toxicity tests of solutions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
In conventional static or semi-static embryo toxicity assays with fish, the nominal concentration... more In conventional static or semi-static embryo toxicity assays with fish, the nominal concentrations of hydrophobic chemicals are often used to establish the toxic thresholds, which often far exceed the solubility limits of test compounds. Saturators and continuous-flow diluters have been ...
Background: Background: Background: Background: Background: Lung cancer has been the most common ... more Background: Background: Background: Background: Background: Lung cancer has been the most common cancer in the world since 1985 and the leading cause of cancer death. Worldwide it is by far the most common cancer of men and increasingly being recognized in Bangladesh. Objectiv Objectiv Objectiv Objectiv Objective: e: e: e: e: To observe the profile of lung cancer patients and the outcome of chemotherapy.
Retene (7-isopropyl-1-methyl phenanthrene) is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), that cause... more Retene (7-isopropyl-1-methyl phenanthrene) is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), that causes dioxin-like toxicity to early life stages of fish, including increased rates of mortality, developmental defects characterized as blue sac disease (BSD), and induction of CYP1A enzymes. This study determined whether toxicity is associated with retene, or with its metabolism by CYP1A enzymes to hydroxylated derivatives. Larval rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were co-exposed to four concentrations of waterborne retene and four concentrations of waterborne α-naphthoflavone (ANF), a compound that antagonizes CYP1A induction and inhibits oxygenation reactions. The prevalence of mortality and BSD increased in an exposure-dependent manner for larvae exposed to retene alone. Tissue concentrations of CYP1A protein and retene metabolites also increased, but no un-metabolized retene (i.e., the parent compound) was measurable. At low concentrations of ANF, toxicity increased dramatically, while tissue concentrations of polar hydroxylated metabolites of retene decreased, and concentrations of less polar metabolites, and of parent retene, increased. At the highest concentration of ANF, retene toxicity was eliminated, and parent retene was the predominant form in tissue; no concentration of ANF was toxic by itself. The inhibition of retene hydroxylation and toxicity by ANF suggests that toxicity was caused by specific retene metabolites, and not by parent retene. The potentiation of retene toxicity at low concentrations of ANF, and the antagonism at high concentrations is a unique, non-linear interaction based on modulating CYP1A enzyme activity and retene metabolism. It demonstrates that effects on fish of different complex mixtures of hydrocarbons may not be easily predicted.
Interpretation of toxicity test results may be hampered when doubt exists about the actual exposu... more Interpretation of toxicity test results may be hampered when doubt exists about the actual exposure concentration. Processes that are responsible for differences between the nominal and the actual concentration in aqueous test systems may include sorption, precipitation, volatilization, chemical and biological degradation, and uptake into biological or test tissue. In this study, the use of a poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) film containing the test compound is introduced as a versatile technique for partition controlled delivery of hydrophobic compounds to aqueous toxicity tests. Two methods developed produced preloaded films, having toxicant added to the PDMS prepolymer solution before film deposition and curing, and postloaded films, which are created by the addition of toxicant in a solvent to an already-polymerized PDMS film. Preloaded films were generally more easily prepared, may better accommodate larger molecules, and have a higher capacity than postloaded films. Postloaded films provided film-solution partition coefficients with higher precision and allowed for the use of films from stock and thus for a more portable technique. Chemical analysis showed that equilibrium between films and the aqueous solution was established within 7-10 min and was maintained for a suite of aromatic compounds (log Kow ranging from 2.8 to 6.1). The reliability of the film technique was demonstrated by application to the Microtox bacterial toxicity tests of solutions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
In conventional static or semi-static embryo toxicity assays with fish, the nominal concentration... more In conventional static or semi-static embryo toxicity assays with fish, the nominal concentrations of hydrophobic chemicals are often used to establish the toxic thresholds, which often far exceed the solubility limits of test compounds. Saturators and continuous-flow diluters have been ...
Papers by parveen akhtar