Papers by aida novitasari

International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)
Smartphone is widely used among school-age children. Excessive use of smartphone leads to health ... more Smartphone is widely used among school-age children. Excessive use of smartphone leads to health and psychological problems for children. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children use smartphone properly. This study aimed to identify the support of parents to the social development of school-aged children using smartphone. It is a correlational analytic study involved 200 respondents who recruited through clusters random sampling procedure. The variables are social development and parents support for children who using smartphone. The study employed Spearman correlation rank was used to test the association between variables for data analysis. The results obtained that the children who use smartphone do not experience social development disruption. Their parents provide sufficient support when they are using smartphone. The statistical analysis shows the significant correlation between the social development of school-aged children who use smartphone and their parents...
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, Jan 12, 2017
Nerve growth factor induces nasal inflammation by augmenting the existing TH2 immune response, an... more Nerve growth factor induces nasal inflammation by augmenting the existing TH2 immune response, and this can be suppressed bywater-soluble chitosan, a natural, nontoxic product that provides new therapy for allergic rhinitis.

International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology
Diseases can be caused by consuming foods that do not have a balanced nutritional value, choosing... more Diseases can be caused by consuming foods that do not have a balanced nutritional value, choosing the wrong diet, or choosing the wrong food menu. Diet is also a risk factor for cancer, such as leukemia. In the outpatient pediatric polyclinic of Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, leukemia is one of the ten most common diseases. This study aims to analyze the relationship between family culture of menu selection and the incidence of leukemia in children at the Surabaya Halfway House. The population in this study were all mothers or families and children suffering from leukemia waiting for treatment in the hospital and living temporarily in a halfway house on Jl Karang Menjangan, a total of 30 people. This type of research is analytic using a simple linear regression approach/desianalyticallye the dominant factors that influence the culture of food from menu selection with the incidence of leukemia in children. The independent variable in this study is the family culture of menu selection...

Background: Osteoporosis occurs due to imbalance between new bone formation and bone resorption r... more Background: Osteoporosis occurs due to imbalance between new bone formation and bone resorption resulting decline in bone mass so that bones become prone to fracture. Person with osteoporosis should have good health beliefs toward their illness in which affect to how they do self-care properly. Objective: This was a descriptive study that aim to identify the individual characteristics and health beliefs about osteoporosis on adult self-care behavior. Methods: The sample was 30 adults with osteoporosis in community that selected by simple random sampling technique. The data analysis using PLS (Partial Least Square). The variable in this study were the individual characteristics, individual health beliefs about osteoporosis, and their self-care behavior. Results: The data analysis using PLS (Partial Least Square) got three points; there were significantly influence of individual characteristics toward their health beliefs (t = 2.20, > 1.96), significantly influence of individual health beliefs toward their self-care behavior (t = 3.90, > 1.96), and influence of individual characteristics toward their self-care behavior (t = 0.34, > 1.96). Nurses should educate the community about osteoporosis including perceptions of susceptibility and severity, barriers, benefits and self eficacy about a healthy diet, activity (exercise) and decreased risk. Control program that is comprehensive, integrated, lifelong and gradually implemented urgently needed to overcome this.

ABSTRAK Penyakit jantung koroner merupakan penyakit arteri koroner yang ditandai adanya endapan l... more ABSTRAK Penyakit jantung koroner merupakan penyakit arteri koroner yang ditandai adanya endapan lipid yang terkumpul di dalam sel yang melapisi dinding suatu arteri koroner dan menyumbat aliran darah. Tujuan penelitian mengkaji pengaruh Lipid Profile Terhadap Penyakit Jantung Koroner. Disain penelitian adalah survey analitik. Sampel penelitian adalah sebagian pasien di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Penyakit Dalam RSUD Nganjuk dengan jumlah 32 orang. Variabel penelitian adalah lipid profile yang terdiri dari HDL, LDL, Trigliserida. Instrumen penelitian adalah observasi dan hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium lipid profile. Analisis data menggunakan uji Fisher Exact . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian memiliki kadar HDL yang normal, lebih dari sebagian memiliki kadar LDL dan trigliserida yang tinggi. Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner Di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Penyakit Dalam RSUD Nganjuk didapatkan terbanyak adalah NSTEMI dan terkecil adalah Asymtomatik. Hasil uji fisher exact menunjukkan terdapa...
One disease feared by women associated with the female reproductive organs was myoma uteri (Indar... more One disease feared by women associated with the female reproductive organs was myoma uteri (Indarti, 2004). In Indonesia, myoma uterin was found 2,39% -11,7% of all gynecological patients (Prawiroharjo, 2008). It was found that those who menarche at age α (0.05), then Ho accepted. These results suggest there was no relationship between the age of menarche with the type of myoma uterin. In this study found that age has nothing to do with the type of myoma uteri, it is in because of possible types of myomas influence by other factors such as diet, parity, age, and history. Research related factors that influence the type of myoma uteri yet to be developed.

International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 2020
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that requires long-term management. There is a tendency in... more Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that requires long-term management. There is a tendency in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients to use herbs as a complement to medical treatment. The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of herbs as a complement to medical treatment in reducing blood sugar levels of T2DM patients. This type of research is quasi-experimental, with 40 research subjects divided into 4 groups. Determination of research subjects by purposive sampling in accordance with established inclusion criteria. Data analysis using paired T test. The majority of respondents was women (77.5%) and had no genetic history (75%). The duration of type 2 diabetes mellitus majority was >5 years 72.5%). Data on random blood sugar levels before (p=0.098) and after (p=0.113) intervention were normally distributed and homogeneous p>0.05 (0.839). The treatment group (groups 2, 3, and 4) showed a significant decrease in random blood sugar levels as the control group (1) with a s...
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2018
Papers by aida novitasari