Research methods used include quantitative and qualitative methods. On quantitative method descri... more Research methods used include quantitative and qualitative methods. On quantitative method describes the Risk Profile using NPF financial ratios (Non Performing Financing), and FDR (Financing the Deposit Ratio), using Earnings ratio ROA (return on assets), ROE (return on equity), BOPO (Cost to Income Ratio), and Capital used CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio). On the qualitative method describes the Good Corporate Governance. Types of data used are secondary data in the form of annual reports and publications reports published on the website that is managed per Islamic banking in Indonesia. The results of the research show that there are some health conditions in Islamic banking by category very healthy is
Research methods used include quantitative and qualitative methods. On quantitative method descri... more Research methods used include quantitative and qualitative methods. On quantitative method describes the Risk Profile using NPF financial ratios (Non Performing Financing), and FDR (Financing the Deposit Ratio), using Earnings ratio ROA (return on assets), ROE (return on equity), BOPO (Cost to Income Ratio), and Capital used CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio). On the qualitative method describes the Good Corporate Governance. Types of data used are secondary data in the form of annual reports and publications reports published on the website that is managed per Islamic banking in Indonesia. The results of the research show that there are some health conditions in Islamic banking by category very healthy is
Papers by ahmad khudori