Papers by adyapaka apatya

Human being is most valuable creature in this world. Human being become very valuable if related ... more Human being is most valuable creature in this world. Human being become very valuable if related to work of human being reckoning health facet, security, and job pressure. Do not human being ought to work in dirty environment. Technology in this time start to be pointed at direction humanize human being. Selective Compliant Articulated Rrobot Arm (SCARA) Base on Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0 in System Pick and Place Object Work can answer elementary direction of technology to humanize human being. At this research, Selective Compliant Articulated Robot of Arm(SCARA) being based on Arduino and is Visual Basic 6.0 in system of Pick Place work object and use Arduino as controller work and use Visually Basic 6.0 as user interface. Actuatorr to move SCARA in the form of motor of stepper cylinder and of pneumatik. Effector End weared in this system in the form of sucker to take work object. Limit Switch weared to detect movement reference early SCARA. SCARA will work if there is position input and other comands which included by user through GUI. Hereinafter input coming from user will be delivered to Arduino by GUI. Arduino will execute input become output which in the form of movement of SCARA to take and put object work as according to accepted by input Arduino. Selective Compliant Articulated Robot of Arm(Scara) being based on Arduino and is Visual Basic 6.0 in system of Pick Place Object Work have been made. However, work of SCARA still not yet earned to work because arm hardware unable to be moved by aktuator. Even though, subly system have earned to work better.

Electro Luceat, 2020
Rancang bangun alat klasifikasi suhu dan kelembaban ruang kerja dengan menggunakan model decision... more Rancang bangun alat klasifikasi suhu dan kelembaban ruang kerja dengan menggunakan model decision tree. Berdasarkan tabel standar tata cara perencanaan teknis konservasi energi pada bangunan gedung, suhu nyaman optimal ada pada kisaran 22,8oC – 25,8 oC dengan ambang atas 28 oC dan kelembaban 70%. Dengan memanfaatkan decision tree classifier, suhu dan kelembaban ruangan yang dideteksi oleh sensor DHT11 diklasifikasikan berdasarkan model yang telah dibuat dengan menggunakan Raspberry Pi 3 dan node red. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di laboratorium komputer Politeknik Industri ATMI yang juga digunakan sebagai laboratorium riset terapan yang bekerjasama dengan industri dalam bidang pengembangan perangkat lunak otomasi. Penelitian ini berhasil membuat alat klasifikasi suhu dan kelembaban ruang kerja dengan menggunakan model decision tree yang menghasilkan status dingin, sejuk nyaman, nyaman optimal, hangat nyaman dan panas dengan tingkat prediksi model 0,983.

2017 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) : International Symposium on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2017
The development of electric vehicle is now growing rapidly. Demands to deliver a reliable and eas... more The development of electric vehicle is now growing rapidly. Demands to deliver a reliable and easy to drive in motor control causes Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor becomes a potential candidate. A BLDC motor drive is a potential option for an electric vehicle since it has a high reliability, simple design, and ability to work at high rotation per minute (RPM). This paper discussed the Permanent Magnet BLDC Motor design method. The structure of an interior rotor permanent magnet type is selected to be used in the design of Permanent Magnet BLDC motor so that it can be applied in a drive that requires a large torque and capable of acceleration and deceleration with good response. Selection of 12 slots and 8 poles configuration aims for improving the motor performance. The motor is designed and simulated using a software-based Motor Solve FEA (Finite Element Analysis). Based on this design and simulation results, a prototype of BLDC motor is built. Parameters testing as stator resistance, inductances (the d-axis and q-axis inductance), and the back emf constant (Ke) were used to evaluate the result of the design and prototype motor. Measuring the prototype motor's parameters was carried out by several different methods depending on the parameters tested. Stator resistance testing is performed with the measurement of current in the coil which is then obtained by calculating the magnitude of stator resistance as 0.14710296 Ω. Measurements of d-axis stator inductance, q-axis stator inductance, and back emf constant of prototype permanent magnet BLDC motor is obtained as results of 0.35304710 mH, 0.38246769 mH and 0.09690626 Vs/rad respectively. The test results between design and prototype testing were quite good. The difference between the test results and the design of the prototype test results was caused by incompatibility of material composition although using the same type of material. The evaluation shows the electromagnetic parameters is influenced by its constituent materials.
Papers by adyapaka apatya