Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pengembangan produk souvenir ciri khas Kota Surakarta me... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pengembangan produk souvenir ciri khas Kota Surakarta menggunakan bahan daur ulang sampah plastik guna mendukung gerakan Eco Cultural City. Melalui gerakan tersebut, Pemerintah Daerah Surakarta melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat untuk menjadikan Surakarta sebagai kota budaya berwawasan lingkungan yang kreatif secara ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Program yang telah dijalankan diantaranya menggerakkan masyarakat dengan mendirikan Bank Sampah. Kesadaran dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengelola sampah, diintegrasikan dengan pembangunan industri kreatif yang berwawasan lingkungan melalui pemanfaatan daur ulang sampah secara kreatif dan inovatif menjadi produk souvenir khas Kota Surakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan dengan langkah-langkah: 1) pengumpulan data, 2) pengembangan bentuk produk awal, 3) pengujian produk awal, dan 4) perbaikan produk utama. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) teridentifikasi jenis-jenis ...
This research aims to empower traditional ceramic crafters in Melikan Village the district of Kla... more This research aims to empower traditional ceramic crafters in Melikan Village the district of Klaten in Central Java through the form design development, ornaments, and plastic mold technique, so that the resulting ceramic products are able to compete with modern products. This research uses methodology of research development, which includes three main components: 1) model of development, 2) procedure of development, 3) product test. The steps are: 1) collecting information and identify problems of crafters, 2) identify the skills crafters, formulating development goals, determining the order of development, and limited test, 3) developing the design of a product, including: forms, ornaments, and technique of forming, 4) field testing and data analysis, 5) revise the design of the product based on the suggestions of the results of the field test. This research has been generates the shapes of ceramic products are more varied
Playing with Perception and Sign. The art creation aims at making art works based on the spirit o... more Playing with Perception and Sign. The art creation aims at making art works based on the spirit of playing with perception and sign, criticizing mass culture phenomena and giving new alternative in the creative process of making visual arts. The author uses the approach of lateral thinking method, brainstorming and playing in making the art work. The creating stages include exploration, improvisation and forming. The exploration is conducted to directly gather the information of mass culture in both printed or electronic media. The improvisation is made to find out various possible ideas and concepts found in the exploration stage, while the forming stage is conducted to materialize the concept into the planned art work. The spirit of playing in the creating process of the art work can bring mental enlightenment and joyful and pleasing atmosphere. The playing with perception and sign can help construct idea and open freedom space that results in various alternative manifestations no...
This article is published in the International Journal of Art & Design (IJAD) Vol 2, Issue 5, May... more This article is published in the International Journal of Art & Design (IJAD) Vol 2, Issue 5, May 2020
The general objective of the participatory art project creation is to provide inspiration and con... more The general objective of the participatory art project creation is to provide inspiration and concrete solutions to the creativity problems of senior high school students in Surakarta. While specifically aims to: 1) create useful the art strategies to empower the students creativity, 2) realize the art project that favors the development of students creativity potential, 3) create many artwork that comes from the students socio-cultural context. The methods of participatory art creation were done by: 1) an intensive on-site art project that was on going at SMAN 5 Surakarta, SMA Murni and MA Al-Islam in Surakarta. Object observation included student activities in and outside of school, the learning atmosphere in the classroom, student work documents, and documents teacher (curriculum, syllabus, lesson plans, learning materials). 2) In-deep interviews; with the head master, teachers, and students. 3) The literature review; to examine the theory to reinforce the concepts as a foundatio...
International Journal of Education Through Art, 2022
Conflict claims for the cultural heritage of batik between Indonesia and Malaysia have created te... more Conflict claims for the cultural heritage of batik between Indonesia and Malaysia have created tensions between the people of these two countries. The Indonesian and Malaysian governments have never involved academics and arts education institutions in resolving such conflict claims, yet, these communities can play a significant role in post-conflict reconciliation efforts. This article describes a conflict reconciliation method initiated by academics, artists and art educators through a collaborative art project between art higher education institutions in Malaysia and Indonesia. Ways in which collaborations within and across the art and education communities may address the understanding and reconciliation of issues related to cultural heritage conflict are explored.
The Jaranan Turonggo Yakso dance is a traditional dance originating from Trenggalek district, Eas... more The Jaranan Turonggo Yakso dance is a traditional dance originating from Trenggalek district, East Java, Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to examine character education in the form of the Turonggo Yakso finger head using a descriptive qualitative approach. The strategy used in this study is snowball sampling. Data collection techniques were carried out by frank observation techniques, semi-structured interviews and documentation. Data collection was carried out in "Sanggar Turonggo Yakso Purwo Budoyo". Documents are obtained from photographs, interviews, and video observations. Data analysis used there are three ways, namely data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results of the study show that character education is not only sourced from characters who have good character, but also in characters who have bad character, so that from bad characters, humans must avoid it so that they become good-character human beings. This concept is the background for the creation of the form of the Jaranan Turonggo Yakso dance.
The objectives of this study are: 1) to describe the implementation of entrepreneurship learning ... more The objectives of this study are: 1) to describe the implementation of entrepreneurship learning in high school during the Covid-19 pandemic, and 2) to provide solutions on how to improve the quality of entrepreneurship learning. This study uses a descriptive method. Collecting data using a questionnaire. Respondents were 1,347 high school students in grades XI and XII from 10 high schools in Sragen The results showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, entrepreneurship learning taught more about theory (69.1%). The method used by teachers when teaching is assignments (54.8%) on assignments/homework on entrepreneurship theory. The digital platforms used by teachers are google classroom (39.3%), zoom (9.6%, WhatsApp (25.5%), google meet (16%), and other platforms 9.5%. In general, students assessed that entrepreneurship lessons are in accordance with their needs and provide provisions to become entrepreneurs. As many as 64.5% of students feel enthusiastic about participating in lesson...
Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran Seni Budaya/S... more Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran Seni Budaya/Seni Rupa SMA Negeri dan Swasta di Surakarta, 2) menyusun model pembelajaran Seni Budaya/Seni Rupa yang inovatif dengan menerapkan pembelajaran Seni Budaya berbasis Lateral Thinking, 3) membuat model pembelajaran Seni Budaya/Seni rupa yang inovatif dengan menerapkan pada pembelajaran berbasis Lateral Thinking untuk siswa SMA dalam bentuk rekaman VCD, 4) melaksanakan uji coba draft model pembelajaran inovatif dalam kelas micro teaching, 5) menyusun draft buku tentang model pembelajaran Seni Budaya yang inovatif berbasis Lateral Thinking untuk siswa SMA. Objek penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran Seni Budaya/Seni Rupa yang ada di SMA Negeri dan Swasta di Surakarta. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposif sampling. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian pengembangan (development research) Metode penelitian ini memuat 3 komponen utama, yaitu 1) model Pengembangan. 2) prosedur pengembangan, dan 3) uji coba produk. Model pengembangan yang digunakan berupa model prosedural, sebab bertujuan menemukan solusi proses pembelajaran yang tepat agar siswa mampu berpikir kreatif. Dari penelitian dihasilkan,1).Deskripsi pelaksanaan pembelajaran sebelum uji coba model guru hanya melakukan ceramah, demnstrasi, tanya jawab maupun diskusi yang berujung pada aspek kognitif dan ketrampilan teknis, tanpa ada upaya menggali potensi kreatif siswa, 2)draft buku model pembelajaran senirupa berbasis lateral thinking yang berisi konsep apresiasi, kreativitas dan implementasinya dalam pembelajaran seni rupa, 3) VCD Pembelajaran seni rupa yang berisitentang cara menjelajah dan mengkonstruksi ide menjadi bentuk karya rupa, 4) hasil uji coba model yang menunjukkan prosesnya lebih menyenangkan, menantang dan menumbuhkan kebiasaan berpikir kreatif serta kepercayaan diri yang makin kuat. Kata kunci: model pembelajaran, seni rupa, lateral thinking.
Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengidentifikasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni r... more Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengidentifikasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni rupa SMA di Surakarta, 2) menemukan draft model pembelajaran berbasis lateral thinking dan life skill. 3) melaksanakan ujicoba pembelajaran seni rupa berbasis lateral thinking dan life skill. 4) menelusuri dampak pembelajaran seni rupa terhadap kreativitas siswa. Bentuk penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling, yaitu dipilih sekolah yang menerapkan pelajaran seni rupa. Populasi penelitian meliputi guru seni rupa SMA di Surakarta, sedangkan sampel diambil beberapa guru dari populasi tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengamatan terlibat, wawancara mendalam, dan analisis isi dokumen.Sedangkan validitas data menggunakan triangulasi sumber, peer debriefing, dan recheck. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan beberapa hal yaitu: 1) deskripsi pembelajaran seni rupa sebelum dilakukan penelitian; guru hanya melaksanakan pembelajaran yang ber...
The purpose of this program are: (1) to create a design motif of wovenfabric “goyor” more varied;... more The purpose of this program are: (1) to create a design motif of wovenfabric “goyor” more varied; and (2) to make the color composition. The methodused in this program is the training and mentoring. The program is carried outin stages: (1) an increase in knowledge about the importance of developing adesign motif for expanding market segment; (2) provide assistance equipment;(3) training of development product design; and (4) assistance in the form ofconsultancy to the problems faced. Through this program produced three formsof design motifs. Products are finished with attractive colors compositions willincrease the selling price. With the help of tools and capital in the form of asewing machine and materials, the real impact that can be seen is the sustainabilityofthebusiness.
This article is a result of a study to create contemporary paintings that have a local identity a... more This article is a result of a study to create contemporary paintings that have a local identity and character. The ideas of paintings creation are based on the philosophical meaning of Surakarta classical batiks, such as Sidoasih, Sidomukti and Sidoluhur which teach noble guidance about the life expectancy, existence, establishment, behavior and glory. Material related to forms and philosophical meanings is developed and linked to life today. The method of painting creation uses development research with steps that are namely: (1) information collecting, (2) development of the preliminary product, (3) preliminary product testing, (4) main product revision and (5) main field testing. The results of the study are contemporary paintings with a symbolic approach created using block, brushstroke and drip techniques on mixed media. The ideas behind paintings produced are representatives of the philosophical meanings of classical batik of Surakarta that are adapted to current life.
Tujuan umum pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan UKM kerajinan tenggok bambu di Dusun Grenje... more Tujuan umum pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan UKM kerajinan tenggok bambu di Dusun Grenjeng Desa Trosobo agar keberadaannya terus berlanjut dan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan perajin. Secara khusus tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk: 1) mengembangkan desain bentuk yang lebih variatif, 2) membantu keberlangsungan usaha dengan menambah peralatan dan modal UKM, dan 3) perbaikan manajemen usaha dan pemasaran . Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi, pelatihan, perlombaan dan pendampingan. Pelatihan ini dilakukan secara bertahap, yaitu: 1) peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya mengembangkan desain bentuk untuk memperluas segmen pasar dan pengetahuan mengelola usaha yang khususnya pentingnya pemisahan uang usaha dan uang pribadi, 2) memberikan bantuan peralatan dan bahan, 3) menyelenggarakan perlombaan untuk memperoleh prototipe model terbaik dari para perajin, dan 4) pendampingan yang berupa pemberian konsultasi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi. Melalu...
Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Arts, Language and Culture (ICALC 2018)
The study aims to describe character education of design and symbolic meaning in Jaranan Turonggo... more The study aims to describe character education of design and symbolic meaning in Jaranan Turonggo Yakso with using descriptive qualitative approach. Sampling technique employed snowball sampling. Data were obtained from key informants. Research location was "Sanggar Turonggo Yakso Purwo Budoyo", that is Pamrih and Mu'an residences, and documents obtained from photo, interview transcription and observation video. Technique of data collection were overt observation, semi-structured interview, and documentation. Data analysis included data reduction, data display, and data verification. Data validity utilized triangulation. The result of character education of design, and symbolic meaning of Jaranan Turonggo Yakso include bravery, noble personality, noble spirit, tolerance, friendship, socialistic, loving peace, and grateful.
Secara umum program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan UKM kerajinan gitar di Desa Manc... more Secara umum program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan UKM kerajinan gitar di Desa Mancasan agar keberadaannya terus berlanjut dan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan perajin. Sedangkan secara khusus bertujuan untuk : 1) mengembangkan desain bentuk yang lebih variatif, 2) mengembangkan kemampuan teknik finishing, 3) perbaikan manajemen produksi dan memperluas jaringan pemasaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Pelatihan ini dilakukan secara bertahap yaitu: Tahap I, peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan perajin melalui : 1) penyuluhan dan bimbingan kepada kelompok perajin gitar tentang pengembangan desain bentuk dan teknik finishing, 2) pengenalan manajemen pembukuan dan pemasaran. Tahap II, memberikan pelatihan dengan cara: 1) mempraktekan pembuatan bentuk gitar akustik dan teknik finishing, 2) memilih dan menerapkan strategi pemasaran yang sesuai, 3) mempraktekkan manajemen produksi dan pembukuan, 4) membua...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Arts Language and Culture (ICALC 2019)
Has become quite close to students life either digital or printed. It has given them imagination ... more Has become quite close to students life either digital or printed. It has given them imagination and become visual language to express their ideas. .Nevertheless, they seem to not do their best in creating the comic. The comic making tutorial video may be an ideal and efficient alternative media for those who are interested in it with limited access to the learning material. This article is based on a literary study that examines theories and previous research related to cmic and the benefits of utilizing comic video tutorial as learning media. It is hoped that the use of the video will be able to help the teacher in providing more opportunities to the students in learning comic through ideal, effective, and efficient media.
This paper is based on the mapping of the youngsters and environment potential at Joyoraharjan, S... more This paper is based on the mapping of the youngsters and environment potential at Joyoraharjan, Surakarta. These traditional art-based potentials are developed in the participatory design to gain new perspective on interpreting the local wisdom. The method used is under research and development (R&D) design with the following stages: 1) research and information collecting, 2) planning, 3) preliminary product development, 4) preliminary field testing, 5) main product revision, 6) main field testing, 7) operational product revision, 8) operational field testing, 9) final product revision and 10) dissemination and implementation. The data was collected through in-depth interview, participatory observation, document analysis and focus group discussion. The data is displayed in qualitative descriptive and the correlation among the variables will be analyzed using the interactive model of analysis.
The Indonesian nation has a variety of arts and culture’s that flourishes in the community. High ... more The Indonesian nation has a variety of arts and culture’s that flourishes in the community. High variety of art and culture’s that developed in the community describes the richness of art and culture in Indonesia. The variety of cultural arts include indigenous Indonesian culture scattered in areas throughout Indonesia, such as shadow puppet culture. Shadow puppet is a show organized by Javanese community and had been going on for hundreds of years, therefore it was already a Javanese tradition or culture. Shadow puppet for Javanese society is a cultural heritage that has its own characteristics and enormous charm. Shadow puppet is fully of noble values contained in it, which can be a life guidance for Javanese society. Shadow puppet is an adipeni and adiluhung art, it means that shadow puppet is not only a beautiful or aesthetic spectacle, but also as a guidance which it is contained ethics or moral virtue of life. The shadow puppet artists must have an idea to give and pass on the...
The purpose of this activity is to develop ceramic designs by utilizing a patchwork . Through the... more The purpose of this activity is to develop ceramic designs by utilizing a patchwork . Through the development of this design, the craftsmen are able to create products that are creative. The project used a participatory approach, which is the beneficial owner of the craftsmen ceramic itself. In this approach required the participation of artisans and stakeholders. The method used is, discussion, and practice of design development, either individually or in groups. In this activity, SMEs are able to produce 3 ceramic design with batik with the number of products 120 ceramic products. Finishing technique used is the technique of collage.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Arts, Language and Culture (ICALC 2018), 2019
Jaranan Turonggo Yakso is one of arts originally from Trenggalek. The study aims to describe char... more Jaranan Turonggo Yakso is one of arts originally from Trenggalek. The study aims to describe character education of design and symbolic meaning in Jaranan Turonggo Yakso with using descriptive qualitative approach. Sampling technique employed snowball sampling. Data were obtained from key informants. Research location was “Sanggar Turonggo Yakso Purwo Budoyo”, that is Pamrih and Mu’an residences, and documents obtained from photo, interview transcription and observation video. Technique of data collection were overt observation, semi-structured interview, and documentation. Data analysis included data reduction, data display, and data verification. Data validity utilized triangulation. The result of character education of design, and symbolic meaning of Jaranan Turonggo Yakso include bravery, noble personality, noble spirit, tolerance, friendship, socialistic, loving peace, and grateful.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pengembangan produk souvenir ciri khas Kota Surakarta me... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pengembangan produk souvenir ciri khas Kota Surakarta menggunakan bahan daur ulang sampah plastik guna mendukung gerakan Eco Cultural City. Melalui gerakan tersebut, Pemerintah Daerah Surakarta melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat untuk menjadikan Surakarta sebagai kota budaya berwawasan lingkungan yang kreatif secara ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Program yang telah dijalankan diantaranya menggerakkan masyarakat dengan mendirikan Bank Sampah. Kesadaran dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengelola sampah, diintegrasikan dengan pembangunan industri kreatif yang berwawasan lingkungan melalui pemanfaatan daur ulang sampah secara kreatif dan inovatif menjadi produk souvenir khas Kota Surakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan dengan langkah-langkah: 1) pengumpulan data, 2) pengembangan bentuk produk awal, 3) pengujian produk awal, dan 4) perbaikan produk utama. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) teridentifikasi jenis-jenis ...
This research aims to empower traditional ceramic crafters in Melikan Village the district of Kla... more This research aims to empower traditional ceramic crafters in Melikan Village the district of Klaten in Central Java through the form design development, ornaments, and plastic mold technique, so that the resulting ceramic products are able to compete with modern products. This research uses methodology of research development, which includes three main components: 1) model of development, 2) procedure of development, 3) product test. The steps are: 1) collecting information and identify problems of crafters, 2) identify the skills crafters, formulating development goals, determining the order of development, and limited test, 3) developing the design of a product, including: forms, ornaments, and technique of forming, 4) field testing and data analysis, 5) revise the design of the product based on the suggestions of the results of the field test. This research has been generates the shapes of ceramic products are more varied
Playing with Perception and Sign. The art creation aims at making art works based on the spirit o... more Playing with Perception and Sign. The art creation aims at making art works based on the spirit of playing with perception and sign, criticizing mass culture phenomena and giving new alternative in the creative process of making visual arts. The author uses the approach of lateral thinking method, brainstorming and playing in making the art work. The creating stages include exploration, improvisation and forming. The exploration is conducted to directly gather the information of mass culture in both printed or electronic media. The improvisation is made to find out various possible ideas and concepts found in the exploration stage, while the forming stage is conducted to materialize the concept into the planned art work. The spirit of playing in the creating process of the art work can bring mental enlightenment and joyful and pleasing atmosphere. The playing with perception and sign can help construct idea and open freedom space that results in various alternative manifestations no...
This article is published in the International Journal of Art & Design (IJAD) Vol 2, Issue 5, May... more This article is published in the International Journal of Art & Design (IJAD) Vol 2, Issue 5, May 2020
The general objective of the participatory art project creation is to provide inspiration and con... more The general objective of the participatory art project creation is to provide inspiration and concrete solutions to the creativity problems of senior high school students in Surakarta. While specifically aims to: 1) create useful the art strategies to empower the students creativity, 2) realize the art project that favors the development of students creativity potential, 3) create many artwork that comes from the students socio-cultural context. The methods of participatory art creation were done by: 1) an intensive on-site art project that was on going at SMAN 5 Surakarta, SMA Murni and MA Al-Islam in Surakarta. Object observation included student activities in and outside of school, the learning atmosphere in the classroom, student work documents, and documents teacher (curriculum, syllabus, lesson plans, learning materials). 2) In-deep interviews; with the head master, teachers, and students. 3) The literature review; to examine the theory to reinforce the concepts as a foundatio...
International Journal of Education Through Art, 2022
Conflict claims for the cultural heritage of batik between Indonesia and Malaysia have created te... more Conflict claims for the cultural heritage of batik between Indonesia and Malaysia have created tensions between the people of these two countries. The Indonesian and Malaysian governments have never involved academics and arts education institutions in resolving such conflict claims, yet, these communities can play a significant role in post-conflict reconciliation efforts. This article describes a conflict reconciliation method initiated by academics, artists and art educators through a collaborative art project between art higher education institutions in Malaysia and Indonesia. Ways in which collaborations within and across the art and education communities may address the understanding and reconciliation of issues related to cultural heritage conflict are explored.
The Jaranan Turonggo Yakso dance is a traditional dance originating from Trenggalek district, Eas... more The Jaranan Turonggo Yakso dance is a traditional dance originating from Trenggalek district, East Java, Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to examine character education in the form of the Turonggo Yakso finger head using a descriptive qualitative approach. The strategy used in this study is snowball sampling. Data collection techniques were carried out by frank observation techniques, semi-structured interviews and documentation. Data collection was carried out in "Sanggar Turonggo Yakso Purwo Budoyo". Documents are obtained from photographs, interviews, and video observations. Data analysis used there are three ways, namely data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results of the study show that character education is not only sourced from characters who have good character, but also in characters who have bad character, so that from bad characters, humans must avoid it so that they become good-character human beings. This concept is the background for the creation of the form of the Jaranan Turonggo Yakso dance.
The objectives of this study are: 1) to describe the implementation of entrepreneurship learning ... more The objectives of this study are: 1) to describe the implementation of entrepreneurship learning in high school during the Covid-19 pandemic, and 2) to provide solutions on how to improve the quality of entrepreneurship learning. This study uses a descriptive method. Collecting data using a questionnaire. Respondents were 1,347 high school students in grades XI and XII from 10 high schools in Sragen The results showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, entrepreneurship learning taught more about theory (69.1%). The method used by teachers when teaching is assignments (54.8%) on assignments/homework on entrepreneurship theory. The digital platforms used by teachers are google classroom (39.3%), zoom (9.6%, WhatsApp (25.5%), google meet (16%), and other platforms 9.5%. In general, students assessed that entrepreneurship lessons are in accordance with their needs and provide provisions to become entrepreneurs. As many as 64.5% of students feel enthusiastic about participating in lesson...
Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran Seni Budaya/S... more Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran Seni Budaya/Seni Rupa SMA Negeri dan Swasta di Surakarta, 2) menyusun model pembelajaran Seni Budaya/Seni Rupa yang inovatif dengan menerapkan pembelajaran Seni Budaya berbasis Lateral Thinking, 3) membuat model pembelajaran Seni Budaya/Seni rupa yang inovatif dengan menerapkan pada pembelajaran berbasis Lateral Thinking untuk siswa SMA dalam bentuk rekaman VCD, 4) melaksanakan uji coba draft model pembelajaran inovatif dalam kelas micro teaching, 5) menyusun draft buku tentang model pembelajaran Seni Budaya yang inovatif berbasis Lateral Thinking untuk siswa SMA. Objek penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran Seni Budaya/Seni Rupa yang ada di SMA Negeri dan Swasta di Surakarta. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposif sampling. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian pengembangan (development research) Metode penelitian ini memuat 3 komponen utama, yaitu 1) model Pengembangan. 2) prosedur pengembangan, dan 3) uji coba produk. Model pengembangan yang digunakan berupa model prosedural, sebab bertujuan menemukan solusi proses pembelajaran yang tepat agar siswa mampu berpikir kreatif. Dari penelitian dihasilkan,1).Deskripsi pelaksanaan pembelajaran sebelum uji coba model guru hanya melakukan ceramah, demnstrasi, tanya jawab maupun diskusi yang berujung pada aspek kognitif dan ketrampilan teknis, tanpa ada upaya menggali potensi kreatif siswa, 2)draft buku model pembelajaran senirupa berbasis lateral thinking yang berisi konsep apresiasi, kreativitas dan implementasinya dalam pembelajaran seni rupa, 3) VCD Pembelajaran seni rupa yang berisitentang cara menjelajah dan mengkonstruksi ide menjadi bentuk karya rupa, 4) hasil uji coba model yang menunjukkan prosesnya lebih menyenangkan, menantang dan menumbuhkan kebiasaan berpikir kreatif serta kepercayaan diri yang makin kuat. Kata kunci: model pembelajaran, seni rupa, lateral thinking.
Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengidentifikasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni r... more Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengidentifikasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni rupa SMA di Surakarta, 2) menemukan draft model pembelajaran berbasis lateral thinking dan life skill. 3) melaksanakan ujicoba pembelajaran seni rupa berbasis lateral thinking dan life skill. 4) menelusuri dampak pembelajaran seni rupa terhadap kreativitas siswa. Bentuk penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling, yaitu dipilih sekolah yang menerapkan pelajaran seni rupa. Populasi penelitian meliputi guru seni rupa SMA di Surakarta, sedangkan sampel diambil beberapa guru dari populasi tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengamatan terlibat, wawancara mendalam, dan analisis isi dokumen.Sedangkan validitas data menggunakan triangulasi sumber, peer debriefing, dan recheck. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan beberapa hal yaitu: 1) deskripsi pembelajaran seni rupa sebelum dilakukan penelitian; guru hanya melaksanakan pembelajaran yang ber...
The purpose of this program are: (1) to create a design motif of wovenfabric “goyor” more varied;... more The purpose of this program are: (1) to create a design motif of wovenfabric “goyor” more varied; and (2) to make the color composition. The methodused in this program is the training and mentoring. The program is carried outin stages: (1) an increase in knowledge about the importance of developing adesign motif for expanding market segment; (2) provide assistance equipment;(3) training of development product design; and (4) assistance in the form ofconsultancy to the problems faced. Through this program produced three formsof design motifs. Products are finished with attractive colors compositions willincrease the selling price. With the help of tools and capital in the form of asewing machine and materials, the real impact that can be seen is the sustainabilityofthebusiness.
This article is a result of a study to create contemporary paintings that have a local identity a... more This article is a result of a study to create contemporary paintings that have a local identity and character. The ideas of paintings creation are based on the philosophical meaning of Surakarta classical batiks, such as Sidoasih, Sidomukti and Sidoluhur which teach noble guidance about the life expectancy, existence, establishment, behavior and glory. Material related to forms and philosophical meanings is developed and linked to life today. The method of painting creation uses development research with steps that are namely: (1) information collecting, (2) development of the preliminary product, (3) preliminary product testing, (4) main product revision and (5) main field testing. The results of the study are contemporary paintings with a symbolic approach created using block, brushstroke and drip techniques on mixed media. The ideas behind paintings produced are representatives of the philosophical meanings of classical batik of Surakarta that are adapted to current life.
Tujuan umum pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan UKM kerajinan tenggok bambu di Dusun Grenje... more Tujuan umum pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan UKM kerajinan tenggok bambu di Dusun Grenjeng Desa Trosobo agar keberadaannya terus berlanjut dan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan perajin. Secara khusus tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk: 1) mengembangkan desain bentuk yang lebih variatif, 2) membantu keberlangsungan usaha dengan menambah peralatan dan modal UKM, dan 3) perbaikan manajemen usaha dan pemasaran . Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi, pelatihan, perlombaan dan pendampingan. Pelatihan ini dilakukan secara bertahap, yaitu: 1) peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya mengembangkan desain bentuk untuk memperluas segmen pasar dan pengetahuan mengelola usaha yang khususnya pentingnya pemisahan uang usaha dan uang pribadi, 2) memberikan bantuan peralatan dan bahan, 3) menyelenggarakan perlombaan untuk memperoleh prototipe model terbaik dari para perajin, dan 4) pendampingan yang berupa pemberian konsultasi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi. Melalu...
Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Arts, Language and Culture (ICALC 2018)
The study aims to describe character education of design and symbolic meaning in Jaranan Turonggo... more The study aims to describe character education of design and symbolic meaning in Jaranan Turonggo Yakso with using descriptive qualitative approach. Sampling technique employed snowball sampling. Data were obtained from key informants. Research location was "Sanggar Turonggo Yakso Purwo Budoyo", that is Pamrih and Mu'an residences, and documents obtained from photo, interview transcription and observation video. Technique of data collection were overt observation, semi-structured interview, and documentation. Data analysis included data reduction, data display, and data verification. Data validity utilized triangulation. The result of character education of design, and symbolic meaning of Jaranan Turonggo Yakso include bravery, noble personality, noble spirit, tolerance, friendship, socialistic, loving peace, and grateful.
Secara umum program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan UKM kerajinan gitar di Desa Manc... more Secara umum program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan UKM kerajinan gitar di Desa Mancasan agar keberadaannya terus berlanjut dan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan perajin. Sedangkan secara khusus bertujuan untuk : 1) mengembangkan desain bentuk yang lebih variatif, 2) mengembangkan kemampuan teknik finishing, 3) perbaikan manajemen produksi dan memperluas jaringan pemasaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Pelatihan ini dilakukan secara bertahap yaitu: Tahap I, peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan perajin melalui : 1) penyuluhan dan bimbingan kepada kelompok perajin gitar tentang pengembangan desain bentuk dan teknik finishing, 2) pengenalan manajemen pembukuan dan pemasaran. Tahap II, memberikan pelatihan dengan cara: 1) mempraktekan pembuatan bentuk gitar akustik dan teknik finishing, 2) memilih dan menerapkan strategi pemasaran yang sesuai, 3) mempraktekkan manajemen produksi dan pembukuan, 4) membua...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Arts Language and Culture (ICALC 2019)
Has become quite close to students life either digital or printed. It has given them imagination ... more Has become quite close to students life either digital or printed. It has given them imagination and become visual language to express their ideas. .Nevertheless, they seem to not do their best in creating the comic. The comic making tutorial video may be an ideal and efficient alternative media for those who are interested in it with limited access to the learning material. This article is based on a literary study that examines theories and previous research related to cmic and the benefits of utilizing comic video tutorial as learning media. It is hoped that the use of the video will be able to help the teacher in providing more opportunities to the students in learning comic through ideal, effective, and efficient media.
This paper is based on the mapping of the youngsters and environment potential at Joyoraharjan, S... more This paper is based on the mapping of the youngsters and environment potential at Joyoraharjan, Surakarta. These traditional art-based potentials are developed in the participatory design to gain new perspective on interpreting the local wisdom. The method used is under research and development (R&D) design with the following stages: 1) research and information collecting, 2) planning, 3) preliminary product development, 4) preliminary field testing, 5) main product revision, 6) main field testing, 7) operational product revision, 8) operational field testing, 9) final product revision and 10) dissemination and implementation. The data was collected through in-depth interview, participatory observation, document analysis and focus group discussion. The data is displayed in qualitative descriptive and the correlation among the variables will be analyzed using the interactive model of analysis.
The Indonesian nation has a variety of arts and culture’s that flourishes in the community. High ... more The Indonesian nation has a variety of arts and culture’s that flourishes in the community. High variety of art and culture’s that developed in the community describes the richness of art and culture in Indonesia. The variety of cultural arts include indigenous Indonesian culture scattered in areas throughout Indonesia, such as shadow puppet culture. Shadow puppet is a show organized by Javanese community and had been going on for hundreds of years, therefore it was already a Javanese tradition or culture. Shadow puppet for Javanese society is a cultural heritage that has its own characteristics and enormous charm. Shadow puppet is fully of noble values contained in it, which can be a life guidance for Javanese society. Shadow puppet is an adipeni and adiluhung art, it means that shadow puppet is not only a beautiful or aesthetic spectacle, but also as a guidance which it is contained ethics or moral virtue of life. The shadow puppet artists must have an idea to give and pass on the...
The purpose of this activity is to develop ceramic designs by utilizing a patchwork . Through the... more The purpose of this activity is to develop ceramic designs by utilizing a patchwork . Through the development of this design, the craftsmen are able to create products that are creative. The project used a participatory approach, which is the beneficial owner of the craftsmen ceramic itself. In this approach required the participation of artisans and stakeholders. The method used is, discussion, and practice of design development, either individually or in groups. In this activity, SMEs are able to produce 3 ceramic design with batik with the number of products 120 ceramic products. Finishing technique used is the technique of collage.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Arts, Language and Culture (ICALC 2018), 2019
Jaranan Turonggo Yakso is one of arts originally from Trenggalek. The study aims to describe char... more Jaranan Turonggo Yakso is one of arts originally from Trenggalek. The study aims to describe character education of design and symbolic meaning in Jaranan Turonggo Yakso with using descriptive qualitative approach. Sampling technique employed snowball sampling. Data were obtained from key informants. Research location was “Sanggar Turonggo Yakso Purwo Budoyo”, that is Pamrih and Mu’an residences, and documents obtained from photo, interview transcription and observation video. Technique of data collection were overt observation, semi-structured interview, and documentation. Data analysis included data reduction, data display, and data verification. Data validity utilized triangulation. The result of character education of design, and symbolic meaning of Jaranan Turonggo Yakso include bravery, noble personality, noble spirit, tolerance, friendship, socialistic, loving peace, and grateful.
Papers by adam wahida